S.T.A.L.K.E.R [Rate-It 79]

Quello che succede a questi titoli in effetti e' l'essere inghiottiti da un vortice mostruoso.

Partono con idee innovative ma non riescono ad andare in gold e nel frattempo altri hanno idee simili o migliori, e' come essere inghiottiti lentamente dal verme di guerre stellari... brrrr...


Quello è il grande Sarlacc!
Non ricordavo il nome... il pc vibrava per il terremoto, le cavallette..
blues brothers
chi indovina questa?

Non ho la più vaga idea di che cosa sta parlando non ho capito un emerito cazzo....ehm..non ci sarebbe un brodino?
Non lo so, ma mi ricorda "Non ho la piu' pallida idea di cosa sia una stonza"
Riuppo perchè è stata pubblicata un'intervista al solito Oleg.
Tra i vari deliri che si stanno facendo quelli di t2 e gli sviluppatori ora non si capisce veramente più niente.

Riassumo per i più distratti:
a inizio anno il team di sviluppo afferma di aver praticamente finito il gioco (se non sbaglio parlavano già di 'beta' o quasi). Pressati dissero che sarebbe uscito quasi certamente a settembre. Passa una settimana e il produttore sposta all'inizio del 2007 tutto quanto. Il perchè non si sa. Oleg tra le righe conferma.
E ora...

Interview: (What I say, and the questions I ask are normal text. Oleg's responses are italic)

1)Release date? Please, please, please, please...at least guess.
It is in September.
2007, right?
No, in 2006. Q1 in 2007 is a backup date, the demo has been given to THQ and they are testing it and making requests on what they think needs to be changed. This process has begun a while ago and is almost done. Currently we are fixing what THQ is asking for. In case that is not done by sept. 2006, the game will be postponed until 2007, but that seems unlikely.[/]

2)Approximate # of weapons?
[i] That is too specific, I don't have the game memorized. Sorry.

3)Approximate # of vehicles? Examples?
Let me guess: Same as the last question?
Yeah, but there is the Moskvich. Very Happy

4)Any 7.62mm rifles besides the Dragunov?
The AK-47 is in, for sure. There was a typo on that site, the AK-74 is supposed to be AK-47. And the AKS-74u will be in as well.

5)Is the 1980-86 GAZ Volga in?
Too specific, but there is a possibility. From what I know, it is not.

6)How will jamming be done with weapons? How do you unjam them?
When a weapon jams, an icon appears that signifies "weapon inoperable". If you are good with weapons and have proper knowledge, that won't be a problem.
So if your Makarov jams, and you know what to do in this situation, you can clear it the way you would in real life?
To a point, yes. With the Makarov, you press "reload" and the magazine is removed, the slide pulled back and the casing or round that failed to fire is ejected, then the mag is inserted again and the chamber loaded with one more pull. Just like in real life, but the way around it is to clean the weapon regularly, but the AK-47 is very hard to jam.
Wow, very in-depth. That is accurate. I look forward to that.

7)When will you update the site with all the...
Sorry, did not ask that. No point anyway...

8)How do you sleep, is it when you are not playing or is it a few seconds, like a dreamless sleep?
Hmm I forgot that, sorry.

9)Is it game over if you are taken over by a controller? How can you be saved?
Don't remember, too specific. Sorry.

10)Why is the Makarov cocking sound exactly like the sound of cocking the H & K USP .45 Tactical in Counter Strike 1.6? Why did you not record the actual sound of cocking a real Makarov?
At the time that clip was made (the one I {Siro} am referring to is the one on the si
te), the sounds were not finished. We had to improvise, the sound is different now. We may have gotten a better one at this stage.

11)RPG-style weapon modification? Or will there be actual animations?
It will be RPG-style. You will add the upgrade through your inventory and then next time you take the weapon out the upgrade will be on it.

12)Will be possible to change the settings of the camera while driving a vehicle (for instance to bring closer or further away the camera view)?
The camera will be movable, definately. And it will also be possible to fire small-arms from your car while driving.

13)Are vehicles customable?
No, what you find is what you get.
What about the Moskvitch with the roof missing in one screen? There were no Moskvitch convertibles back then.
But then again, some owners liked to modify their automobiles to suit their needs back then. You won't have the tools to modify them in the Zone post-explosion, we will stick with that.

14)Will be released, when the promo campaign starts, a demo of the game?
Yes. As soon as we are done with the beta testing and refinement.

15)Is a demo possible at all due to life simulation system? Will it work then?
Yeah, it is. But the demo will be too short to show the full capabilities of the life simulation. It will probably be a mission. It is too early to tell, though.

16)Will be included in the final version a map editor (for multiplayer)?
Yes. We are working on that. No idea how we will include it yet (as in a seperate disk on the actual ga

17)When an interaction with objects is required like opening doors will they open magically like in hl2 or there will be an actual animation of player's hand reaching for the door knob?
Right now, same as with the weapon modifications, we are trying to keep it as simple as we can. Honestly, you have to find a door first.

18)Have the reload animation got the same speed no matter what the situation is, for instance when a bloodsucker is charging at the player or when there is no enemies at all (after a firefight)?
Again, simple as possible. It will be the same speed.

19)On the final release is it going to be some bonus materials like interviews with developers, a documentary about the development of stalker and especially what was happening there during the media silence? Siro says: Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in front of your computer watching it?
Haha, yeah. We got some pretty nice bonuse features.

20)About the languages of NPC's are going to be in Ukrainian, Russian, or English (I’m referring to the EU release)?
It is going to be in Russian and Ukrainian with English subtitles for foreign releases.

21)After finishing the game is it possible to unlock new content (like bonus maps levels, weapons,quests, and characters)?
Yes, we have some pretty nice bonuses for you guys. We might include it in a seperate cd as a "making of" or keep it as an unlockable.

Thank you very much Oleg.

Hem no

Era da Hot Shot il mitico ammiraglio Benson (Lloyd Bridges)

Lt. Commander Block: Every aerial photo and recon report indicate a defensive arsenal in the D, and perhaps negative C, categories. There's also some anti-aircraft squadrons. They can send up an ack-ack umbrella high enough to make any attack ineffective.

Admiral Benson: I don't have a clue what you're talkin' about, Phil. Not a fucking clue. I have a shell the size of a fist in my head. Pork Chop Hill. The only way I can make this goddamn toupee to stay on is by magnetizing the entire upper left quadrant of my skull, so you just go ahead and do what you do.

Nuovo up:
Thq ha confermato che Stalker non uscirà nel corso del 2006 (ma va?) e lo ha piazzato in q1 2007


(non che non si sapesse, ma i programmatori continuavano a fare gli sboroni )
se vabbè
Ora sono decisamente più tranquillo.
Notizia di questi giorni: il progetto STALKER e' stato ridimesionato perche' troppo vasto e complesso: http://www.hwupgrade.it/news/videogiochi/semplificazione-in-vista-per-stalker_17647.html

Cmq avete notato che a forza di rimandarlo i fatti riportati nella storyline del gioco da eventi futuri sono divenuti contemporanei... ed adesso addirittura passati???
Infatti i primi eventi della storyline sono datati 12 Aprile 2006... ma ormai e' gia' passato!! Ed ovviamente non e' successo quello che dicono loro: http://www.stalker-game.com/index.php?t=game&s=gameplay&ss=storyline
Mi sa che se/quando uscira' il gioco dovranno mettere un +2 o +3 a agli anni in tutte le date altrimenti perde il suo fascino di avventura futuristica... e diventa una rievocazione storica!

+6 +7
ma dai che merda la finissero di sparare cazzate.. meno male hce il gioco era quasi pronto.. bah
ma piu che altro, sto gioco esce?

in quanti lo avranno in preorder da play.com?

Hanno smentito tutto il giorno dopo,su HWU dovrebbero leggere il seguito delle notizie

Non so se lo ho già segnalato ma QUI c'è una comunità per essere sempre aggiornati sullo sviluppo. E in alto a destra c'è il contatore dal via del progetto.
1621 giorni aaehaehaehehaeh ridicoli
se inziavo io il progetto con PAINT avevo gia' finito
Releasing this new trailer from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl, THQ confirmed that the tactical FPS developed by GSC Game World will be available in March 2007.

here link to the trailer download page:
