Darksiders 2

sisi mi manca ancora qualcosa, ma 100% .

Anzi con l'abyssal è ancora piu' facile, prendi tipo un terzo del danno lol.

Ma cosa?

Ricominciare il gioco con tutti gli item endgame è come dire....strano

Ora da bravo modalità hard senza armi e sigili!
non ho ricominciato il gioco, l'ho comprato, selezionato apocalittica, finito. E poi postato su ngi.

Data achivement http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989294064/stats/Darksiders?tab=achievements (non mi ha dato alcuni achivement della storia perchè sono buggati bo)

Fino al tuo post non sapevo nemmeno esistesse una modalità new game+ asd
E questo sarebbe facile?
Completa il gioco al livello FACILE
Unlocked: Jun 9, 2011 12:13pm

Difficoltà apocalittica.

te li da tutti insieme Il vero cavaliere
COMPLETA il gioco in difficoltà APOCALITTICA Unlocked: Jun 9, 2011 9:13pm
Uhm l'ho cominciato a giocare oggi e devo dire che mi piace, è relaxed rispetto ai multiplayer che faccio di solito quindi mi piace. Odio il fatto che ci siano pochissimi giochi su questo stampo su pc sinceramente : ( L'ultimo che ho giocato è stato DMC2 : /
Most recent thread I could find here is some Gameinformer info:

-Play as the horseman Death

-Happens during the same time period as the first game

-Vigil says that the first hub of the 2nd game will have as many dungeons as the entire first game had

-They hope that the story will give the whole context of what is happening and explain the mythology more.

-Death wants to resurrection the human race

-He has a crow that will point out useful items and objects in the environment

-A lot bigger then the first it takes place in the underworld but it isn't like typical Hell its called the Abyss

-They describe the first games stages were all connected by doors and hallway and they are getting rid of that. Instead they compare the Abyss to Rome in Assassins Creed: Brotherhood.

-The Abyss can be freely explored at anytime and Deaths horse Despair is there at the beginning of the game and can be used anytime in the Abyss

-Vigil plans to have 4 hub citys that have NPC's that you can interact and trade with.

Deaths Background (maybe spoilers?)


-The horsemen are a dead race called Nephilim. Death was responsible for the destruction of his race

Big Spoiler


-Death might have a choice to bring back his race instead of humanity

-Death is more agile then War but he cannot block instead only dodges attacks, this also mean that he can wall run and run on tighropes

- Weapon include dual-welding scythes (scythes can also be connected together to make a double blade staff), hammer, and spells(one called Feast of Crows that damages and holds enemies in place)

-Collecting loot is important, Death has 12 different slots for equipping things

-Armor can make you more effective in combat or might protect you against certain elements other loot can add bonus to skills or attributes

-Vigils wants player to customize Death to fit their own play styles.

-New leveling system with skill trees

-Mentions how in the 1st game you acquire the same abilities but in the second you can end up with vastly different versions of Death

-Can acquire sidequest from NPCs but they don't want them all to be fetch or kill quest for example some sidequests can open up new dungeons that have there own theme



-An early item is a grappling hook that can be use to swing across gaps, zip to ledges, or latch onto the wall during wall run. It can be used on a giant snake boss to get closer to it, this goes for all enemies(smaller ones you can pull towards you)

-Death has a reaper form that can be use to open doors, pick up large objects and to deliver final blows to enemies. You build up a meter to use the form but it doesn't need to be full to be used.

-The main area shown in the demo was a giant airship called the Eternal Throne which is one of the city hubs. Also a small picture show a concept art(?) of a forest area

world of darksiders?

Lascia sperare in ogni caso
promette bene
sembra buono ma spero non sia troppo dispersivo
Mi ispira

Però Darksiders è multipiattaforma
Nuovo teaser.

Niente di che, solo CGI.
Però "What starts with War ends with Death" è una gran bella punch line.
iscritto aspetto pure io
E scimmia fu.
Non sono ancora riuscito a finire il primo =_='


Quel gioco parte moooolto lento ma il finale per me è straordinario!!