Runes of Magic [MMORPG] (f2p) Open Beta

sono nel primo server


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Goodies worth more than half a million Euros

All over the world, Valentine's day is the day of lovers. To show their affection for each other, people make little presents to the ones they love.
Following this wonderful tradition, we have come up with very special presents for our Runes of Magic players.
On Saturday, 14 February 2009 at 2pm GMT / 15h CET all players will receive 50 Diamonds for each account with a level 10 character.
The icing on the cake will be a very useful item that will be sent to all characters through the game's ingame mail-system: A Godly Redemption Ticket that will remove all XP and TP debt from your primary class.

Furthermore we have reduced the prices of the following items from the Item Shop for Saturday and Sunday:

Big Angel's Sigh:
This protects the character from accumulating experience debt when dying for 24 hours.
(Was: 15 Diamonds - Now: 5 Diamonds)
Rune Removal Scroll:
Removes all runes from armour or weapons. Removed runes are destroyed.
(Was: 20 Diamonds - Now: 5 Diamonds)
Party Experience Potion:
For the next 60 minutes all experience gained from fighting monsters is increased by 30%.
(Was: 30 Diamonds - Now: 10 Diamonds)
Advanced Skill Reset Stone:
All assigned talent points are reset. Usable by characters of all levels.
(Was: 199 Diamonds - Now: 90 Diamonds)
Permanent white, black, brown and spotted horses:
(Was: 299 Diamonds - Now: 150 Diamonds)
è normale che non mi bastino i TP per tenere tutte le skill al cap?

ne ho due a zero oltretutto...

certo che è normale.

non è giusto
09-02-19: Patch Notes



New Features
Added a new encounter in the Minotaurs' area. To trigger the encounter the "Battle for Mystery" quest must be completed.
Added the winning cape from the cape contest.
Added shift-left click feature to buy multiple items from NPCs.
Added friends list messages.
When deleting ingame mail, a message will appear.
A 1-minute warning message has been added when a Guild-war is declared.

When using auto-move the camera can now be moved around the character.
Players can no longer invite themselves into a party.
Players removed from a guild now receive a new message.
Rogue: has its skill "Plunder" removed.
Quest: the quest "High Quality Meat Stew" does now only require 5 instead of 10 pieces
Quest: the quest "Violent Berry" should now work as planned

Upgraded LUA to version 5.1.4 and re-worked all interfaces to ensure that they all work and fixed related bugs. (Please note: Some options have been reset and you have to re-enable e.g. all but the first hotbar again.)
A bug related to loot distribution has been fixed.
An error in the calculation of guild-war records has been corrected.
A correction in the calculation of bonuses gained by crafting inside your home has been made.
Fixed a bug related to closing quest log.
An issue with hyperlinked item names in the quest log has been fixed.
Fixed character portrait bug that was caused by switching friends list.
Fixed a friends-lists bug that occurred when characters from the same account logged in.
Fixed an error in the style shop display.
The "Record Server"-check box is working now. When this box is/was checked and you log in now, you will directly jump to the character selection of the last server you were on. When you want to change the server, click on "select server" in the top-right corner of the screen.

A number of quest descriptions and other ingame texts have been edited.
The following Skill names have been changed:
"Cunning Attack" is now called "Probing Attack"
"Weak Spot" is now called "Soft Spot"
"Thundering" is now called "Thunder"
"Sneak Attack" is now called "Charge"
"Critical Consciousness" is now called "Sense of Danger"
"Concentrate" is now called "Concentration"
"Intensify" is now called "Target Area"
"Purify Arrow" is now called "Purifying Arrow"
"Gone like the Wind" is now called "Gone with the Wind"
"Enchanted Arrows" is now called "Mana Arrows"
"Magic Conversion" is now called "Mana Conversion"
"Joint Cripple" is now called "Cripple Joint"
Please note: With this Update ( Runes of Magic uses an upgraded version of the Lua script-engine.


The "Record Server"-check box is working now. When this box is/was checked and you log in now, you will directly jump to the character selection of the last server you were on. When you want to change the server, click on "select server" in the top-right corner of the screen.
Because of the Lua-update, several options have been reset (e.g. the hotbars). You need to re-enable any additional hotbar but the first.

Rogue TP reset
Because one of the Rogue skills, some players had invested TP in, has been removed, all Rogues had their TP reset.

The new engine should ensure better client stability in the long run and will offer more options for future Add-Ons. However, for a short transition period it might cause issues - especially when external UI Add-ons are installed.

We suggest that players experiencing crashes or other game issues deinstall any external add-ons.

Should the issues persist, we would like to ask our players to contact our Support Team.

09-02-26: Patch Notes


Fixes & Changes


Fixed a bug with the trashcan.
An issue with the chat window has been corrected.
When mail is sent successfully the correct message should appear now.
Changed the message for returned mail. The name of the original recipient is now correctly displayed.
Fixed the tooltip on team looting.
A message display error when reading an encyclopaedia in the house has been corrected.
Fixed a bug that could occur when renaming the house.
A bug that could occur when moving the mouse over the team interface has been exterminated.
The character-limit in tooltips has been removed. They should now show the full text.


Fixed a bug which caused locked targets not to clear after disbanding the party.
Fixed a bug that occasionally caused empty inventory space to become un-usable inside the house.
Fixed bug that caused a delay in restoring equipment durability after repair.
Changed the message when the party leader assigns leadership to another player.

Quests, Mobs & NPCs

"Black Hunt Season": made adjustments to the aggro-range of the related monsters. Reduced aggro-range from 100 to 20 units to avoid aggroing the innocent bystanders.
"The Research Team's Wisdom": quest bug fixed.
"Derric's Gone Missing": fixed a script error.
Several monster paths have been re-adjusted to avoid aggroing players not involved in fighting.
Mischievious Kere will now "un-hide" occasionally.
Mischievious Kere is now non-aggressive.


Mystery’s AOE will no longer be blocked by objects.
Fixed a few range calculation issues with ranged weapon’s.

Item Shop

Fixed a bug that caused the reader when reading an encyclopaedia to hold bows or crossbows at the same time.
You can no longer send gifts from the Item Shop to yourself.
Issues with the displayed durability of some items from the Shop have been corrected.


More than 80,000 chinese characters were translated into English. This includes:
over 100 quests
the names of more than 100 NPCs
more than 100 monters
more than 300 armour-pieces
200 miscellaneous items
70 weapons
Reviewed the skill names and descriptions of

- Welcome to the Powerlevel Weekend:

Your character's still in hibernation? Time for a wake-up call!

This weekend from 5pm GMT / 18:00h CET today until Monday, 02/03/2009 at 10am GMT / 11:00CET, we are offering two special Power Bundles containing not only many Experience and Skill Potions but also the very useful Charms.

Don’t miss out on this one!

More information on that on the Powerlevel Weekend page.

- 1-vs.-1 Arena about to be opened:

The Order of the Dark Glory has announced that they will open the Obsidian Fortress' arena for 1v1 PvP fights soon. They reckon that many adventures will want to gather and test their strengths in ferocious fights man against man. Be it to probe the best way to utilise their Dual Classes secondary skills or for any other reason, this is the place where the best heroes and heroines of Taborea meet.

While at the moment the arena will only be available as pure sparring grounds, the Order has already set aside various rewards for the winners.

The best of the best will earn victory points and other rewards that will improve their standing with their peers. Once a month the leading victor will receive an exclusive mount for a month.

Once Runes of Magic has been released more features and rewards will be added...

The Arena will be available once patch goes live in the first week of March.
alla grande!
09-03-03: Patch Notes

1-vs.-1 Arena & Hardware upgrade


New Features
The Order of the Dark Glory opens the Obsidian Fortress' arena for 1v1 PvP fights and await many adventures will want to gather and test their strengths in ferocious fights man against man.

Be it to probe the best way to utilise their Dual Classes secondary skills or for any other reason, this is the place where the best heroes and heroines of Taborea meet.

At the moment the arena is only available as pure sparring ground.

Varanas is now completely localised.
The tutorial has been reviewed and revised.
03.03.09 - New Dungeon: Kalin Shrine

The release is getting closer and we are adding more content to Runes of Magic. Today we are proudly announcing a new high-level dungeon, that will be available for release, called "Kalin Shrine".

A group of of Lv. 50 players will find that Regin, the dark mage and his army of ghosts, rune guardians and grave robbers a tough challenge. There are the crystal tortoises which can bind players in solid ice for ten minutes - but they are nothing compare to Regin himself. His black magic can summon some of the already slain bosses back to life and bring them to his aid.

Adventurers mastering this quest and free the shrine from the evil influence, will be rewarded with booty in the form of rare armour. Moreover, many more quests around the ‘Kalin Shrine’ and will tell more about the ongoing story of Runes of Magic.,id174,new_dungeon_kalin_shrine.html
06.03.09 - Launch Trailer & Upcoming features

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Frogster Movie Company proudly presents a Taborea Production film, written and directed by Runewaker Entertainment...

Today we are releasing the Runes of Magic launch trailer - presenting many exciting images from Taborea. We promise that even if you are already in the game, you want to have a look!

But that's not all. Here's a list of things we are working on at the moment and are planning to have ready for release or shortly thereafter.

For release we will have:

Kalin Shrine dungeon
Wind Wild instance
Ice Dwarf instance
A new Epic Quest line
Lv. 35 Elite Skills
Tons of new quests

In the weeks following the release we will add:

New combat formula allowing much easier balancing
Guild castles
Ressource Battle System (mini battlegrounds)
A Spring event
Welcome to Taborea!

Direi che questo mmorpg si fa sempre piu interessante

qui il nuovo trailer,id9,rise_demon_lord.html
Domani (anzi oggi) la nuova patch che cambierà un pò il combat system e varie altre cose

09-03-10: Patch Notes


New Content

Introducing the first iteration of the Guild Halls
Guild Halls can be accessed through the teleport gates in Varanas and the Obsidian Fortress
Guilds have access to extensive storage facilities and can place furniture.

The Combat calculation formula has been revised.
Stamina to Defence conversion changed
All characters defence rating is based on their stamina attribute. Originally, all conversion values were identical for all classes. Now we have changed it according to the classes' roles.
Damage calculation changes
The original damage calculation of skills was based on a percentage and point system. The new system is taking a few more factors into consideration like weapon DPS and casting time (e.g. magical attacks).

Chance to Hit
The chance to hit calculation has been revised to make fights against opponents of a higher or lower level more challenging.

Changes in Skills
We also made a few adjustments to several skills to fit them better into the new system.
The full details can be found below.

1 vs 1 Adjustments
Hidden players are no langer visible on the minimap.
Fixed 1 vs 1 button on the minimap ring that wouldn’t disappear when minimizing the minimap.
The reset timer for irregularly leaving the 1 vs. 1 queue runs now 1 minute instead of 2 minutes.
After entering 1 vs 1 arena, the match starts now within 30 seconds - not 1 minute.

Runes (e.g. assembled with the Arcane Transmutor) have been increased in strength.

Positive adjustment of the equipment power leveling benefits

Certain items from Item Shop are now available as drops from certain monsters.

Adjusted the cost of using teleportation gates.

Added a "delete" and "return" message to the mail system.

The NPC Lehman will offer explanations on the use of powerstones.

Using the hearth stone after dying works again.

When using the aggregator, you now can preview the result before committing.

Magical Essences: Because of the actual numbers were getting to large, the values have been changed from 10000 to 1.


Mannequins will now correctly wear only their gender specific equipments.
Removal of "Flower Festival" items Cocoa and Lover’s Passion.
Fixed a bug with the lottery system that caused inserted lottery ticket to be removed when moving items in the backpack.
Fixed broken fireworks.
Classes will now correctly gain bonuses from house individually.
Pets summoned by monsters will no longer have a higher level.

A bug that caused level 10-12 players not being able to see their tombstones (except in minimap) has been fixed.
A bug that caused ornaments not to be shown correctly when worn, has been fixed.
Fixed coloration of text in dialog window. Other players' texts will be displayed in white.
A crash-bug with the messageframe has been fixed.
A bug that caused the "party lock" character display to disappear when changing zones has been fixed.
Players have the option to keep certain members of their party "locked" or focused on, so they can be healed faster etc. The bug that caused the display to be corrupted has been fixed

Mobs & NPCs

Armored Kasumille will now correctly spawn only once and also had its drop table changed.
Akuda the Cursed will now correctly spawn only once.
Blackmane Invader will now correctly not drop loot.
Anselve, Aisha, and Locface: Dropped sets have been modified:
These sets are no longer tradable.
Added additional set bonuses.
Black Hunt Season
Lionde Huntclaw had its level reduced to 33 from 35
Klionde Huntclaw had its level reduced to 32 from 35
Kuinde Huntclaw had its level reduced to 34 from 35
Suborde Huntclaw had its level reduced to 31 from 35
Scripted monsters will no longer drop recipies.


Katrina’s dialog options have been adjusted to avoid irregular actions.
Quest "Aymi is not food bug": A bug which allowed multiple clicks on the box has been fixed.
Quest "Mage Who Did Not Return": Quest details have been modified.
Quest "Hard Profit Is Good Profit": The description now details the required quest items correctly.
Quest "Strange Request": The quest detail hyperlink has been fixed.
Daily Quest "Shabby Shoe": The quest details have been changed.
Increased the range of messages and quest scripts within the Mystic Alter.

New Combat System
Here's an overview on the changes made by the new Combat System:

1. Changes to Defence conversion
All Classes 1 Stamina = 2 Defence

Knight: 1 Stamina = 3 Defence
Mage: 1 Stamina = 1.5 Defence
Priest: 1 Stamina = 1.5 Defence
Rogue: 1 Stamina = 1.8 Defence
Scout: 1 Stamina = 1.8 Defence
Warrior: 1 Stamina = 2.3 Defence

2. Damage calculation changes

Physical Attacks calculation methods:
Used percentage system of main weapon
Point based
Magical attacks: point based
Healing: Point based
Damage over Time (DOT) / Heal over Time (HOT): ignored Defence, did not increase with better equipment.

Physical Attacks calculation methods:
Uses DPS system of main weapon
Point based + main hand weapon's damage + variable
Magical attacks: point based + spell's damage bonus (calculated using the casting time)
Healing: Point based + heal spell's bonus (calculated using the casting time)
Damage over Time (DOT) / Heal over Time (HOT): will be affected by (Magical) Defence and will increase with better equipment

3. Chance to Hit
Base = 100, each level difference = +/- 3%

Base = 99, each level difference = +/- 9%

4. Changes in Skills
A. Warrior

Increased rate of rage gaining. Rage calculation = set variable + weapon speed.
Reduced the rate of rage loss over time.
Surprise Attack can now be used during combat.
Blasting Cyclone is now instant cast. Cost is reduce to 35 from 50. Cool down reduced to 10 seconds from 30 seconds.
B. Rogue

Cost of Shadow Stab has been reduced to 20 from 30
Blind Stab has its cost reduced to 20 from 30 and cool down reduced to 10 seconds from 15 seconds.
Blind Spot has its cost reduced to 20 from 30
Sneak Attack has its cost reduced to 30 from 50.
C. Scout

Wind Arrow has its cost increased to 12 from 8
Target Area has its cost reduce to 3 from 5
D. Knight

Whirlwind Shield's damage will now be affected by the stats on the equipped shield.
Holy Strike can only stack 3 times.
Punishment is now physical based damage instead of light based and requires 3 light seals to use.
E. Elite Skill

Warrior/Knight's Whirlwind Shield and Shield Bash will now be affected by the stats of the equipped shield.
Qualcuno ha detto che e` il clone di wow vero?

Si tratta di fare farming e quest stile poste italiane a gogo, oppure c'e` qualcosa di piu` interessante da fare?
si potrebbe avere un sunto delle caratteristiche di questo giochino?

le arene e il pking. niente di interessante

comunque è scandaloso quanto abbiano copiato wow... ma dite che possono? l'interfaccia è UGUALE, le skill, le classi e lo stile sono tutti gli stessi di uau


sicuramente meglio un clone f2p di wow fatto così che schifezze mal riuscite wanna be different
guardati 4 story e vedi che questo con wow al confronto non c'entra nienteXD

Magari a Ufo interessa proprio il pvp/pking selvaggio alla UO/DF con drop e loot (non full) dell'avversario e qui si può divertire molto e da subito (anche prima di cappare il pg)
Inoltre stanno aggiungendo sempre nuove cose sia pve che pvp, basta leggere le patch notes.
Oltre le arene (che poi metteranno dei BG come wow o war mi sa ) è già attivo il GvG e il reputation system.

L'altro giorno ho pkappato un lvl 42 a bordo strada perchè mi dava fastidio il suo taglio di capelli e guarda cosa ha droppato.... secondo me ha quittato il gioco e si è suicidato (aveva speso pure soldi per incantare l'arma )

non mischiamo la merda con la cioccolata...