
certo che stare 3 anni con una e farti le palle blu deve esser proprio faiga

Stranger: kay g2g find a girl(u know what i mean)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

trovato un tipo che abita a 20 km da compostela e gli sto raccontando il mio viaggio del 2004, con tanto di mia overdose di painkillers.
io scrivo in dialetto veneto e lui risponde in spagnolo. meraviglioso.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: where are you from?
Stranger: from italy
Stranger: i'm male
You: yeah?
Stranger: 18 old
Stranger: =D
You: cool
You: I'm german
You: my name's kristine :-D
You: I like italy
You: where do you live?
Stranger: yeah its wonderful
Stranger: i live in Milan
You: oh really?
Stranger: =D
Stranger: yeah
You: I've been there this summeeeer!
You: great!
You: what's your name?
Stranger: Luca
You: where do you live in milan??
You: maybe I was near your home
Stranger: near duomo
Stranger: center
You: duomo
You: I was there
You: cool!
You: the world is small ^_^
Stranger: eheh maybe you saw me =D
You: maybe ^^
You: what are your hobbies?
Stranger: eheh
Stranger: i play football
Stranger: fly
You: fly O_______O
Stranger: as a private pilot
You: nooooooooo
You: really?
Stranger: yeah
You: a only 18 years old?
You: it's utterly coool!!!!
You: how did you achieve that??
Stranger: so
You: so what
Stranger: i fly
Stranger: with little airplanes
Stranger: like cessna
Stranger: there is a flying school here
You: wooooow
Stranger: and maybe
Stranger: in the future
Stranger: i'll become an airline pilot =D
You: if I come back in milan can I come with you on a plane?
Stranger: of course
You: anyway I met an italian 5 minutes ago
You: he told he was named targhaan or something similar and said to read the forum NGI
You: do you know it?
Stranger: targann?
Stranger: it's not italian name
You: tharghan
You: ah ok
You: do you know NGI forum?
Stranger: its a videogames forum
Stranger: or not?
You: don't know
You: tharghan said there's this guy which is the most cool in the forum
You: andrewthelord
You: are u theeere?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: then?
You: do you read ngi forum?
Stranger: no i dont
You have disconnected.
è una fabbrica di perle assoluta sta chat

un giorno che ho tempo da perdere mi ci metto
eora go a carta igenica vetrada da trenta, sgaruja, svasadora, caroponte, estratore...
Stranger: Bedododo?
You: du du du da da da
You: e il tuo nome saraaa
Stranger: WHAT THE HELL?
You: il nome di ogni cittaaaaaaaaaa
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, from?
You: hello, i'm a male from italy
You: and you?
Stranger: hi, i'm a male from italy too
Stranger: how are you?
You: parla italiano
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ciao, come stai?
You: utttttto bbbeeene
You: miiiinchiaa
Stranger: terrone
You: chi sei di ngi
Stranger: terrone di ngi
You: ahahahah
You: ecco n'altro
You: galaahd?
Stranger: no
Stranger: prima te
You: madò ma ti vergogni?
You: che tenero
Stranger: sono uno schifoso lurker
Stranger: tu chi sei?
You: questa la posto
You: ora lo vedi
Stranger: aspè
Stranger: posta questa
Stranger: no niente
You: ....

devl c'eravamo beccati anche noi qualche mese fa vero?
durante un raid

Oh yes
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: ciao

Stranger: hey

You: dimmi

Stranger: u speak english?

You: yes

Stranger: cool

Stranger: were u from?

You: spain

Stranger: nice

Stranger: sorry i don't speak spanish

You: i'm a girl

You: i can spech little englis


You: are you a male?

Stranger: i am indeed

You: nice

Stranger: were abouts in spain are you from

You: the lower part

You: catalunia

You: do you understand?

Stranger: never heard of it but i know spain very little

You: do you like spanish girl?

Stranger: doesn't make a difference what nationality

You: do you come from?

Stranger: i come from england

You: i like england

Stranger: makes one of us then

You: but a lot of rain


Stranger: thats true

Stranger: its been really hot this week

Stranger: we are having an early summer

You: in spain we call summer antani

Stranger: ah

Stranger: i should of paid more attention in my spanish classes


You: if you want to make a girl love you

You: you have to say

You: supercazzola brematurata

You: it's a nice way to call girls

You: do you have msn?

Stranger: i do

You: want to add me? i got webcameras

Stranger: i don't have a webcam tho

You: it's ok but do you have a pictures?

Stranger: not on this laptop

You: ok

You: do you want my contacto?

Stranger: depends

Stranger: how old?

You: 17 years old

Stranger: good

Stranger: not younger than me

Stranger: ha


You: [email protected] if you add me on msn we can chat ok?

Stranger: ok

You: bye chico

Stranger: cya

You: what cya mean?

Stranger: its an english slang word for see you later

You: ok


You: bye

avanti un altro
You: Hello.
Stranger: hello
You: what's up?
Stranger: the sky

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: ciao

Stranger: hi

You: como estas?

Stranger: do you speak english

Stranger: ?

You: yes but not much

Stranger: male or female?

You: female

You: from spain

Stranger: nice to meet you lady (:

Stranger: how old are you?

You: i'm 17 yo

You: you?

Stranger: 18

Stranger: What kind of music do you listen

You: i like madonna

You: and spanish music

Stranger: (:

You: do you want to learn some spanish world?

Stranger: yes be fantastic (:

You: what do you want to learn?

Stranger: i want learn some spanish from you

Stranger: you so beatiful

You: graciaz


You: :*

You: if you want to say: you are so beautiful

You: say: bella patonza zozza

Stranger: you "bella patonza zozza" (:

Stranger: realy

You: yes

You: if you want to tell me that you love me

You: in a poetic way

You: you can try with: antani mucho


You: like iglesias song

Stranger: can i see you? (:

You: where?

You: i have only msn and webcameras

Stranger: okay

You: can i have your msn indiricio?

Stranger: ********* its me

You: mine is [email protected]

You: see you on msn pisellino moscio

You: ok?

Stranger: ok

You have disconnected.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: HEY BUDDY

You: hello!

You: 26 M Italy

Stranger: 23 f naples

You: se

Stranger: ciao

You: Agora'?




Stranger: io sono enchinta!

Stranger: spaghetti

You: e cazzi tuoi xD

Stranger: PIZZA

You: mafia?

Stranger: si si

You: you love immondizia?

Stranger: tu nona tegusta las borra di camelo
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

bello eh