[7 Ottobre 23] Crisi Palestina-Israele (Part 2)

La gioventù hitleriana


qualche contesto in più?

ma soprattutto che cazzo è sto THE HILLS scusate?

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uno degli ultimi video

Altre storie dal centro di detenzione Sde Teiman, che non fanno altro che corroborare quanto uscito finora.

A three-month investigation by The New York Times — based on interviews with former detainees and with Israeli military officers, doctors and soldiers who served at the site; the visit to the base; and data about released detainees provided by the military — found those 1,200 Palestinian civilians have been held at Sde Teiman in demeaning conditions without the ability to plead their cases to a judge for up to 75 days. Detainees are also denied access to lawyers for up to 90 days and their location is withheld from rights groups as well as from the International Committee of the Red Cross, in what some legal experts say is a contravention of international law.

Eight former detainees, all of whom the military has confirmed were held at the site and who spoke on the record, variously said they had been punched, kicked and beaten with batons, rifle butts and a hand-held metal detector while in custody. One said his ribs were broken after he was kneed in the chest and a second detainee said his ribs broke after he was kicked and beaten with a rifle, an assault that a third detainee said he had witnessed. Seven said they had been forced to wear only a diaper while being interrogated. Three said they had received electric shocks during their interrogations.

An Israeli soldier who served at the site said that fellow soldiers had regularly boasted of beating detainees and saw signs that several people had been subjected to such treatment.

Yoel Donchin, a military doctor serving at the site, said it was unclear why Israeli soldiers had captured many of the people he treated there, some of whom were highly unlikely to have been combatants involved in the war. One was paraplegic, another weighed roughly 300 pounds and a third had breathed since childhood through a tube inserted into his neck, he said.

"Why they brought him — I don’t know,” Dr. Donchin said.

"They take everyone,” he added.

Mr. al-Hamlawi, the senior nurse, said a female officer had ordered two soldiers to lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick that was fixed to the ground. Mr. al-Hamlawi said the stick penetrated his rectum for roughly five seconds, causing it to bleed and leaving him with “unbearable pain.”

Ibrahim Shaheen, 38, a truck driver detained in early December for nearly three months, said he was shocked roughly half a dozen times while sitting in a chair. Officers accused him of concealing information about the location of dead hostages, Mr. Shaheen said.

sapete se é vero?

L’articolo si basa su un report di un giornale israeliano. Ufficialmente la cosa dovrebbe avvenire settimana prossima:

A report by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed that despite extensive efforts by Israel to persuade Guterres to avoid this moveTel Aviv will be listed in the report distributed to UN Security Council members next week, with a discussion scheduled for 26 June.

Difficile sapere se è vero o no senza conferme ufficiali

Gantz stasera dovrebbe annunciare la fuoriuscita da questo governo di unità nazionale

sempre più rogue state

Il Times, non esattamente un quotidiano della sinistra radicale, pubblica un’inchiesta sugli stupri del 7 ottobre, confermando ciò che già si sa da un po’ di tempo, e cioè che degli stupri ci sono sì stati, ma il governo israeliano e Zaka, l’ong filogovernativa che si è occupata dei primi soccorsi, hanno gonfiato di molto la cosa per fini propagandistici

Bella li, rischia il governo? Tira fuori qualche ostaggio, sai dove sono da tempo, ma li salvi quando ti viene comodo.
Crisi rientrata

Anche con l’uscita di gantz netanyahu avrebbe la maggioranza grazie al terrorista ben gvir

Consiglio di Sicurezza approva risoluzione a favore di proposta di pace Usa

Il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ha approvato, con 14 voti a favore e l’astensione della Russia, la risoluzione in appoggio alla proposta di pace per il Medio Oriente in tre fasi avanzata dal presidente americano Joe Biden.

Vabbè non che cambi molto eh, uno è anche troppo
Questo non giustifica fare pulizia etnica dopo ovviamente

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«Hamas accetta la risoluzione Onu sul cessate il fuoco»

Hamas accetta la risoluzione di cessate il fuoco votata ieri dal Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ed è pronta a negoziare i dettagli: lo ha detto alla Reuters Sami Abu Zuhri, alto funzionario di Hamas, aggiungendo che spetta a Washington garantire che Israele la rispetti.

Quindi ora manca che Israele accetti il “suo” piano… e se non lo fa, o se dopo lo scambio se ne frega che succede?

Ricevono un pensierino di disappunto da Biden.

“Accipigna Israele!”