Runes of Magic [MMORPG] (f2p) Open Beta

no free to play. chi glielo fa fare di metterlo a pagamento?

come ha detto chobeat sarà sempre free to play
ma resettano i pg?
su che server giocate?
Il primo.

Il terzo Smacht, se cerchi un server PvP vieni qui sennò i primi 2 sono PvE e ci sono cmq gilde ita pure li
"Quest for Roar" è la canzone ufficiale della release di Runes of Magic.
Eseguita dai Van Canto, una band metal tedesca che compone le canzoni con il solo aiuto della batteria,verrà rieseguita per diventare la canzone ufficiale di runes of magic.

Runes of Magic again does the unexpected - the free-to-play MMO with loads of content, equal-opportunity gameplay and more than a thousand quests now has a very unusual sound-track as well.

With a new, exclusive version of their "Quest for Roar" - taken from their latest album "Hero" - German a-capella metal band Van Canto contributes the official song for Runes of Magic release.

Like Runes of Magic, Van Canto is far from ordinary, performing their melodic vocal Heavy Metal with only a drummer as support.

More on the band and the brand new album “Hero” can be found on their website

At the End of this day we are what we are
Still carrying the name they gave to us
But nevertheless we're feeling a change

A thousand voices inside are screaming out loud
We beg for every one to return a shout
The course of time, now rearranged

We are all but lost forever
Our short time here will never ever last
At least we know what we are living for

This is the quest for roar
The quest for more
it is the quest for metal
we're fighting for

From deep within with all our hearts
We're fighting for the quest for roar

From this very day on we will remain
And we will refuse to disappear again
In every blast of the storm we're spelling our name

We are all but lost forever
Our short time here will never ever last
At least we know what we are living for

This is the quest for roar
The quest for more
it is the quest for metal
we're fighting for

From deep within with all our hearts
We're fighting for the quest for roar

It's not our aim to hum to aspirate, to perish tardily
It's our goal to be and to become
and to rise constantly
sto scaricando il gioco via torrent ,sta andando lentissimo ora orcaputtana:
Colonna sonora cazzuta
Quasi finito di scaricare, mò che classe rollo? avrei intenzione di fare prete rogue, come la vedete?
giocarla con il prete come primaria non ti so dire, usano il rogue come primaria è una bella combinazione, picchi decentemente e ti curi
sto patchando
Con il rogue invece cosa ci starebbe bene per pvpare?

se scendi un po ci sono le combinazioni con i vari pro e contro
ho fatto scout/rogue , che professioni mi consigliate?
oh chi mi da na mano a fare na quest? un paio di lvl 10/15

In che server sei raving? PvP?
In questi ultimi 3 giorni non ho potuto loggare (o meglio loggavo e poi crashavo ) perchè ho problemi alla scheda video mi sa... spero non sia partita la ram

se stai sul server pvp ti aiuto volentieri io .
Patch notes - Version

Arcane Transmutor / Rune System
The overwhelming number of runes that are available in game through dismantling was higher than initially expected. Because this was seriously impacting on the initially intended balance, we have made the following changes:
The effects of the runes have changed.
All negative attributes have been changed to positive attributes.
High-tier versions of the runes have been reduced in effectiveness.
The Potential-rune was more effective than intended and had to be

New Malatina's Survival Game

A new NPC has been spotted in Varanas: Malatina. She's a clown and she has a game for you to play. But be aware: If you are below level 15, it might get too tough.
For 30 Phirius Tokens (a.k.a. "Bierdine tokens") Malatina opens a special instanced dungeon just for you.
In this dungeon you will find a playing field with 36 tiles. Under 12 of those tiles you might find hidden treasure, under the rest of the tiles lurks a monster. Don't worry too much about them, because they are adjusted to your level.
Around the field there is a matrix of pillars that can cause considerable damage, when the player enters the field wanting to search the treasure.
You have 10 minutes to disarm the pillars and dig for treasure.
At the corners there are teleporters to assist the players - especially those without the ability to tank.
If you manage to clear at least 30 tiles, you will gain a special title.
Should you manage to do much better, you have the chance to gain 2 more titles that have their very special perks...
You can only participate once a day in this event - you can not use Daily-Quest Resets.
New elite monsters have been introduced. These new Elite monsters pose new challenges and come with exciting new rewards. You can find these mobs in:
Sascillia Steps
Dragonfang Ridge

New aggro alert - alerts the player before the monster aggros.
Talent Points: will now show decimals.
Removed Bloody Gallery opening time restrictions.
Added auction house success or failed message.
Servers now are organized by language and sorted by (number of players / player load).
Removed the empty gift bags that cluttered the inventory of Lv. 35+ characters. The gift bags will return again with one of the following patches. We will then give all players of lv. 35-50 the opportunity to re-claim their gift-bags. These bags then contain some very valuable goodies.
Lv. 40+ jewels are again available through normal gameplay.

Bug Fixes
Turned off user tracking device - it is no longer possible to track the position of other players across the server.
Character self-description: Fixed a bug caused by using different languages.
Fixed an error dying the mount.
Several issues with the Mystic Altar are fixed.
Fixed a few text display errors.

Item Shop
It is now possible to buy more than one item at a time.
The link to the websites are now pointing to the right page after changing the clients language.
Fixed UI issues in the Item Shop:
"Hot Item" now show the correct amount.
Page numbers are now displayed correctly.

More text has been translated (process still ongoing)
Chat-output is now easier readable - e.g. added spaces after colons)
Some of the existing text has been revised.
Bei cambiamenti
Non ho ben capito come funzioni il sistema delle rune avete qualche link a riguardo?