Nether (survival horror MMO)

eddai, non fa più ridere questa battuta
Avete visto quanta bella roba con il primo update di Febbraio?

February Update #1
February Update #1 & Character Wipe/Tribe Pledgep
Servers will experience downtime from approximately 10 AM CST - 11 AM for the update and character wipe. Here is what you can look forward to once we get back online! First an announcement and then features in the update!

Today we are really excited to announce "TRIBES", a new feature that allows our players to join one of 16 unique tribes and battle each other in a struggle for territory. By joining a Tribe, players will be rewarded with stronger offensive and defensive skills, larger cash and loot drops, extra space to store inventory items, and more. Tribes will fight for control of the city’s strategic vantage points, which will provide the controlling tribe greater power over enemy movements, the ability to affect market prices and alter mission objectives in their favor.

Name the Tribes - Help us name the 16 tribes! Discuss and offer tribe names at this thread:!&p=70903#post70903

Join a Tribe
Players that pledge to joining a Tribe before February 15th will earn special rewards, which include a Tribe outfit (worth five Gold) and no Tribe initiation when the feature is available at the end of the month. So head to the Safe Zone to pledge to the tribesman and prepare for Tribal warfare!

Character Wipe
After warning for the last couple of patches, we are now resetting all characters and wiping stats. This is needed to fix previous exploits and bugs that have occurred during our early access. Game play should now become more balanced and the overall experience will be improved. All character inventory has been removed. All the gold players have purchased has been returned along with any gold included in the Believer and Chosen packages.

Features in the Update:
Crafting- Go to the Weaponsmith in the Safe Zone and bring components of weapons and he will craft you a new weapon! The 'recipes' for different guns are revealed as you find them. Check out the new makeshift "Can Gun" made from found parts and shotgun shell.
Nether Hunters- These cult members will give you rewards for bringing them Nether body parts that are dropped from killing creatures.
Secret: There might be a secret feature....

Notable Fixes:
· Most powerful guns will no longer spawn in the world and will need to be crafted
· Sidearm and weak gun spawn rates significantly reduced
· Removed some exploitable console commands and ini settings
· Various inventory UI fixes
· Gun damage on certain weapons will now falloff at distance so that you can’t “snipe” with a pistol
· Fixed an issue where the safezone message sometimes wasn’t there
· Sunny days are now more likely than foggy days
· Enemies will now drop loot more consistently independently of loot spawned on the map
· Reduced sprint stamina drain and increased stamina recovery rate, and fixed some bugs with stamina drain while jumping
· Various AI and item spawn balance tweaks
· Various world collision fixes
· Various Z-Fighting, seams in world, and floating objects fixed
Nether a 15 euro con vari bonus per chi lo avesse provato come guest... direi che per quel prezzo vale la pena riprovarlo
Questo gioco sta avendo un' ottimo sviluppo, guardate nell'ultimo mese quanta roba hanno aggiunto:

Primo Update:
Whats new with Nether?
Tribes, New Vehicles, New Nether, New Weapons, Improved AI and more!

Band together with your friends to control your server with the introduction of tribes!
Sign up for a Tribe in the Lakeside Safe Zone – Act now to receive your early adopter TRIBE OUTFIT reward!!
Keep in touch with your members using the Tribe Chat. (/tribe)
Outfit your character with your Tribe uniform!
Hunt Enemy Tribe Members to earn cash bounties!

Tribe Reputation: build up your renown with the new reputation system!
Gain reputation by killing Nether and players in enemy tribes.
Lose reputation by killing your own Tribe Members and survivors that are friendly towards your tribe.
Lose too much reputation and your Tribe will kick you out!
Earn a positive reputation and you'll earn bonus account points for persistent perks!

Mantis Creature: Watch the skies and listen for wings. The new Mantis Nether has arrived!
Mantis Nether has 3 new collectible parts that you can trade for new rewards at the Nether Hunters

All-Terrain Vehicle:
Grab your friends and go hunting! Hop in this new 3 seater where you drive and your friends shoot!

Persistent account level ups
Looking for some permanence to your character? Check out the new persistent account level ups. Each level you earn grants you a bonus that you’ll never lose and get every time you spawn!

Survival Bonuses:
In Nether, it’s survival of the fittest. There’s no better way to see who’s fit to stay alive than our new Survival bonuses! The longer you stay alive, the greater rewards you gain.

6 new weapons:
Pipe Sniper: Craft the new Pipe sniper for long ranged hunting!
Heartburner – Using the Mantis’ incendiary gland, this gun explodes in a spray of Hunter Spikes!
Bonespur – Nether are dangerous and it’s about time you put that to use. This sword is cobbled together from Nether parts!
Skullcleaver – just keep saying “Stop hitting yourself!!” as you cut down nether with this axe made from their fallen corpses!
Shovel – You’ve dug enough graves, so now it’s time to fill them. Hey, this handy tool can do that too!
Gravedigger – Since the stock on this impromptu Rifle is made from a shovel, the gun pretty much named itself.
Added new Metal pipe scrap item
Added new wood block item
Craftable at any Vlad Gunsmith

Nether AI Improvements:
Nether behaviors are now more befitting of the monsters they are.
Trying losing your attackers by ducking in buildings and hiding places they can’t see you to get them off your trail.
If you make a loud noise, get out of there!! If they don’t see you, they might just leave.
Take refuge in buildings if you’re afraid of those prying eyes and ears. Nether can’t hear so well through walls!
No place is safe anymore. Now the Outposts periodically come under attack! See if you can activate the Anti-Nether Devices to save the outpost without alerting the Nether!

Creature Mode:
Make your way to the Safe Zone and purchase the Nether potion! Take up the reins as a crawler! Hunt those pesky survivors down and devour their bodies!
The crawler is quick and agile. He can run much faster and jump much higher than any survivor.
Teleport around using the Left Mouse. Watch your stamina! When you run out, you reappear.
Constant hunger - you're always hungry for more humans! Make sure to take them out whenever you find them or you'll starve!

Secondo Update:
Territory Wars: Territory Wars have arrived! Grab your tribesmen and capture strategic locations for the prosperity of your Tribe. You and every member of your tribe earn in-game bonuses and money for all the territories you hold so protect them with your life! Capture territories faster with more tribesmen
* Every hour you hold a territory you earn money. More territories means higher earnings!
* Make sure to maintain the territories you control.
* If you leave them abandoned too long the other tribes will notice and it will no longer be under your control!

We have added several buildings for capture throughout
Burnham city and the Wastelands
The Salary Center - Increases cash awarded from cash pickups by 50%, increases cash rewards from all objectives by 25%
St William’s - Spawns a variety of food items in the control point at faster intervals than normal
Highway Tower - Grants a bonus to the amount of ammo awarded from pickups and purchases
Shopping Center - Grants 50% bonus experience for all actions
Warehouse - Increases reputation gains for all tribe members by 25%
David’s Memorial Church - Increases the capture speed of attacking a control point for each tribe member
Business Park - Spawns 2 Motorcycles and 2 buggies in the capture point
Westside Park - Grants all tribe members health regeneration while they are near the capture point
Low Rise Building - Offers better Nether Trading Rates than other traders, can only be accessed by the tribe that controls it
Apartment Complex - Spawns a variety of low to mid-tier guns in the area around the control point
Map Control: Capturing territories gives your tribe control over a portion of the map. Take over more territories to control more of the map!
* Servers now show which tribe has majority control over a map
* Capturing Buildings and territories will show how much of Burnham your tribe controls on the map

Wastelands: The Map has doubled in size! The barricades are down and a new section of Burnham is ripe for the taking! Be among the first to reap the unfound rewards of the Wasteland!
* A passage has been cleared to the wastelands in the west
* Explore a new area that is the size of the current Burnham
* The wastelands have been almost entirely enveloped in toxic waters so watch where you’re walking

New loot system: I wonder what’s in there! We’ve revamped our scavenging and loot system to be more intuitive and easy to understand. You’ll now find loot stashed away in many various hiding places. No more finding a bag of chips sitting on the floor of a subway!
* Added numerous searchable items to the world
* Looting objects now takes player stats into account to help new players find better loot more often
* Freshly looted areas now have open and empty states to shows players loot was there but someone got to it first!

Golden Chests: All loot points have the chance to be filled with valuables! People have locked these goodies away and they can only be unlocked with a skeleton key the is purchasable at any market. You do NOT drop your chest keys on death.
* You must have a key to unlock the golden chest
* Locked lootables will glow gold

Playable female character: The future of humanity has been secured! Females are now playable in Nether
* Added a new, free “Survivalist” template to character select
* Added a female tribes member for every tribe

Underwear Template: Get caught with your pants down! This new outfit is the epitome of dressing down. Sport the boxers of your choice for everyone to see!

Custom Taunts: You can now purchase taunts at the marketplace. Each taunt is a unique animation your character plays on demand! Taunts can be previewed before purchase, you can purchase and use as many taunts as are available. Equipping a taunt:
* To make use of the new taunts in the world of Nether, you must first select (or purchase) the taunt that you want on the character customization screen before logging in.
* Once you've logged in, press "Esc" and select "Controls".
* In the Top Right section of the "Controls" submenu you'll see the option to map the Taunt function to a keybinding. Click "Remap", select the key you would like to use to taunt, and you're ready to rock!
* Once it's mapped, press the key you've chosen and unleash your taunt on the world.
* To change taunts while in the world, simply press "Enter" to bring up the chat interface. This will raise a list of the taunts that you have unlocked on the left side of the screen. Click one of these taunts to play it.
* The game will use the last played taunt as your active taunt when you press the taunt hotkey.
* New taunts can be purchased with Nether Gold from the character customization screen before logging in.

Riot Shield: Everyone knows cover is for chumps! Grab the riot shield and charge them head on!
* Added two riot shield melee weapons that can block bullets
* Can be obtained via trades with the Order of the Cull

Waypoints:Sick of constantly having to open your map to make sure you’re on track? Try out the waypoint system now. Place one where you want to go and just follow the marker on the HUD. Use this to coordinate with your group or tribe for uninterrupted travel!
* Right click anywhere on your map to place a waypoint
* Right click a placed waypoint to remove it

Safe Spawning: On a fresh life, you have the ability to choose whether you spawn in a randomly chosen Safe Zone or in a random spot in the world!

Tutorials Quest System: Learn all there is to know about Nether! Every first time user will have a helpful, but optional tutorial that will teach all of the features of the game. Most important, get some free gear

Helpful Hints:
How to use a flashlight
* To use a flashlight in Nether, find a flashlight in the world or purchase one at a Safe Zone or Outpost
* Once the flashlight is in your inventory, simply press "F" (defaulty key) to toggle the light on or off.
* Flashlights can be purchased with Cash or Nether Gold from vendors in the Safe Zones and Outposts.

How to use flares
Flares are useful tools that can be thrown to distract Nether or to visibly mark objectives in the world for you and your allies to work towards. To use flares, you must first find them in the world or purchase flares from the Safe Zone
* Open your inventory, find the flare, right-click it and set it to a quickslot
* Now, press the quickslot button to throw the flare in front of you into the world.
* This process will also allow you to use Grenades, Smoke Bombs, Flash Bangs, Nether Pheromones or Sonic Repulsors
* Flares can be purchased from vendors in the Safe Zones and Outposts.
pssh, non dite troppo ad alta voce che è un gioco che sta diventando interessante che se no arriva Punisher !

Con che fazione ti sei arruolato tu?
Io sono entrato negli Stalker e ieri eravamo su un server Uncontested... il gioco è passato ad essere praticamente un gioco di guerra.
L'atmosfera che si respirava ieri sui server era epica.

mi ha sempre intrippato sto gioco ma odio gli zombie

non ci sono zombie

davvero? ma dice horror :O wuuut
Sto gioco mi intrippa, ma ho paura di prendere un bidone.
L'engine è fluido o è una merda alla DayZ ?

Ci sono "mostri" ma non sono zombie sono più tipo alieni

l'engine è l'udk 3.5. Lo hanno sistemato un bel po' dalla release della beta.

Ho 3 key demo se volete, mandatemi via pm la vostra e-mail

Hai PM
Anzi, se te ne avanza un'altra, e nessuno la vuole, mandami pure quella che lo faccio provare ad un amico.
Sempre che nessun altro la vuole.
Ok, inviate tutte e tre
Nuoooooo, ne volevo una anch'io
thx Tizio
Sono stato nella nuova area... praticamente l'opposto di quella iniziale.
Se nella città sono all'ordine del giorno la claustrofobia e gli scontri ravvicinati, nelle paludi la situazione è al contrario... zone aperte e vastissime, zone ideali per chi ama cecchinare o avere scontri sulla lunga distanza.

Oggi ho guerreggiato un pò su un server per il controllo di una chiesta, alla fine ci siamo ritrovati in 3 fazioni a combattere per quella fottuta chiesa.
Il gioco IMO ha preso la giusta piega inserendo quello che dico dagli albori dei tempi (fin dalla mod di DayZ), ovvero le fazioni.
Finalmente il gioco non è più un KoS, ma ora si collabora per raggiungere determinati obiettivi e avere il controllo della città.
Finalmente vedo membri delle varie fazioni che invece di uccidere i poveri neutrali provano a corromperli e a farli entrare nei loro ranghi
E infine Finalmente esiste la cooperazione (quella seria) anche nel PvP.

Ottimo lavoro agli sviluppatori
qui danno via key per provarlo...
Finite, peccato.
Ma 'sto giochino ha ancora gli enormi problemi di 6 mesi fa o han fixato un po' alla volta?