S.T.A.L.K.E.R [Rate-It 79]

dai oh non fatemi venire troppo hype che se poi lo rimandano ancora mi concio come quelli che aspettavano hl2 da 1 anno e mezzo
Sì, solo Half Life 2 può reggere tecnicamente con STALKER....Parlo di fisica e grafica, ma soprattutto di realismo grafico.
La parte RPG sarà stile Deus Ex?
da quel che ho letto sembra che la quest principale possa finire non grazie a noi, ma grazie agli altri stalker ... se è vero è una cosa notevole..
Sì, ricordo sull'anteprima di TGM (la stessa in cui dicevano dei requisiti minimi).
Gli altri STALKER non saranno NPC a mò di Morrowind, ma avranno davvero una vita propria, si muoveranno per il mondo, faranno quest e aiuteranno/metteranno il bastone tra le ruote allo STALKER impersonato dal giocatore.
Sì esatto proprio quella..
Ma che fiko!

La cosa che ho sempre criticato in tutti gli RPG èm proprio il fatto che gli NPC son feeeermi per giorni ad aspettarti
Sensazionale....Must buy.
Posto un Q&A recente con gli sviluppatori:
"d)What is the release date for now? Will there be any DEMO version and when?
r)Release date: May 2005. We are not talking about demo yet. Beta testing is the upcoming code-sharing with public

d)What about support for mods? will a map editor or sdk released with Stalker?
r)We are preparing an SDK for mod-makers to include Level Editor, Actor Editor and some other tools to make a full-fledged package for mod creation. It will be released either simultaneously with the game or shortly afterwards

d)MOD question: both - singleplayer and multiplayer mods will be possible?
r)yes, both sinlge and multiplayer

d)Will the DirectX 8 engine take advantage of DirectX8 shader effects. For example, bump mapping?
r)shaders - yes - you can see those on screens with helicopter - when sun casts its rays against the glass, for instance
there are quite a few of the shader effects we use in DX

d)When do the announced beta test starts and how much player will be able to play
r)Early next year, we`ll anounce it on official site. we think of 5000 players to participate, THQ will confirm later

d)What are the capabilities of the destruction system? Can every part of the enviroment be destroyed (like buildings etc)?
r)not every part can be destroyed, but the list of destructible objects is big, including Lenin's statues

d)What stage of development would you say the game is currently in that it requires us to wait many more painful months
r)not too many months to wait there - until May

d)There is a complex life simulation system, with AI for all creatures in the Zone. There are 'life' AI and 'battle' AI. You can interact with physical objects and characters in the came. Player cannot influence, geometry for instance.
r)well i have a question baout IA? How WIll be used AI in the game? Is will be possible to interact with all the objects in the game?

d)Lets say a stalker is on a roof (the player) and another stalker is down, when the stalker down sees the stalker who is up - what will he do, come up? wait for me? leave?
r)A stalker will choose an adequate position for fighting and will open fire. Most likely finds cover and fill fire. If he considers he's too close, he'll retreat to a good position and vice versa.

d)How is the balancing going? What are the main difficulties in getting the game finished?
r)We are working on tha balance. The main difficulty is to test, balance and 'proofread' this living world of the Zone.

d)How much % is Stalker ready?
r)95% but as practice shows, it's the remaining 5% which is the toughest to accomplish

d)NPC can detect player by seeing his shadow?
r)that's impossible now, please ask in 4 years

d)think that it would be get better than hl2?
r)it will be a different game, with a different gameplay style

d)will be possible to use vehicles during the single player game? and in the multiplayer game?
r)It is possible to use viehcles in singlplayer. As for the multyplaer our tecnology allows to make it, but we think it will be done not in the main game, but in one of the mods.

d)What can you tell us about the AI in S.T.A.L.K.E.R? Will it learn from your actions throughout the game and act accordingly in order to get the better of you at higher difficulty levels? Will it be able to assess a situation and attempt to find assistance if its losing?
r)AI will be calling for assistance when feeling the loss, yes. To make it learn from your actions - hardly

d)when we will see screenchots on DX 9 + Shader 3.0 on open sphere
r)Let it be our surprise. Wink

d)Will Stalker have some kind of advanced copy protection like Starforce ?
r)we can't tell yet. with Western release THQ will decide which copy protection to use.

d)Are there any additional features added to Stalker which aren't mentioned on the site?
r)yes, and a lot! we have preserved some surprises

d)How flexibel is the X-RAY engine? Will you license the engine to other developers?
r)The engine is pretty cool. Wink We will lincese it.

d)What kind of demo was it that Gamekult tested? The review was bad
r)I believe a very buggy version dating back to September. anyway, a quick presentation can't give an in-depth opinion of the game imho

d)What are you doing in the game for music?
r)The music will be dark ambient from exellent musician Mooze. And for intro and outro symphonic music Prague orchestra will be used.

d)Will there be a special edition released for the post-soviet region? Those STOP signs in english are killin me Smile
r)We will release a special Russian edition, as far as release in territories other than CIS is concerned, please ask THQ

d)Will it be possible (maybe with the help of a secret update Wink ) to cut of body part ? Or will there be version where it is possible and versions where not depending on the land where stalker is published ?
r)We've received this request for so many times now, especially from Russian players. We will provide for certain possibilities there, but obviously not in the official German version

d)How long will be the loading screens between "leves" ?.
r)It will depend from optimization, maybe a minute or so.

d)Do we need to fuel our vechiles and what is goin on whith vechiles?
r)we have skipped fuel to make it simpler for control and more fun, but added lights switch on/off, realistic destruction model, including exploding etc.

d)What shaders will there be?
r)For Dx8 - 1.4 For Dx9 - 3.0

d)pls speak more the psysich engine! Is that better then Hl2?
r)my opinion is that it provides more possibilities for the game, yes and makes it in a more realistic way

d)How are you planning to handle the piracy problem after the Steam platform, that was considered "unbreakable" was successfully cracked by pirates
r)We will used the most advanced SecuROM features, pirates will suffer!Smile

d)When Stalker sleep can he be killed?
r)Yes, he can be killed, that`s why stalker will have to hide.

d)Now that the development has progressed so far, can you see if the visits to Chernobyl were rewarding in terms of feel?
r)Absolutely! It was absolutely necessary for us to visit the area - otherwise the atmosphere wouldn't be so authentic

d)Is the game modular enough to allow for parts of source code (i.e the game logic) to be released to modders' hands, and if yes, will it be done
r)The source will be given as a whole.

d)This is probably more of a publishing question, but are there any plans to ship the game with any documentaries, photos, booklets, etc which detail the real Chernobyl incident? I think I can speak for most fans of the game when I say that we would very much like something like this Smile
r)First, check out www.stalker-game.com for the documents and info on the accident. Anyway, the idea seems interesting, we'll discuss what's possible to be done

d)Will in STALKER be an 'excellent' artifacts, clothes, guns, etc. following the path of other RPG-contaning games or all things have only standart params?
r)There will be unique items, that will influence the character`s stats (health, stamina, hunger, radiation and armor)

d)Can sounds in the distance affect the AI? for example: an npc is about to capture an artifact that he knows it is in a house not too far on a hill but as he is closing it he hears evidence of overpowering enemy/ies inside..will he reconsider his actions?
r)Yes, sounds influences AI actions. In this situation NPC will estimate its chances to succed and reconsider his actions.

d)How many character models are there ingame? any random animals like porcupines and tigers?
r)Character models - several hundreds; no porcupines in Chernobyl though only Bloodsuckers!!!

d)How realistic is your health in stalker? about how many bullets can you take?
r)it's as realistic as it can be in a game. bullets - depends on bullet type and body part hit, headshots are of 5 times multiplied damage, for instance.

d)Will STALKER be fully localized in other languages like English, German etc.?
r)of course. provided we have agreement with THQ and enought space on disks, we'll probably leave two voiceovers - Russian with subtitles and localised one for the player's choice

d)Is working in team with AI stalkers planned? if yes can i give them orders. Like: "you take the backdoor, i go in front" or "hide here while i snipe the soldiers at the camp"
r)You will cooperate with NPC, but you cannot give them orders.

d)As you were playing the game, what was the funniest part you experienced?
r)lots of these - duels against AI stalkers. I was after an artefact, but it appeared to be up in the skies raised by anomaly - no way to get it

d)will the game continue after finishing the main quest?
r)It`s a secret.

d)I would like to know please if there is a "mother base" kind of place where you can stay without having to worry about monsters?
r)There is no personal base for the player, just some places where he can stay without worring about monsters.

d)how long can a npc stalker remember me, if we met only once? will the ai get a "real" memory or do they know everything they have seen, even the moment took only some seconds?
r)Even seeing you once NPC will remember you. The AI has absolute memoty.

d)When does the 64Bit version of Stalker released? At the same time with the 32Bit version?
r)Will depend on mutual decision of THQ and AMD

d)Why are you removing such realistic features that upon which has made STALKER up to it's promising realistitic potential such as (fuel, breaking down of cars ect,) can't you just add an option feature where we can turn it on or off ?????
r)The cars do break, and lack of fuel in Zone is pretty realistic. No one supplies it there.

d)How long does a 24 h day in STALKER takes in reality time?
r)In reality it is 2,5 houres.

d)As publisher in ex-USSR, we'll probably release both. As for worldwide, THQ are best to answer
r)will the game released on DVD or CD´s?

d)Multiplayer Related: In terms of playability (skill involved, years to master ), with wich game would u compare STALKER, CSS?
r)CSS would probably be the closest one, yes

d)Will there be a weapon like the HL² manipulator ?
r)No. we planned such a weapon, but HL2 were first to announce it, so we decided to skip it

d)I know that stalker is mostly unscripted, but for the sake of singleplayer mods - how complex tools for scripting we will have?
r)We use the scripting lanquage LUA and all mechanisms availiable for AI can be controlled from scripts. But it doesn`t mean that AI is scripted. Smile

d)There has been some doubt regarding whether or not a player will be able to go prone in the game. Can we please have a final answer: To prone, or not to prone?
r)Stalker can crouch, almost like prone.

d)How long u work on the game yet.
r)the works on the engine started in late 2000. Stalker - early 2002

d)I read, that realism is the most important aspect of the game that you want to accomplish. Is STALKER still making fun to play? Or is it too realistic (e.g. vast outdoor areas/no action)?
r)r)We have fun playing STALKER. We try to achieve a golden mean between action and realism.

d)Especially over the last 12 months, Stalker has gained a lot of popularity. Though, to quote PC Powerplay Australia, it is an ambituos project. At a glance, the game seems to combine all the best aspects of Half Life and Deus Ex. Do you think Stalker will meet up to expectations (or possible even exceed them)?
r)r)We think it will.

d)Take two. Will be entire lighting computed dynamically each frame or with use of lightmaps in same time? Will game engine use 3d textures? If so how?
r)In DX8 we combine lightmaps with dinamic lights from dynamic light sources. In DX9 lights are dynamic. The game uses bumpmapping, also in DX9.

d)How is the "sleeping" takes place in the game? Will the screen just blacks-out for few seconds or what?
r)Yes, the screen turns black and time goes fast in your sleep. If someone approaches the player, he will wake up and have to deal with the situation.

d)how long will it take to walk from one side of the world/map to the other?
r)on average, it will take about 30 minutes and up to cross one level - they are huge

d)Is it possible to tweak the day/night engine so we can fit it our needs, in multiplayer?
r)it's of course possible to do it technically now - no decision yet whether to leave the possibility to the player

d)how many poly's is the average creature/character in the game? do they have complex mouth morphing abilities?
r)There is about 7500 poligons average. DOOM III uses morphing, we use bones."

Che dire, se mantengono le promesse gioco dell'anno 2005.
Basta che non me lo faccino parlare in italiano,voglio inglish al massimo con sottotitoli in italiano(selezionabili non di default)sennò appena esce e so che qua uscirà un pelino tardi per il doppiaggio me lo ordino da fuori
Io lo voglio in Russo!

Великий Джермано!
ardò stò gioco ti farà crashare windows per motivi che solo il Papa può sapere,formatando e reinstallando tutto la situazione cambierà e dovrai venire sotto casa mia a piangere lacrime di sangue prima che io acconsenta a farti partire tale gioco.

? è libero da un pezzo ormai

"grande germano" ??
Si, Germano è il mio nome...
si sa niente sulla data d'uscita ?