Dead by Daylight

I killer a livelli bassi sono più forti dei survivor, a livelli alti (20+ tipo) invece è molto difficile vincere la partita (per vincere intendo ammazzare tutti) al momento.

Ma sembrano vogliano dare una ritoccata ad alcuni perk, già dalla patch che deve venire a breve. Alcuni perks dei killer sono pure stra overpowered comunque

Poi il player fa tanto, in realtà.

Io campero fino a che il gancio non si attiva, così almeno sono sicuro che non scappano per fatti loro. Ma non è che sto fermo a guardarlo perché tanto non serve a na ti sposti un po e nel mentre controlli la zona del gancio spesso becchi il tizio che tenta il salvataggio.

Nel momento in cui scatta il gancio me ne vado a cercare gli altri, se lo salvano amen. Se lo riprendi sono doppi punti e crepa diretto. Oltretutto è molto più divertente per tutti, killer e survivors.

Se usi il trapper, le trappole sono dio. Wraith è un po meh, ma a livelli bassi è il più facile. Hillbilly mai usato perché quella fottuta motosega fa troppo casino e sveglio i vicini
L'hillbilly è il più bello da giocare però, anche per i survivor.

è bruttissimo e raccrapicciante, fa un casino della madonna con la motosega e quando l'accendi li fai cagare sotto e li tieni in tensione, l'hillbilly è l'unico win win del gioco imho
Generalmente vs Hillbilly è free win, ne avrò beccati 3 in quasi 30 livelli di survivor che mi han inculato con la motosega in un inseguimento. Penso sia il più difficile da usare.

Comunque concordo, forse preferisco giocare vs trapper (perché devi avere molta più attenzione a come ti muovi), ma anche HB è figo. Wraith lo trovo odioso perché elimina di netto tutto il fattore suspance del gioco, sai che prima o poi arriva e ti becca e corre.
Hank tra le cose che ho letto in giro ci sono questi problemi:

a) il sistema di rank è fatto in modo approssimativo e ad esempio se sei troppo bravo e vinci velocemente perdi rank (o guadagni poco, non so).
b) il multiplayer è in p2p senza server e a parte problemi di lag (che non so, immagino possano esserci) dicono che è la fiera dei cheat visto che non c'è appunto una connessione a un server

ti risulta? sono cose false, o vere ma di poco peso? Chiedo perché è il genere di problemi che poi fanno morire un gioco abbastanza alla svelta (più che altro il secondo, il primo m'è parso di capire che è una delle meccaniche che devono ancora sistemare bene)
Vere entrambe.

Per la prima ci stan lavorando, in ogni caso vale più che altro per il killer. Se sei troppo bravo (o troppo scarsi gli altri) rischi di non fare abbastanza punti per salire di rank (puoi però girarci attorno, ma non è una soluzione ottimale ovviamente. Temporanea finchè non sistemano).
Detto questo, quanto ti frega del rank in genere? Considera che rank ed exp sono due cose diverse. Ed i rank ogni mese resettano.

La seconda vera ma di poco peso, ogni tanto trovi la partita laggante ma mi sarà capitato 3 volte in 30 livelli.

si sono tutte e due vere, ho visto livelli 50 dopo 3 giorni, che è matematicamente impossibile e ci sono problemi di lag.
Hello people!

We have managed to put together a lof of very good changes and fixes that you have been asking for. The biggest changes you will see deal with quitters and disconnects. Leaving will not be a valid option anymore and players will not be penalized when someone else quits. They will get a pip.

We also tweaked the values of a few game elements we felt were unbalanced. Let us know what you think!

We are working as fast as we can to fix our game and improve it according to the way you play. We are sure there are a few bugs and issues that are left in there, we may even have added more by accident. We ask that you continue to give us your feedback and help us make this game better and better.

Here is the detail of what changed:

Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game

Fixed an issue which could cause "No One Escapes Death" to grant an incorrect attack cooldown reduction
Fixed an issue that could cause the killer's camera to clip when picking up a survivor
Fixed an issue that could cause loud noise indicators to be seen in the tally screen
Fixed an issue that could stop a survivor from running when pressing the item use button when no interactions are available
Fixed an issue that could cause the trapper's addons to only affect his starting trap
Fixed a matchmaking issue that could cause some players to be unable to play as the killer
Fixed an issue that could cause the survivor's HP (bleed out) bar to not update properly on the survivor's screen
Fixed an issue that could cause The Wraith to flicker when dissolving
Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong animation to play after picking up a survivor
Fixed an issue which could cause players not to derank after achieving rank 1
Fixed an issue which could block movement when The Hillbilly destroys an obstacle with the chainsaw
Fixed an issue where survivors couldn’t run away while getting healed
Fixed an issue which could cause players to get stuck on the hill
Various audio fixes
The Entity now manifests at the sacrificial hook in its proper glory

Currently, the team is working on the "survive with friends" mode as well as the chinese and russian translations. We are also constantly monitoring players and intend to address imbalances and bugs as they are discovered.

buco *
Io l'ho comprato in "preorder" e alla fine non ci sto giocando perchè sto aspettando la patch per giocare con un amico

Edit:Spero che comunque limitino il premade a 2, perchè 4 premade vs random killer per quest'ultimo è praticamente impossibile che vinca
Io come killer sono riuscito ad ucciderne 2 su 4.

Come sopravvissuto non sono mai riuscito a fuggire
1.0.3 Patch Notes

Fixed entity visible at the start of the hook sequence
Fixed interruption on hatch causing the survivor to turn invisible

Added support for Survivor With Friends (V1)

Survive With Friends (V1)
This initial implementation of Survive With Friends will allow for a group of survivors to be created and to matchmake into a ranked lobby together. It should be used in a similar fashion as the Kill Your Friends Mode:
Have a survivor (host) created click Survive With Friends from the Main Menu
As the host, invite other survivors to the lobby.
Once the party is formed, have all players ready-up. This will triggered the matchmaking process and transition the party to an online lobby.

Note: After playing a game, the survivor group will be automatically disbanded and all members will be returned to their single player survivor lobby. We are working on maintaining the party between games, and you can expect this to come in a follow up patch.
Devi mettere dei commenti per farci capire la tua opinione se no per noi che siamo ancora lì indecisi non vuol dire niente
tipo "finalmente il fix che stavamo aspettando ", "bene ma non benissimo", "che merda torno a giocare a big rigs" etc
Bho a me del play with friends non è mai fregato un cazzo a dirti la verità

La mia opinione è la stessa di settimane fa. Concept fresco, gioco divertente nella sua semplicità ed addictive come non per tutti. Personalmente lo adoro.

Necessita di qualche fix (sempre gli stessi) che arriveranno nella prossima patch, ma già dalla scorsa è molto meglio.
Torna a giocare a big rigs fidati

Boh è divertente ma è troppo scarno e il gameplay è solo uno, ripara e scappa...o corri come benny hill e appendili al gancio

Magari quando costerà poco e (se) sarà più carnoso è consigliabile comprarlo easy, può piacere o non piacere comunque, non so Hank come fa a giocarlo ancora dopo 1 mese e senza amici, si vede chè è uno che non si stufa manco ad ammazzarlo
Il killer si puo uccidere in qualche modo? O puoi solo scappare?
Big Rigs

Puoi solo scappare.
1.0.4 - Patch Notes
Additional Survivor Customization Items (one set per Survivor)
Survivor Gestures
Russian & Chinese Localization
New Coldwind Farm Map (Fractured Cowshed)
Increased support for catching players tampering with game files

Level design & art adjustments to reduce infinite window loops
Added dynamic spawning of window blockers
Removed the possibility to place bear trap really close (or on top) of each other

Fixed escaping of the level when running towards the exit and caught in a bear trap
Fixed hatch noise being audible even if the hatch is invisible
Fixed locker interior being visible in the distance
Fixed locker blocking placement of bear traps
Fixed some issues with objects appearing too clearly through fog and in low-end
Fixed issue with chainsaw add-ons making it impossible to fully heal a survivor
Fixed some cases where the survivor used killer customization parts when entering a private lobby
Fixed returning to a lobby from a private match causing an infinite load for the Host
Fixed countdown not occurring in private lobby if a party member leaves while readied-up
Fixed some cases where bear traps could be farmed for points by survivors
Fixed some cases where players would not lose pips (disconnect penalty) while exiting an active game
Fixed scoring event localization
Fixed hatch appearance frequency on certain maps
Fixed black nodes appearing on the blood web (and force regenerate invalid blood webs)
1.0.5 Patch Notes
Fixed an issue which could cause Steam Stats & Achievements to get reset
Fixed an issue preventing the trapper from placing traps near sabotaged traps
Fixed an issue which could cause killer prestige weapons to flicker in game
Fixed an issue that caused the Saboteur perk to decrease sabotage speed when using a toolbox
Fixed an issue which could cause survivors to lose pips when the killer leaves the game (known issues with the Tally not properly displaying the pips & blood points status in such cases)
Fixed an issue which caused the perk "Whispers" to trigger when near dead or sacrificed survivors
Fixed an issue which could render a downed survivor unable to interact or be interacted with if a pickup interaction would fail

Removed the ability for a survivor to disarm or sabotage traps while walking or running
Added a penalty to the wiggle build-up when a killer puts a survivor down

Additionally, the first balance changes to the killer perks are in! Our team analysed the data, compared stats and strategies, and playtested various scenarios and combinations. Here are the results! You can expect more balance changes to these perks and others in the future to keep the game as fun as possible.

Bloodhound: Fresh blood marks can be for 2/3/4 seconds longer than normal (up from 1/2/3)
Our data indicates that Bloodhound is underpowered. In order to make this perk more viable, we have chosen to increase the duration of how long the blood marks are visible. With a longer blood trail, there are more chances you’ll pick up the scent and be able to start your hunt. We kept its powerful synergy with Sloppy Butcher in mind:

Sloppy Butcher: Increased the frequency of bleeding for tiers I and II. Decreased the frequency of bleeding for tier III.
We rebalanced the amount of blood spawned when affected by sloppy butcher. We feel the new balance is closer to the intended gameplay: being able to track a survivor. The injured survivor needs to use the environment to break the line of blood splatter using grass and other techniques to obscure their trail until they are healed (or killed). Overall this perk should be more a more viable option for killers’ loadouts at all levels. A good killer at this point should be able to follow the blood trail on most maps.

Brutal Strength: Increased barricade destruction speed bonus to 20%/30%/40% (up from 10%/20%/30%)
Brutal Strength is a good perk that is being picked, but not as often as the more popular perks. We have decided that a slight boost should allow for more dynamic play and enough of a boost to merit equipping this perk.

Insidious: Decreased time taken to become stealthy to 4/3/2 seconds (down from 6/4/3)
This is one of our favorite perks. However, in its current form, it can be too slow to use with the current pace of the game. The idle time required is often too high a price to pay, especially at level I. We have lowered time required to become stealthy for all tiers of the perk. Survivors, take your time to look around before you do you anything risky!

Iron Grasp: Fixed description and decreased wiggle reduction effect to 20%/40%/60% (down from 25%/50%/75%)
We want to add a bit more challenge for the killer when transporting a victim with Iron Grasp. As it currently stands (due mostly to sneaky sabotaging survivors!) we chose not to reduce the time required to struggle out. However, we did reduce the wiggle force reduction to allow survivors to fight back a bit better. We also updated the description of the struggle time effect to match the values that were already in-game.

No One Escapes Death: Added a time limit of 120 seconds and reduced movement speed bonus to 3%/4%/4% (down from 3%/5%/5%)
No One Escapes Death is probably one of the game’s most controversial perks, and certainly one of the most often picked. By adding a time limit to the perk, we’re encouraging killers to try a “berserker blitz” where they have to hunt and find survivors as fast as possible, rather than camp strategic points. The very slight movement speed decrease will help some survivors get away during these 2 terrifying minutes. With these changes in place, we believe that this perk will no longer be a “must-have” for every killer loadout, but still be a viable option.

Shadowborn: Reduced the field of view bonus for all tiers
This perk has was so strong that it was a no-brainer to always use it, especially given the rarity of flashlight experts out there. The FOV difference should still be high enough to be noticeable and give an advantage to those who use this perk, without being an automatic pick.

Spies from the Shadow: Increased odds to trigger the effect to 50%/50%/75% (up from 25%/50%/75%) and increased range to 16/24/36 meter (from 12/24/36)
We believe this perk is fine at tiers II and III but the first tier of this perk could use a boost. Increasing the chance that the crows give a visual cue and increasing the range should make this perk viable even at tier I.

Unnerving Presence: Significantly increased chance to trigger skill checks
Even though the numbers appear unchanged, they are now added to the base chance rather than acting as a multiplier on them. This will greatly increase the probability of skill checks being triggered when in the terror radius of the killer.

Please leave your thoughts and feedback on the forums or on reddit!

See you in the Fog,
The Dead by Daylight Team