Dead State [ex Zombie RPG]

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Per i più pigri ecco l'intervista:


The extended interview with Brian Mitsoda, Founder of DoubleBear Productions and developer of hardcore zombie survival RPG Dead State, from the PCPP#204 Indie Special – On Sale Now!
What is your view of Kickstarter as a means for bringing niche or “dead” genres back to life?

At this point, it’s a proven necromancer of dead genres. Old-school adventure games? Turn-based RPGs? Rise from your grave! It’s fantastic that fans of these kinds of games can resurrect them with their enthusiasm/funds. It allows fans to rally around a project that gives them exactly what they might have been asking for on company forums for years, and make them the heroes of that genre’s return. It’s really exciting, as long as FMV games don’t come back…

With Dead State at its current state in the development cycle, what would be most beneficial for you as developers from a successful Kickstarter campaign?

For us, it allows a lot of the team to quit their day jobs and dedicate all of their time to Dead State, which as you might imagine, gets the game done a lot faster. It also allows us to expand the team and bring on either long-time contributors or staff positions that are difficult to fill without full-time funding. And as I said, it rallies a lot of old and new fans around the project and channels that energy and enthusiasm into the momentum of the project.

Do you have plans for alternative funding if the Kickstarter campaign is unsuccessful?

We do. I mean there are always other solutions like allowing for pre-orders, but having a definite budget to work from and schedule around is more preferable. One of the reasons we’re using Kickstarter is to get the game out faster – it’s better for the project and the community that we’ve already organized around the game.

What is your opinion on the future of Kickstarter and crowd-funding – is it the future of indie development?

I would like to hope that Kickstarter is always going to be there for teams with great people, projects, and enthusiastic communities to get them the funding they need. I’m slightly worried that it’s going to burn people out on crowd-sourcing because of the time it takes to see the end result or that it’s going to become similar to the publisher process where the most hype or prettiest concept art wins. Kickstarter’s research suggests that the popularity of any project will bring more attention and funding to Kickstarter projects overall, and I hope that’s the trend for years because the patronage system is an absolute benefit to both gamers and developers.

The greatest legacy that Kickstarter may have is allowing studios to break the publisher cycle. What I mean is, once developers own their intellectual property, they own that project forever and benefit from it financially as long as it sells, which will allow them to both profit from their old work continually and channel that revenue into new projects. This will not only pay them for their work on one project, but give them funding for additional projects, which after a few decent to successful projects could really help keep that company kicking and growing for years after their Kickstarter is successful.

Kickstarter live:
bene, si sa se aggiungono altra roba interessante se superano la soglia?
Strisciato la carta, e ora la scimmia è in fase di decollo

delivery estimate Dec 2013
Certo che lanciare il Kickstarter nel mezzo dell'E3, con i media di settore che stanno già affogando nel mare di roba da riportare da più fonti, è un'idea un pochino stronza.
Intervista, leggetela:

Mi girano tantissimo le palle dover aspettare ancora così tanto per la release, ma per quell'uomo lì e per il progetto decisamente coraggioso un "shut up and take my money" ci sta tutto.
Ai controlled allies

Cmq non ha parlato nè di morale nè di "maturità" del\nel gioco, vista l'impronta decisamente realistica (skill, suvival, politica sociale, etc..) è una cosa che mi interesserebbe approfondire.

Coglione, qui lo danno per fine 2013, altro che prima di subito

Segnalato per insulti
Mi hanno detto che qui si mangia bene

Il video sulla pagina di kickstarter è abbastanza interessante, mettiamolo anche qui:

dal forum:

Mitsoda sembra Mercurio (Vampire: Bloodlines), bell'accento dude.

Dammi il gioco
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