Kick Ass

a parte l'ultimo assalto IT al nord, che è andata a finire come è andata, da quando Raiden. ha annunciato un full deployament sia a livello di risorse in game che sul piano strategico morale ( e chissa' che altro al di fuori), ero sicuro che questo giro qualcosa di diverso c'era...

anche se ora è presto per parlarne come dice shadoo, è son giorni e mesi che la NC accumula figure di merda in modi pietosi, tanto quanto rage e magesta, ma da ally veterane come MM e razor proprio no.

Personalmente non vedo l'ora che crepino (mm e razor), e spero che avvenga pure presto.
certo che farebbe veramente ridere e pensare veramente male, SE tribute andasse a troie e nerfassero 2 giorni dopo le lune tec
As you witnessed more then a dozen Tribute CSAAs along with several important towers were reinforced in Tribute core. I doubt we can do shit today (Monday) but if we don’t field EVERYTHING we have including ALL SUPERCAPS on Tuesday evening and defend everything what is reinforced, we can be realistic to say that we lost this war. We need to admit to ourselves that NC is broken in several areas, and its sad that we had to face reality on worst possible way, but thats the life.

E' la fine allora oggi....
Omg -42- resettano la NC
ma -42- non erano mostly harmless? vabbè capirai..averli o non averli non è che sarebbe cambiato granchè alla nc, non solo non san giocare ma non portano nemmeno numeri decorosi.

btw sarà un troll
Ma questo implica che MH, Goon, WI. e altri debbano protrudere una posizione nei confronti di Razor e MM il che vuol dire che la NC va a pezzi...

Probabile sia un troll visto che il tipo che l'ha scritto si trova bellamente senza corp...
la NC è già morta .. così pare a leggere il "giornale" di oggi
attendo con ansia un "ritorno alle radici"


(per chi sa l'inglese) ... il discorso funebre di NC:

devo ammettere che sentirlo dal portatile nuovo che mi hanno regalato è una figata pazzesca

che rosicata pazzesca, chi è quello che parla all'inizio ?
per favore fate un tldr in italiano xD

cmq sia, godo come una troia che ha ricevuto 2000 euro. <-

e un vaf**** a tutti quei cretini che piangono e elemosinano alla ccp dicendo che WN & company fanno RTM. In primis Mittani, ipocriti fino la morte.

congratulazioni a tutti i partecipanti

ps: centra spike come FC dovrebbe far scompisciare
non lo conosco Mik
Distruzione di ogni modalità di trasporto (JF): ON lol
E ci sono capitati in mezzo anche i Fenix divina...
tl;dr ... Kesper North vs. Vuk Lau


2:30:27 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: RAWR is reseting FA for Zagdul being retard tomorrow after DT
2:31:02 AM Kesper North: what?
2:31:04 AM Kesper North: dude
2:31:06 AM Kesper North: seriously?
2:31:13 AM Kesper North: that had a lot more to do with killer2 being retard
2:31:41 AM wi-usny-arkon-hjallian: ^^
2:31:50 AM Kesper North: all FA did was go to killer2 and ask how they could help
2:31:58 AM Kesper North: and instead killer2 took a huge smelly shit on them
2:31:59 AM wi-usny-arkon-hjallian: but still, if people want to stop feet and wave their epeen
2:32:03 AM wi-usny-arkon-hjallian: stomp*
2:32:15 AM Kesper North: and the only thing zagdul did was say "hey, i don't appreciate how you're treating me"
2:32:52 AM Kesper North: you should have been THANKING him
2:32:57 AM Kesper North: not saying "hurrr you're a shitty pet"
2:33:01 AM Kesper North: he was loyal
2:33:04 AM Kesper North: and active
2:33:08 AM Kesper North: and you are shitting on him for no reason
2:34:04 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: its not about it
2:34:12 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: its not about that at all
2:34:26 AM Kesper North: Then what it is about?
2:34:46 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: read up
2:35:35 AM Kesper North: i've scrolled up 50% of my buffer and all i see is people lolling about the MH disband troll
2:35:37 AM Kesper North: dude
2:35:41 AM Kesper North: seriously
2:35:43 AM Kesper North: what the fuck
2:35:51 AM Kesper North: what has FA done to incur your wrath?
2:36:00 AM Kesper North: they are your loyal subjects in the most literal fashion!
2:36:14 AM Kesper North: they practically live in fountain yet they refuse to reset you! and still wanted to help!
2:36:44 AM Kesper North: even though killer2 decided to tell them that they were not wanted
2:36:46 AM Kesper North: seriously, idgi
2:37:34 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: (11:30:45 AM) rawr-4s-vuk-lau: RAWR is reseting FA for Zagdul being retard tomorrow after DT
2:37:50 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: he yet states everywhere that he cares about NC
2:37:55 AM Kesper North: "for Zagdul being retard" is pretty fucking vague
2:38:09 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: where FA involvement in NC business were next to none, but I cant really blame him for that
2:38:11 AM Kesper North: yes he does
2:38:23 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: but stating he doesnt care about politics only ifghting
2:38:45 AM Kesper North: but vuk
2:38:47 AM Kesper North: he said
2:38:47 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: he is leaking private chatlogs on kugu in order for him to looks awesome
2:38:53 AM Kesper North: "i want to be more involved and help more"
2:38:55 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: I am resetting RAWR for having no FC and spending trillions of tech for stupid stuff
2:39:06 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: I will reset anyone for being such retard
2:39:16 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: I dont fucking care what he said
2:39:21 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: I know what he is doing

2:39:29 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: vuk gimme executive so I can fucking kick useless corps
2:39:30 AM Kesper North: you apparently don't understand simple things like cause and effect
2:39:31 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and I dont need suck allies
2:39:35 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: imperian stfu
2:39:41 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: no I am quite serious
2:39:51 AM Kesper North: lol
2:39:54 AM rawr-hіrr-imperian: 4s is оne of them
2:39:57 AM Kesper North: wow, you аre so out of touch
2:40:05 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: maybe I am
2:40:06 AM Kesper North: seriously vuk think about it
42-gcor-riu-stuka [[email protected]/3271178141307761562233] entered the room. (2:40:17 AM)
2:40:25 AM Kesper North: PREVIOUSLY‚ FA might have been irrelevant
2:40:31 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: at least now when NC will cease to exist
2:40:50 AM Kesper North: then one day, their leader comes to your 2nd in command and says "all right i want to help you as best i can"
2:40:54 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: I can reset all the fucktards who were shittalking about my alliance
2:41:00 AM Kesper North: and your 2nd in command says "whatever faggot, i don't give a shit"
2:41:08 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: they got a good point imo
2:41:09 AM Kesper North: so what is that leader then supposed to do?
2:41:11 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and then he goes and leaks chatlogs
2:41:18 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: FOR SURΕ NOT TO LEAK CHATLOGS ON KUGU
2:41:27 AM rawr-hіrr-imperian: thats actually true
2:41:54 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: jesus. I leak a lоt of ( useless stuff ) from here but thаt shit on kugu is on the edge
2:41:59 AM Kesper North: you're redirecting
2:42:05 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: no I am not
2:42:13 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: you are missing the point
2:42:14 AM Kesper North: the fact of the matter is that killer2 was way off the fucking reservation when he said that shit
2:42:21 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: so?
2:42:29 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: anyways‚ I am creating a new alliance and need an alliance leader for it, anyone up for it ?
2:42:39 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: can you imagine how many shit I got from majority of people here
2:42:42 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: including you
2:42:49 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: ( official alliance leader is gonna be Korenchkin )
2:42:51 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: did I leaked any of those chatlogs to fucking Pl
2:42:59 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: while stating I dont care about politics
2:43:22 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: but still acting like the real fucked up politician
2:43:49 AM Kesper North: so i will concede that leaking private chatlogs may be ~dirty pool~
2:43:51 AM Kesper North: but
2:44:04 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: there is no but
2:44:14 AM Kesper North: killer2 did not treat your allies in a way that inclines them to continue to be your allies
2:44:15 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: btw
2:44:22 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: I have like 4gb chatlogs from jabber
2:44:29 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: since 2008
2:44:35 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: I will RMT them to PL
2:44:42 AM Kesper North: vuk, if you will condone killer2's actions in this, the collapse of your coalition is your own fault
2:44:54 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: haha
2:44:55 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: if you had a private convo with me that you dont wanna have leaked, pay me 1bil
2:44:58 AM Kesper North: because the only thing he did in that convo was alienate a willing ally
2:44:58 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: dont try to twist things
2:45:05 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: yeah really good ally
2:45:25 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: you dont know what happened later
2:45:28 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: FA is in a better shape than RAWR atm tbh
2:45:29 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: when I talked with Zagdul
2:45:36 AM Kesper North: what happened later?
2:45:38 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: well, even MH is in a better shape
2:45:45 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: exactly
2:45:47 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: you dont know
2:45:54 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: anyway
2:45:57 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: why I even bother
2:46:04 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: keep discussing, I will just throw random comments into the conversation, dont mind me
2:46:12 AM 42-ukc-reza-najafi: aren't you at work impy
2:46:16 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: I am
2:46:33 AM 42-ukc-reza-najafi: k, just checkin
2:46:43 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: wanna visit me ?
2:46:44 AM Kesper North: well, if you don't tell me… zagdul will
2:46:49 AM cei-callum545: impy
2:46:57 AM cei-callum545: nevermind
2:46:57 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: sup
2:47:02 AM rawr-4s-killer2: Will wait for Zagdul to leak those logs too
2:47:07 AM Kesper North: so if you want your side of the story heard, it would be better if you tell it
2:47:58 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: hahahahahahahaha
2:48:04 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: do you think I fucking care?
2:48:06 AM rawr-hirr-imperian: I can tell it !
2:48:15 AM Kesper North: please do! i am most curious
2:48:19 AM rawr-hirr-imperian:
(4:15:52 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: I hope you know what you are doing
(4:16:07 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: but to me it looks like you arent embarrassing only yourself, but also our whole alliance
(4:16:27 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: who else is he broadcasting this to?
(4:20:12 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: well, do you have any idea what you are talking about ?
(4:20:34 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: yup
(4:20:47 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: (12:17:22 PM) rawr-4s-killer2: This isn't about FA's involvement, this is about your personal involvement.
(12:17:41 PM) rawr-4s-killer2: Go back and read exactly what I've said
(12:18:24 PM) rawr-4s-killer2: I have been waiting for you and I to have this chat, because I have to admit I have not been impressed by you.
(12:18:28 PM) [email protected]/1814047901306562680234236: You're aware that I just recently assumed CΕO of the allіance right?
(12:18:52 PM) rawr-4s-killer2: I'm happy tо get everything on the tаble and clear the air though
(4:27:28 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: but basically you are shitting on an alliance which is in a better shape than your own alliance ?
(4:28:52 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: I am not shitting on him
(4:29:02 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: He asked if he can be invited into the NC leadership channels
(4:29:35 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: and up until now‚ he has not actively participated in any kind of NC direction. We've had countless of NC leadership meetings for a number of months now. FA has not sent anyone (despite having access to the NC leadership forums)
(4:31:09 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: well, FA is more aligned to goons
(4:31:28 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: Well, more aligned to TΕST really. But that's the poіnt I am making tо Zаgdul
(4:31:39 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: They have made it quite clear they want to become full members of the DC‚ not the NC
(4:32:25 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: and that's where Zagdul's attention has been lately. Politically aligned to the DC while neglecting anything to do with NC leadership/direction
(4:32:38 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: and whats the problem with that ? look at our leadership and FCs, jesus even I want to be rather in test than MM
(4:32:42 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: and now he comes in, makes 1 post on the NC leadership forums and wants to be invited to all communication channels
(4:33:09 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: Not even Goons have access to the NC leadership jabber channel
(4:33:31 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: TΕST wіll fail cascade sоon, I wouldn't wаste your time with them
(4:34:45 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: you realize that Fa gave test a finger and told them they gonna stay with the NC ?
(4:35:01 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: I am not quite sure that you have an overview about what is happening
(4:35:07 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: Nope‚ because Zagdul and I have never had a conversation up until now
(4:35:14 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: or you seem to have sources that I dont have
(4:37:26 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: I'm well aware of what's going on
(4:37:42 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: that test and FA are in a better shape than MM ?
(4:37:57 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: Yeah, RAWR is sucking balls right now
(4:38:18 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: Which is also why you should come back and start being awesome again
(4:38:41 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: nah, that chapter is over for me
(4:38:55 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: shame really, we could use you right now
(4:39:24 AM) [email protected]/15167197661306519552516698: it wouldnt really make a difference, stuff is fucked for too long to repair it within a month or two
(4:40:33 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: The message I was trying to get to Zagdul is that I am not about to invite someone into the NC leadership channels if they have made it perfectly clear their interests are not with the NC, but more so the DC. And up until 5 minutes ago, that message from FA has been pretty strong
(4:40:57 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: I also told him that this isn't about FA's performance. This is more about his own personal involvement with NC operations as the FA leader.
(4:41:30 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: I don't think he got that message though, perhaps I didn't exactly deliver it in the right way as I'm not exactly in the most diplomatic mood (jet lagged)
(4:43:39 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: the other impression I get from Zagdul is that he is more inclined to share FA shit with then he is with sharing with NC leadership. Most of the time I had to find out about FA's direction and objectives from his posts on rather than the NC leadership forums.
(4:44:30 AM) [email protected]/12783737141306630544350224: I mean, that's his call really but at the end of the day it doesn't really look good when he's talking about sov transfers on then 1 day later it's posted on the NC leadership forums.
2:48:29 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: curiosity killed the cat
rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah [[email protected]/..] entered the room. (2:48:43 AM)
2:48:49 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and he cant leak shit cause ti was not on jabber
2:48:50 AM Kesper North: i'd say the cat is smugly licking its chops atm
2:48:55 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and he didnt recorded it
2:49:06 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: but anyway
2:49:18 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: I know to recognize a lying idiots
2:49:48 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: I really dont have anything against FA
2:49:56 AM Kesper North: we were all loyal idiots at one time
2:50:02 AM Kesper North: FA is more loyal than most
2:50:07 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: not to RAWR
2:50:13 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: FA maybe
2:50:17 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: ZAgdul - NO
2:50:20 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: but he is their leader
2:50:29 AM Kesper North: how do you differentiate between an alliance and its leader
2:50:33 AM Kesper North: wait
2:50:40 AM Kesper North: so he went to you and said "how can we help"
2:50:46 AM Kesper North: but he's disloyal
2:50:55 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: hahahahahaha
2:51:01 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: so I comes to gents
2:51:05 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and say how I can help
2:51:12 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and I didnt do shit till then
2:51:13 AM 42-ukc-reza-najafi: oh gosh imperian is so seriouse in that convo, it's disgusting
2:51:15 AM Kesper North: vuk seriously i am getting this whole stalin 1948 vibe from you
2:51:24 AM Kesper North: it's not pretty
2:51:36 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and I am getting Bush 2008 vibe from you
2:51:39 AM Kesper North: worse yet i have this feeling that it is now 1991 and you have not caught up
2:51:55 AM rawr-4s-killer2: it's 2011 dude...
2:52:30 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and just for the record
2:53:06 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: its not really that important that FA is being reset tomorrow
2:53:07 AM Kesper North: I also want to point out that it wasn't Zagdul who posted this stuff in the first place, he quoted a bunch of stuff in gfallies while trying to hold his temper. At which point it became prudent to just send the whole log to alliance leadership, after which it leaked.
2:53:25 AM Kesper North: So I wouldn't blame Zagdul for it, really. Too many names associated with the issue.
2:53:33 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: when we will reset the rest of the shit-on-NC crew in enxt couple of days
2:53:42 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: hahahahahaha
2:53:57 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: you are really dumb kesper and I dont know why are you so fucking anal about defending Zagdul
2:54:08 AM Kesper North: because zagdul is my brosef!
2:54:17 AM Kesper North: he is a standup guy who works hard and is unjustly accused
2:54:19 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: good for you
2:54:30 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: than reset RAWR
2:54:36 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: and stand up for him
2:54:42 AM Kesper North: and i'm really sad to see a guy who i thought was something approximately approaching the light of justice in eve to say things like this
2:54:44 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: like real brosef should do
2:54:52 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: light of justice in ΕVE
2:54:56 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: dear lord you are so full of shіt
2:55:09 AM Kesper Nоrth: err, i'm sorry, wаs i unclear
2:55:16 AM Kesper North: i am resetting you on friday
2:55:24 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: lets disband and remake calling it band of brosef's
2:55:27 AM Kesper North: that is what 'resetting the NC' means
2:55:33 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: every corp is to do wormhole
2:55:41 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: and jita ganking
2:55:57 AM cei-callum545: so we will be the new orphanage?
2:56:04 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: yup
2:56:07 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: we will be awesome
2:56:21 AM cei-callum545: imperian is the new snot snot then
2:57:18 AM Kesper North: anyway‚ i am greatly distressed to see how you treat your allies, vuk, and even sadder to see the way that your paranoia has affected you to the point of resetting otherwise loyal friends
2:57:23 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: well regardless to all this nonsence, it really boils down to the fact that MM did not pull there weight for the last 5 months and now were fucked, so lets look to whats next appart from whats happened
2:57:45 AM Kesper North: i mean who gives a shit about resetting GΕNTS, FA were legіtimately cоmmitted to you
2:57:50 AM Kesper North: аnd instead killer2 took a dump on them
2:58:00 AM Kesper North: and sure‚ they got mad about it
2:58:02 AM Kesper North: but jesus
2:58:05 AM Kesper North: this is how you repay them?
2:58:27 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: kesper whats done is done,
2:58:28 AM Kesper North: you have your priorities wrong, my friend
2:58:44 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: move on andlets find something new to do
2:58:59 AM cei-callum545: play farming simulator 2011
2:59:01 AM Kesper North: rawr-tgrad-ronan-teisdari: sycophancy is all the rage in the new world order, i hear
2:59:17 AM Kesper North: gah, all you tgrads sound alike
2:59:26 AM Kesper North: rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: sycophancy, etc
3:00:32 AM rawr-4s-vuk-lau: kesper I think you shouldnt lecture anyone about treating allies and spaceship friends
3:01:16 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: kesper your 3 members in nc fleets leaves you inept in joining this conversation
3:02:34 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: and kesper you need to google the word sycophancy
3:02:46 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: "It suggests someone who brings all kinds of charges and proves none"
3:03:01 AM Kesper North: the primary reason for that is because no one could decide whether we were supposed to be in the north or the south! i literally got conflicting orders every day for two weeks
3:03:27 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: so stay out of it and stop making yourself look bad in a situatuion that you dont need to be in bud
3:03:40 AM rawr-oi-nunu-dagobah: in fact i htijnk im going to do the same
3:04:14 AM Kesper North: i am proud of you for going to wikipedia and reading the etymology section!
3:04:27 AM Kesper North: however you are not adept enough to read the modern usage of the word!
3:04:33 AM Kesper North: 1. One who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another.
3:04:38 AM 42-ukc-reza-najafi: IMPΕRIAN STOP RL WORK AND COMMENT HERE
3:04:42 AM Kesper North: 2. One who seeks to gaіn thrоugh the powerful аnd influential.

alcuni RAWR sono tanto pieni di merda da scoppiare
PL tengu fleet = PVP bot

<--- questo è vero ... se qualcuno di voi gioca a BC2, fate un salto sul server Pandemic Legion ... nel search P e L devono essere maiuscole.

tipo ?
asd vero mi ero dimenticato che hanno rifatto la corp -_-
un po' di par condicio non fa male NCdot ftw

NC. è un'alleanza di merda, il fatto che wicked princess stia nel canale FC dice tutto

Ma è vero o è un fake? Sinceramente pensavo che i manifesti con scritto "la NC è morta" fossero solo propaganda.
Se MM scappa, razor riesce a sopravvivere?