South Park: The Stick of Truth

Quello che mi interessa di questo gioco è che punta ad essere genuinamente divertente. Da sempre gravito spontaneamente verso i giochi indie per il tentativo che li contraddistingue di essere meno banali dei titoli AAA; dato che uno dei modi per non risultare banali è, appunto, essere divertenti penso che proverò The Stick of Truth, sperando di non rimanere deluso.
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Luridi bastardi!!"


Dopo il prologo, saltate a 5:20

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è bellissimo
Vabbè è già capolavoro per me
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un must
perchè hanno rimisso il video ?

(dal tubo intendo non dal link di Lucas)

5 marzo secondo steam
e' stato posticipato a nuovo anno fiscale
Tanta roba
Pensavate che il progetto fosse morto come Kenny? Invece no!

South Park: The Stick of Truth new details, screenshots

Battle through an Elf and Human-filled South Park Elementary.

In South Park: The Stick of Truth, players act as the New Kid in the mountainside town, and are tossed into a conflict between the Stan and Kyle-led Elves and the Eric Cartman-led Humans. Game Informer recently saw a demo of the game at a pre-E3 event, where Butters and New Kid team up to battle through a South Park Elementary sprawling with children from both sides of the battle. We’ve summarized some details.

Bumping into one of the children in the school engages players in battle. Battles are launched in a separate screen, and use a standard turn-based RPG system with a South Park flair. Timed button presses enable standard attacks and initiate dodges. “Magic spells” involve combining household items, like a hairspray and lighter, for example, to produce a fireball; or a bucket of water and car battery to create an electric shock.

Outside of battle, players will make creative decisions in the field. In South Park Elementary, for example, an enemy Elf stands atop a pile of rubble and in your way. Normally, you could use your powerful fart ability to knock him down, but a fan atop the hill would just blow it away. Instead, you have the option of activating the school’s sprinkler system to short out the fan, or you could go the more creative route and use an anal probe satellite to teleport into the vents above, and then use the power of the Underpants Gnomes to shrink yourself and navigate forward.

Later, a boss battle with Stan Marshwalker ensues, with his loyal hound Sparky by his side. Sparky uses his “Call of the Wild” ability and pees on New Kid, inflicting him with the “Grossed Out” status effect, causing him to puke. After winning the battle, New Kid is awarded Stan’s Blade of the Ranger, which he can equip through the Facebook-like app on the in-game phone.

As the demo closed, a standoff between Kyle and Cartman forces New Kid to choose a side. New Kid chooses Kyle’s side and flings a piece of poop at Cartman. The battle concludes with a Dragon Ball Z-like fart duel between the two.


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Uppete, dalla Gamescon si rifà vivo anche South Park:
