XENONAUTS: il vero seguito di XCOM?

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Riassunto: gli sviluppatori non si sono solo limitati a copiare\migliorare, ma hanno anche aggiunto una buona dose di originalità (l'ambientazione, ad es.).
Siterep 5

Dai commenti, Chris:
ora si ragiona.
Sitrep #6 - UFOs
Saturday, 05 June 2010 03:18
Welcome to Xenonauts Sitrep #6, where mankind makes first contact with the alien invasion fleet. The player will encounter over a dozen different types of UFO during the course of the game, and will have to thwart countless alien mission types ranging from air superiority patrols to scout missions and even full-blown terror attacks on major cities!

The player can engage the UFOs in real-time strategic air combat with his interceptors, and if successful will either destroy them outright or force them to crash-land (where they can be captured and recovered by Xenonaut tactical teams).

Scout – fast, but poorly armed and unmaneuverable, Scouts are alien vessels specialized for reconnaissance missions. Though rarely directly involved in any aggressive actions, Scouts are the ‘eyes’ of the alien fleet. They monitor human activity, trying to pinpoint key military installations or important population centres vulnerable to an extraterrestrial ground assault. Though difficult to catch, Scouts must be dealt with promptly – failure to do so will result in dramatically increased alien ground attacks.

Fighter – roughly equivalent to our own interceptors, the Fighter is the alien method of asserting air superiority. A specialized combat craft with no function beyond engaging and destroying airborne targets, the Fighter is fast, agile and well-armed. It is commonly found in an escort role for larger vessels, or simply aggressively patrolling human airspace.

Corvette – a sizeable extraterrestrial warship plainly not suited to atmospheric flight, the Corvette is a general purpose craft roughly equivalent dimensions and performance to B-52 strategic bomber. However, the slow speed and poor maneuverability of the vessel disguises a deadly opponent. Possessing heavier armour than an aircraft carrier and with powerful wide-angle beam weaponry, the Corvette is a fearsome foe. With excellent weapons systems and sizeable crew, it can be encountered operating in almost any capacity (and should be dealt with as soon as possible in all of them).

Of course, as the game progresses, more exotic and powerful UFOs will appear, each providing a unique challenge to the player. In our next Sitrep, we’ll be introducing you to some of the major alien races involved in the game. Until then, if you want more information on the game then check out our site, and if you have comments and opinions on the UFOs then our forums are the place to put them.

You may also notice we’ve adopted a fortnightly update schedule rather that our planned weekly updates, but there’s a very good reason for this – while we’re sitting on a mountain of cool art and game models, we don’t want to spoil the surprise of your first playthrough for you! This limits us to releasing only info about the early-game aliens and technology, and hence the less frequent official updates. We’re talkative people, though, so for ‘unofficial’ updates our forums are the place to be!
sempre piu scimmia cazzo.
Sitrep #7 - Androns Report Summary – “Extraterrestrial Biomechanical Combat Drone”, by Dr. Jacob Penn

'The first extraterrestrial units encountered by NATO forces during the Iceland Incident were their robotic sentries. Though the final explosion destroyed all remnants of their presence, our scientists have managed to piece together the eyewitness accounts into a useable intelligence report.
The ‘Androns’, so named because they are believed to be either cyborg or fully robotic organisms, appear to act as the extraterrestrial sentries and heavy infantry. The survivors of the Iceland Incident report sighting multiple identical alien constructions keeping watch over the crash site, each humanoid in appearance but standing almost seven feet tall.

These constructions proved deadly combatants. Possessing excellent visual range and unerring accuracy, they caused heavy losses before eventually being neutralised by fire from heavy weapons and support vehicles. Alarmingly, survivors report the armoured exoskeletons of the ‘Androns’ as virtually impervious to small arms fire, despite numerous direct hits being inflicted.

The main weakness of these aliens appears to be a lack of situational awareness. None of the sentries encountered showed any inclination to seek out cover during battle, even when under fire from Soviet T-54s parked beyond the effective range of the alien weaponry. Nor did they prove particularly mobile combatants, moving with considerably less agility than our own ground forces. This left them sitting ducks once our support vehicles were brought into play.
To sound a final note of concern, however – we are all aware that the alien forces possess powerful heavy weapons of their own. Given their remarkable strength, it seems highly probable that these constructions are capable of carrying these weapons into battle and, worse, using them without suffering the penalties an organic lifeform would for the same task. While our researchers have no substantive evidence to back up this claim, it is a chilling thought – and, if true, it would make the Androns a truly fearsome foe to face on the battlefield.'

As with all of the aliens in Xenonauts, the Androns have been designed around a specific battlefield niche. They fill a similar niche to the Mutons in the original X-Com, being extremely tough combatants with excellent marksmanship skills, making them difficult to beat in a straight-up fight.

In order to counterbalance their abilities, they have been given probably the most severe of the penalties suffered by any alien race – they are unable to use cover. As the cover system will dominate the way you see the battlefield in most missions, suddenly facing a foe who completely ignores it will provide a challenging experience for the player. Simultaneously extremely vulnerable and walking tanks, battling the Androns will provide a unique tactical experience.

You can see the evolution of the design from the concept stage to the final modelled, animated stage in the images posted here. As always, comments are welcome on our forums!
Probabilmente avrei preferito non scegliessero di farlo "umanoide", cmq la scimmia continua a salire.
per un secondo ho pensato "porca troia, le power armor per i soldati!".
poi ho letto che erano droni alieni.
speriamo si possano ricercare i componenti e usare i robottoni contro gli alieni
speriamo bene...
Mamma mia che scimmia che ho per sto gioco, senza precedenti.
Domanda\risposta. Un pò spoilerosa ma interessante.

vabbè, visto che i mod giustamente non possono nulla verso il presuntro trolling, come lo è per thargan poi, vado di ignore.
possiamo tornare IT ora.

Qualcuno ha visto la luce !!!!

DDD ti consiglio di ricominciare la discussione
grazie per la pulizia ardò.

comunque io ci vedo sempre bene mostri "umanizzati", però diciamo non tutti cosi sennò diventa una guerra fra omini multi colore.
65% umanizzati ed il resto in roba random.

in che senso? aprire un thread a parte per parlare degli umanoidi nei videogames?
Official Game Update #1:

In cui oltre a un aggiornamento sullo stato dei lavori si può apprezzare il passaggio di alcuni modelli da concept art ad asset in game.

sembra stiano lavorando bene.
Letto. Sti update mi fanno più male che ben mi sa, tra la scimmia e le aspettative che crescono a dismisura

Cmq mi sa ci vorrà ancora molto tempo.
Stanno cercando un animatore pro, se c'è qualcuno che vuole applicarsi. (in bf immagine di Berlusconi)