[Serie TV][SciFi] [Budrie spaziali] The Expanse

siete pazzi, io pagherei per avere quel fisico. ci sono ideali di bellezza che appagano gli occhi e il bisogno inconscio di simmetria e poi ci sono le Donne che appagano tutto; secondo me questa qui nuda sul letto, farebbe dimenticare a qualsiasi uomo ngiensis il significato di budrilla
Ecco tutto spiegato :

ed aggiungo :


BOMMMMMM https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/5z3zxu/people_were_correct_frankie_adams_is_horrible/?st=j6gip7l7&sh=b65ae1cf

Tutto spiegato cosa? Lo sapevamo benissimo che fa boxe eh

Per fiuuuu booommmm immagino tu intenda l'OP di quel thread su cui hanno pisciato praticamente in ogni commento considerando giustamente quello che ha scritto merda sciolta immagino, vero?
Veramente la maggior parte delle persone la definisce come non adatta al personaggio poi ovviamente la pioggia di merda arriva xche la gente legge chubby e subito il politically corret arriva a far nascere i paladini di sto cazzo. Ma tutti quelli non morti di figa o con evidenti problemi di giudizio appare lampante che si sia inciccionita per stare nel ruolo. Peccato che ha fallito miseramente perche invece di sembrare una Marines donnona muscolosa pare una cicciona incapace .

Esempi :


In the show, both Amos and Bobbie are different from the way they are portrayed in the books. Amos, changed for the better, Bobbie, changed for the worse.

Show Amos is younger than Book Amos, and his idiosyncrasies are coming forward much sooner. At this point in the books, Amos was portrayed as a rough and tumble blue collar guy, almost like a biker mechanic with a rough past. It wasn't until later that we ever got a look inside his head and saw the relatively cold, dissociative survival machine that he is, and the moral weighting that he applies to things. In the show, Amos is immediately portrayed as a stand up guy whom you can trust if he's your crewmate, but also as a deeply frightening individual with a past which is not just rough but full of horror, someone for whom violence just rolls off, like water on a duck's back. It wasn't until way later in the books that people began tagging him as the Rocinante's killer. He's obviously that guy now in the show. That's pretty cool, and the actor is great!

Bobbie in the books was confident and zen. Bobbie in the show is cocky and belligerent. Bobbie in the books can poke fun at herself, while Bobbie in the show comes across as a relatively humourless zealot. Bobbie in the books respects her potential opponents. Bobbie in the show rants about how she wants to destroy Earth.

Bobbie in the books was and is a person of violence. Not a violent person in the sense of being an angry drunk or similar, mind, but phrase it the other way, a person of violence, a person for whom violence is an option and a tool, because of who she is and what she is. She was prepared for war, but didn't hunger for it, while Bobbie in the show is jingoistic as hell.

Then we come to the thing which happens to both Bobbies. The differences mean that when the war comes, and Bobbie's faith is shattered by the casually superior force of the proto-soldier, her book incarnation is sympathetic in the manner of a person who has suffered an injustice, whereas her show incarnation kinda comes across like she needed to have her own limits shown to her and proved to her.

Now, that last line, that Bobbie in the show has more to learn than Bobbie in the books, because bookBobbie was a more whole and mature person at the start, might allow folks to say "Yes, that's good, it gives her character an arc."

What's the point of having a character arc if you just find the character tiresome and want her to fuck off so Amos can get more screen time?

Please also notice that I have said precisely nothing about the appearance of the actor. It's got everything to do with the way that she's been written. Bobbie in the books was a strong person who was broken by her encounter with something terrible, and her arc was about accepting courage in the face of certain death. Bobbie in the show is an arsehole.


[–]heretoforthwith 2punti 5 mesi fa*

She's ok. She could have maybe done a crash workout regimen or something to look a bit more ripped. What really gets me is that I wish someone would explain to her about what it means to hold the E-7 rank in the Marines (and the Navy for that matter). While a Gunny or a Chief respects their officers, in the ten years I served I never saw one cowed by an officer like Cmdr Thorssen does to Bobbi. The Gunnies and Chiefs I worked with would have said the "so now you're going to tell me a story to sell me on this bullshit" line and then eyeballed that officer without flinching. When you get to that rank, yes you follow orders, but you're also cut loose so that you can tell officers when they're about to fuck up. We used to compare it to being a made man in the mafia.

Her portrayal is a bit off in some other ways. Book Bobbi was a consummate pro, show Bobbi is too eager for war, it makes her seem amateur. Book Bobbi is sort of lost at one point and needs to regain her bearings, in the preview for the next episode show Bobbi looks like she's about to start bawling, you never get that sense from the book Bobbi, even when she's getting the extra large sit sandwich she powers through without feeling too sorry for herself.


Why on earth are you backing down? She is not "not really athletic", not "kind of curvy" or "maybe even chubby". She is a fat ass (did you even see her in episode 10 running and rolling around in those tight clothes? lol), who clearly prefers eating cake rather than putting in some effort for a big deal show and gets paid tons of money for it. Her acting doesn't make for it either and neither should it. It's simply the failure of the directors.

It really pisses me off to see people defending "yah she is athleticcc". Surely these people are obese themselves and call themselves curvy or slightly chubby.


[–]Lobotomist[S] 4punti 4 mesi fa

Well seeing the last episode. I have to agree.

What was slight annoyance on my part and doubt she does not look athletic. Is proven to be many times more worrying.

She is tall and her ethnicity is true to the book character. Thats about all.

Where the book character is testerone filled, intimidating woman. The actor is timid, soft spoken, vulnerable. And where her character is ripped and athletic, the actor is ... well... do I even need to say.

I agree. If you are given opportunity to come from New Zealand to do a part in multi million tv show, you can at least do it honor by working out and keeping strict diet.

Last episode I seen. I can tell you for sure. If there will be another season, you will see another actor playing her. No doubt.

dai non ho voglia di continuare , hai letto i 2-3 commenti dei paladini di sto cazzo che son durati poco e poi ci sono 1000 commenti di gente che espone i fatti

Ah per intenderci la foto di lei in posa da pugile intendeva fare un sottile riferimento a KFC = Kentuky Fry Chicken , se vuoi te lo spiego in pm
A me pare che salvo l'ultima loro parlino del carattere di Bobby non dell'aspetto fisico
Perchè giustamente non è la cosa peggiore dell'attrice, loro stanno discutendo della storia non del fatto che lei sia in forma o grassoccia. Ma se leggi e ci sono 1000 risposte trovi spesso persone che cmq ad esempio dicono che lei avrebbe potuto cercare di fare come gli attori di hollywood e mettersi sotto per il fisico invece di ingrassare un po' a caso.
Detto questo io lo ripeto poi a una certa chissena è una BELLA ragazza un po' fuori forma, essendo che lavora nel mondo dello spettacolo dove gli standard sono molto alti e una budrilla culona.

Quelli non sono 2kg e anche fossero - ma non è così - sarebbero anche mal distribuiti.
Ho detto 2kg a caso, fate finta che ci fosse scritto N chili.
Dove N è il numero di Avogadro
2 pagine a parlare della tipa ? -_-''

Peggio allora
Siete troppo fissati con gli standard di bellezza, lei sta bene con quei kg in più

Comunque guarda che la discussione non era mica sul fatto chesia bella o brutta, é che qualcuno é spuntato con le foto del 2009 a dire che é un figurino
Vabbè 5 Maggio 2013

Ovviamente così acchittata sta bene.
Ma nella serie ha gli N kg in più e non ci siamo.
Vabbè, con quegli N kg in più di trucco sarebbe figa anche su the expanse.
Uscita season2 su netflix per chi non l'avesse ancora vista
Ho iniziato a vedere la seconda season.
Prima puntata ha confermato un po' il meh della prima stagione.
Seconda puntata ha un impenno incredibile (la battaglia )
Anche con la terza inizia ad intravedersi una storia molto intrigante.

Mi sono risollevato.
Anche alcuni dei personaggi (che trovavo quasi tutti antipaticissimi) hanno iniziato a rullare
no mazza la seconda stagione è un decollo... niente a che vedere con la prima...
budrie spaziali
Carina, ma gli attori continuano a non dirmi nulla, per esempio la squadra speciale marziana non mi danno proprio l'impressione di essere dei supersoldati

Per dire mentre vedevo questa ho iniziato vikings, non c'è un attore fuori posto (per ora ovvio, avrò visto 8-9 puntate) mentre su expanse almeno la metà li avrei scartati a piè pari, ma non per una questione di bravura attoriale, è che nn calzano nel ruolo che ricoprono.