The Witcher 3 [the wait, the downgrade, the drama]

Cazzo se rulla il redkit
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madonna santa che ficatissima
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
New details from a recent interview with CDPR

>All screenshots so far are from an old build, with the new engine they are “aiming for CG quality of in-game graphics”
>Big focus on art direction , aiming for the title of prettiest RPG of all time.
>CDPR are satisfied with the PS4 from a developing standpoint
>Will be available for all high end systems by the end of 2014
>Bigger focus on Geralt’s relationship with Triss and Yennefer than before
>Three completely different ending epilogue, each a few hours long
>36 different world states
>There won’t be any typical bosses but “plenty of encounters with huge opponents and important foes for the storyline”
>This is mostly because they want to avoid implementing new gameplay mechanics in the middle of certain segments, similar to TW2
>No QTEs
>30 times larger world than TW2
>Despite the challenge of an open world game, CDPR will focus on the quality handcrafted side quests the series is known for
>The world will feature several “points of interest” to encourage players to explore outside of the main story line, this can be other quests or simply other areas to explore
>While the game features sailing, there won’t be any fishing or such but boats are still very detailed and are affected by factors such as the waves and wind. CDPR are also testing gameplay opportunities connected with sailing.
>All quests are handcrafted, and will in traditional Witcher style, explore many moral grey areas where there are no real “good” or “bad” choices with no obvious solution
>In this process CDPR are attempting to add depth to most characters that you will be associating with throughout the game
>Quests come in many different flavors, but the themes will be** . Some will either be more light hearted and comedic, while others might be tragic, consequence loaded and with a more serious atmosphere

woops, meant to say
>Quests come in many different flavors, but the themes will be apparent throughout - no big bloated mixed bags.
Also source

direttamente dal quarto canale

lol, wtf

credo intendano che l'ultimo segmento del gioco di qualche ora sarà differenziato in 3 modi diversi a seconda delle scelte.
ogni volta che rilasciano delle info la scimmia si arrampica sempre di più

non lo vediamo prima del 2015, e di conseguenza CyberPunk non esce prima del 2016

ragazzi se vado a ibernarmi in un ghiacciaio mi svegliate fra 1 anno e mezzo?

Per quanto dura, bisogna saper accettare la realtà dei fatti
Ho un gorilla che mi urla nelle orecchie e mi prende a coppini
Cioè mi devo tenere 'sto pc per un altro anno e mezzo?

e poi non ti girerà

Il tuo pc ringrazia.

E sti cazzi non ce li mettete?
Ma porca miseria, ma come fine 2014, ed io come sopravvivo nel mentre. Se manterranno le promesse, se veramente riusciranno ad soddisfare le (immense) aspettative, se realmente terranno fede a punti come:

Potrei commuovermi.

Non ce la faranno MAI.
Ma mi piace il loro spirito e spero riescano comunque ad avvicinarsi il più possibile all'obiettivo.

Non mi sembrano dei traguardi così improbabili, anzi.
si ma alla fine dipende tutto dal gameplay...