Nuovi giocattolini

Aggiungerei anche la facilità di restock.

Quando vengono polverizzati i BC vengono sostituiti facilmente a basso costo. Questo rende immensamente felici le schiere di niubbini che anziché mostrare un minimo di palle e schierare navi un pò più costose (ma decisamente più performanti), al minimo click si ritrovano l'hangar come nuovo e via a perdere altri BC a raffica.
usare i Drake in flotta non ha alcun senso se non il "sono niubbo" "non ho soldi" "tanto siamo seghe e so che scoppiamo tutti" ... il Tengu ha lo stesso ruolo del drake e lo fa 100 volte meglio.
Pensavo di ricevere risposte che non sapevo già (io niubbo).
Ciò non toglie che il drake sia abusato per i motivi che avete elencato. Mi rendo conto, è spiacevole che in EVE non siano tutti pr0 con una luna di tech che vanno in tengu, ma d'altra parte l'ecosistema ha bisogno dei niubbi.
ship-troduction: the gallente talos

As we speak, our artists (don‘t worry, I don‘t actually get to draw ships) and game designers are working on the Talos, making sure it‘s ready for the the abuse you guys are planning to put it through following our upcoming winter expansion.

Many of you will recognize the ship model as the Seraphim from the „EVE Online: Create a starship contest“ on Deviant Art. So yes, we have another player creation entering the game this winter! Its designer, Michael Schierup, did a magnificent job on the visuals and we felt that the name „Talos“ would be even better suited for such a beautiful ship. In greek mythology Talos was a bronze giant who guarded the island of Crete and, just like our Talos, he wasn‘t particularly friendly to uninvited ships crowding his turf.

Like its Minmatar counterpart, the Tornado, the Talos battlecruiser will be capable of fitting weapons normally reserved for larger vessels, worrying less about self defense capabilities.
The Talos excels as an “in your face glass cannon”. It will be a particularly dangerous blaster boat, especially with the hybrid rebalancing kicking in at the time of its birth. Think of it as a smaller, more expendable Vindicator, if you will.

In certain situations it will be the best ship you’ve flown. In others, the last ship you’ll fly before you have to buy a new one. In the hands of a talented Gallente pilot with a knack for picking the right fights at the right moments, the Talos should ensure violent festivities during the holiday season.
Si sanno già le stats di queste nuove navi ?

Per carità, le blaster-boat sono fantastiche ma ci sono già brutix, deimos e megathron, non ne serviva un'altra. Ai Gallente manca una nave decente con le railgun.
Ho trovato da solo

dal test server, bonus ai web e alle ibride da bs
il vindicator dei poveri
Secondo me quei dati non sono attendibili, ad esempio il Naga è più veloce del Moa e ha una massa simile, non riesco a capirne senso ( Più significativamente (il moa chi cazzo lo usa?):

Rupture: 11'650'000 kg, 192m/s
Tornado: 11'750'000 kg, 225m/s

Non ha il minimo senso

Giusto, era sgravato.

Combinato con il boost alle railgun, il Deimos può diventare una nave semi-decente forse.

La Megathron non avrà più problemi di CPU e potrà montare hardener attivi e un nautralizer heavy senza problemi. Il Deimos e il Brutix potranno finalmente montare le railgun senza dover devastare il resto del setup.
+10% damage per le rail è un po' poco (più che altro per le medium), speravo qualcosa di più.

Quella Gallente nessuno la userà come blaster-boat quindi il bonus al web non serve a niente. La migliore imho è quella Amarr (tracking bonus ftw). Sono interessanti per fleet mid-range (da 40 a 100km) ma onestamente questi nuovi battlecruiser non mi fanno impazzire, se devo scegliere prendo snipe hac tutta la vita. Come gank-ship in impero però è da paura.


Altro? No perché a sto punto potevano nerfargli pure il bonus al rof e il republic fleet firetail diventava meglio....
Le Hybrid:
damage: +10%
cap use: -30%
cpu: -10%
pg: -10%

Thank you, captain obvious !
E' il test server, non sono patch notes...


Mi pareva che nel post che hai citato ci fosse un po' troppa enfasi. Secondo me "nerfano" un po' di cose prima chei arrivi addirittura su singularity.

Si parlava di una modifica all'aggression legata alle bolle (non chiaro al 100% cosa facesse).
sono contento che alla CCP si sono tolti le dita dal culo
son curioso di vedere le stat delll'ishtar da snippo con i nuovi moduli
Primo devblog sulle ibride:

Mi viene in mente "too little, too late". Forse e' solo un contentino. Forse un primo passo. Fa specie che non riescano a buffare Gallente senza (ninja)buffare anche tutti gli altri (con le ammo T2).

Sono d'accordo (welp!).

A parte il fatto che come damage, range e tracking le medium railgun sono peggiori sia delle artillery che dei laser, il problema principale è il fitting. Anche con queste modifiche, con tutte le skill a lvl5 su un deimos dopo che hai messo 5 railgun e 1 mwd hai finito la powergrid
Hybrid turrets have fallen out of grace. Maybe they weren't that amazing to begin with, but things have gotten somewhat worse in recent years. The speed change made it more difficult for blaster ships to get in close. The webifier change meant that blaster tracking suddenly wasn't good enough. The projectile boost made hybrids worse by comparison. Whatever it was that broke the camel's back, this is where we are now; Hybrid turrets do not compare favorably to the other turret systems.

How we go about fixing this is the big question. Not everyone agrees on the direction we should take. Some feel that the ships themselves are at fault. Others point out the inherent incompatibility of armor tanking and close range combat.

I agree that those issues need to be taken into account, but I don't think they are the best place to start when we rebalance hybrid turrets. Before we start looking at armor tanking issues or individual ships, Hybrid weapons as a whole need to be boosted up to a level where using them becomes desirable. The goal is to make them better at what they already do, not to change their roles. Blasters should do high damage at short range. Railguns should do average damage at long range. Now let's dive right into the details.

Hybrid Turrets

  • Hybrid turret reload time will be 5 seconds.
  • Hybrid ammo will be 50% smaller (and turret capacity reduced to keep same number of charges)

Reduce CPU usage:

  • XL Turrets: -5 CPU
  • L Turrets: -3 CPU
  • M Turrets: -2 CPU
  • S Turrets: -1 CPU

** Exception: 75mm Railguns (they already have very low CPU requirements.)

Reduce Powergrid usage:

  • All hybrid turrets: -12% Powergrid usage. Rounded to nearest whole number.

** Exceptions: Light Electron Blasters, Light Ion Blasters, 125mm Railguns, 75mm Railguns (they already have very low Powergrid requirements.)

Reduced Capacitor usage:

  • All hybrid turrets: -30% capacitor use

Tracking Speed Increase:

  • All blaster turrets: +20% to Tracking speed

** Exception: XL turrets (they already have good tracking when compared to other XL turrets)


  • Blaster damage +5% (except XL turrets)


Damage Increase:

  • All railgun turrets: +10% to Damage modifier
  • Railgun tracking +5%

** Exception: XL turrets (they already have good damage when compared to other XL turrets)

Hybrid turret ships

While I am hesitant to boost individual ships right now, I do think that a small speed boost to hybrid turret ships in general is needed. You will notice that a few hybrid turret ships are not mentioned here. The ones that are not listed are either fast enough already or they have range bonuses to hybrid turrets, which means that they are meant for longer range combat and as such should not need a velocity boost as much as other hybrid turret ships.

Max Velocity +10 on the following ships:
Arazu, Astarte, Brutix, Catalyst, Deimos, Dominix, Dominix Navy Issue, Enyo, Eos, Falcon, Guardian-Vexor, Helios, Incursus, Ishtar, Lachesis, Maulus, Megathron, Megathron Federate Issue, Megathron Navy Issue, Thorax, Tristan, Utu, Vexor, Vexor Navy Issue, Vigilant

Max Velocity +5 on the following ships:
Cormorant, Federation Navy Comet, Hyperion, Kronos, Sin, Vindicator

Inertia Modifier -5% on the following ships:
Adrestia, Arazu, Ares, Astarte, Atron, Brutix, Catalyst, Celestis, Cormorant, Daredevil, Deimos, Dominix, Dominix Navy Issue, Eagle, Enyo, Eos, Eris, Exequror Navy Issue, Falcon, Federation Navy Comet, Ferox, Guardian-Vexor, Harpy, Helios, Hyperion, Incursus, Ishkur, Ishtar, Kronos, Lachesis, Maulus, Megathron, Megathron Federate Issue, Megathron Navy Issue, Merlin, Moa, Phobos, Raptor, Rokh, Sin, Taranis, Thorax, Tristan, Utu, Vexor, Vexor Navy Issue, Vigilant, Vindicator, Vulture

Tech II Ammo

I did some comparison between the tech II ammo types and found that one hybrid ammo type did indeed need some work. I also found that the other turret types had some very underwhelming ammo. Rather than limit myself to only boosting the hybrid ammo, I will also be making some changes to other tech II ammo types. Javelin is quite obviously underpowered. The correlating laser and projectile ammo, Gleam and Quake, are equally underwhelming and they all need some change. Additionally, Hail sticks out as terribly underpowered.

  • Javelin (all sizes): Removed cap penalty
  • Javelin, Gleam and Quake (all sizes): Removed tracking speed penalty, added 25% tracking speed bonus
  • Hail (all sizes): Removed falloff penalty falloff penalty will be 25%