[GTA IV] Recensione IGN, tenetevi forte

vabbè mi vedo pure quella di gametrailers... non ce la faccio

l'ho visto pure io mgso e sinceramente non mi piace manco un po. Tralasciando l'aspetto grafico che fa un po schifo ma è una beta, anche il gameplay è bruttino, la catapulta poi

metal gear solid che conosco io non ''funziona'' in deathmatch

ps: ma come mai gli omini piegati sembra che caghino per terra?
euro gamer parla di frame drop e di pop in nella versione ps3 nonostante l'hard disk.... è un problema insito nel gioco allora
Su NeoGAF un utente linka la recensione svedese http://www.gamereactor.se/recensione...Theft+Auto+IV/ e dice:

"Swedish Gamereactor mentioned in their 10/10 review that they were pretty surprised regarding the difference between the PS3 and 360-versions. The PS3-version features better colours, contrast, load times and what looks to be better resolution textures. The game also looks sharper and has a more stable fps."

Non conoscendo lo svedese non posso sapere se è effettivamente scritto così

Traduco dall'inglese del post, per i non anglofoni:

"Gli svedesi di Gamereactor hanno menzionato nella loro recensione di essere rimasti molto colpiti dalle differenze tra la versione Ps3 e 360. La versione Ps3 ha miglior colori, contrasto, caricamenti e risoluzione delle texture. Il gioco, inoltre, appare più "nitido" e ha un framerate più stabile."

Bene o male, da tutti gli articoli che ho letto, direi che entrambe le versioni sono state sviluppate con cura

Ci sono alcune opinioni contrastanti sulle due versioni, anche se tutte concordano sul fatto che la versione Ps3 sia leggermente migliore. Insomma, compratela sulla console che avete, e se avete entrambe le console scegliete quella dove ci giocano i vostri amici


Ma ci hai giocato, oppure no? Questo è il punto

Se lo hai provato con mano, allora va bene, va a gusti (anche se molti hanno cambiato idea dopo aver fatto un pò di pratica, visto che non è un gioco immediato)

si, e ribadisco la grafica non è il suo punto forte oggettivamente, pensavo nel gameplay ma boh... non convince per niente, basta solo l'esempio di cosa bisogna fare per lanciara na granata, vabbè poi magari sono io abituato a tps ''diversi''.
Questo non è mgs imho, e spero non ci assomigli nemmeno lontanamente il 4 il parecchie cose.

Beh non è mgs, è mgo

Io non ho problemi con le granate

Comunque direi di parlarne sull'altro thread :P
si infatti siamo ottissimi, e comunque rimani un fottuto fanboy

scherzo ciaoooo
qui c'è dell'altro

How's the game? Any good?
Yes, yes it is. Check out our GTA IV review. It's spoiler-free and almost totally free of "teh biases"!

Should I get the PlayStation or Xbox 360 version?
That's up to you. They're nearly identical and it's hard to go wrong with either version. We found the feature set to be better on the 360, but the PS3 holds up a bit better technically. Check out our PS3 versus 360 GTA IV comparison piece.

Is there split screen multiplayer? What about local multiplayer via LAN?
No, multiplayer for both systems is only online.

Whats the deal with the PS3 hard drive install?
Installation is mandatory and kicks off when you insert the disc for the first time. We timed the 3.4 GB install at 7 minutes and 20 seconds.

Does the Xbox 360 have a hard drive installation?

No. There is no required installation, nor is there an optional one.

Can I remap the controls? Is there a control option for lefties?
Controls can't be remapped, but you can choose between Standard and Classic modes. Switching between the two will switch shoulder buttons for aiming and firing, among other changes. There is no special consideration for left handed players.

Is there an option for custom soundtracks?
No, the game's radio stations will have to suffice. Xbox 360 owners can still stream music from their hard drive or an iPod, but music played via the Xbox 360 Guide will continue to play over cell phone calls and cut scenes. If you're just going out for a stroll in GTA IV, it's still an option.

Does the PlayStation 3 version have any kind of achievements or accomplishments?
Outside of the standard stat tracking, which tallies up your kills, deaths, arrests, distance traveled, passed missions, stunt jumps, and other extracurricular activities, there are no Xbox Live Achievements-like features for the PS3.

How's the online performance?
Solid. We played for a pretty long, 16-player session before release via Xbox Live and were impressed. Microsoft says it's ramping up in anticipation of the release, adding hardware and hoping for smooth sailing. We have yet to go online with the PlayStation 3 version. Sony and Gamespy declined to comment about the status of the PlayStation Network. ()

How many players does the online mode support?
Up to sixteen players, depending on the game type.

Can I have sex with prostitutes?
In the game? Yes!

When can you trigger the "bullet-time"? Is it only while driving, or can you do it when walking around/shooting too?

You can switch to "bullet-time" during stunt jumps. While driving, hold B/Circle (or toggle to it using the Back/Select button) to enter the cinematic view. While in the cinematic view, click the left analog stick to toggle bullet time on and off.

Is there a huh, "normal" menu as in, not the cell phone one? For things like stats, audio, HUD and controller options, or just ofr ismply leaving the game paused? Or is this handled all in our cellphone?
Yes, when you press the Start button, you'll see options like Controls, Video, Audio and more.

How does the game end?
A list of credits scrolls vertically, with an extensive list of contributors.

Do helicopters have weapons?
Some do. Good luck hitting anything with the mini-guns! You might have better luck taking out foes with the chopper's blades.

Is ammunition only obtained by purchase? Are there (oh, the shame) cheats in this game?
Ammunition can be purchased from gun shops or one of your gun-running friends. It can also be collected from the corpses of your enemies. There are cheats, but we've yet to use any.

Can Niko buy the different outfits we see him wear or are they unlocked via missions?
Niko can buy new clothing, but some of Liberty City's clothing shops aren't immediately available to you.

Can you ride bicycles or skateboards?
Not that we've seen. You also can't ride in shopping carts.

Can you swim, or do those damn sharks eat you?
Niko can swim.

Is there a saved film or replay feature? What about saved screenshots?
Nope! This is certainly something we'd like to see added in a future game or update, as some of the player deaths are begging for a replay.

Are there different camera angles the player can select while on foot?
Sort of. The camera will pan further out or in, depending on your preference. While in vehicles or on the train, you can choose a cinematic camera mode, which is more cool than it is playable.

What if me and a couple friends just want to wreak havoc in Liberty City, no game modes, can we do that?
Yes, there is a Free Mode in multiplayer that can be played however you want.

How does the save system work?
There is an autosave feature, which you can turn on or off. The game will save your progress after each successfully completed mission. You can also choose to save at any time in one of Niko's safehouses.

Does GTA IV have Feature X from Vice City or San Andreas?
Character customization isn't as deep as it was in San Andreas, so you won't be hitting the gym or tattoo parlor to shape your own unique Niko. You can't own property, fly planes, customize cars or parachute off of skyscrapers. In multiplayer, you can choose how your character looks, with options for hair, hats, tops, pants, glasses and more. As you progress in ranked online matches, you'll unlock new looks for your character.

Are there subtitles?
Yes, and they come in handy, considering that Niko and his cousin will occasionally speak in their native tongue and characters like Little Jacob are nigh indecipherable.

Is lock-on targeting in multiplayer? Doesn't that kind of ruin it?
Lock-on targeting is an option in multiplayer matches, set by the game host. Even with lock-on targeting, however, there is still a level of skill involved, as accuracy increases while crouched, analog targeting tweaking can increase your likelihood of headshots and "pray and spray" firing will decrease accuracy. There are many, many options available to you in multiplayer, from having other players show up on your radar, to weather, to traffic density.

Il punto di forza della serie!

Ah non è ancora pronto l'online nella vers ps3?
Strano che una cosa non sia pronta per ps3, proprio non me ne capacito!1! ( )

Comunque ho letto che la versione 360 regala un codice da 30 giorni di live gold; qualcuno può smentire/confermare?

minchia sto smandibolandooooo
limited edition unboxed: http://www.gtagaming.com/gtagaming/news/comments.php?i=1317

Che sulla Ps3, per ora, manchi la xmb in game (cioè la possibilità di navigare nei menu quando si è in gioco) è un dato di fatto e un difetto rispetto a Xbox Live.

Quando si parla, però, di giocare online, l'esperienza è perfetta. Io ho giocato per 7 lunghi mesi in live, tutti i giorni, e sul PSN per lo stesso periodo di tempo (circa). La qualità dell'esperienza è la stessa, e sony per diversi giochi offre numerosi server dedicati (0 lag anche in 40).

Quindi critichiamo, ma non spariamo baggianate
c'è il bundle ps3+gta4?

Io ho PS3 e lui non ha sparato baggianate... il ritardo su QUALSIASI cosa è cronico e fastidioso. E' OGGETTIVO e non confutabile.

il ritardo non c'entra nulla con la qualità dell'esperienza online sui server

Che Sony sia lenta, è un dato di fatto

Fortunatamente quest'anno s'è svegliata
ma per paicere.
che essere triste.



A chi dici? Spero non a me.

Lo so che il buon senso a volte può essere shockante