XENONAUTS: il vero seguito di XCOM?

Sitrep #8 - Sebillians

Report Summary – “Extraterrestrial Reptilian Infantry”, by Dr. Jacob Penn

'The second discrete variant of extraterrestrial identified by NATO and Soviet ground forces (after the Andron) was a humanoid reptilian creature, codenamed the 'Sebillian' by our scientists. Once again, our information is based purely on eyewitness accounts, the exploding power core of the UFO having destroyed all physical evidence of the extraterrestrials' presence on our world.
The 'Sebillians' are bipedal humanoids, with what appears to be a scaled hide. In physical terms, they were universally reported to possess impressive musculature and similar stature to an Andron - frequently standing over two metres tall. All eyewitnesses all agree that the creatures appeared to be wearing what appeared to be tribal armour, similar in style to medieval plate armour in our own history. The reasons behind this are unclear at present, however it appears likely that the armour is medieval in appearance but not construction - it was reported to have deflected numerous strikes from small arms fire during the course of the battle, suffering no obvious damage in doing so.

The Sebillians were encountered lurking in cover behind the wall of Andron sentries. They appeared to demonstrate a preference for close-range fighting, remaining hidden until the last moment where possible. Eyewitness reports suggest they were extremely effective combatants, inflicting heavy damage on both troops and vehicles in short-range firefights. However, this proved to be a double-edged sword. Though these ambushes caused significant attrition among both NATO and Soviet forces, at such short ranges ballistic weaponry proved almost as effective as extraterrestrial weaponry and there were numerous instances where the Sebillians were driven back by defensive fire, heavily wounded.
A matter of significant concern revolves around the regenerative capacities of these creatures. Though the eyewitnesses admit to being inexpert at the identification of these creatures, particularly in the heat of battle, several reported sightings were made of heavily injured Sebillians returning to the field of battle, showing no obvious signs of harm, as little as fifteen minutes after originally sustaining their wounds. Extensive conversations with our resident biological experts confirm that this ability would indeed be theoretically possible given a sufficiently advanced trauma response, so the sightings cannot simply be discounted as mere fantasy.

It is therefore recommended that any Sebillians encountered on the battlefield are dealt with in a thorough manner to ensure all signs of life have been permanently extinguished. It is also highly recommended that Xenonauts ground operatives are well supported by their comrades when operating in combat zones where Sebillians are known to be active, as a lone soldier ambushed by a Sebillian soldier is unlikely to survive the experience. Worse, any damage they manage to inflict in their dying moments may have healed in a matter of minutes. It is troubling enough that Xenonaut operatives may be forced to sacrifice their lives to defend this planet, and the least we can do is ensure that they do not die in vain.'

However, the abilities of the Sebillian race are deeply conventional - though very good at traditional warfare, they do not possess psionic abilities of any form.
Io per abbassare la febbre sto giocando a http://ufo.ufo-extraterrestrials.com/

Wall of text con stato dei lavori, wip, e probabile blackout dei siterep per due mesetti o il tempo che richiederà l'uscita esclusiva di materiale su PCGamer e altri siti importanti.
esclusiva pcgamer ---> FUCK YEAH!
Ultimo update dal forum: news sullo stato dei lavori e un primo screen di base assolutamente non definitivo (noterete però che sembra essere molto fedele al primo xcom )
Presto arriverà sito nuovo con possibilità di preorder + accesso alla beta.

Hi guys, this is a relatively quick post to keep you updated on how we're progressing.

Basically, we've been busy working towards getting the new site up and ready to go. Because we'll be taking pre-orders on that, we'll want to have in-game shots in place ASAP. We've got some way to go before we can release dramatic shots in previews etc, mostly because of the aliens not having made it into the game yet (we're using coloured versions of the standard soldier sprites as placeholders at the moment). This is mostly a factor of not having enough animators kicking around. However, the game doesn't look awful in its present incarnation. Just for you devoted forumites, here's a shot of what our current build looks like:

Please don't circulate it too widely - we're still working on the tiles, mapsetups and need to add shadows for the soldiers, but it gives you some idea of the style of the game. We're experimenting with giving the sprites a thin black border (you can see it in that screenshot) to give them more definition, but we're not yet decided on whether that's going to stay. It probably will, though - it makes the pre-rendered sprites blend better with the hand-painted backgrounds.

In terms of the combat, we've made a decision to relegate the T-80 and Warrior to AI control so we can have vehicles that are a bit more square in the game. Basically this is because the engine is having trouble dealing with rectangular units. It's not all bad though, as the starting vehicle is going to be this. It's not been textured up yet, but I'm expecting it to look pretty good when finished. And, as mentioned before, it can feasibly fit inside a (modified) Chinook.

Right, onto the more interesting stuff, the Geoscape. Our new coder has turned out to be superb and we're making very rapid progress on the Geoscape. We've finished the map viewer in terms of functionality - it displays the world map, zooms in and out, has a working co-ords system and identifies the continent being mouseovered (and also highlights it). The city system is in too, and is very easily moddable. Cities can be added at any co-ords location and their information (country, population etc) data is all set in a text file. They can also be set to pop-up at various levels of zoom, so you can make the capitals pop up at a certain zoom level and the minor cities pop up at a much higher level of zoom, so the world doesn't get too cluttered.

In terms of game systems, we've got the base-building implemented and you can construct a base in any location other than in the sea. The time setting system works in full, and the player has a money supply available to them (which can be spent, but sadly there's no way of topping it up yet). We've started implementing the base management screens too - currently you get an empty grid, base stats (complete with bar charts) and can flick between bases using the topbar navigator too. I'm hoping we'll have the base structure construction done in the next few days, which will allow us to build radars and therefore we can display radar ranges on the Geoscape too. But yeah, not bad for two weeks work.

In terms of the ground combat, progress has been much slower. We've got the stun system added, but we're mostly grappling with the animations at the moment. The stun damage system has been added, though, as have friendly NPCs, and hopefully the cover system is now complete (the soldier interactions with the cover, particularly their animations, has been giving us a lot of headaches).

I might post up some sprites at some point, too - just to show you how they look with the different starting weapons...
Beh contando anche che è ancora uno stadio primordiale, pensavo peggio, l'unica cosa che proprio non mi piace è lo sprite dell'omino

E c'è anche da considerare che quello che si vede lì è proprio la base che più base non si può

A me l'omino non dispiace, come mai non ti gusta? Magari una volta che lo vedrai animato come si deve farà un'altra impressione.

Per chi è troppo pigro per leggere la news, parla anche del fatto che stanno avendo problemi con alcuni carri per via della dimensione rettangolare, che verranno relegati probabilmente all'AI. Inizialmente per il giocatore sarà invece disponibile questo:

gief preorder+alpha!

Io invece devo ammettere che mi aspettavo decisamente di meglio e che lo sprite del soldato è forse la cosa che preferisco.
Il problema è che sprite e scenario sembrano realizzati in due stili diversi e difficilmente conciliabili. Perfino la scala sembra falsata.

Sì, per essere precisi dicono che stanno sostituendo i modelli originali con altri di minor dimensioni (e a base quadrata) perché il codice ha inaspettate difficoltà nel gestire i rettangoli sulle svolte/rotazioni.

EDIT: comunque più passa il tempo ed escono i diari di sviluppo, più ho l'impressione (e a quanto pare iniziano ad averla anche loro) che, stando a come lavorano, optare per un motore 2D sia stato uno stupido modo di complicarsi la vita.

Bisognerebbe conoscere per bene i pro e contro nell'utilizzo del 2d. Mi rifiuto di credere che non l'abbiano considerato anche loro, cmq.
"I pro" consistevano unicamente nel fatto che il loro principale coder avesse già una certa pratica con il Torque2D.
"I contro"... più o meno tutto il resto. Dai modelli 3D da riconvertire in sprite, all'impossibilità di inserire troppe combinazioni di skin/equipaggiamento per non dover renderizzare troppi sprite, all'assenza di donne per la medesima ragione, ecc...

Sì che l'hanno considerato, solo che originariamente l'esperienza del coder era sembrata una ragione sufficientemente forte per optare per il 2D. Ora, visti tutti i disagi che questa scelta gli sta causando, Chris stesso sul forum ha ammesso (già alcune settimane fa) che tornando indietro farebbe una scelta diversa ma che ormai è tardi per i ripensamenti.

Tra l'altro è piuttosto infelice avere dei modelli 3D come il seguente...

...realizzati con dettaglio e stile, e ritrovarsi con sprite come questo:

certo che tornare indietro per fare/usare un motore 3D, ci vorrebbero non poche palle dopo tutto il tempo speso... (che imho sembra ottimo dagli sprite ed affini che hanno tirato fuori)
l'unica soluzione è vendere questo gioco ad un prezzo basso-medio per poi focalizzarsi al "vero" gioco col motore 3D e realizzare tutto quello che non hanno potuto mettere nell'attuale motore grafico.
Se avrà successo la speranza è che si mettano a lavorare su un seguito in 3d.
Del prezzo ne aveva parlato..non ricordo di preciso la cifra, ma credo fosse sui 25-30$
Update #5

We were hoping to have our new website up by now, but sadly it's progressing more slowly than I would have hoped. But because we're likely to use new forum software for it (I hate using this one, the admin interface is terrible) I've not been checking this one as busily as I used to...

Anyway, the progress on the game. We have a fully functional Research, Base Construction (with the base grid) and Soldier Equip screens. The appearence of the screen is controlled by LUA scripting and is set as a joint effort between the programmer and I, but we've only managed to get that done for the Soldier Equip screen to date. A few minor changes are going through, but that's essentially done. The only thing left to do on that is get the background painted. We've also added a shadow to the Geoscape to represent night and day, and the programmer is virtually certain to have the first UFOs flying around in the atmosphere by the end of the weekend.

I've found an artist to paint the GUI backgrounds; his style is great for menus. His work isn't finished, and I've still got to format the in-game style to match this, but this is our Research GUI concept with the WIP background. We found our old minimalist GUI concepts to be quite dull (and probably quite depressing if you had to spend a long time playing with them), so we added a bit more colour to them:


Also, we got the Ferret in game a few weeks back - this is how it looks:

We've done more level design work too, and have basically finished all the base tiles for the farmyard tileset, which now need to be painted over. The Chinook is in the works too - this is quite a big project because it needs to be modelled up by our vehicle modeller (in a very specific way), then sent to our tile artist to render out in the correct tile form, then sent to the paintover artist to paint over, then back to the tile artist to put in a map. After that the programmers need to change the spawn points to inside the Chinook, as currently soldiers spawn all over the map. In general, progress on the combat side of the game has been slow, but it's counterbalanced by the fact that we're doing extremely well on the Geoscape side.

Think that's about all, comments/suggestions welcome as always.
Nuovo sito up, me lo sto girando adesso

Intervista su RPS

fuck yeah!
i preorder sono attivi!

fanno i preorder che sul sito non c'è una sega ? Non uno screnn decente, non un filmatino scemo

ma che cervello hanno ?

RPS: And finally, when can we expect to see more from Xenonauts, and get a good sense of how it looks and plays?

Chris England: We brought our new site up in the last couple of days, which provides a lot more detail on the project. The code has made great strides over the last couple of months, and a lot of the functionality is in place (you can see exactly how much on the Project Status page of our website).

We’ll start producing videos and screenshots in the next week or so (I’m just polishing a bunch of the UI elements), and continue to do so until release. If you want to see how it plays, you’ll have to pre-order. In a similar vein to the chaps at Wolfire, we’ll be giving pre-orderers early access to various parts of the game in order to seek feedback on how we can improve it before release.
si ho capito Tuco, è logico che riempino il sito, si vede che non è finito

è solo che hanno iniziato dalla fine, prima metti tutto a posto e poi metti il preorder cosi non danno una bella impressione