December 29, 2007, 7:33am
Una domanda: skizzo è stato bannato percaso per la parolaccia di cui sopra? Se si, chiedo che possa venire sbannato, spesso io e lui ci insultiamo scherzosamente ed essendo amici non prendiamo questi sfottò sul serio, infatti non mi sono offeso essendo poichè tra noi usiamo spesso un linguaggio "colorito" (cosa che chi non conosce i nostri ottimi rapporti probabilmente non può sapere)
nn è stato bannato per questo(beh perchè se no io dovrei avere l'eternal ban
) ma per questo: P.S. onestamente io nn lo avrei bannato
anzi nn ha detto nulla di male
December 29, 2007, 1:17pm
e chi l'ha detto? non credo proprio sia stato bannato per quello...
edit: infatti è stato bannato per altro: chiuso OT
December 30, 2007, 11:10am
li ho visti in bagno insieme... si toccavano... °_°
January 20, 2008, 3:12am
January 21, 2008, 10:23pm
SOLDIER OF FORTUNE/ HALF LIFE 1/GHOST RECON 1 / MAFIA (anke se è considerato un gioco d azione e non un FPS -idem MAX PAYNE- )e non scordiamo ROGUE SPEAR, gioco dove ,nei server multiplayers sono nati clan italiani ancora oggi esistenti (FIKA - NAM...)
ehsi ... rogue spear rullava!
January 25, 2008, 9:00am
ah... quanto rompevi con quel F1 a rogue
che spettacolo rogue mado...
February 5, 2008, 4:51pm
w rash ................. ps siete tutti un po checche............
February 8, 2008, 11:28am
se questo fosse il forum degli swat saremmo già tutti bannati
March 10, 2008, 1:56pm
Già che ci sono, metto qualche info più dettagliata sul fronte multiplayer:
Multiplayer Max # of players: 360 - 14, Dedicated Server 16 PS3 - 14 Dedicated Server 16 PC - 14, Dedicated Server 16 No map editor. Ever hear someone tell you, “I’ll take your whole team on”? Multiplayer matches no longer have to be balanced. For example, you can now have a game of 7 vs 2 (Player Match only). No host migration. No split screen online. No multiple “squads” per team. Join In Progress - You now have the option of allowing players to join in the middle of a multiplayer map and play right away instead of waiting until the end of the match. You can toggle this option if you want joiners to wait until the end. No party-invite. Menu Interface – Vegas 1 fans will be happy to know that when in a full room, you can now swap teams without asking someone to leave and re-invite them back. As mentioned in Part 1, you now have 4 slots for custom preset equipment templates: Assault, Recon, Demolition & Sniper. Whatever weapons and gadgets you save on each template will always be there as you freely swap between them. From the multiplayer menu, you have the following: Launch Game (host only) Change Team Outfitting Match Settings (changeable by host) Players Options A.C.E.S. Statistics Communication - While your team is talking, your HUD will display the person’s name on the top left, showing you who is talking. Sprinting & Bullet Penetration – Sprinting and Bullet Penetration is available in all modes. Please refer to Part 1 for more information. Host Control in Ranked Matches Improved - Ranked Matches are a competitive area where players go to affect their statistics. Therefore, we have certain “fixed” settings that cannot be modified by the host in order to create a fairer experience: - Join In Progress: Disabled - Game Invitations: Enabled - Friendly-Fire: Host Control - Host cannot kick players under any circumstances; In Lobby & In Game. - Automatically kick a player after 3 Team-Kills - Lock Teams: Host Control - Host cannot force a player to change teams - Auto-Swap Teams: Host Control - Game cannot start until there is an even number of players on both teams. (ex: 3v3, 4v4) - Require a minimum number of 4 players before starting the game. - Modify respawn setting: Disabled; therefore this setting is disabled from the CREATE MATCH and MATCH SETTING screens altogether. I am very pleased to announce that Vegas 2 has the option for you to invite your friends into ranked matches (while in the multiplayer lobby). The person who invites and the person who accepts will be on the same team. Think: ranked clan matches with you and your friends. Radar (Overhead Map) – Can be toggled on or off and is auto-saved to your system. You can set this under multiplayer OPTIONS. Kill Cam – When enabled, the camera will look to the location from which the killing shot came. Kill cam can be toggled on or off under multiplayer MATCH SETTINGS. Loading Times - Much, Much Better! We substantially reduced the waiting & loading times associated with playing multiplayer compared to Vegas 1. * No loading of the multiplayer menu to play online; the PEC is now part of the main menu. * PEC assets are streamed, so there is no need to load other players' PEC assets. * Join in Progress eliminates having to wait in observer mode until the round ends. * Coop Tango Hunt can be launched alone, so you aren't waiting in a lobby for more players to connect before you can play. * Clients and host load maps simultaneously, as opposed to having the host first load the map and then all clients following afterwards. We also optimized the replication of custom faces across the network. We've noticed in Vegas 1 that when there is a full multiplayer room of custom faces, it would sometimes take over 15 minutes to load them all (and would be pending with a default face until they loaded). In Vegas 2 we have optimized the custom faces so even with a full room each face would load in a minute or less (depending on the connection). With our tests they loaded in a matter of seconds. Rankings – Vegas 2 will reward returning gamers with enough XP to make the first rank, as well as extra gear to help you on your mission. If you are a returning Elite (or completed story mode on realistic difficulty) you will be rewarded all the benefits that veteran gamers get + more. XP Cap per match – There is none! Depending on how well you play (A.C.E.S., Team Kill, Suicide, # of Kills, etc) you can earn up to and over 1200 XP (which was the cap limit in Vegas 1). Mind you, it takes a lot of skill to earn over 1200 XP per match. "I'm not cheating... a fly died in the center of my screen" In multiplayer modes, players do not have a crosshair when covering against a wall. If you've played Vegas 1 multiplayer, you most likely came across a gamer who put a black dot in the middle of their screen with a marker, or a put a small rip of paper in the center held by a piece of tape. Whatever the case may be, there was no way to stop them from aiming from behind cover with their self-made crosshair and killing you in a blink of an eye. Enter Vegas 2, where pop-n-shoot has a movement penalty applied to the accuracy. Players are encouraged to peek around corners when waiting instead of covering to pop-n-shoot. Multiplayer Modes Team Leader (NEW): Eliminate the enemy team’s leader and their team while protecting your own leader. As long as the Team Leader is still alive, all other team members can respawn to aid the team. Once the Team Leader is killed, there will not be anymore respawns for the team. However, if the Team Leader kills someone on the opposing team, they will no longer respawn whether or not their team leader is alive or dead. Total Conquest (NEW): A revised version of Conquest mode, Total Conquest is an intense back-and-forth game where the tide can turn at anytime. Capture all three satellite transmitters and hold them for the duration of the countdown. If a satellite is interrupted the countdown resets. Deathmatch: Free-for-all combat with no mercy. The player with the most kills wins the match. Respawns optional. Renamed from Survival & Sharpshooter. Team Deathmatch: Two teams compete by hunting each other to see which team will rack up the most kills. Respawns optional. Renamed from Team Survival & Team Sharpshooter. Attack & Defend (There are three game types depending on the map) A&D - Item Extraction: The Attackers must reach and pick up a briefcase, then bring it to an extraction zone. The Defenders they must prevent this from happening. The match can also be won by eliminating the opposing team. C4 cannot be attached to the briefcase. The Defenders cannot pick up the briefcase. A&D - Hostage Rescue: Two hostages are placed in different areas of the map. To win, the Attackers must successfully locate and escort the hostages to the extraction point. The Defenders must prevent the attackers from escorting the hostages to the extraction area. A&D – Demolition (NEW): One team must pick up the bomb and successfully detonate it inside one of the target sites. The other team must prevent this from happening by finding the bomb and defusing it. In other words, there is a role-reversal where the attackers become the defenders (arm bomb then protect it during the countdown), and defenders become the attackers (defend target sites then defuse it when armed). This message has been edited. Last edited by: Ubi.LevelUp, Wed February 13 2008 12:23 -- Best Regards, Ubi.LevelUp - Community Developer Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Qualcosina di buono rispetto a vegas sembra esserci...aspettiamo e lo scopriremo.
Riguardo al discorso mappe, da quanto ho letto altrove dovrebbero esserci (rivedute ed aggiornate) le seguenti mappe di rash: Presidio, Strade e Killhouse.
March 16, 2008, 5:46pm
Già che ci sono, metto qualche info più dettagliata sul fronte multiplayer: Qualcosina di buono rispetto a vegas sembra esserci...aspettiamo e lo scopriremo. Riguardo al discorso mappe, da quanto ho letto altrove dovrebbero esserci (rivedute ed aggiornate) le seguenti mappe di rash: Presidio, Strade e Killhouse.
nn ho il coraggio di leggere tutto
... però sono fiducioso su sto gioco
.... speramo bene...
ma ci sarà la console? le modalità saranno come in rvs o come sugli fps online normale in cui ci sono i respawn?
P.S. myst potresti togliere il mio nome dal tuo avatar?
March 16, 2008, 11:09pm
La console non saprei, il server dedicato dovrebbe map editor no (evidentemente puntano a mantenere una bassa longevità dei giochi per vendere poi i capitoli successivi degli stessi, ecco perchè si guardano bene dai giochi vecchio stile..) cmq credo ormai si tenda a puntare sempre più sulle console (ahimè).
Le varie modalità di gioco assomigliano più a giochi stile COD4, ma per fortuna ci sarà la classica team survival.
A sto punto aspettiamo, il gioco negli USA esce il 18 marzo quindi a breve ci sarà qualcuno che potrebbe dare qualche anticipazione...una sorta di preview
March 17, 2008, 10:27am
quindi??? me prendo vegas 2 o mi metto l'anima in pace e mi compro cod 4?
March 17, 2008, 2:41pm
Punisher !
Ma pure qua sei Qnick?
oh madonna santa
pure tu
Aspetta qualche giorno a sto punto, così sentiamo le prime anticipazioni su vegas 2...per non sbagliare mettiti l'anima in pace a prescindere, probabilmente sarà meglio di vegas 1 ma sarà comunque lontano dal vecchio raven
COD4 è giocabile e pure divertente, la community è numerosissima, ladder e tornei ce ne sono a iosa...però è ben altra cosa da raven: grafica, mappe e netcode sono fatti bene, il gioco è abbastanza leggero e gira anche su configurazioni non recentissime, ma le armi hanno suoni ridicoli, il rinculo praticamente non esiste, se non giochi in modalità hardcore per ammazzare uno devi sparargli addosso una marea di colpi (ad eccezzione degli headshot), bah come alternativa non è male (diciamo che al momento non trovo nulla di meglio) però la sensazione di gioco altamente arcade non me la toglie nessuno
March 19, 2008, 2:13pm
Aggornamento: in nord America esce il 19, ma solo le versioni per console.La versione per PC esce il 5 Aprile.
A sto punto mi chiedo se il 28 Marzo verrà rispettata come data di uscita in Europa...bah.
PS La data del 18 marzo era stata precedentemente annunciata da un manager ubisoft (senza ulteriori dettalgi sulle versioni), ora han cambiato date...un classico.L'inizio non è certo dei migliori
March 20, 2008, 8:05pm
si dice che il gioco sia una corposa espansione di vegas... andiamo ancora meglio
cmq dicono che l'online sia parecchio migliorato
.... sarà vero?