Guild Wars 2[MMO][CO-RPG]

Sì ma fatelo uscireeeeeeeeee maledetti, è king kong.

se ne riparla fra 12 mesi, minimo.

Dai che fra poco esce Cataclysm.

cacca pupu'
due giochi che non ci pigliano molto l'uno con l'altro

si ma utente medio di wow beliva in gw2

e ne resterà deluso

imba la draw distance nella prima zona


se piace ad un utente medio di wow probabilmente non piace a me

Si, puro egoismo


Già mi immagino la gente che spera di dominare in pvp come su wow, affidandosi al farmin, al nerdaggio osceno e al resto... poi arriva dopo 2 anni un loro amico che si crea il pg pvp e fa stragi maggiori delle loro nel giro di un giorno

ma la fava grossa anche
Ma esiste una closed beta di GW2?

Ho trovato solo sto sito dove segnarsi, ma sembra quasi un sito scam/spam

(E poi sul sito ufficiale non sembrano parlare di CB.)
conviene segnalarlo

ma infatti i cazzoni wowwari nerd imho tempo 2 mesi e mollano gw2

non esiste nessuna beta, quel sito dev'essere fatto per scammare i polli.

In realtà il gioco non è strutturato in maniera molto diversa da wow (anche se chiaramente le meccaniche sono completamente differenti): c'è un pve con i controcazzi, c'è un pvp aperto dove chinuque può joinare col suo pg pve in qualsiasi momento (usando lo stesso livello e lo stesso uquip), e c'è un pvp competitivo dove tutti partono allo stesso livello e con lo stesso equipaggiamento.
preso dall ultima intervista rilasciata(ho sottolineato la parte più importante)


Ten Ton Hammer: We know that there will be both PvP and PvE aspects to the game. Once players hit level 80 to you expect to have more of a focus on one type of gameplay over another such as competitive PvP?

Lead Designer Eric Flannum: Not really. Philosophically the thing we think is that we don’t want to ask someone to play a different game when they hit level 80 than they were playing to get to that point. What that means I think is if you were a player who just plays PvP – in World vs. World PvP it is possible to start as a level 2 character and level all the way up to 80 – if you did that we don’t want to force you to go do dungeons.
If you’re a player that likes PvE and you really like dungeons and mostly focus on them as you level up, we also don’t want to force you to participate in World vs. World as an endgame. World vs. World is kind of its own endgame, where it’s a constantly evolving PvP game.
For events, we have a system where you can go back and experience them. So if you really like events and enjoy playing through them, what you can do there is take your level 80 character and go back to an area that maybe you didn’t go to before. It’s a huge game world, so let’s say you’re a human but you never went to the Sylvari starter area. You can go back to that area any time you want, even when you level past it and it will sidekick you down automatically when you get there so that you can do those events.
You’ll still be really powerful for that area, but you’re powerful in a way that you won’t break the events. Some will still be easier for you, but let’s say you really like The Shatterer or maybe you never even fought it before, you can go back and do that. As for dungeons, there are multiple dungeons when you hit level 80 but even there you can do the same sort of thing where you can go back to a dungeon and play through it at any time.
So the basic idea there is that we don’t want to force a particular playstyle on you when we didn’t ask you to do that the whole time you were playing up to level 80. We want you to be able to play the same game you enjoyed. Certainly you could decide to branch out and try the World vs. World thing to see where it goes; we don’t restrict you from experiencing different things either in that sense.

Ten Ton Hammer: Another design philosophy question: are you expecting to have crafted items like armor be on par with, or in some way better than normal loot you’d find?

Eric: Our philosophy on that stuff is that we want it to be different, but not superior or inferior to other items. We do want it to be the case where say you’re an armorsmith, you can make stuff that you want to wear and that other people will want to wear. But again it’s also a thing where we don’t want to force people into particular playstyles.
So there will be really good gear obtainable through dungeons, through your personal story, or from random drops in the world, and then there will also be really good gear obtainable that’s crafted.
Our goal with our crafting philosophically is that you’ll never make an item that is a throwaway item. You’ll always be making something that is going to be valuable to someone. Whether it’s for yourself, whether it’s to put on the auction house, whether it’s a consumable that people want, there’s never a time when you’re just making something to increase your skill and then you’re just going to vendor it or chuck it or whatever else you’d do with it afterwards.

Ten Ton Hammer: Another hot topic with the community is the Transmutation Stones. There’s some concern about the extent of the microtransactions in the game, but I’m not going to ask you that question since I know you’re not there quite yet. But folks are wondering if things will remain mostly in the ‘services’ category, or if we’ll see other items for sale such as consumables or things of that nature.

Eric: I think we want to keep it in the vein of purely cosmetic stuff. Where that line is, is obviously arguable. For example I’ve seen places where a lot of people think Transmutation Stones aren’t purely cosmetic, but clearly we think it is. It’s almost like your definition of grind. It can be difficult to go to that point.
A better way to phrase that is that it is not our intent to make it where people feel they have to purchase things to play the game, or feel like they need to spend money on additional things. For example we’ve gotten the question regarding transmutation stones of, “does this mean that you guys are making armors really ugly at higher levels because then that will force us to transmute.” Our answer was of course no, we would never do that. We’re considering this a convenience for players and a cool thing; we’re not going to cripple the game just to make a buck.
We’ve already said what our leveling curve is like, so we’re not going to turn around now and say we changed our minds and will be selling experience potions and scrolls. We’re not going to do that.
I mean, I can understand why there are trepidations about it. And the thing is we’re not asking people to just take our word for it, because we’ll release more details as soon as we’re ready to release them. The big thing I would say is that I hope they take it as a sign of integrity that we talked about the fact that transmutation stones are mostly available through the in-game store. The thing was we debated this internally where we said we really need to talk about the transmutation stones if we’re going to talk about how our items work and all of that. And our thought was that we really should because otherwise it would seem very much like a bait and switch if we never really bothered mentioning they’ll be available in the in-game store, and people will feel like we’re lying to them and we don’t want to do that.

modelli 3d gw2







lolwut, i guerrieri ancora con il fisico ultrapompato, andrò di Ipno ancora una volta

inoltre, andrebbe ritoccato il distacco tra barba e pelle imho, per il resto va benissimo per essere un mmorpg, l' importante è che le animazioni siano fluide e naturali

quelli sono norn ...l ultimo è un umano
a me pare scout