Ukraine: The clankening. (Part 5)

avevano finito le copie di “the sims” ? :asdsad:


certo vedi col 1 petardo il fuggi fuggi
forse sta cosa della “fratellanza” poteva valere diverso tempo fa

Non è ingenuità. È cinese, è l’unica cosa che può dire. E lonsa benissimo.

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Io mi fiderei tantissimo dei fratelli cinesi.

Guarda come tengono la formazione. La testudo romana gli fa una sega.

And another ‘ah yes’: people are asking me how are the Russians managing to continue assaulting here (and elsewhere), if they are suffering as heavy losses as Ukrainians claim they do?

Oh, my dear: that’s so simple.

By constantly re-filling assaulting units with thousands of mobiks . Their reservists.

The last four-five days, they’ve brought in so many of reserve motor-rifle battalions and regiments that my – carefully and patiently collected over the last two weeks – order of battle (ORBAT) of the VSRF in northern Kharkiv is meanwhile a pile of rubbish. They’ve pumped something like 20 reserve motor-rifle battalions into already deployed formations. Most of these ‘remain’ in the combat zone for less than a week. I say ‘remain’, because after some 5-7 days of combat, they are destroyed. Literally. For example, the 1855th Motor-Rifle Battalion went in, was assigned to the 25th Motor-Rifle Brigade for six days, and then… well, there was nothing left of it.

Unsurprisingly, the Russian social media is meanwhile full of reports about (quote) ‘colossal losses’ (these are, really, not my, but the Russian words), and calls for information on soldiers the whereabouts of whom are unknown, or such ‘cool’ videos like this one, listing (known) ‘200s’ (see: KIA) of the 1486th Motor-Rifle Regiment from the Leningrad Oblast.


Beh parte dei riservisti è costituita dallo svuotamento delle carceri…

Penso che le abbiano già svotate 2 o 3 volte…
Ora le riempiono con quelli che contestano.
E poi le svuotano di nuovo.


Mah, anche fosse vero penso che l’Ucraina non accetterebbe mai.

Onestamente deve averlo già detto una ventina di volte

qualcuno che mi faccia questa gif con zelensky dai


Chiaro, cessa il fuoco, riorganizza l’esercito, e poi riattacca.
Dai su, ma neanche gli idioti.

Le attuali linee del campo di battaglia sono i confini ucraini internazionalmente riconosciuti

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Le trattative di pace di Putin

già mi immagino se l’ucraina (giustamente anche gli da picche) a queste trattive la narrativa russa sarà “ecco l’occidente ha gettato via la maschera! vuole la guerra!”

ma chiaro, è pura dezinformatsiya

Tentativo di buttare benzina sul fuoco 2 settimane prima delle elezioni europee mi immagino

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Ma quanta gente stanno arrestando?


nel punto di Tommaso che ho postato prima c’era un tentativo di spiegazione:

GenStab (the Russian one)

This time I’ll start with one of my ‘favourite topics’: the GenStab of the VSRF (VSRF = Armed Forces of the Russian Federation). That is: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The top, overarching military decision-making body in Russia. The ‘brains’ of the Russian military, those converting Pudding’s dreams about the Russian empire into attempts to grab the same by launching aggressive wars. Also the ones responsible for all the military acquisitions.

Now… along what can be heard from Moscow the last few days, Pudding is literally ‘purging’ this body. Sure, everybody knows that on 11 May, Pudding replaced his minister of defence, Shoygu by Andrei Belusov, a 65-years-old technocrat – and a civilian. But: the minister of defence is no member of the GenStab. He’s ‘merely’ controlling its work (or looking the other way).

Point is this: when Pudding appoints a civilian to the position of a minister of defence, that’s something like ‘red flag’ for the GenStab. The body is dominated by so-called ‘traditionalists’: officers still heavily influenced by such like late Army General Gareev, insistent on studying and faming the Soviet Army of the Great Patriotic War, and acting based on experiences from 1941-1945. Arguably, that’s perfectly along the Pudding’s way of thinking. However, that’s also where all friendship between him and that body is ending, too. The reason: the GenStab can’t stand ‘outsiders’ - civilians - serving as minsters of defence. This is entirely unacceptable for them: they can’t even understand this concept and react ‘allergically’.

And so, ever since Pudding appointed Anatoly Serdjukov, back in 2007, the GenStab is ‘at barricades’. Now, Serdjukov did push some sweeping reforms, but only partially managed to realise them. Indeed, amid growing tensions with the GenStab, Pudding then had to replace him by Shoygu, in 2012. Shoygu was also a civilian, but ‘at least’ he wore a military uniform. Foremost, he reversed many of Serjukov’s reforms, and – oh, how important is that for the GenStab, can’t say – he reinstated the Soviet-style mythology within the VSRF…

Anyway… actually, and regardless of how much attention has Pudding’s decision gto replace Shoygu by Belusov caused, for me the much more interesting point is what’s Pudding doing with the GenStab. This is so because the GenStab was one of last (if not the last) major decision-making body/bodies in Russia still resisting Pudding’s direct control. Have written about this 2-3 times over the last two years. Thus, here just in essence: sure, ministers of defence were Putin’s favourites, but chiefs of the GenStab and all of their aides – not. On the contrary, they were resisting all sorts of reforms he was demanding. And if not, then bitterly complaining about them. And how bitterly…

Now, from what one can hear from Moscow, it is so that Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin, Deputy Chief of the GenStab (i.e. Gerasimov’s deputy!) and the Head of the Main Directorate of Communications, was arrested on charges of accepting bribery.

Then, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Verteletsky, Director of the Defence Order Support Department, was arrested. He’s another of Gerasimov’s close aides.

Must admit: I’m not really surprised. The fact that Shoygu didn’t manage to curb the (massive) corruption within the GenStab and the VSRF was also no surprise: he was as corrupt as generals he was supposed to control - which is as important because, at least according to unconfirmed reports/assessments, corruption is gulping somewhere between one quarter and one third of the Pudding’s spending for defence purposes. And, as can be seen from its performances of the last two years… well, the VSRF is anything else than ‘combat ready’, and even less so ‘combat effective’.

Now, sure, one could now argue the VSRF has never exercised offensive operations of the kind [and size] it runs in Ukraine, but still: it was supposed to be capable of running them….

Well, it is not, and thus Pudding is extracting his revenge. Shoygu is his friend, so he wasn’t arrested; ‘just’ replaced. However, top generals are no pals of Pudding; they are Gerasimov’s pals… and, so far, Pudding didn’t dare touching Gerasimov: seems, he’s fearing a possible unrest within the GenStab (in style of last-year’s mutiny by Prigozhin’s Wagner PMC). But, he’s removing his aides, one after the other.

Why am I paying attention and discussing this?

Because it’s going to be interesting to monitor whether (Pudding and) Belusov can effect any kind of significant improvement in performances of the GenStab (and thus Gerasimov), the VSRF, and thus the acquisition of new arms, ammunition and supplies, plus planning of combat operations.

With other words: ‘stay tunned’.

Ah yes, and a ‘PS’ to this topic: it’s with heavy, heavy, heavy heart that I must announce: Major-General Konashenkov was dismissed from his position as the top Keystone Cop in Moscow. See: he was the spokesman of the Ministry of Defence.

You know how it is: one must not love one, but after following his Göbels-like TV-appearances at least since 2015, I’m going to miss him.

A lot… sniff & sob…

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Leggo in giro che la Cina sta fornendo armi alla Russia.
Non che la cosa sia sconvolgente e fosse imprevedibile.

stiamo in proxy war
alla fine ognuna delle due parti, usa da una parte, cina dall’altra
sta spingendo x dissanguare l’altro, la cina in più per papparsi la russia

edit: avevo sbagliato quote