[Suicidio Inside] OBLIVION delayed

Non lo aspetto sbavando neanche io, perchè tanto so già che sarà come con Morrowind. Almeno 3 patch per essere giocabile. Quindi aspetterò un bel pezzo...

Perche' scusa?

Cmq neanche a me importa piu' di tanto....

Non ho soldi cazzo
cmq prima non avevo dedicato tempo a morrowind, solo 5-10 minuti e non mi era piaciuto perche' sembrava un casino. Recentemente ho comprato la versione GOTY con espansioni e patch varie, ed e' una droga assurda. Adesso pure io aspetto oblivion come il ritorno del messia, pero' so che mi andra' a 1fps e finiro' per piangere giorno e notte finche' non cambio pc..
Io sinceramente lo aspetto come il pane e non capisco come si possa denigrare un gioco come Morrowind che è secondo me una delle uscite migliori degli ultimi anni.

Posso capire che i bug diano fastidio e che la grafica non sia granchè, ma avere libertà assoluta di scelta in un ambiente vastissimo è una figata assurda e secondo me chi non lo apprezza non lo ha capito appieno.

Tutto questo per dire che sto per suicidarmi, ormai ho rigirato morrowind come un calzino e non ho più metadone.

Non posso aspettare oltre.

Finiscilo in 7 minuti

Il medesimo stato d'animo in cui versavo quando ho aperto il topic dopo aver appreso la triste notizia. Dopotutto, il titolo parla chiaro!

Bella lì, Kabal!


un consiglio: se sei in astinenza buttati sui plugin: del resto Morrowind è uno dei giochi più moddati di sempre (con quel più intendo ancxhe e soprattutto qualitativamente).

Giusto per tenere viva la sofferenza

Numeri e feature di Oblivion

Size does matter

● 42 Km² of exterior land, 140% of Morrowind.
● 1000 interest points (compared to 400 of Morrowind).
● 200+ large hand-crafted dungeons, which took on man week to make excluding objects and textures.
● Oblivion, the chaotic realm where Daedra princes (~ Greek gods, only darker) live, is huge and randomly generated, so it's different every time you go there, and there's a lot to explore.
● 9000+ movable, fully physics enabled object, besides hundreds of objects to create towns, mountains, forests, etc.
● 9 main cities, one of which is under attack and partly destroyed.
● The largest city has 100 buildings.
● 12 towns and many small settlements.
● 700+ different armour items.
● 121 plant types.
● 400 books (2-10 pages) with game lore, sidequests, comedy, or skill improvements.
● 10 human races: Altmer (high elf), Argonian (lizardman), Bosmer (wood elf), Breton (~ British/Irish white), Dunmer (dark elf), Imperial (~ Spanish/Italian white), Khajiit (feline demihuman), Nord (~ Scandinavian white), Orc, Redguard (~ black).
● 40…50 creature types, and each type can have subtypes, such as standard goblins or goblin witches.
● 1500+ NPCs, not counting repeated, respawning guards, or random bandits in dungeons and the wilderness.
● 250+ hours of gameplay. The main quest is 20…40 hours.
● 150+ quests NPCs give you.
● 6 factions/guilds: the Fighters' Guild, where you're given missions that involve combat, the Mages' Guild, which deals with magic and item collecting, the Thieves' Guild, which deals with stealing and pick-pocketing, the Dark Brotherhood, which are assassins, the Blades, which are the Emperor's intelligence, and the Arena, where you are able to fight and bet on fights.
● 5 counts fighting for power.
● 7 big battles.

Virtual life meets real life

● Stunning realistic physics engine affecting all objects.
● Time passes, as in Shenmue. 1 game minute = 1 real life second.
● Weather varies by region and is probabilistic. There's sun, clouds, rain, thunderstorm, snow, blizzard, and weird special weather for Oblivion.
● Character creation: you can choose your race (out of 10 available races), skin tone, face design (randomly generated or adjusted manually!), hair style (out of 10 per race), hair length, and age. After the initial dungeon, based on your style of play, you are suggested a suitable profession, although you may change it.
● There are 21 concrete skills and 7 major skills which evolve dynamically as you use them.
● Dozens of NPCs will barter with you (each city has unique items for sale), train your skills, sell spells, and more.
● You can buy houses and decorate them, invest in stores for profit, have horses (kept in stables when in town), get dog pets.
● You can ride horses to travel faster. Several classes, levels and armour for horses.
● Weapons include many kinds of short, long, and two-handed long swords, axes, hammers, maces, bows and arrows, and staves.
● You can sneak (based on skill, light, shadow, and sound), and pick locks (minigame).
● There's alchemy skill to create potions from ingredients, and cooking.
● NPC persuasion is another minigame. You can boast, admire, joke, or bully NPCs, besides chatting with them.
● Necromancy allows you to resurrect and use some dead foes.
● You may sleep in beds.
● When you're caught doing something illegal, you'll be fined, and if you cannot/don't want to pay the fine, yet you do not resist arrest and become a hopeless outlaw, you'll be sent to jail, and your stolen items to heavily guarded evidence chests. In jail you can work to serve your time, or try to find a means to escape.
● Fast travel to places you've visited (although in-game time passes).
● Fully physic, visible traps.
● Opponents may yield to you (surrender) and you may yield to opponents, avaiding a deadly end. However it depend on factions, reputation and type of NPCs/creatures.
● You can become a vampire. You'll need to suck blood to live normally, or you'll become a horrible monster and will have to avoid the sun.
● The game keeps track of kills, stolen items, necks bitten as a vampire, etc. Important, influential statistics are fame and infamy. Fame measure your heroism, while infamy measure your criminality.
● There are secret features not mentioned in interviews or the game manual out there for gamers to discover.

I think, therefore I exist

● The game features a very powerful goal-oriented AI.
● NPCs are able to do almost anything you do, like adventuring or talking to each other. Each NPC has an opinion of you.
● NPCs have a 24/7 schedule, as in Shenmue.
● There's a rumour engine to generate (fully voiced) rumours and news.
● Examples of AI:
■ If, for example, you release a powerful monster in a town, a guard who sees it will actually run away and call other guards, who will leave their jobs (such as guarding a store) and go fight it. Meanwhile, you could steal objects from an unguarded store, and if you come back the next day, you may hear some NPCs talking about thieves.
■ Women may wear pretty robes, some that have enticing cleavage sufficient to send the AI amok.
■ Creatures inhabiting the dungeons can go outside to satify their needs (such as killing cows for food in a nearby farmer's field).
■ NPC factions will fight each other. You'll even see goblins fighting skeletons in dungeons.
■ You're fighting a skeleton and he suddenly turns around and runs away, picks a powerful weapon he saw lying on the ground, and you're done for.

The goggles, they do nothing?

● High level forest technology SpeedTreeRT is used to create massive, impressive, photorealistic forests which are computer generated and human tuned for the best experience. From conifer forests to rainforests, you can fully explore every meter of them and interact with dozens of thousands of objects for a natural experience even better than that of FarCry. The developers have asked scientists for help on making the forests as realistic as possible, including the kind of vegetation present in different climates, their frequency, and how they relate to other plants (like: species X is always near Y).
● Advanced face generation engine: there are no two identical NPCs. Faces are randomly generated with a very advanced, realistic engine.
● Advanced pixel shader effects including normal mapping, parallax mapping, and high dynamic range lighting.

Music for my ears

● Amazing, very high quality soundtrack which fades according to action.
● Prestigious British voice actors reading over 60000 lines of text totaling 50 hours of audio, covering all of the game's text.
● Physics based sound: a sword sounds different when hitting stone then it does when hitting wood, for example.

Dude, it's 5000 MHz! So what.

● The game will be available for PC and Xbox 360, however, you want to get the PC version because of the construction set. Community-made mods make for 50% of the reasons why I play Morrowind 5 years after it was released. I'm sure it'll be the same for Oblivion.
● An Athlon XP 2500+ will be nice, although you can probably run the game with less, and the game runs best with fast Athlon 64s.
● You need at least 512 MB RAM; 1 GB will be nice.
● You need a video card with at least Shader model 2.0. A GeForce 6800 will be nice.
● Graphic options to make the game run on lower end systems.

L'ultimo gioco per cui ho sofferto così tanto durante l'attesa è stato Baldur's Gate

lo voglio.. insieme ad un nuovo pc
sì ma 80% delle features sono già presenti in Morrowind 1 o anche in altri giochi da secoli
Se non altro c'è la speranza che visto il ritardo e visto che esce anche per una console sia meno incompleto e meno pieno di bug di morrowind.

O no?
Perchè non avete visto i nuovi "fantastici" screenshots di oblivion

Ma dico io è per PS2 o PSP?
Poi i commenti di chi l'ha provato:
"città immense vuote" che novità eh
"dialoghi con quelle 2 o 3 risposte/domande" siamo a posto

I loro 4gb di dialoghi doppiati se li possono anche tenere
Che di un DVD9 non me ne faccio un cazzo se poi il gioco è un Elder Scrolls 4: Invisible War...

Certo però bisogna vedere come viene fuori, magari stavolta assomiglierà di più ad un'avventura grafica....meglio che niente...anzi ben venga
guarda che quegli screen vengono da una leaked alpha...... come gia specificato dalla bethesda, gran parte dei dettagli grafici sono praticamente
inesistenti in quella build.
spe che ti recupero una preview piuttosto recente.

comunque, vista la fonte (rpgcodex, ridicoli come al solito), vai tranquillo che sarà tutto il contrario
eccola. Se son troppo pesanti ditemelo che edito

e Desslock è uno che a Morrowind ci ha giocato in lungo e in largo.

Puttana eva...la scheda video non basta qui.

Ragazzi colletta per un FX 60 e scheda mamma,su datevi da fare !!!
ma lel..bella grafica
è l'unico gioco single player che sto aspettando....sigh e nn ho nemmeno il pc x farlo girare(stavo pensando di cambiarlo x lui, anche se è una cagata son in scimmia da un bel po)