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Wolfenstein MP engine - Q4 or ET:QW based? - A discussion of plausibility.

To follow up on the interesting discussion going on in this thread, I decided to try and figure out what engine (Quake 4 or ET:QW) they'll most likely be using in the game, based on what I think is most plausible.

For those of you that have not been following the discussion, it all started with a new member on the forum claiming that he had been working for Activision on the Wolfenstein project - we do not know if he's actually lying or telling the truth, but that doesn't matter, as the things he claim to be true actually make sence - but I'll get back to that. Anyway, he stated several things, most importantly that:

- Wolfenstein MP is based on a mod of the ET:QW engine.

This caused a small "uproar" on the boards, understandably, but it seems that we all overlooked that he actually said "... with MP being (at the time at least) a mod of the ET: Quake Wars engine". So in that sense, hope is not lost, as it isn't even certain that they stuck with that engine. But to continue:

This member claimed that "... The ET:QW engine was optimized for online play, so it was an obvious choice for Wolf MP, with larger draw distances". He's 100% right about the draw distance. Indeed, if they had to use the Quake 4 engine (which I previously thought seemed obvious, since it is Raven who was making Quake 4, and it is Raven who is now making Wolfenstein), it wouldn't have been possible to have big MP levels, like in ET:QW, without rewriting the entire engine. That would be stupid and expensive, as they've already got the ET:QW engine, which is "successfully" able to do so.

We do not know what the content will be for Wolfenstein MP, other than the stuff that has been said to the press (which isn't a lot), so we don't know if they'll go for a more old school approach (i.e. small levels like in RTCW) or a more open environment (like in ET:QW). But, assuming that it's true what the member said, it looks like we have got another ET:QW on the way. (It may turn out to be good or bad, so don't panic... Yet )

So, to summon it all up: I think it's very plausible, perhaps inevitable that Raven will use the ET:QW engine, if the Wolfenstein MP part will have big maps. We wouldn't worry much about the engine choice, but perhaps more about the actual content of the MP, if it wasn't because we'd played ET:QW. I believe that most RTCW and W:ET vets will agree with me that this engine is horrible for FPS games - the Quake 4 MP engine is vastly different from the ET:QW engine in terms of smoothness and performance - they just don't compare - which is why we all hoped that the Quake 4 engine would be used. The Quake 4 engine is somewhat like the Quake 3 engine in terms of smoothness (in my opinon), while ET:QW is the worst engine I've ever tried. It's so sluggish and its performace is so inconsistent and laggy, that it makes it totally worthless as an engine for a skill-based FPS game (do they want Wolfenstein to be that, anyway?).

So, all in all, it is very possible that Wolfenstein MP will be based on an iteration of the ET:QW. If that is a wise decision business-wise, is a different story; I'm sure most people will have a negative bias towards that engine by now.
speriamo sia bello!
io ci sarò

PS: visto mors che usciva in estate?
bella, ma tradotto l'articolo dice che useranno l'engine di etqw
che avrebbe usato l'engine di etqw aka l'engine di quake4 aka idtech4 si sapeva già da anni.
L'engine di quake 4 è diverso da quello di quake wars, e non si intende l'ID tech 4, quello è sicuro, ma proprio l'uso e la gestione delle megatexture che c'era in qw, che si sa a osa ha portato... hitbox di merda, lag e cazzi vari... spriamo non sia un epic fail...

Perlomeno, questo è quello che ho capito io...

falso, l'engine è lo stesso, etqw ha semplicemente una versione più evoluta

l'engine è 1 solo e si chiama idtech4, non esistono altri nomi.

non esiste nessuna relazione da megatexture, hitbox e lag.
I problemi di hitbox e lag sono gli stessi riscontrati su q4, dovuto principalmente al tickrate lato server e altri problemi related, motivo per cui sono falliti entrambi i giochi e fallirà pure rtcw2 se non faranno qualcosa a riguardo..
Se volete leggere un po di discussioni su wolfenstein
Solo se ci sarà Bliz a giocare con me
epic fail, però sta volta lo giocherò finche non muore, piuttosto che arrivare quando è gia morto ^^
certo ke si...


speriamo che risolvono

per quanto riguarda il gioco
che dire
non vedo l'ora
ps: rick voi inferno riformate il team su questo "possibile" epic phail?
tanto sarai low visto che ci sarà piu spread se salti


intendevi "NOI" ci saremo

se sarà come qw pazienza, basta che non ci siano i veicoli. Se mi sono adattato a cod4, posso adattarmi a tutto

spero ci saranno anche gion, autumn, zatmal, d4r, masen e lucifero

ps: humy vie con noi cosi ci facciamo subito i fragmovies . io faccio gli avi e tu l editing :P
non c'è il tank, non ci gioco

c'è anche da dire che QW a ogni patch smanettavano sul netcode...
ricordo che tipo alla seconda patch facevi filotti in modo ridicolo manco avessero le teste giganti, la patch dopo un cazzo, quella dopo una via di mezzo.
scendi da quella cazzo di collina piddu!
una cosa è wolf2 apro il culo a tutti come ho fatto su RTCW:ET

Mors sai che ho trovato la demo dove ho fatto filotto da 6 a voi Yep quando ero tNs?