Thief 4

Ora che è ufficiale, apriamogli un doveroso thread.

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Qualche info:

-Garret has been away from his hometown for a long time and when he returns to the city, the gap between the rich and the poor is disproportionate.

-The city is ruled with an iron fist by a man named Baron, who has an army at his disposal.

-The rich are called “privileged” in the city. Garret sees this as an ideal opportunity to get rich and has no objective of becoming a hero or anything like that.

-The first scene starts with Garret in the district called Stone Market, our hero is in the back of a covered wagon. Garret is seen stacking dead bodies who have been killed by a plague raging through the city.
Two wealthy men are seen walking down the street with guards. Suddenly Garret overhears the two guards talking about a rich man. They are talking of a renowned architect named Theodore Eastwick. This is one of the richest men in the city. Baron personally instructed him to build many of the Gothic buildings of the city.
The guards say the architect goes to a brothel called the House of Flowers. It is a clandestine brothel that is only open to the elite of the city.
Garret goes there. He is hidden behind crates when he see guards. The screen is covered in those dark moments of a filter that indicates it is well hidden and nobody sees him.
You can throw objects like bottles to distract several guards. You can also climb the pipes that run up the side of some buildings.
Garret comes through the window and runs through several rooms.
Garrett arrives at the brothel and sees Theodore Eastwick entering it. Garret follows.
Everything so far was narrated in game.
The brothel is full of scantily clad women who entertain their clients. Nearby there is a transvestite named Xiao, who greets all the guests.
Garret sees Eastwick go to a room with Xiao. Once it is safe, he goes there and at this time you start a sort of minigame to open a box.
Before he can complete it, Xiao enters the room. Garrett hides quickly into a corner and is there undetected. Xiao goes in and out almost immediately to resolve a conflict between two girls.
Our character will open the box and take a relic inside that consists of many jewels. He cannot escape; Xiao is on the other side of the door talking to one of his girls.
Eventually Garret finds a hidden button that makes the wall show a secret path. Garrett goes through the secret path and through the back doors to the place where Eastwick is.
There Garrett steals a medallion that was in his possession and discovered that it is something special. A puzzle then starts in which parts of the medallion are rotated to align with a rune painted on the room's architect. Eastwick is aware of the theft, tells Xiao, who calls the guards.
Garrett begins his flight. There are plenty of guards on the premises. While escaping he accidentally hears two girls talking about a problem with the ventilation system, which has been filled with opium accidentally. Garret opens the ventilation system and makes everyone fall asleep. He covers his mouth and nose and continues his escape.

-Two guards enter through a door at which he shoots an arrow at the statue that’s hanging on a door frame and lets it crush the guards. Garrett steals the guards weapons and fights his way out through the sewers.

-The artificial intelligence makes it clear that Garrett is not a fighter and that the game is not an action genre. Combating four or more guards is equivalent to suicide. The guards are aware of where they are and the -places where thieves can hide. They look in many and varied ways.

-There will be a compass that tells you where to go.

-You will be able to explore the city at your leisure.

-There will always be multiple entrances to all rooms and locations.

-You can turn off the lights and candles to darken the rooms

-There will be set of footprints that will give you clues which drawer is a better loot. We can also pickpocket people in the streets.

-You can improve your skills. At the end of the levels you are allowed to spend money on improving your skills and get supplies.

-The developers are seeking to make a combat system for those who want to fight from time to time.

-You can knock out the guards with a blow if you catch them from behind.

-You may use tools in the room to defend yourself (bottles, switches ...).

-You will have a bow with all kinds of arrows, arrows to put out candles and candlesticks, smoke arrows to distract leaving a trail behind.

-Eidos wants to be faithful to the style of Thief and has lowered the magical tone of the series.
Needo con ferocia devastante
-Eidos wants to be faithful to the style of Thief and has lowered the magical tone of the series.

Si perchè nel primo Thief la Maw of Chaos,La Cattedrale ed il Little Big World eran viste da una guardia che di nome faceva Benny e di cognome The Drunk che nei suoi viaggi mentali da ubriaco si immaginava di affrontar zombie,fantasmi e derivati,bestiamorfi,elementali,burricks,Trickster e via discorrendo
I want to believe con potenza e devastazione.
erano anni cazzo, ANNI
Ma sbaglio o quegli screen odorano di Unreal Engine 3 da tipo un kilometro?
Ma non si vergognano a copiare cosi spudoratamente Dishonored?
i miei uochi...sanguinano...
No, comunque seriamente la devono smettere di usare i titoli di capolavori come Thief, Fallout e altro per fare delle merde.
Porco Gabe.
La Square fin'ora non sta facendo una merdata con i vecchi brand, magari non si può essere totalmente daccordo sulle loro scelte (sia con Deus Ex che con TR) ma c'è cmq da ringraziarli di questi tempi.

Senza contare che il brand non ha cambiato sviluppatori come per altri titoli
Fino a che la Bethesda sta alla larga potrebbe effettivamente ancora avere una speranza di non diventare un aborto.
e' questo il thread di dishonored 2?

In cosa? :V

Ma poi non si è visto nessun video.

In cosa vedi dishonored, nell'ambientazione tetra e nell'uso dell'unreal engine 3?

No perchè a quel che dicono gli sviluppatori sembra vogliano rendere il gioco ancor più stealth dei precedenti thief.

Poi boh, parlare di Bethesda come se si parlasse di EA :V
io non ho mai giocato i precedenti ma credo di averne uno per qualche motivo, mi pare che sia consigliato
Non c'era un gioco chiamato Thi4f in sviluppo anni e anni fa? Che ne è stato di quello?
Hanno capito che il nome era una merda.

Quindi è lo stesso gioco? Da quanti cazzo di anni ci stanno lavorando?