Project Offset [titolo provvisorio][FPS][RPG]

Buone novelle per la pubblicazione del gioco come dicono in questa chat ci sono svariati distributori interessati a pubblicarlo

Gamecloud - First, the two tech demo movies for Project Offset have generated a lot of attention. Did you expect this type of coverage for a project that is still in its infancy?

Sam McGrath - We have been shocked with the amount of attention our videos have received. We're really encouraged by all the great comments from fans. I think it's something we hoped for, but certainly not something we expected.

Gamecloud - A lot of people believe it will take a lot of money and time to create a game with graphics like Project Offset. Speaking from experience what is your opinion on this issue?

Sam McGrath - The size of team we will need to complete the game is definitely going to be much bigger than it was for our last project (Savage). For one thing, we are planning an in depth single player component, and we're going to need a lot of content there. Our plan has never been to finish the game with just the three of us. At the same time though, we have some tools which really streamline the process of getting next gen content into the engine very quickly, so time and cost will be lower than some people might expect.

Gamecloud - How did the idea for the game itself come about?

Sam McGrath - The idea for the setting of the game was almost a no brainer for us. We're all fans of the epic fantasy genre, and disappointed that the setting has largely been left to the realm of RPGs. An epic fantasy FPS is the game WE all want to play, so we're making it!

Gamecloud - Why do you think fantasy based action games haven't worked in the past and how will Project Offset overcome those problems?

Sam McGrath - We're taking a lot of inspiration from the best FPSs out there today, like Half Life 2, Call of Duty, Wolfenstein: ET, etc. There are some challenges to overcome from the game mechanics side, like making the melee combat fun and responsive, and making the ranged weapons enjoyable to use when many of them are "lobbing" weapons like bow and arrows and crossbows. I think players will be really happy with the final result.

Gamecloud - What can you tell us about some of the more important graphical elements n Project Offset?

Sam McGrath - We have a totally unified approach to shadowing and lighting that makes the Offset Engine behave much more like a traditional offline renderer like Renderman or Mental Ray. Additionally, we apply motion blur uniformly to everything that gets rendered, which in my opinion is just as important to achieve a feeling of realism as shadows are. I'm happy to say that we're finally at a point where the gap between prerendered and real time graphics is pretty darn small. Technology buffs can get a detailed listing of features that our renderer supports at

Gamecloud - Is physics an important part of the game and if so how will it be used in Project Offset?

Sam McGrath - Physics is going to be a big part of gameplay, from destructible environments to vehicle physics for dragons, siege weapons, giant trolls, etc... We are also going to spend a good deal of focus on tying physics to the animation system to get the most realistic motion possible on our characters. Great graphics are kind of a waste if you don't have great physics and animation to maintain that illusion of realism.

Gamecloud - Since the release of the Project Offset movies, how much progress has there been in actually creating the game?

Sam McGrath - Development has slowed a bit since the release of our second video. Our schedule has been pretty full with publisher / investor meetings and phone calls. Our hope is that we can get full funding very soon so we can get back to working on the game. We are making sure to take our next steps carefully, though.

Gamecloud - Have there been any nibbles from publishers about the game?

Sam McGrath - Yeah, we've received emails from lots of publishers, which is really encouraging!

Gamecloud - What is the current target date for completing Project Offset and are you targeting both PCs and next-gen consoles?

Sam McGrath - We have a release schedule that we want to stick to but don't want to give out any of that info publicly yet. As far as next gen consoles go, we are looking at Xbox360 and PS3 development, but can't give any promises yet.

Gamecloud - Finally is there anything else you wish to say about Project Offset at this time?

Sam McGrath - Please check out our website at We also have forums up at with a great community building already.
Riassunto in italiano?
In breve.

Dicono che le l' hype generato dal secondo video è andato oltre le loro aspettative.

Attualmente ci lavorano in 3 al gioco ma per finirlo serviranno molte + persone di quelle richieste per Savage visto che intendono mettere,al contrario di Savage,anche una ricca parte single player e per il single servono molte + persone rispetto al multy logicamente,ma cmq sia la spesa in denaro e in tempo non è molto alta come ci si potrebbe aspettare il loro tool (l' Offset appunto) permette di risparmiare un casino di tempo (pubblicità visto che in definitiva vogliono venderlo).

Dopo l'uscita del secondo video il lavoro ha subito un leggero rallentamento duvuto ai continui colloqui con distributori e produttori interessati al progetto,una volta che avranno raggiunto il loro obbiettivo ( cioè $ ) si rimetteranno a pieno ritmo al lavoro passando al punto n°2...finirlo (cioè senza soldi non lo finiscono e mi pare giusto...penso che tra le righe intenda questo è una mia congettura).

Per quanto riguarda l'uscita del gioco dicono che la hanno in mente,ma non la dicono ancora perchè troppo presto.


Anzi forse ho capito male io,mi sa che dice che anche senza finanziamenti o distributore qualora non si mettessero daccordo forse trovano alternative per finirlo.
Almeno hanno avuto la pubblicità che speravano. così è giunto il momento di dire a costoro: meno chiacchere più lavoro!
spero che se uscirà avra' un buon supporto..
altrimenti finisce come doom3 che in multi ci gioca nessuna
scommettiamo che verrà distribuito su piattaforma steam?
Ecco penso che se non trovano un'accordo è quello che intendono con "trovare un modo"

Cmq sul loro forum danno indicazioni maggiori DICONO (non l'ho ancora visto) leggendo qua e la pare che vogliono chiedere il Radian il sistema I.A di Oblivion
Ma che se ne fanno dell'IA dell'elder scrolls se sarà un banalissimo fps?
Nuevo video
Dicasi programmatori e artisti con i controcoglioni
Il team ormai si è allargato, e sembra aver risvegliato l'attenzione di ottimi finanziatori (e vorrei vedere ).
Speriamo che riesca ad uscire in tempi accettabili!
Ma è per pc o per xbox360?

Vi prego ditemi che è per pc !

sempre piu bello questo gioco
The game is targeted for next gen PC hardware. Xbox360 and PS3 are also possible and we are excited about bringing Project Offset to these platforms.

I filmati sono veramente da sbavo....e poi un FPS epico è un innovazione e gli spazi grandi e aperti (come quelli che si vedono dai filmati) secondo me possono dare qualcosa di diverso mai visto.

un'intervista fatta ai dev

Why did they choose to make PO?: They are big fans of fantasy games and FPS, and as fantasy games are mostly limited to RPGs they wanted to make something new, which bigger companies often are afraid to do.

The team: The PO team are good friends and are very efficent. Sam understands how artists (Travis and Trevor) think and work and does everything he can to give them the tools they need. As they are a small company nearly all their time goes to develop PO.

Progress now: After the release of the second video they havent had much time to work with PO. Their schedule have been full with publisher/investor meetings, phone calls etc. They hope they will get a publisher soon so they can begin working on the game again. All the core engienge system. They are now going to work on gameplay mechanics.

The Offset engienge (OE): Is made from scratch.

Publishers: They have recieved a lot of interest from publishres and now they want to choose right so they get the best for the game and so they still retain creative freedom. No info which publishers...

Name: Project offset IS a temporary name, and they have some other names in mind. Those will however, be told once they get a publisher.

Donations: Until they get a publisher they are completely supported by donations from the fans. A great THANK YOU to those who have donated. If you can/dont want to donate money you can help by spreading the word or just join the forum and become a part of the discussion.

Campaigns (single player): If they get enough money they will make a campaign for each class.

Multiplayer: Multiplayer battles will be where two teams (8-64+) have to do a set of objectives. Much teamwork is needed.

Physics: There will be destructible envirement, vehicle physics, and animations.They focus to make very good physics because "Great graphics are kind of a waste if you don't have great physics and animation to maintain that illusion of realism." Qouted from Sam...

The videos: They were shocked by the attention their videos recieved, and it did really encourage them.

The graphics: The mostly about graphics in the interviews can be found in the tech section.

Classes: They plan to have five classes in PO. Warriors, marksmans, builders, healers and wizards.

Races: There will be ten or more races to play. Those that are known are humans, elves, dwarves and orchs.

Gameplay: They want great graphics but their main focus is gameplay and to make PO fun. They will be bringing many new elements to the first person gener that they think gamers will like.

Size of the team: The team is going to be much bigger than savage (7 people worked with it). They are 5 right now for those who dont know.

Other consoles: Their main target is pc, but they will do everything they can to get it to other consoles too.

Release date: They have a timeline they want to meet and will work hard to finish it by then. No info when it is...

Future games: Sam says they are never going to stop developing, so more amazing games can be expected.

ld: anzi, oldissimo... ho visto 3 video quest'estate
ed è da quest'estate ke ci sbavo sopra
1) Il thread è di Giugno

2) E' stato riuppato ieri perchè è uscito il 3° video.

Se spagini indietro trovi il link a shack

Ora mi guardo il videoz
Mah, me sembra ancora talmente in alto mare come progetto che mi auto impongo di non sbavarci sopra.