Runes of Magic [MMORPG] (f2p) Open Beta

Neppure a me convince molto..., dopo provo il mago, il summoner, il paladino e l'healer, se continua a non piacermi è un fail clamoroso.
Mah, a me piace più Allods che RoM. La grafica e le animazioni dei pg mi sembrano più fluide di quelle di RoM, e poi mi piace il fatto che ci siano 2 fazioni in lotta, ognuna con le sue razze e le sue classi come su WoW.
Sono identiche le due comunque, cambiano solo le skin.
Beh oddio, non mi pare Può essere vera per gli umani, ma le altre mi sembra tutte diverse...
No, intendo che cambiano solo le skill tra Impero e Alleanza ( o come si chiama ), perché skill e classi sono identiche

peccato, una differenziazione delle classi in base alla razza sarebbe stato carino
Apro un nuovo thread va...
Su che server siete di RoM? Ho messo il client in download

Uso di solito il Mago/Prete, nick "Nevada".

spammami su msn se serve aiuto. loggo volentieri per aiutare i niubbini
Lo so ti ho tra gli amici.

Parlando di cose serie: quanti soldi hai? Mi serve un prestito senza diritto di riscatto e a tempo indeterminato
In arrivo la seconda espansione, terzo capitolo: The Elder Kingdom

Oddio le mount che portano 2 pg

Marriage system
Hanno paura di Allods ?

Ne stanno facendo una all'anno, penso uscirà verso giugno come la prima espansione.
Uscita la terza espansione. Al momento non posso mettere le aggiunte perché hanno chiuso il forum e il sito per evitare di andare giù col server, appena torna alla normalità li posto.
Quindi tra i due cosa consigli, Allods o Runes?

Devo dire che le razze/classi di Allods mi ispirano alquanto...
Allods ha un solo problema: quando muori, hai un debuff del 25% sulle stat che puoi togliere solo pagando con soldi vero, oppure aspettando che finisca (dura credo un'ora )

Ovviamente se muori mentre hai il debuff, ti arriva al 50% e così via... Credo sia ingiocabile senza pagare.
No, non è ingiocabile senza pagare.

Francamente RoM è quello che conosco di più, ma ho spesso di giocare entrambi, anche se li ho ancora sull'hd.

Allods ha "solo" 40 livelli, e se ti metti in 2-3 sali velocemente, dato che quando prendi la quest "ammazza 10 mob" se la fai in 3 non devo ammazzarne 30, ma solo 10.

RoM è lo stesso. Si fa ancora più rapidamente se vai nelle instanze di 2-3 livelli superiore al tuo ( che sono difficili anche se fatti col numero max di giocatori del livello pari a quello della quest ) accompagnato da un giocatore di 20 livelli superiore che fa tutto da solo. Sta il fatto che in pratica devi farti 100 livelli, anche se bisogna dire che i 50 della sub te li tiri su a suon di daily quest fatte col main, che ci mette 1/10 del tempo che c'ha messo lui per fare quella stessa quantità di exp.

Sinceramente non so... RoM ci gioco da più tempo e mi piace. Mi piacerebbe molto formare una Gilda italiana di NGI, ma non mi permetto di proporla dato che non quanto tempo posso dedicarci. Anche su Allods sarebbe bello, anche se lì sto già nella gilda italiana più grande da lato Alleanza, e non ho bisogno-necessità di cambiare.

che merda.
Cambiamenti, fix ed altro:

New Features

New Zone: Thunderhoof Hills
8 New Thunderhoof Hills Quest Titles
New Public Events
Dirge Knight Snare!
Tonk Gang Surprise Attack!
Sewer Creature Counter-Attack!
New Guild Castle Features
New Guild Quests
New Guild Castle skin "Stone Walls"
Add Guild Drill Ground
Ancient Memento exchange system - A new reward system for PvE-players has been introduced. For Ancient Mements plus a bit of gold players can receive fusion stones.
Party Recruitment Interface
Monster Card System
Level cap increase to Level 57
Starting the Spring Rain Festival
Elite Skill Balancing (see posting below)
New Instance Features
Instance Progress Saving
Once a group entering an instance their progress is saved for each boss they defeat. If the group leaves the instance, each member's individual status is recorded.
On entering an instance the first player entering the instance sets its status. Any other player with a different progress setting is denied to enter. Characters without a progress setting will be asked to accept the status. Should the player decline, the character will be ported to the outside of the instance.
The progress status only records defeated bosses. Other monsters will not be affected. E.g. if the player's party defeats bosses 1, 2 and 3 on the first day, bosses 1, 2 and 3 will not spawn. However, the monsters in the rooms of boss 1, 2 and 3 and in the halls will respawn.
Every boss location in a Raid Instance will be marked with a transport crystal. In this version players (with a progress flag) can teleport to the defeated boss's locations of the Hall of Survivors. Other raid instances will be upgraded in future updates.
This flag is now set for the following instances:
Hall of Survivors (easy / normal)
Zurhidon Stronghold
Demon Stronghold
Instance Difficulty Selection:
When entering an instance a solo player or the group leader can select from two difficulty settings: "Easy" and "Normal". For instances that have not yet been updated the setting has no effect and the instance's default setting is used.
The following instances now have an alternative difficulty level added:
"Hall of Survivors"
"Heart of the Ocean"


Altered the stats of foods and deserts:
Roasted Salty Fish decreased ATK-bonus from 15% to 7%, +500 points
Crisp Honey-roasted Chicken decreased ATK-bonus from 20% to 10%, +800 points
Spicy Meatsauce Burrito decreased ATK-bonus from 25% to 12%, +1000 points
Unimaginable Salad decreased ATK-bonus from 30% to 15%, +1200 points
Garlic Roasted Meat decreased MATK-bonus from 15% to 7%, +500 points
Deluxe Seafood decreased MATK-bonus from 20% to 10%, +800 points
Imperial Seafood Pie decreased MATK-bonus from 25% to 12%, +1000 points
Salted Fish with Sauce decreased phys. Damage bonus from 15% to 7%, +100 points
Doom's Banquet changed to increase physical damage by 12%, +200 points
Excellent Meat and Bread decreased physical defense from 15% to 7%, + 2000 points
Exquisite Tea-scented Waffle decreased Phys. Defense bonus from 21% to 12%, +2500 points
Delicious Mushroom Pie decresed magical defense from 15% to 7%, +1000 points
Exquisite Cocoa Shortbread decreased magical defense from 12% to 12%, +1500 points
Miracle Salad decreased phys. damage bonus from 16% to 8%, +130 points
Superior Swamp Mix decreased MDmg-bonus from 16% to 8% +130 points
Increased the magical damage of one-handed hammers to the same level of daggers.
Changes to instances
Treasure Trove: Decreased the instance's overall difficulty by reducing the amount of monsters.
Lair of the Demon Dragon: Decreased the instance's overall difficulty by reducing the amount of monsters.
The Origin: The monsters' Debuff skills can now be removed by player abilities and skills.
The Origin: The Life Leecher's physical damage has been reduced from 7001 to 6001.
Doubled the Magical Critical Hit rate of all Magic Burst Runes
Burst I: Increases magic critical hit rate from 30 to 60 points.
Burst II: Increase magic critical hit rate from 40 to 80 points.
Burst III: Increases magic critical hit rate from 50 to 100 points.
Burst IV: Increases magic critical hit rate from 60 to 120 points.
Burst V: Increases magic critical hit rate from 70 to 140 points.
Burst VI: Increases magic critical hit rate from 80 to 160 points.
Burst VII: Increases magic critical hit rate from 90 to 180 points.
Burst VIII: Increases magic critical hit rate from 100 to 200 points.
Burst IX: Increases magic critical hit rate from 110 to 220 points.
Burst X: Increases magic critical hit rate from 120 to 240 points.
Aotulia Volcano, "Dimarka Support": Added another prerequisite quest. In addition to "Route Blocked", players now have to "Help Captain Yashina" too. This prevents the dilemma of the quest NPC assigning quests from beyond the grave.
Changed equipment's "bind"-properties:
Instead of "bind on picked up" the following items are now "bind on equipped"
Aguar's Conquering Sword
Kibensty's Blade of Constraint
Henolid's Staff of Admiration.
Instead of "unbound", the following items are now "bind on equip"
Enhanced Club of the Mourning Heart
Enhanced Wand of Evil
Crown of Henolid's Ode
Changes to crafting interface
In the crafting interface, when selecting different crafting ability buttons, the selected buttons will pop-out to show that they are selected.
The crafting interface now simultaneously shows crafting level and experience.
When the crafting interface is in "production", it now shows how many more of a particular item you have to produce in order to level up.
Shift + right click allows you to continuously paste recipes into the dialog window

Bug Fixes

An error that occurred with Sharleedah in Aotulia Volcano has been fixed. Sharleedah will now properly respawn after being defeated.
The list of "Experience" Runes is now correct. Instead of two "Experience VIII"-runes we now have one "Experience VIII" and one "Experience VII" rune
Fixed quest "Explore the nature of nightmares": The description was inconsistent. The quest-text now only mentions 100 Nightmare Powders only.
The "Norzen Wind-Runner Longbow" (quest reward) has it's attack distance extended from 20 to 200 units.
Elite Skill (Priest / Scout) "Enhanced Wave Armor": corrected problem that prevented a refresh while the skill was in effect.
Previously the quests "Those Bears Again!" and "Special Flowers" couldn't be completed when the character became a Herbalist. This has been corrected.
Siege Wars
An error that could occur when the Crystal was captured has been fixed.
It was possible that the final score was incorrect when the blue team won the Siege War. This has been corrected.
When extracting energy during a siege war, a new tip will appear in the dialog box to show the remaining energy.
Changes to drops in instances: With the new Difficulty setting system, players will be able to choose from two different types of instances: normal and hard. For that many the boss drops have been adjusted like this:
In 'easy' setting, each piece of purple equipment dropped will have yellow attributes, but there is a chance of it having green attributes.
In 'normal', each piece of purple equipment dropped will have random yellow attributes. There will not be any equipment with green attributes!
The issue with turning into a "criminal" after using the Snowballs from the Snowflake Festival item "Snowball" on criminal players has been corrected.
All offensive magical area damage skills and physical area damage skills now affect up to 15 targets.
Friendly area damage magic and skills now affect up to 12 targets.
The stack size of Poison Powder and Poison Bottle has been increased from 20 to 99.
Issues with the UI of players engaged in a public encounter and changing zones have been resolved.

Non aggiungo anche i cambiamenti delle varie skill perché è troppo lungo. Chi volesse vedere tutto può farlo qui

Vedremo questo nelle prossime settimane.