Dead State [ex Zombie RPG]

Lo voglio prima di subito
cazzo figata
poi mi leggo tutto, gli ambienti sembrano piu dettagliati di quanto sperassi
Qualche piccolo update sull'art direction.

Francis femmina
Update su Dead State:

As we continue to work towards our Kickstarter presentation, we thought we would show off some new screens of the game to whet your appetite. Today we’re showing off a few of the many upgrades the player can make to their shelter. Take a minute to look at and compare the pictures of the unaltered and transformed shelter:

You’ll notice a few changes between the two sets of pics. In the first one, you’ll notice that the only protection the school has is a flimsy chain-link fence. This is going to prove to become a liability as zombies or other humans start showing up and trying to take it down to get inside (which is game over), so it would be in your best interest to upgrade it to the reinforced fence, which is shown in the bottom pic. The reinforced fence ups the amount of damage the fence can take before it needs to be repaired, which makes it less of a daily concern.

You’ll also notice a watchtower in the second pic. The watchtower upgrade has two benefits. Every day it generates morale daily in the shelter by just being present. It also opens up a new job at the shelter – guard duty. When allies are posted to guard duty, they can intercept attacks earlier, which causes less damage to the fence per guard assigned. You’ll even notice an ally guard hanging out in there in the pic.

The final difference you might notice (aside from more people around) is the car. While the car is not an upgrade (it allows you to travel farther for fuel costs), there is a garage upgrade that is necessary to maintain your car or enhance it. Cars can become faster and more efficient with upgrades. Of course, you’re going to need a decent mechanic if you want your car to keep running.

We’ll be showing off more upgrades to the shelter in our Kickstarter presentation. Keep watching our board, Facebook, and website for more information on our Kickstarter launch and for new Dead State information. As always, feel free to leave feedback on what you’d like to see for our Kickstarter launch in the previous threads. We’re working hard to put together the launch and we can’t wait to show you the progress we’ve made. Thanks for all your helpful comments and support everybody!
Diobò, con tutti 'sti ottimi indie e Kickstarter non mi rimarrà di che comprarmi il pane


4/23 Monday Design Update - First Look: Dead State GUI Design (plus more)

Anche se i ritratti fanno cagare, trovare un disegnatore migliore non sarebbe male
L'avevo cancellato dai segnalibri, ci rientra di prepotenza.
Grazie eike, illumini le mie giornate in questo forum di oscurità
Mai smesso di credere in Dead State, sarà Day 1 sempre e comunque
Certo, sempre se questo Day 1 arrivi prima della mia dipartita.
promette sempre meglio
Sono in astinenza da game con gli zombie, need moar!!!!
Nuovo update.

Praticamente il team grafico è quello di age of decadence

Inviato dal mio GT-S5570

Non del tutto, e non solo il "team grafico" (visto che anche Nick, il coder, è del team di AoD).

Comunque il gioco già ora si presenta meglio di AoD; spero solo che con il nuovo motore aggiornato abbiano risolto alcuni problemi dell'altro gioco, tipo una camera orribile da gestire e qualche evidente problema di performance.
Appena pubblicato il Teaser trailer su YouTube. Vi avverto che non si vede un cazzo ed è realizzato malissimo. Inutile, ma a quanto pare qualcosa si sta muovendo.

e' quasi peggio del nuovo logo di ngi in effetti
Bhe dai, ha un che di... una sorta di... richiama un po' quei film li... avete capito, no?