Nuova Espansione Invernale: Riassunto

santo dio!
Build 321452 to 323364 addresses Patch notes for Crucible 1.0.1

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.0.1
To be released Tuesday, December 6, 2011. The following are the relevant file sizes for client updates:

  • Windows from Crucible 1.0 to Crucible 1.0.1 is 8 MB
  • Windows full client 4.8 GB
  • Mac from Crucible 1.0 to Crucible is 1.0.1 11 MB
  • Mac full client 5.7 GB


Character Creation and New Player Experience

  • After you have finished with Aura's missions, she will now still refer to you by name.
  • Character portrait UI now remembers the previous settings - meaning you can keep the pose/expression and just make the changes you want.
  • The 6th part of the first tutorial now triggers easier when walking up to the pod.

Captain’s Quarters

  • Fixed an issue where toggling HDR could cause the map not to work when docked with Load Station Environment off.
  • Racial Captain's Quarters now correctly update directly after Clone Jumping.
  • If the character fails to load into the Captain's Quarters, they will automatically be moved to the ship hangar after two minutes.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

  • An issue with the Time Multiplier figure in Mobile Laboratories has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where Customs Office Gantries could not be manufactured in Amarr outposts.
  • Customs Office Gantries can now be located using the Directional and System Scanners.
  • Player-owned Customs Offices were affected by an issue that caused their tax rate to be reset to default (5%) after downtime. This has been resolved.

Graphics Premium

  • The message offering clone space in the Clone Vat Bay I on a Rorqual has been fixed. It said "unanchor", but now displays the correct message.

Science and Industry

  • Filtering options for Blueprints in the science and industry window have been fixed to not hide columns.


  • An issue with fleet members using Orca corp hangars has been fixed.

Market & Contracts

  • On the welcome page for the LP store: 'receive' is no longer misspelled.
  • Fixed an in-space context menu for Courier Contract bookmarks.
  • Fixed a small error in number formatting in Courier Contracts.
  • Newly created Auction Contracts are not automatically 'won' now.

Agents & Missions

  • An issue with NPC's not respawning in anomalies after downtime has been fixed.
  • An issue with the RP/day column for Research agents has been fixed.

Corporation & Alliance

  • An issue with the 'Deliver To Member' corporation function has been fixed.
  • War declaration votes now display the names of included parties correctly.
  • Fixed the member base location string for the member details window in corporations.

User Interface

  • Trying to online/fit a module you don't have the skills for will now correctly give a message telling you what modules and skills are lacking.
  • Tool-tip text when hovering over assigned fighters has been made understandable to humans.
  • Error message when trying to place items in orphaned jet-cans is now correctly displayed.
  • Time to next skill level correctly updated when adding skills to training queue.
  • Fixed some text overlapping in the training queue.
  • Calendar events between 11pm and midnight no longer create errors.
  • A text issue with 'Viewing the log' on station containers has been fixed.
  • The error message when putting certain items into containers now displays correctly.
  • A text issue with planetary extractors has been fixed.
  • Contact notifications now display the correct standings level.
  • Member counts in chat channel selection window are now properly aligned.
  • "Regional average" is now correctly spelled.
  • While warping, the “Jump” command will no longer be available for all gates. It will now only be available for the gate you are currently in warp to in order to jump on contact.
  • When mousing over scan probes launchers, they will no longer display their extremely impressive range on the tactical overlay.
  • Jump bridges links will no longer retain their 3d-curviness when flattening the star map.
  • When reordering targets by dragging them around, the new target order will now be applied to the order used by the Next/Previous target hotkeys.
  • The text buttons to increase and decrease fontsize in chat now align correctly.
  • The log window now remembers it’s sorting settings.
  • When you scale the UI with the map open, the “You are here” bubble will be updated with correct location.
  • When you scale the UI, the text in the agent conversation now fits correctly.
  • The tactical overlay will now display again on the Solar System map.
  • Select/Deselect All in the Scan Filter Editor window now works correctly for the Cosmic Signature group.
  • Icons on the system map are easier to see now when scanning with probes.
  • The station services window now has less minimum width if you have small station services buttons.


  • Added factional warfare systems to the SDE with warCombatZones and warCombatZoneSystems.
  • Wallet journal entries and transactions are now displayed correctly.

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

  • Join channel (when manually typing name) now correctly places you in a channel if it already exists (eg E-UNI, Invention etc).

Localized Clients

  • The 'Always Use English Voice' option now works as intended. Although a client restart is required.


  • Dread Guristas Irregular are now named correctly in the overview.

CONCORD and Kill Mails

  • CONCORD no longer considers you a criminal when someone you attacked over 15 minutes ago is killed by someone else.


  • Fixed the context menu for 'deliver to members' in the corp deliveries hangar.
  • The formatting on the client update notification has been made a little prettier.
  • Fixed a bug that was blocking Japanese text in ship fittings.
  • Jetcan mining should now work again when you are in the same fleet, corporation or have excellent standing from the owner of the can.
  • Drones guarding an Interdictor dropping a warp disruption bubble should no longer start shooting that Interdictor.
  • XL hybrid turrets will now set their effect color properly based on what sort of charge is loaded.
  • Some players were experiencing long delays when opening the star map. It should now be significantly faster.


Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

  • Newly installed outpost upgrades now have manufacturing lines as public access by default.
  • Warp Scrambling Battery and Warp Disruption Battery now correctly online in 120 seconds rather than 150 seconds.
  • Fuel blocks can now be placed into the appropriate racial Control Tower fuel bays alongside regular fuel types, in preparation for the forthcoming switchover.


  • On changing currency, you now need to reload the wallet journal.
  • A text issue with the market export documents has been fixed.
  • A bidding issue with Auction contracts has been fixed.
  • When trying to perform an action you don't have the skills for, your are properly notified of the cause.
hai dimenticato

  • Might wtfpwn the database within six hours

Lo dici come se avermi in ally fosse una cosa brutta
time dilation mass test on singularity - dec. 8th, 20:00 utc

The next mass test will take place on our test-server, Singularity, on Thursday December 8 at 20:00 UTC.
This time we are focusing on testing Time Dilation before enabling it on Tranquility.

The SisiLauncher tool is available for the Windows client, otherwise please follow the instructions on the Singularity page on the EVElopedia.

Testing should last between 60 and 90 minutes and participants will receive two million skillpoints on Singularity.

Please refer to this thread for more information about how you participate in the test, and this EVElopedia article for more information on mass testing.”

In realta' durera' un quarto d'ora...

no, serio ... era l'unica cosa positiva
Patch Notes

Build to addresses Patch notes for Crucible 1.0.2

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.0.2
To be released Wednesday, December 14, 2011. The following are the relevant file sizes for client updates:

  • Windows from Crucible 1.0.1 to Crucible 1.0.2 is 68 MB
  • Windows full client 4.8 GB
  • Mac from Crucible 1.0.1 to Crucible is 1.0.2 is 175 MB
  • Mac full client 5.7 GB


Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

  • Fuel bays on all control towers have TEMPORARILY been doubled, to reduce the impact of the delay to fuel block switch-over. These changes will be REVERTED when fuel block consumption is enabled. Towers left with their fuel bays in an "overloaded" state as a result of this change should continue to function as normal.


Character Creation and New Player Experience

  • Fixed an issue where the full body portrait would not work correctly if used after previewing a turret.
  • Fixed a problem with hair on characters being rendered incorrectly when seen through glass.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

  • When you try to online multiple structures at once, the notification now tells you the type name of what is currently onlining instead of a number.
  • Fixed an issue where the Customs Office did not work correctly when access from a cloaked ship.
  • Fixed an issue where re-mapping systems could break some Customs Offices.
  • Error message for trying to manage structures outside of control range is now correct.
  • The message when you fail to online a structure now correctly tells you which structure is causing the problem.


  • A small gap in the Caldari Captain's Quarters has been closed.
  • The Hyperion ship texture has been increased in size to resolve texel density issues.
  • The system menu 'Optimize' Settings' options will now affect Anti-Aliasing.
  • The static hangar image now scales correctly when using UI scaling.
  • Turrets on the Rokh no longer intersect with the ship's hull.
  • The engine trails will no longer display intersection points with the camera
  • Several small texture seams have been fixed for the nebulae.
  • The Sensor Booster effect has been reduced in size and its opacity decreased.
  • The mining laser effect will remain in the correct location when warping into a asteroid field with mining lasers active.
  • Remove a small glow area in the Amarr Captain's Quarters that would result in a seam across the walkway module.
  • Fixed a small normal map error on the Drake hull.
  • The Du Annes system stargate jump effect is now aligned to the system star.
  • Resolved an off centre jump effect with one of the Gallente stargates.
  • A texture seam on the Rokh has been removed.
  • Resolved a depth effects issue with ATI Crossfire setups where a red x-fighting would occur.

Science and Industry

  • Fixed an issue where Customs Office Gantries could not be manufactured in Amarr outposts.


  • The Oracle now has the correct type of wreck (which is not guaranteed to make it any more bearable to use one).
  • It is now possible again to loot Caldari freighter wrecks with other freighters.


  • The trusted headers HTTP_EVE_SHIPTYPEID, HTTP_EVE_SHIPTYPENAME will be present for the IGB when docked.
  • Fixed an issue with undocking after activating a clone from a wormhole system.
  • Fixed an issue where trying to join an existing channel could prompt you if you wanted to create it.
  • Closing the map or the PI mode in your Captains Quarters no longer resets your avatars position.
  • Fixed some text issues with message you receive when attempting to leave a corporation within the stasis period.
  • Fixed the performance drop when fitting modules at a ship maintenance bay or ship maintenance array.
  • PLEX now has its volume listed in the information window.


  • Various items and ships got their descriptions fixed.
  • Fixed a rare issue where modules would not online when fitted via a Ship Maintenance Bay or when boarding a stored ship.


  • The Omnidirectional Tracking Link has now the same name in the German client for its T1 and T2 variant.

Weapons & Ammunition

  • The message for trying to online a laser you don't have the skills for and the menu item for loading used crystals have no longer mark-up in them.

Agents & Missions

  • NPCs from the wrong faction showing up in a COSMOS missions no longer do that. They mind their own business now.
  • An issue with emails coming from agents who are no longer used has been fixed.

Corporation & Alliances

  • The links in the corporation details are proper links again.
  • Fixed an issue where the notification sent for a bill being created doesn't clearly state what it's for.

User Interface

  • Windows XP users should now be able to ALT-TAB out of the client without causing severe UI issues.
  • The jamming progress bar disappears correctly after jamming NPCs were killed.
  • Fixed "from/of" grammar error in three similar POS texts.
  • An issue with UI settings not persisting when logging in the same account with a 2nd client was fixed.
  • The ingame bug reporting tool can now also submit screenshots when used on a Mac.
  • Locked targets don't hide behind brackets and other elements in space anymore.
  • Improved the alignment of the slots in the fitting window under different resolutions.
  • Fixed capitalization of text in the PI interface.
  • Optimizations have been made to the Star Map when applying colors to the stars for the star information.
  • The little arrow pointing at the destination in the auto-pilot route info panel now always does just that.
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping text in the corporation recruitment search window.
  • Line breaks are now displayed correctly in item descriptions, chat and MOTD.
  • Fixed an issue where windows would sometimes snap on left click to the position of the mouse cursor if dragged over with any other mouse button held down.
  • Minor change to fit full text in the warning message about client to server fittings when accessing personal fittings.
  • Text in the chat-input-box is no longer disappearing when changing the font-size for the chat window.
  • Transitioning between the CQ and the Hangar while having the map open now correctly updates the move button.
  • Modules that take single item stacks (like sensor boosters using scripts) now display the charge slot is full in the fitting screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the "show in world map" functionality of the map browser.
  • Fixed an issue with changing the UI scale during character selection.
  • A case where the EULA was cut off short in its last paragraph was fixed.
  • Ship names will update correctly in the asset window when changed.
  • Tip of the day no longer overlaps text when resizing the client.
  • Corrected a minor blending issue between the CPU / Power Grid bars and the fitting screen background.
  • Fixed minor issues with hover messages on extractor heads in PI.
  • When you are aggressed near sentry guns, you are now correctly shown the name of the aggressor in the log notify message.
  • Language selection sometimes became confused as to which language was actually being displayed - this has now been corrected.
  • Fixed the phantom stack issue. Exporting commodities remotely from a planet to a customs office which contained the same commodity would cause an erroneous stack to be displayed.
  • Fixed Japanese characters in the market Price History chart.
  • IGB now correctly remembers trusted sites.
  • The DPS stats in the fitting window now display the effects of wormholes.
  • A text issue with the self destruct messages has been fixed.
  • Buy/sell is now the default action when pressing enter in the buy/sell market windows.
  • When using a module without sufficient fuel for it, the notification now correctly identifies the ship and module and required fuel.
  • Fixed an issue where the prefix "none" was displayed in addition to the name when saving locations for objects in space, such as wormholes and control towers.
  • Unstacked chat windows blink again when minimized and someone wrote a new message in that chat.
  • New message windows stack again in when they have been stacked before and don't open as single windows every timer.
  • ships with asian characters in their name can be stored as fittings and the screen is no longer black on reloading the window.
  • The volume attribute for material types now have two decimal places again instead of being rounded to one.
  • Overheat status mouseover now correctly shows whole percentages.
  • A case that would lead to less optimal autopilot optimizations was fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where docking with the star map open would leave the ship's HUD visible.
  • Windows will now correctly collapse downwards when snapped to the bottom of the screen.
  • Sort by quantity (assets, hangar etc) now functions correctly regardless of the localized 1000's separator.
  • Notification now correctly references the structure changing ownership when a corp onlines another corps Sovereignty Blockade Unit.
  • While in the Captain's Quarters, you can no longer walk over the walkway into the ship-hangar.
  • You can now see your ship's insurance state when flying in space.
  • Fixed number formatting for the accumulated loyalty point pool for incursions.
  • Fixed an issue where the star map would briefly open when the UI scale was changed.
  • The Submit button is now correctly highlighted when adding or editing a location.
  • There is no longer a rogue 's' when looking at planetary link tooltips.
  • Holding down the mouse buttons when docking no longer stops the a lot of the UI from working once docked.
  • Fixed broken string in contextual menu for clone vat bays when offering installation to a fleet member.
  • Cases where minimized windows would maximize on changing the client resolution have been fixed.
  • The CQ no longer fully reloads when exiting the map or the PI screen, significantly lowering the transition time.
  • Fixed a string appearing in the popup shown when you accept a contract.
  • Set destination for stations via the market now works correctly with autopilot.

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

  • Fixed a word wrapping issue in the chat.
  • Fixed an issue with EVE Voice malfunctioning when running Eve from a pinned shortcut in windows 7.


  • Drones no longer appear in distant space when warping away from recalled drones. They also no longer return to being in local space if this occurs.
  • A text issue with the 'wrecking' messages in the combat log has been fixed.

CONCORD and Kill Mails

  • Cases where neutrals repairing POS towers of a corporation/alliance at war not getting flagged correctly against the warring parties should be solved. If you have cases of this happening in the future please bug report them with as much detail as possible.
  • Fixed kill mails which were missing damage info and only displaying the name of the player who laid the final blow.


Character Creation and New Player Experience

  • Resculpting now always includes your purchased virtual goods.

User Interface

  • Max transferable value is now displayed when transferring commodities (which exceed the targets max capacity) between the Customs Office and a ship/launchpad.
  • The message when you cannot store a ship in a ship maintenance array bay due to its cargo contents now correctly refers to the ship instead of the contents.
  • Amendments made to various messages in the client to correctly link to our current site.
  • Planet name and number has been added to the customs office Configure window. Selecting "Configure" for another customs office without closing the current one behaves more intuitively. The open window closes and the new one opens.
  • You can now drag and drop items from the market, your assets and the HUD into the compare tool window.

World Shaping

  • Fixed an issue where the ship hologram did not sometimes show up right after Clone Jumping.

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

  • Fleet interface - You are no longer able to initiate a 1-to-1 conversation from the watchlist window.


  • Fixed the missing explosion sound effect for capital ships.
  • An issue with stacks of brackets and UI scaling was fixed.
  • Hiding the UI with ctrl-F9 will now once again hide ALL the UI elements.
  • When attempting to select a character in an unloaded system, the client will now try repeatedly for up to 60 seconds to select the character.
  • An issue with players not appearing in the station Guest tab has been fixed.
  • Upper and Lower case location folder names are now sorted in the correct order by letter before case.

ah allora non è il mio PC che è impazzito cazzo !!
The next mass test will take place on our test-server Singularity on Thursday, December 22 at 15:00 UTC and will focus on testing Time Dilation again. The SisiLauncher tool is available for the Windows client, otherwise please follow the instructions on the Singularity page in Evelopedia.
Testing should last between 60 and 90 minutes. All participants will receive two million skillpoints on Singularity.
Please refer to this thread for more information about how you participate in the test, and this EVElopedia article for more information on mass testing.
cazzo lofe metti 7... pure se hai meno di 4gb di ram ci stanno le versioni lite che frullano benissimo!
Una vagonata di cambiamenti domani 24/01 per la prima, profonda iterazione di Crucible.

- Assault Frigates buffate
- Le POS usano i fuel blocks esclusivamente
- Session timer da 20 a 15 secondi, tendendo a future riduzioni fino all'eliminazione
- Null buffate nella gittata
- Nuovo Neocom modificabile piu' o meno a piacere, e dozzine di modifiche all'UI
- Iterazione di alcuni moduli T2 di recente introduzione
- Rinomina di alcune categorie di oggetti (tra cui missili e impianti)
- Overload tramite shift-click
- Fix
- V/E

Patch Notes

Build 329614 to 334471 addresses Patch notes for Crucible 1.1

Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.1
To be released Tuesday, January 24, 2012 The following are the relevant file sizes for client updates:

  • Windows from Crucible 1.0.4 to Crucible 1.1 is 31 MB
  • Windows full client 5 GB
  • Mac from Crucible 1.0.4 to Crucible 1.1 is 37 MB
  • Mac full client 5.9 GB


Player Owned Stations, Starbases and Outposts

  • Starbases now use Fuel Blocks for all their non-reinforcement and non-charter fuel needs. Small towers use 10 blocks per hour, medium towers use 20 blocks per hour and large towers use 40 blocks an hour. Power and CPU use no longer alter your fuel needs.
  • Fuel bays on all Control Towers have been reduced in size again and will now be the same volume as they were in Crucible 1.0 (ie 140,000/70,000/35,000). Overloaded towers will continue to function as normal in all respects, except that you will not be able to add fuel to them until they are less than 100% full. It shall be possible to remove fuel as normal to achieve this.
  • Faction towers use 10% less fuel for the "tier 1" variety and 20% less fuel for the "tier 2" variety.



  • We have made the following changes to Assault Ships:
  • All Assault Ships now have a new Role Bonus: 50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
  • The following changes have been made to the Retribution

    • New bonus: 7.5% bonus to Small Energy Turret tracking speed per skill level.
    • +1 mid slot
    • +15 CPU
    • +200 armor hp

  • The following changes have been made to the Vengeance

    • New bonus: 5% bonus to Missile Launcher Rate of Fire per level.
    • +1 high slot
    • +10 CPU

  • The following changes have been made to the Harpy

    • New bonus: 5% bonus to shield resistances.
    • +1 low slot
    • +200 shield hp
    • +10 CPU

  • The following changes have been made to Hawk

    • New bonus: 5% bonus to Missile Launcher Rate of Fire per level.
    • +1 mid slot
    • +10 CPU

  • The following changes have been made to the Enyo

    • New bonus: +5% damage changed to 10% bonus to damage
    • +1 mid slot
    • +10 CPU

  • The following changes have been made to the Ishkur

    • New bonus: 10% bonus to drone hitpoints per level
    • +1 low slot

  • The following changes have been made to the Jaguar

    • New bonus: 7.5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret Tracking per level
    • +1 low slot
    • +200 Shield
    • +10 CPU

  • The following changes have been made to the Wolf

    • New bonus: 7.5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret Tracking per level
    • +1 low slot
    • +200 armor hp
    • +10 CPU


  • The Neocom has been updated with new and improved functionality. Navigation has been improved and a new EVE Menu has been added and users can customize the Neocom as they see fit.
  • Resizing the Neocom.

    • Users can resize the Neocom by dragging the right side edge of the Neocom itself.

  • Avatar thumbnail.

    • By hovering over the avatar thumbnail, users see their character's name and click the thumbnail to open up the Character Sheet.

  • Skill Queue.

    • Below the avatar thumbnail there is a progress bar that shows the progression of the current skill being trained. Hovering over it will show the name of the skill in a tooltip window and clicking on it opens the Skill Queue.

  • Chat.

    • By default, the Chat window is available right below the skill queue progress bar in the Neocom.
    • Users can click the Chat icon and get a list of active channels.

  • Create Group.

    • Users can create custom groups in the Neocom root by right-clicking on the EVE Menu ('E' Icon) at the top of the Neocom.
    • Users and put any icon from the menu root, or the EVE Menu into the custom groups.

  • At the top of the Neocom there is a new EVE Menu ('E' Icon) where all menu options can be found. The root of the Neocom acts as a shortcut bar and users can move icons around, delete them from the root and add new ones from the EVE menu. No matter what is done to the root, the EVE Menu always has all the options available to users through the Neocom. Users can only remove, add and reorganize icons in the root menu, the EVE Menu index is always the same. Users can drag icons from the EVE Menu to the root of the Neocom which will create a shortcut for it.
  • All active windows will be displayed in the Neocom root even if they only exist in the EVE Menu when closed. The root acts as a shortcut and overview for all windows that are open. If more icons are displayed than can be shown at once they will be moved into a 'More' Menu that shows other icons in a sub menu when opened. Icons that point to menus that are currently open will always have a certain 'Open' state to indicate they are already open. If the user clicks an icon for a window that is already open it will put that window into the front if it was behind other windows, but if it is already in front it will minimize that window. Icons that show looping highlighting effect are asking for the users attention because of an update. For example if the user gets a new message through EVE Mail. This can be turned off in the Esc Menu.

World Shaping

  • The storage capacity on all Planetary Interaction storage pins has been increased from 5000m3 to 12000m3 so that it may better compete with the space port.


  • The application of bonuses that modify shield capacity have been modified in the following way: When the shield capacity is modified for any reason, the shield charge percentage will be maintained after the modification. This is primarily aimed at improving the experience of shield fleets when jumping. If your fleet booster’s bonus is applied whilst your ship is at 100% shields your shields will still be at 100% after the bonus is applied. When boarding a ship in space you will also benefit from this, so if it had full shields before you boarded it, it will have full shields once all skills have been applied. Capacitor charge will also be treated in the same way when capacitor capacity is modified.
  • You can now shift click a module to overload it. The overload button will now show feedback from when you clicked it until it’s overloaded (and same for deactivating overload)
  • The Black Eagle Drone Link Augmentor now correctly shows the meta level of 7 instead of 0.
  • The Omnidirectional Tracking Link II now has higher skill requirements than its Tech I variant.
  • We have added meta level 11, 12 and 13 Invulnerability Fields.
  • We have made a slight decrease to the CPU requirements of all capital shield transfer modules.
  • Triage module II now provides a 20% capacitor reduction to remote capital remote armor repair systems, capital remote hull repair systems, capital shield transporters and capital energy transfer arrays while in triage mode.
  • Sister core probe launcher and expanded probe launcher boost to scan probe strength has been increased from 5 to 10%.
  • Skirmish Warfare Link – Interdiction Maneuvers II effectiveness has been increased from 3.5 to 3.75%
  • Information Warfare Link – Sensor Integrity II effectiveness has been increased from 3.5 to 3.75%
  • Information Warfare Link – Electronic Superiority II effectiveness for Remote Sensor Dampeners and Tracking Disruptors has been increased from 1.25 to 1.5%
  • Mining Foreman Link – Mining Laser Field Enhancement II effectiveness has been increased from 5 to 5.625%
  • Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link max range and tracking speed multipliers for drones have been increased from 1.25 to 1.3x
  • Bomb launcher II capacity increased from 150 to 225m3

Weapons & Ammunition

  • The falloff and range bonuses of Null ammo has been increased from 1.25 to 1.4.
  • In order to simplify the naming system in EVE, the following changes have been made to Weapons & Ammunition:

    • All EM missiles will now have the name ‘Mjolnir’.
    • All Thermal missiles will now have the name ‘Inferno’.
    • All Kinetic missiles will now have the name ‘Trauma’.
    • All Explosive missiles will now have the name ‘Nova’.
    • All scripts now carry the suffix ‘Script’ after their name. This affects Focused Warp Disruption, Optimal Range Disruption, Tracking Speed Disruption, Scan Resolution, Targeting Range, Optimal Range and Tracking Speed.
    • Shield hardeners, Shield resistance amplifiers, Armor hardeners, Energized plating and Resistance plating will all have a new prefix based on the damage type. These new prefixes will simply be EM/Thermal/Kinetic/Explosive.
    • Shield hardeners, Shield resistance amplifiers, Armor hardeners, Energized plating and Resistance plating which allow for multiple resist types will now carry the prefix ‘Adaptive’.
    • Modules and weapons for Capital, Battleships, Cruisers and Frigates will now show a size of XL, Large, Medium or Small for almost all items. Some exceptions will apply for named modules or X Large shield boosters for battleships. Unfortunately the list of all modules is much too large to fit into patch notes.


  • A filter box has been added above your skill list in the character sheet, and in the skill queue, so you can now easily and quickly find that skill you are looking for.

Boosters & Implants

  • Skill Hardwiring implants have been simplified. Each hardwiring will now show what it effects in the name. For example, Hardwiring - Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' LX-0 will now become Hardwiring - 'Gunslinger' Large Projectile Turret LX-001.

Player Owned Stations, Starbases and Outposts

  • Removed the ‘Attack if Aggression’ option from starbase control towers.
  • Added automatic calendar entries for control towers indicating when they run out of fuel.
  • Control tower fuel notification has been made optional.


  • Using assistance modules on a Factional Warfare buddy who is an outlaw or has a Global Criminal Flag will no longer result in a standings hit from your own faction

Agents & Missions

  • Agent entries now have information on if you have been offered a mission or accepted one from said agent.

Factional Warfare

  • We have made some changes to how Alliances can contribute and participate in Factional Warfare

    • The executor corporation of an alliance may sign up for Factional Warfare in the usual way.
    • When the standings check is done, standings are checked for ALL corporations in the alliance; if any of them do not meet the standings requirement, none of them are allowed to join at that time.
    • If ANY corporations standing drops below the required threshold, then ALL corps in the alliance are sent a mail informing them which corporation has dropped below the requirement. If the issue is not fixed within 48 hours, ALL corporations in the alliance are removed from Factional Warfare as if they had violated the standings requirements themselves.
    • The executor corporation may choose to quit Factional Warfare in the normal manner, in which case ALL corporations in the alliance are removed from FW as if they had quit themselves.
    • Corporations may choose to leave the alliance at any time in the normal way, in which case they will also be removed from Factional Warfare as if they voluntarily quit.
    • Corporations may choose to join the alliance in the normal way, but must meet the standings requirement for joining Factional Warfare to do so. They are joined to Factional Warfare as if they had chosen to join normally, but are thereafter subject to the rules listed.
    • Corporations who are already signed up to Factional Warfare may join an alliance signed up to the same faction without first quitting.


  • Collision for Customs offices has been reduced in size.


  • Added API calls:
    * /char/Locations.xml.aspx
    * /corp/Locations.xml.aspx
    Both calls require a comma separated list of ids.
    Cache Timer = 60 minutes, CachedUntil is not accurate as with any other bulk call.

    These can ONLY be valid locationIDs (that is items which have meaningful location coordinates. (0, 0, 0) returned for items in hangars that could have valid coordinates) and must be owned by the character or corporation associated with the key. Any attempts at illegal input will result in a completely empty return. This is done to avoid any sort of scraping or giving out more information than is appropriate (f.e. validating that a given itemID is indeed a valid location but does not belong to the owner associated with the key). To differentiate this form of invalid input from other invalid input error code 135 will be thrown for this error.

    Example call parameters: corp/Locations.xml.aspx?keyID=43&vCode=unnarCorp&ids=1000000013311,1000000013312

    Returns a rowset of rows with the elements: itemID, itemName, x, y, z.
    Example return rows:
    row itemid="1000000013311" itemname="Cloning Service" x="-248865546240" y="-9446154240" z="192292823040">
    row itemid="1000000013312" itemname="Repair Service" x="-248865546240" y="-9446154240" z="192292823040
  • Created a new access mask called MemberTrackingExtended.
    Renamed the access mask called MemberTracking to MemberTrackingLimited.
    All current CAK keys which used to expose the now deprecated MemberTracking call (i.e. location, ship, roles and such info) have now been switched to Limited tracking. Anybody wishing to expose more information must update their key settings.
    This makes the CAK version of the call compatible with the LEGACY version of the call, which would only supply the Extended version to Director keys (and all CAK keys are essentially director keys).
  • Error messages for Kill Logs have been clarified to notify user that:
    1) Error code 119: Kill Logs only go a month back.
    2) Error code 120: The expected killID, that has been returned, should be supplied rather than whatever was supplied.
    3) Error Code 118: Refresh kill log with no killID supplied for most recent kills.
    4) Error Code 119 and 120: Reminder that each application should have their private kill log key.

    The reason for 4) is that we do not cache the return set for various reason, only the position in the kill log. For legacy keys it is bound to userID (which is rather bad I'll admit) but for Custom Access Keys the return is bound to the keyID.
  • CharacterID call will no longer potentially return a list of (name, ID) tuples including a name that was not included in the input parameters. Return will now always match to both input and return from CharacterName call return.
  • As CharacterName stopped servicing typeNames recently (and nobody reported it) we've introduced /eve/typeName.xml.aspx which will accept up to 250 typeIDs (argument names ids as other ID->Name calls) and return their typeName.
  • When passing in transactionIDs that the underlying transaction walker does not recognize, the code will do its best to approximate desired output and return that rather than just error. An ID will refresh the most recent transactions, too low will just use the oldest transactionID and a nonexistant one that fits between the preceding two ranges will approximate to the closest transactionID in the walker.

    Furthermore, asking for the single most recent transactions, and then requesting the two most recent transaction on the same walker will now return the two most recent transactions rather than time out. Previously loading up a single record frontpage would demand that you pass in fromIDs to continue walking back in the transaction history.

User Interface

  • Added search keyword hints and auto-completion to the asset search text box along with an option to list available search terms.
  • A compact member list is now available in chat by right clicking on the tab for chat. This means you don’t see the portrait and can see more pilots in the list.
  • You can now right click on the online character notification pop-up to get the context menu for that character.
  • The online character notification now displays the standings icon.
  • When you are notified of a friend logging on you can start conversations through the icon
  • The watch list can now contain up to 15 fleet members.
  • You can now reorder your watch list by dragging and dropping pilots around in it.
  • Fixed an issue where a stored fitting sometimes wouldn’t be fully applied to a ship.
  • Removed a redundant right click option for color in the EWAR menu within the Appearance tab of the Overview Settings.
  • Fleet broadcasts will now show in the format "Target (Type)", such as "Target CCP Punkturis (Maelstrom)"


Character Creation and New Player Experience

  • Skill books awarded during the tutorial, while you are in space in a pod, are correctly placed in your items hangar. You no longer has to wait until downtime for it to become accessible.
  • Fixed hair rendering on portraits.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

  • True Sansha Small Pulse Battery now correctly unanchors in 5 seconds.


  • Clarified the text of the bonus for 'Proteus Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix'.
  • The Charon and the Rhea now fire on all their boosters again.
  • The Malice now correctly applies its armor resistance skill bonus.


  • The Warp Disruption Field Generator II module now works correctly up to its max range as indicated under its attributes.

Market & Contracts

  • Fixed a minor data issue which now makes Corpses searchable via Contract Search.
  • When searching in the market window right clicking on the result no longer loads up market data but correctly provides the right click menu functionality.
  • Small 'Wolf' Shield Extender and Medium 'Canyon' Shield Extender blueprints now have the "Find in Contracts" option available.


  • Reduced the size of the Minmatar Hub station collision.
  • The 'cog' logo icon has had its size increased.
  • Explosion effects no longer get 'stuck' on the ship graphic.
  • Re-added missing diffuse texture to the Minmatar Outpost.
  • Corrected the placement of the animated lights found on the Gallente Outpost model.
  • Client maximize function will get updated correctly every time a resize event is sent.
  • Fixed turret colors for the following ships: Basilisk, Broadsword, Bustard, Buzzard, Cerberus, Claw, Deimos, Eagle, Falcon, Harpy, Hound, Huginn, Hyena, Muninn, Purifier, Rapier, Scimitar, Scorpion Ishukone Watch, Sentinel, Stiletto, Vargur, Vulture.
  • A graphics corruption when optimizing the graphics settings was fixed.
  • The largest stars have had their brightness reduced.
  • Resolved an issue where 'yellow' and 'red' boxes would appear over the tractor beam turret model.
  • When taking a screenshot with high quality enabled in settings now saves as a .PNG instead of .BMP.
  • Tactical Overlap will no longer receive the distortion effect while in warp.

Agents & Missions

  • Pilots will now be able to complete the Level 2 mission Dead Drift without problems.
  • The acceleration gate in the first room of The Anomaly (1 of 3) is now open for a short time after it's unlocked to allow multiple pilots to activate it and enter the next room.

Exploration & Deadspace

  • Blood Raiders no longer appear at Guristas Rally Points

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

  • Fixed the mail sent when gaining a promotion in Factional Warfare.
  • The EVE University channel's label has been renamed to "EVE University (E-UNI)"

User Interface

  • The HUD will now remain invisible when jumping into a new system when the User Interface has been toggled off.
  • Capital and Supercapital ships will now receive the correct message when trying to use a stargate.
  • Lock on timer will now display correctly when leaving a fleet.
  • The blocked contacts tab in the People and Places window now informs you if you've blocked all unknown contacts.
  • You can now drag ship fitting links into the Notepad.
  • Fixed the issue of Planetary Launches disappearing from the journal. This was occurring when the journal was closed with the Planetary Launches tab selected.
  • Fixed contextual menu text for courier contracts.
  • Text clipping in the LP Store Filters window has been fixed.
  • Long item names in the Contract details window will no longer leak outside of the window.
  • Linked fitting window no longer resets its size every time it is opened.
  • Text clipping in a confirmation dialog in character customization that occurred when the UI was scaled has been fixed.
  • UI Scaling: The New Character Customization will now scale much better.
  • The Star Map will now load correctly if a pilot tries to show a Corporation's Home on the map.
  • Item names will now be consistent in capitalization in all windows relating to Contracts.
  • All added station way points are now correctly highlighted in the overview when using the Autopilot functionality.
  • Changed capitalization behavior for Roles in the Edit Member Details window for corporation members.
  • An issue with the Mail UI elements overlapping each other has been fixed.
  • When viewing a Courier Contract the volume will be accurate to one decimal place in the Contract description.
  • An issue with the Cosmic Signatures menu in the Scanner Filter Editor has been fixed.
  • Windows of containers being repackaged are now closed automatically preventing you from moving items into black holes.
  • Improved readability of the skill queue finishing time text in the Training Queue window. It will now read "Completes on YYYY.DD.MM at HH:MM"
  • Moved the buttons in the System Scanner slightly apart.
  • Dragging and dropping links into text fields such as the Notepad and Chat now works correctly.
  • Removed an accidental line break at the top of the Module tooltip found in the Ship UI HUD.
  • Fixed time formatting in journal regarding times on courier contracts.
  • Fleet adverts that do not have the "Application Requires Approval" checkbox applied will not show the text in the advert anymore.

Localized Clients

  • Fixed some issues with the client not using appropriate decimal signs and grouping signs in localized number formatting.
  • :Updated several Cyrillic characters to be more readable.


  • The collision for Acceleration gates has been resized to reduce the possibility of ship entanglement when initiating gate acceleration.
  • Reinforced Metal Scraps's volume has been adjusted to match the volume of regular metal scraps.
  • EVE Online Installer and Patcher now support Hard Drive partitions up to 250TB.
  • The clock of clients is now synchronized regularly with the server to reduce problems (like freezes at jumping) caused by unstable client clocks.
  • System J115418 now has correct navigational data for moons.
  • Fixed information message for lack of powergrid when onlining structures at a starbase.
  • Fixed contractor field in contracts when private contracts are accepted by corp.
  • Fixed some formatting and values in exported market information to file.
  • Fixed some errors in displaying the name of Medium Hull Repair II Blueprints.
  • Fixed the notification sent to shareholders when corporations pay out dividends.
  • Fixed the string generated for votes proposing the removal of a corporation member.

Last minute additions - MOAR notes

  • The “Apply” button can no longer overlap other text in the Control Tower Manager window.
  • The Station Services window will no longer jump around while opening and closing the map in stations.
  • T2/faction/mining crystals now correctly display their damage-per-use chance.
  • All Tech 2 blueprints will no longer have market entries. Any blueprint that's ever been used for manufacturing or research cannot be listed on the market, which is assumed to apply to all T2 BPOs, and having a market entry for them is causing showinfo to have a "view market details" button rather than "find in contracts".
  • Checkboxes in Starbase Sentry Gun management are now correctly spaced.
  • The Nighthawk description now more accurately describes its abilities.
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