Ukraine: The clankening. (Part 1)

Post direi "illuminante" sulla componente aerea russa in questa guerra da parte del buon Tom Cooper


Some know me as ‘confrontational’ and ‘undiplomatic’. Thus, a sort of ‘warning’, up front: this is definitely going to (re)inforce such an impression.
I grew up at the times the motto ‘know your enemy’ was in high esteem in numerous armed forces, no matter where. At the time when, for example, the discipline of researching the Soviet Armed Forces was taken very seriously, and people involved knew what were they talking about: so much so, they could literally ‘read the minds’ of decision-makers in Moscow and few other places.
Now, my point of view was that a World War III is unlikely to ever happen, because there was enough rationale in the East and the West, and thus nobody would risk the ‘ultimate option’. So, ‘why waste time’ studying, for example, the Soviets? Still, I was fascinated by ‘know your enemy’ kind of works, and thus ‘spent’ much of my professional career studying what some consider ‘obscure’ or ‘small’ air forces; and others for ‘enemy’ – especially so in the Middle East and Africa. It’s only more recently – say: 7-8 years – that I’ve ‘added’ the modern-day Russian armed forces to what’s interesting for me, and then primarily because of the Russian military intervention in Syria.
What surprised me when ‘returning’ to something I ceased studying around the time people like Benjamin Lamberth, Bill Sweetman and few others have ceased publishing their books (‘back in the 1990s or so’) was that it seems that over the last 30 years, the skill of ‘know your enemy’ has been misdeclared into ‘support for jihadism’, while understanding of the Russian armed forces appears to have degenerated into oblivion. This became obvious not only ‘already’ during the first two years of the Russian military intervention in Syria (2015-2017), but even more so since the Russian (re)invasion of Ukraine, on 24 February 22. Ever since, most of notable think-tanks and their experts seem to be falling over each other in an entirely new Olympic discipline: how to mis-understand and mis-explain the Russian Armed Forces, and the Russian Air-Space Force in particular.
What is particularly astonishing in this regards: back in 2016, the Foreign Military Studies Office of the US Army, published the book ‘The Russian Way of War: Force Structure, Tactics, and Modernisation of the Russian Ground Forces’, by Lester W. Grau and Charles K. Bartles.
The book is available as a free download (as PDF) for years already. I.e. everybody can have it. Just go to this link: – download, read, and inform yourself.
Sure, Grau and Bartles concentrated on the ground forces. But, they explained so much and so well about the structure, thinking, practices, doctrine, strategy and tactics of the entire Russian armed forces that I simply can’t believe anybody is still coming to the idea to write anything about the ‘Russian military’ – without, first, reading their book and, second, keeping it in mind all the time.
And still: this is the case – and so we get to hear how the Russian Air-Space Force (VKS) is a ‘non-appearance’ in this war, how it ‘can’t own the skies’ over Ukraine, indeed, that it is ‘incapable of running complex operations’.
Those who follow me since longer than 3-4 days should know better: should know that the VKS is no ‘USAF East’. As explained earlier, the VKS is simply never meant to fight the way Western air forces do.
As nicely explained by Grau and Bartles, and confirmed in reality only some 17-18 zillion of times, in Russia, there is only one authority that’s thinking what are future wars going to look like, and – therefore – how should it organise, equip, and train the Russian armed forces. This authority is the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Short: GenStab. Because of its task, the GenStab is also the sole military procurement authority in Russia: it is responsible for the purchase of everything, from screws, via fighter jets, to intercontinental ballstic missiles and their nuclear warheads.
To keep it compressed, the GenStab considers the VKS for something like ‘extended range artillery’: a branch meant to cover tasks from provision of close air support, to interdiction strikes up to around 100, perhaps 150km behind the frontline. For this reason, the VKS has a purely supportive role, through and through: it is meant to – and equipped to - establish air superiority only over the frontlines, and then support ground or naval forces. Strikes deep into the enemy-controlled territory are a business of missile forces, and forces equipped with cruise missiles. Search and destroy enemy air defences (SEAD)? Yes, but along the frontline only. Therefore, and even if operating such ‘powerful, super-turbo-Wunderwaffen’ like Su-27SM, Su-30SM, Su-34 and Su-35s, the VKS is simply not equipped to ‘go places’, ‘rule the skies’, ‘dominate’ etc. into the depth of the enemy territory. Not away from the frontline.
When somebody not knowing about this now tries to monitor the VKS operations in Ukraine from the Western standpoint, plenty of things are incomprehensible and wrong conclusions simply unavoidable. What the Russians are doing there is contrary to the very essence of the Western – and especially: US – thinking, where the air power is dominating: much to disgust of its own ground forces, it is frequently fighting ‘its own war’. It first seeks to establish air superiority over the enemy, destroy its air power and the capability to defend itself from air power, and only then supports own ground troops or naval forces.
If the VKS then does not behave that way, ‘logical conclusion’ is ‘it failed’ and ‘can’t’.
Actually, the VKS is doing its job very well. It rules the skies – above the frontline. As the sustained losses of the Ukrainian Air Force over the last 13 days have shown: whenever Ukrainian Su-25s try to hit the Russian ground forces, they are shot down. Whether by VKS interceptors, or by ground-based air defences. Presence of ‘heavy’ Ukrainian air defences near the frontline is minimal. In turn, the VKS is all the time flying – ‘BUT’ over the battlefield. Between seven and eight of its aircraft are airborne over the Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Mariupol areas all the time during the daylight, every single day ever since 24 February. As predicted, the sky there is really ‘black’ of all the VKS aircraft. This is a co-reason why are they suffering losses to the Ukrainian ground-based air defences, too: they are present so much and so often, that the Ukrainians can recognise patterns in operational behaviour of Russian pilots and ‘ambush’ them.
(The other co-reason is that the Ukrainians have got so many MANPADs from the West, they’re firing them by dozens, every day. There are several videos showing them firing 6-8 missiles at one target: we only get such scenes much too rarely to see, and even less so would the Ukrainians brag how often they miss.)
Contrary to the claims of the Ukrainian politicians, the VKS pilots also do not refuse to fly: they go as far as to do things Western pilots would rarely do. Like such a dumb idea to descend below the cloud cover in order to acquire a target and bomb it – only to get shot down by 5-6 MANPADs fired in return.
All of this means that conclusions like ‘VKS is not flying’, ‘VKS can’t run complex operations’ etc. are all wrong. By all the (meanwhile: ‘proven’) military incompetence of Putin, Shoygu, Gerasimov, even the officers of the GenStab, not to talk about numerous of Russian generals in the field, the VKS is fulfilling precisely the duty for which it was equipped and trained – all along the doctrine developed by the GenStab.
This are the ‘Reasons No. 1-100’ of why we’re never going to see VKS’ Su-34s roaming the skies of Ukraine all the way to the Romanian border, using R-77s to shot down Ukrainian Su-27s, while deploying PGMs to precisely destroy MiG-29s or Su-25s on the ground, and yet other PGMs to knock-out Ukrainian air defences - free along the motto: like in a video-game...
Talking about VKS and PGMs: Colonel Andrew J Bachevich (US Army, ret.) – one of less than a handful of sober, balanced, and serious military historians left in the USA - has explained it in his TV-appearances already years ago. When invading Ukraine, in 2014, Russia lost the control and contact to about 120 major arms-manufacturing enterprises – including about 50 manufacturing the host of PGMs in the VKS service. Ever since, the GenStab did try to re-establish some of production at home, but this was largely spoiled – both because of the endemic corruption of the Putin-regime, and because of resulting sanctions, which cut off Russia from approach to the necessary know-how and high-tech.
‘What a surprise’ then, that Russia can’t run large-scale production of PGMs, that the few that are available are either from stocks manufactured back in the 1980s and early 1990s or astronomically expensive and thus not affordable for the GenStab; or that the VKS never got enough money to buy new PGMs, and thus has next to none to deploy in combat operations. Indeed, that it has to send its Sukhois with a price tag of US$40-50 million apiece into low-altitude strikes armed with ‘dumb’ bombs.
Bottom line: stop trying to understand and explain the VKS by Western – especially US – way of thinking. If you want to understand and explain it, you need to see it entirely from the Russian point of view, and also to consider plenty of factors that are anything else than ‘directly related to air power’. I simply can’t but repeat myself: keep the big picture in mind.

Appunto. E sarebbe ragionevole continuare a limitarle queste pretese (velate e non) di intervento. Putin non è poi così isolato come da questa parte di mondo si continua a credere. Purtroppo, aggiungo.

l'occidente deve iniziare a capire che occorre difendersi anche da questo tipo di proxy war, che la russia foraggia ormai da diversi anni, Lepen e Salvini sono soltanto i casi più lampanti di partiti che si sono venduti letteralmente il culo alla Russia, basta vedere i loro voti al parlamento europeo

Oppure più semplicemente cercare una qualsiasi delle dichiarazioni di Salvini prima dello scoppio di questa guerra

Legittima l'annessione della Crimea, tutto a posto e togliere le sanzioni

devi mandare in ucraina i jet senza armi, una volta li li retrofittano per combattere?

Non ci sarebbe allora lo stesso problema nel fornire armi come stanno gia facendo? E' semplicemente un arma

Si l'ha detto pure Zelensky. Le morti in ucraina sono compa della NATO che non vuole la terza guerra mondiale. Che si impicchi.

E francamente anche i Cinesi hanno rotto il cazzo, primo perché non mi leva nessuno dalla testa che nei mesi scorsi abbiano detto a Putin "vai tra che ti copriamo economicamente " e ora fanno tira e molla perché la situazione gli conviene.

ma quello ovvio vai tranquillo per papparsi risorse che bramano
ora Putin è nella merda e loro prendono le risorse al loro prezzo

Elindur per far pulizia interna all'europa bisogna aver lo stesso atteggiamento del sindaco polacco verso Salvini. Siamo arrivati al punto dove c'è timore a rinfacciare a salvini quello che ha detto in tutti questi anni.

Io non so voi ma ieri nelle trasmissioni giornalistiche che ho visto è stato tagliato il pezzo della contestazione del fotografo italiano che gli ricorda la frase "due mattarella per mezzo putin".

L'europa è da oltre 10 anni minata da campagni anti-Eu, mettici il covid e ora il sistema è ridotto uno straccio per affrontare una crisi uniti. CI vuole un colpo di coda forte ma che in Italia non sta avvenendo.
Da quanto possa leggere riguardo l'evoluzione dell'embargo economico imposto alla Russia sui media di stato direi stiano attuando una strategia comunicativa simile a quanto convenuto durante l'epidemia di COVID-19, non negano niente, e non potrebbero comunque, neppure la gravità delle conseguenze per la vita quotidiana dell'impatto del cittadino russo medio, talvolta, senza necessità considerato le circostanze, amplificano addirittura la gravità della situazione, semplicemente deflettono le responsabilità ed invertono il rapporto tra sintomi e cause.

Si ma vediamo di capirci. Qui si si tratta di evitare la terza guerra mondiale o provocarla? Perché noi possiamo fare tutte le gabole del mondo peró la guerra si fa in due. Se tiri la corda magari a putin gira il cazzo e dichiara guerra lui.

A quel punto puoi avere tutti i punti morali che vuoi ma ti trovi a discutere con missili nucleari
Quindi se vi violentano la cugina davanti, di 3° grado eh però, tutt'appost non vuoi mica far infuriare il signore. Guarda che sforzo che fa per tenerla ferma, meglio non dargli fastidio.


Rimane da vedere se possa innescarsi il meccanismo per cui, anche ritenendo di avere ragione, il russo medio possa pensare "ma perché Putin non la smette così torna tutto come prima?" (anche se non tornerà mai tutto come prima ma sorvoliamo).

Perché è difficile vendere che ti hanno costretto ad una guerra, quando dentro i tuoi confini questa guerra non c'è e gli scaffali sono comunque vuoti. Alla lunga anche il cervello bombardato dalla propaganda un po' si fa due domande.

Per accettare un'economia di guerra, la guerra la devi vedere. E Putin la sta nascondendo.

Se è per questo putin ha già detto che le sanzioni sono un atto di guerra, quindi se vuole può già attaccare coi suoi missilozzi nucleari.

Condivido però in toto che regalare una flotta di mig29 agli ucraini sarebbe un ulteriore passo verso il baratro della terza guerra mondiale

è colpa dell'occidente strano, non lo fanno mai in russia
Arabia e Emirati rifiutano la telefonata con Biden
Impossibile organizzare una telefonata tra Joe Biden e i leader di Arabia Saudita e Emirati. Lo rivela il Wall Street Journal secondo il quale il principe ereditario saudita Mohammed bin Salman e lo sceicco Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan degli Emirati Arabi Uniti avrebbero entrambi rifiutato di parlare con il presidente degli Stati Uniti e quindi di assecondare il suo tentativo di creare sostegno internazionale per l'Ucraina in chiave anti russa e contenere l'impennata dei prezzi del petrolio. A riferirlo, scrive il quotidiano finanziario americano, sono funzionari sia dei paesi mediorientali che degli Stati Uniti.

Che strano che gli Arabi vogliano svenarci ed aiutare il loro amichetto dittatore.

non aiutano il loro amichetto dittatore aiutano loro stessi
sulla speculazione del petrolio hanno solo da guadagnarci

Dov'era il tuo fervore guerriero in tutte le guerre combattute prima del febbraio 2022? Finché i violentati erano di carnagione più scura andavano bene?
Intanto, continua la moria

tutti i reattori di Chernobyl "intatti" sono in decommissioning da un decennio ormai, probabilmente ci sono ancora le piscine con materiale radioattivo esausto in cooling, tipo il reattore 4 di Fukushima. Diciamo che il rischio massimo è di sparge un po' di radioattività su Pripyat e nella zona di esclusione, ci saranno i caprioli in massima allerta
Sinceramente mi fa un po' sorridere il panico insensato che circonda questi nomi.

so solo che ogni giorno, sopratutto ora con i rincari, trapetrolio e gas diamo quasi 1 miliardo di euro al giorno a putin....

Tra altro pre crisi aveva ridotto il flusso di gas ora è aperto a manetta..... ma figurati se fa guerraa chi gli mantiene in piedi il paese...... i cinesi se ti danno metà è anche troppo.