Frontlines: fuel of war. La valida alternativa a bf2?

chiedilo al mulo se regge lo sforzo!

infatti ha ragione Crystal, si può provare quella di " demo "
io ho sempre ragione
la key su Zest la paghi 11eurilli scarsi, quindi se un minimo ti attizza vai di Zest e gg!

(sì sono un giovane 31enne che parla jo jo!)

io la piglio dopo che mi convincerà, sembra che tira sputi l'arma quando spari mirando... poi cazzo troppo anti aliasing mi da' alla testa
ma stà patch? ancora non si sà nulla?
Bo! Il mio è ancora in attesa della patch, ci ho giocato 5 minuti e ho deciso di aspettare
Magari la patch esce direttamente per Frontlines 2 !
Patch 1.1.0 Items
New Features

* PunkBuster anti-cheat is being added
* Spawn Protection – Players will spawn with a few seconds of invulnerability that will end if they perform an action to prevent spawn camping

New Server Browser

* Phase 1 of the NEW Server Browser
o New streamlined design w/easy to use layout
o Added text filters for the following categories: Server Name, Player Count, Ping, Map Name & Version Number
+ Server Name filter will search entire through entire server names for matching criteria
+ Player filter will default to the minimum number entered. This field also accepts ranges such as 10-40
+ Ping filter will take the number entered as the max ping allowed. This field also accepts ranges as well.
o Server Information Box
+ Added server IP display
+ Added server name display
+ Added text clan/server company/message of the day support
o Added ability to Cancel Server Search and the server browser will continue to display already pulled servers
+ Can apply filters to pulled servers
o Server Browser no longer refreshes when coming back from the server info screens.
o Enter IP Address can now use IP’s with ports and can use alpha characters


* Players can no longer stick Landmines onto their legs
* Invert controls for land vehicles has been fixed
* Players can no longer “fly” or “jump” around levels
* Turrets will no longer continue firing when squad menu is raised
* All passengers in a vehicle will see hit notifications
* Sentry guns take less damage to destroy.
* Sentry guns will cause slightly less damage.
* Sentry guns will no longer respawn after being destroyed.
* Grenade launcher damage vs infantry has been reduced.
* Railgun rounds, clips, fire speed and damage radius have been adjusted.
* Character Movement Changes
o Forced pause which prevented the player from moving when recovering from a jump has been removed
o Player will be prevented from jumping immediately after landing for 0.5 seconds (stops the bouncing bunny syndrome)
o Multiple fixes should result is much less visible “sliding”, “worming” and “Dolphin” effects from transitioning between crouch to standing, crouch to prone and prone to standing.
o Sprinting while crouched or prone has been removed
o Jumping from and to prone should now be impossible
o A minimum timer has been set in between changing positions. (This will prevent crouch/prone spamming)
o Character ground speed has been slightly increased, this includes strafe speed
o Free fall speed has increased for a more realistic feeling
* Single Player: Graveyard – Destroying all tanks will now always advance the frontline properly

User Interface

* Scoreboard no longer shows double entries
* Scoreboard no longer shows all entries/columns with Zero points
* Scoreboard now displays server name, server IP and personal ping
* Player can now paste text longer than the max characters set for a text box.


* Fix for reported ATI X800/X850 user crashes on start up
* Vsync default setting is now turned to off, solving some crashes for lower end cards. (This is the Maximize Framerate option, in the Video- Advanced tab).
* Added NULL check to stop players from inputting illegal characters and crashing the game
* Systems with the Ageia PhysX card will no longer result in game crashes


* Polish language fixes to load screens and gameplay text


* Registry fix to document the running version number and installed territory.

Thanks for your patience – we’re looking forward to releasing this patch!
le nuove features sono parecchie e molto interessanti....basta che le facciano uscire ehehe un po' come la patch 1.5 di etqw
Domandina stupidina...

esiste un server TS ?

ma 'sti qua sono veramente senza faccia bah se non altro :

Cara THQ te lo sogni di vedere ancora soldi miei in futuro.
maaaaaaa non ci doveva essere una demo? o me la sono persa?

magari me la sono persa anch' io
Tranquilli non avete perso una ceppa ancora latita, probabilmente uscirà dopo l'uscita della patch; non state a strapparvi i capelli perchè secondo me 'sto gioco le sue carte se l'è già giocate e molto male imho.
Io l'ho mollato da un pò, come butta in quanto a players e server?

e secondo te mi sto strappando i capelli?