The Witcher 3 [the wait, the downgrade, the drama]

So it begins...


La serie è polacca, in italiano sono usciti due libri di racconti ambientati nel mondo di Rivia e il primo libro della saga, a breve dovrebbe uscire anche il secondo, tutti editi da Casa Editrice Nord

E' già uscito

quanto cazzo è figo con la barba
• Każde naciśnięcie przycisku oznacza jedno uderzenie, a każdy ruch wymaga mniej więcej tyle samo czasu na wykonanie Every button press means one strike, and every move takes approximately the same amount of time to perform
• Every action can be interrupted at any time to dodge or block
• Geralt and still block or dodge when out of stamina, but he will be losing balance
• The devs want the combat to be 'more personal'
• Roling replaced with pirouettes, which are just as effective
• Attacks are faster than in Witcher 2
• The A.I. is 'reprogrammed'
• No scripted boss fights
• Geralt will face an ice giant
• You can make special moves on enemies, for example disturb a wasp with igni
• Better signs: every sign will get a new type of attack after you invest in it. For example the regular igni looks like fire from the flamethrower, but it can become a powerful AoE attack. The regular one will still be usable.
• 2 other paths connected with alchemy and sword mastery, like it was in Witcher 2
• New moves and better parrying etc. for the sword specialization
• Alchemy depends a lot on elixirs
• Your horse and ship can both be upgraded
• Acces to storage chest on the horse as well as in taverns
• The dev-team is aware that managing your inventory in Witcher 2 was clunky, it will be different now.
• You can personalise your crafted items
• You can create powerful artifacts with rare items
• Every part of the armor has a unique look
• Better looking armor, also clothes 'behave' more realistically
• Barber shops
• Scheduled for release in 2014 for PC and next gen consoles
• There will be a possibility of getting support from some ally from Skellige in an 'important battle'
• The most important events of the main storyline will affect the world, for example if some villages are threatened by bandits and the player won't help them, some quests might disappear
• Dynamically generated weather effects and fully modeled clouds characterised by their volume, not just painted on the sky
• W przeciwieństwie do poprzedniej części, Geralt spotka społeczności i pojedyncze osoby, które mają problem z potworami on the contrary to the last game, Geralt will meet societies as well as single people who have troubles with monsters
• No contract-type missions
• Left trigger enables Witcher's senses
• Detective work
• The time of day and weather will determine what monsters spawn and their powers
• During combat, the player will be able to hit his enemies in their weak points, by having knowledge of given monster and using correct tactic
• The devs are not yet sure about special moves and QTEs during boss fights
• Mutagens allow Geralt to unlock special powers
• More impact on deeper relationship rather than occasional sex, no sex-cards
• Decisions will have the same impact as the ones from Witcher 2, but they won't completely affect the new open world, since it's not linear anymore
• Player's decisions will determine what situations he will encouter and enable special plots
• Gameplay based on the previous games, but with lots of little details changed
• The issue of 'increasingly lower diffuculty' is adressed (not sure what they mean by that)
• The combat will focus on fluidity

• Geralt will have 96 animations in combat (Witcher 2 had 20)
• The camera will focus on showing the biggest thread
Commencing the information dump:

• Dev team doubled in size
• No more chapters
• Geralt will no longer suffer from amnesia, he will try to reclaim his love, fight for the Northern Kingdoms and face the Wild Hunt
• The team felt that Witcher lacked freedom and open world
• Fight from horseback still in test phase, not confirmed
• Ships will float on water and abide by physics laws
• Geralt can travel from one end of the world to another with no visible loading
• Game world will be 40 times bigger than Witcher 2's
• Travelling from one end of the map to another will take 30-40 minutes
• You can travel on foot, horseback or by boat
• Fast travel system to already discovered locations
• The devs want to provide high quality missions and cutscenes, especially for the most important parts, says director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz
• Interesting landmarks and locations always on the screen
• The players will be encouraged to explore caves, struggling villages and decaying ruins
• Witcher 3 will offer 100 hours of handcrafted missions
• Tasks will include helping regular people and the rightful king of Skellige
• Monster hunting will be an adventure, source of income and unique items
• Mini-games, for example in Skellige it's throwing knives
• Monsters, bandits and even merchants will attack anyone they consider an enemy
• No level-scaling
• Three aspects of the story: Monster hunting and small side-quests, the politics and Geralt's pursuit of his lost love
• The geopolitical situation and Nilfgaard's invasion will be depicted in the main storyline, areas include Skellige, Novigrad and 'No man's land'
• Each region has it's own storyline
• You can totally ignore the main storyline, but there will be consequences - it's one of the possible choices
• Many of the plots will blend together and fill each other
• You won't have to do anything but the main storyline to complete the game

secondo me assolutamente no, il primo l'ho amato, il secondo ho faticato a finirlo

Ho letto di che si parla. Ho solo espresso il mio pensiero, ovviamente dipende da come il gioco viene sviluppato. Ma in linea generale mi sono trovato male in giochi dove ero costretto a farmi i chilometri a piedi perchè magari dimenticavo di prendere l'oggetto X in una città e arrivato alla citta Y mi trovavo costretto a tornare indietro.
Quindi preferirei che (magari opzionalmente) ci fosse la possibilità di usare un fast travel.

anche io ero per il non fast travel ma giocato dragon dogma sinceramente la mancanza del fast travel si faceva sentire dopo un pò
Io inizio già a risparmiare per il pc nuovo
scommetto sui 40 gb totali, battendo max payne 3

Anche io ho sofferto un pò in Dragon Dogma per la mancanza del fast travel, ma più che altro per il respawn fisso dei nemici, quello si che era un dito in culo. Un pò di varietà non avrebbe guastato.

Potrebbero dare la possibilità di muoversi a cavallo e velocizzare i viaggi, coi dovuti limiti ovviamente.

Che si usi il cavallo in questo seguito è già confermato.
E' un fotomontaggio di chi su chi?
Video estremamente poco significativo, ma lo inserisco comunque per dovere di completezza:

E' un Crazy Polish Programmer


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