Red Dead Redemption - Rockstar si da' al West

Vedere queste immagini mi fa eccitare parecchio
visto che l'hai uppato..
Analizziamo gli screenshots:

Dinamite, boom boom, ho la pelle d'adamantio le schegge non ci dicono nulla a noi.

The mighty sunset and the angry cowboy

Facciamo la pasta con le rotelline dentate

"Non avrai mai questo carico di ravioli!!!"

ceffo: "ghgh ti ho viscto ti scparo!"
hero: "fortunatamente c'è questo potentissimo steccato in legno a coprirmi metà del corpo e grazie al cielo sono dotato di tutta questa furbizia che mi permette di tenere la testa completamente allo scoperto, non mi colpirà mai hah!"

"qui hanno sepolto mio zio joe"

"red dead redemption: texas drift"

hero: "tesoro...ho portato la cena!"
moglie: "ma scusa! da quando in qua mangiamo i sacchi di merda?"

Abbiamo lavorato molto per arrivare al livello di inguardabilità di tizio n°# da film western

Ebbene sì, anche nei vg le armi si ricaricano

Nessun vero cowboy è un vero cowboy senza che sia un boy con le cow, yeppekayeay!

Il maniero del malvagio Frederick mano lesta

"Ho tirato il cane, come vedi, ora smetti di fumare maledetto punkammerda!"

Penso proprio che lascerò fare il lavoro sporco a quei due cialtroni là sotto, da lontano li headshotto e con una rapida galoppata recupero il bottino, cazzo se ne sò!

Un ebreo, un negro e un messicano, ecco chi mi tocca reclutare per fare la foto scenica della galoppata, ahhh vita sofferta
Minchia, che talento da cabarettista senza eguali.
Ma tra l'altro non ho capito perchè hai dovuto ripostarle tutte quando stanno nell'altra pagina. Solo per fare le battutine? No vero?

E' un carro comunque
gesù santo, fanculo alle screenshot e a chi le quota: ho scrollato piu' quella pagina che il cazzo in un mese di pisciate.

Io ho rovinato il mouse nuovo per scrollare la pagina.
comunque sia ci sono ancora quelle ombre de mmmerda stile GTAIV e la cosa mi preoccupa
12 things you need to know about Red Dead Redemption

1. We play as John Marston

We presumed the lead would be Red from the original Red Dead Revolver,
but it isn't. John Marston's your man. He’s voiceless in the demo (voice
talent will be confirmed later) but his body language and the scars on his
face – almost identical to Red’s – suggests he’s a no-nonsense, badass.

Marston’s background is similar to Rockstar’s other anti-hero, Niko Bellic
from GTAIV. He’s a reformed outlaw who used to run with a notorious gang.
He’s settled down with his family but all of a sudden The Bureau – who are
later to become the FBI – turn up and deliver a horrific ultimatum. From
here John’s life is thrust back into his previous dark ways.

2. It's huge

Four times as big as GTAIV's Liberty City to be exact. Our demo highlighted
the vastness perfectly as John trotted from town to town over huge
expanses of dusty desert, but that doesn’t mean there’s much to do (see
6). It’s split into three areas - the Frontier, the Plains and even Mexico.

There’s a train line that runs through the entire map too. We’re expecting
to be able to ride it between different areas in a similar way to the subway
system in GTAIV. One of the missions even involves racing along side a
locomotive and protecting it from incoming attacks.

3. It uses RAGE and Euphoria physics

A tweaked version of the GTAIV engine is being used in Red Dead
Redemption. As such the combat and movement feels very familiar, in a
good way, obviously. So John will brush past folk in a realistic pushing
motion and the people who are unlucky enough to be on the end of his
six-shooter bullet will collapse according to where they’re hit.

The highlight of this comes in a stagecoach mission. It’s a classic on-rails
jaunt as you ride shotgun for a merchant that’s just fleeced some bandits.
You can blast them off their horses (which, we’ll add, are beautifully
animated) but to demonstrate the physics a few steeds were popped in
the head to show how their riders were thrown off. It’s a bit like blowing a
tyre in GTA except horsy will crumple rather than swerve about. Nasty.

4. There'll be plenty of minigames

These games are a source of income for John. We’re expecting poker and
other card-based gambling games but the one we’ve seen is something
completely different.

Five Finger Filet is where you get a knife then stab the gaps between your
fingers. Like that thing you used to do in school with a compass to impress
your mates.

It’s a case of hitting the correct buttons as they flash on-screen. Miss the
prompt and you’ll carve into your hand. Ouch.

5. There are loads of animals

We’ve seen cougars, vultures and rabbits so far, but apparently there’ll be
armadillos, wolves and bears in Red Dead Redemption too. Not only will you
be able to hunt these beasts and sell their hides but the ecology system in
the game means bigger animals will actively hunt smaller ones. Should be
interesting watching a scrap between a grizzly and a pack of wolves.

6. Random events are a nice touch

Wander through the seemingly barren lands and you’ll witness hangings,
poor saps being dragged around by outlaws or even people being chased
by cougars, screaming for help. These aren’t just eye-candy either, no sir,
you can interact with these situations for rewards or kudos from certain

One surprising event we come across is a lady in her underwear wailing for
help near her over-turned stagecoach. As John approaches, a gang of
bandits run out to try and cut him up. It’s a setup. This lawless land will
test your moral fibre just like GTAIV does.

7. There's a new Dead Eye mode

You’ll still be able to slow down time and target six specific areas for a
quick-fire blast but this is now exclusive to pistols. The other Dead Eye
mode enables a more traditional bullet-time where you can use rifles and
shotguns to pick off gringos with the added bonus of slowing time.

8. You can become a wanted man

Act a fool too much in Red Dead Redemption and the locals will become
hostile toward you. As yet, we’ve not seen any fisticuffs involving angry
citizens but Wanted posters will pop up in towns with your face on. We’re
anticipating the ability to hunt wrong-doers down just like you could when
using GTAIV’s Most Wanted police computer.

9. The Wild West changes at night

There’s a full night/day cycle in here. When the sun sets you’ll see
campfires illuminating the wastelands. There’s talk of being able to sit down
with these campers who’ll tell tales of different things, including the actions
of Red. Nice.

It’ll no doubt be an eerie experience at night too, especially with the
danger of wolf or bear attacks in the darkness.

10. There are online multiplayer modes

We know there will be an online presence in Red Dead Redemption (we
saw it on the debug menu) but sadly, Rockstar won’t be showing anything
for a while. Still, a huge battle between cowboys and, umm, Native
Americans is an exciting prospect.

11. It's as gritty as you like

We’ve not seen any dismemberment yet, but the slow-mo shots are like
watching that bit at the beginning of Robocop – y’know where Murphy gets
filled with bullets? – but there's plenty to suggest a rather unpleasant

One mission we watch involves a woman being hung. You have to race to
her aid and cut her down but the sight of her feet kicking out is grim. We’ve
also seen a bloke being ravaged by cougars and people being dragged
behind horses.

Coupled with the roaming tumbleweed, moody soundtrack (which isn’t
confirmed but sounds amazing) and merciless bandits, you’ve never been
to a place quite like this.

12. John can use a lasso

For stringing up foes or simply snagging an animal to skin. And for the
cowboy who likes to get up close and personal, he'll also be able to use
axes and knives too. No word on brutal scalpings yet though.

The game has sadly been delayed until spring/summer 2010, but
considering how great it looks already, this can only mean it's going to be
bloody amazing when it does arrive. We can't wait.

articolo originale
Lo voglio now!
Anche io... mi sto curando con Call of Juarez e aspetto il seguito (per tacere del primo titolo su ps2).
Una cosa che dovrebbero fare imho e' la cura del sonoro e delle musiche, certamente ci avranno pensato, ma farebbe davvero colpo se si accordassero con Morricone...

Non le ha quotate, le ha ripostate tutte
Ma che v'hanno fatto le foto, non è il peggio dei mali della internets eh
La scimmia cresce
E pure sto topic c'era già....è esplosa l'anarchia? L'invasione degli utonti?
Preveggenza sulla musica: nativa americana; chitarra acustica; violini folk; tamburellate; rock generico.
Niente orchestra.

Non previsto per PC, al momento.
A seguire inserite pure una bestemmia a piacere.
Mah, sarò diventato zen ma posso aspettare.
Tanto cmq i giochi Rockstar son sempre usciti per PC... a distanza di mesi, ma li abbiamo sempre potuti giocare (anche se mi hanno detto peste e corna della versione PC di GTAIV).