Youtube inizia a bloccare la riproduzione video quando rileva adblockers

aggiornato newpipe


su f-droid ancora non è uscito l’upgrade :madsaw:

Smart tube da ancora errore , ma dopo qualche secondo riesce a riprodurre.

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A post was split to a new topic: Youtube e AI content request removal - starship non può cantare

Ha ricominciato stamattina a darmi lo stesso errore, successo anche ad altri?
È aggiornato all’ultima versione, già provato svuotando cache metadati etc, nisba

si non funziona più

anche freetube ko

Stessa cosa il plugin di malwarebytes, ho dovuto disattivarlo da oggi pomeriggio

Su firefox e origin continua a funzionare tutto alla perfezione :dunnasd:

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si vero
anche revanced


a quanto pare c’è chi vede nero al posto delle pubblicità

Is Ublock broken again? Or am i doing something wrong?

Almost every single video is like this, a 6- 20 second ad but blacked out… And there’s like several of them before the video actually loads… I’m on Chrome.

Edit: It’s getting worse by now as even the 31 second ads seem to be back as they weren’t like 10 minutes ago…

A me funziona duddo

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Installata la 0.27.2, ora funziona.
Il sito newipe è giù, l’app non vedeva l’aggiornamento, ho dovuto scaricarla da github

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Sì avevo già visto stamattina, comunque grazie :rulez:
All’inizio il sito era giù poi è tornato up, l’ho scaricato da lì l’aggiornamento :asd:
Edit è ancora giù, che sta succedendo :afraid:

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Che palle, stavo tanto bene con Brave

Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads

  • Google is transitioning Chrome’s extension support from the Manifest V2 framework to the V3.
  • This means users won’t be able to use uBlock Origin to block ads on Google Chrome.
  • However, there’s a new iteration of the app — uBlock Origin Lite, which is Manifest V3 compliant but doesn’t boast the original version’s comprehensive ad-blocking features.

Over 30 million Google Chrome users use uBlock Origin, but the tool will be automatically disabled soon via an update. Google will let users enable the feature via the settings for a limited period before it’s completely scrapped. From this point, users will be forced to switch to another browser or choose another ad blocker.

uBlock Origin fans can rest at ease since a new and improved version is already available — uBlock Origin Lite. It’s worth noting that while the new app ships with similar features to the original version, including core ad-blocking features, it doesn’t support dynamic filters for blocking scriptlet injection. The Lite version’s capabilities are relatively limited due to its compliance with the Manifest V3 framework threshold.

According to uBlock Origin’s developer Raymond Hill

“I consider uBO Lite to be too different from uBO to be an automatic replacement. You will have to explicitly find a replacement to uBO according to what you expect from a content blocker. uBO Lite may or may not fulfill your expectations.”


Ottime notizie, almeno ci sarà un’altra bella migrazione verso Firefox.