Nuova Espansione Invernale: Riassunto

io voglio le logistiche faction

Sono uscite le patch notes. Giusto per scaldare i modem:

  • Windows from Incarna 1.1.3 to Crucible is 1.2 GB
  • Windows full client 5 GB
  • Mac from Incarna 1.1.3 to Incarna Crucible is 1.6 GB
  • Mac full client 5.8 GB
I player attivi sono in crollo verticale, il daily average è passato dai 40mila di gennaio agli attuali 25mila. Sarà interessante vedere se questa espansione darà una boccata d'aria alla CCP (secondo me no, avranno un paio di mesi di risalita per l'effetto novità e poi ricomincerà a calare).
a parte il nerf delle sc non mi spiace affatto come espansione ... la speculazione sul market è già selvaggia, soprattutto sui plex

spero con tutto il cuore che la time dilation funzioni sul live come è stato nei test, perchè da sola sarebbe uno stupendo regalo di natale.
Due to the dangerous nature of altering the fabric of spacetime in such ways, the feature will be turned on at a slightly later date. This is to provide isolation from other fundamental alterations to the machinations of the universe in order to reduce the chances of total protonic reversal.

Arriverà tra un po'...

Non è male ma è tutto troppo light. Hanno nerfato le supercapital ma non abbastanza, hanno boostato le hybrid ma non abbastanza, ecc. Tutti migioramenti apprezzabili ma che non spostano poi molto, il gioco è stagnante da parecchio e avrebbe bisogno di novità più radicali, di una nuova visione e di nuove meccaniche, sia per lo 0.0 che per il low sec.

E' una patch da ragionieri quando invece serviva coraggio. Nessuno riattiverà EvE eccitato perchè le hybrid usano il 2% in meno di CPU.
Pero' la citazione nella time dilation e' carina.

"I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing."

[Fake edit] - per i non-abbastanza-nerd-o-vecchi-tra-di-voi:
Non lo so Mik ... la CCP ha fatto una scelta coraggioca con WOD/Dust, e un'inversione di rotta mica male sulle priorità di EvE.

Anche io avrei preferito scelte più radicali, da anni ormai. Ma mi rendo conto che non possono fare inversione a U con il freno a mano. Per la prima volta dopo tanto tempo sono ottimista e spero che i giocatori rispondano bene a questa espansione in modo da incoraggiare la strada che hanno intrapreso di recente.

  • All Caldari State sub-capital ships have had their shaders updated to the V3 shader set.
  • All Gallente State sub-capital ships have had their shaders updated to the V3 shader set.
  • The Apocalypse and Impairor have had their shaders updated to the V3 shader set.

Four new battlecruisers, designed to inflict massive damage at the expense of survivability, have been released. Each of the four main factions has a new ship that will bring devastation everywhere it goes. The details of these new ships are as follows:

Caldari State

  • The Naga was designed in YC 109 by the Corporate Police Force as an anti-Guristas ship, sacrificing the usual robust Caldari Navy standards in favor of supporting battleship-class weaponry. It was rejected by Hyasyoda management for being overspecialized. The Naga design remained in the Hyasyoda archives, forgotten (save for a cameo in the Gallente holo-series CPF Blue). In YC 113 the Caldari Navy entertained contracts for a new tier of gunboat battlecruiser. Hyasyoda quickly submitted and won with the Naga, underbidding both Kaalakiota and Ishukone.
  • Battlecruiser skill bonus per level
  • 5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
  • 10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret optimal range
  • Role bonus

    • 95% reduction in the powergrid need of Large Hybrid Turrets
    • 50% reduction in the CPU need of Large Hybrid Turrets
    • 50% reduction in the capacitor need of Large Hybrid Turrets

Amarr Empire

  • In YC 113 Empress Jamyl Sarum I challenged Amarr ship manufacturers to build a new battlecruiser that would break the stalemate of the Empyrean War. Deviating from the doctrine of brute-force and heavy armor, the engineers at Viziam took inspiration from Caldari history. During the Gallente-Caldari War, the Caldari developed light, maneuverable ships to counter the slow ships of the Gallente Federation. This philosophy, along with a cutting-edge powertrain and ultra-light alloy armor plating, led to the Oracle. The Empire immediately ordered the ship into production. The Empress personally congratulated Viziam Chief Researcher Parud Vakirokiki, calling the ship ‘a work of Divine Grace for the Empire, and retribution to our enemies.’
  • Battlecruiser Skill bonus per level:
  • 10% bonus to Large Energy Turret capacitor use.
  • 5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
  • Role bonus

    • 95% reduction in the powergrid need of Large Energy Turrets
    • 50% reduction in the CPU need of Large Energy Turrets
    • 50% reduction in the capacitor need of Large Energy Turrets

Gallente Federation

  • The Talos began in YC 110 as a R&D concept by ORE. Conceived as a patrol craft for mining operations in lawless space, the Talos would have been abandoned completely were it not adopted by the Black Eagles, a black-ops branch of the Gallente government. The Black Eagles stripped the Talos of non-essential systems and bolted on battleship-class weapons, creating a quick-strike craft ideal for guerilla action. The Talos remained a military secret until YC 113, when it was introduced into wider circulation as a third tier battlecruiser. Today the Talos is manufactured by Duvolle Labs, who modified the original ORE designs to bring it in line with Gallente standards.
  • Battlecruiser Skill bonus per level:
  • 5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
  • 7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed
  • Role bonus

    • 95% reduction in the powergrid need of Large Hybrid Turrets
    • 50% reduction in the CPU need of Large Hybrid Turrets
    • 50% reduction in the capacitor need of Large Hybrid Turrets

Minmatar Republic

  • In YC 113 Republic Security Services learned the Amarr Empire was building a new battlecruiser capable of supporting battleship-class weapons. Determined to not lose their technological edge to their adversaries, Republic Fleet commissioned Boundless Creation to construct a gunboat to match. What they designed was the Tornado. Developed in record time and total secrecy, the Tornado is a testament to Minmatar engineering. Modeled loosely off of flying-wing designs of ancient planetary bombers, the Tornado supports multiple large projectile turrets, dealing massive damage while maintaining a small signature radius.
  • Battlecruiser Skill bonus per level
  • 5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
  • 5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff
  • Role bonus

    • 95% reduction in the powergrid need of Large Projectile Turrets
    • 50% reduction in the CPU need of Large Projectile Turrets.

E' sicuramente una buona espansione perchè al contrario delle ultime questa non fa danni, introduce qualche elemento nuovo e ha un po' di nerf/boost giusti anche se poco coraggiosi. Però ho la sensazione che hanno chiuso il recinto dopo che i buoi sono scappati. Questa espansione poteva andare bene 2 anni fa, ma visto lo stato attuale dello 0.0 ci voleva ben altro.


minkia proprio adesso che stavo imparando ad usare il sabre...

...anche di questa modifica se ne sentiva proprio la mancanza...

/ thread

L'altra sera a NOL c'erano praticamente TUTTE le alleanze di EvE ... TUTTE ... chi dentro, chi in attesa del bridge in, chi sul gate di entrata.

Il motivo della "battaglia" ? sostanzialmente nessuno ... tutta gente annoiata che si faceva N titan bridge per arrivare in Delve sperando in un fight.

Il risultato della serata ? che non si è sparato un colpo e dopo un paio d'ore tutti a casa.
    EVE Online: Crucible deployment Tuesday, November 29, 2011

    Downtime will be extended on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from 08:00 to 14:00 for the deployment of EVE Online: Crucible. Many of our web services will be down during the update.!/eveonline
- Launching a warp disrupt probe will give you aggression and prevent you from docking or jumping.
- When a jump portal is active on a ship it cannot receive remote assistance. This is now clearly shown on attributes.

merda, queste non le avevo lette ^___^
EVE Online: Crucible has been deployed. The latest expansion to the game turns up the heat on the space combat experience in EVE Online, bringing greater balance and diversity to large and small scale conflicts and evolving the graphics, interface and game mechanics with over three dozen updated and improved features based on feedback and challenges put forth by its players. This is EVE re-forged.
For more information about the latest EVE Online expansion, please visit the Crucible feature page. Full patch notes are available here.
Please note that you will be offered a client update once you patch which fixes several issues discovered during deployment.
The EVE Online forums are still offline due to database issues. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible.

if you have 18 months, you can probably make two babies. or not, it's up to you.

Dear Spacefriends It’s been a pretty crazy ride. We’ve made some really cool spaceships, made some not so cool pants (the pants look good, but you know what I mean) and now we’re making cool spaceships again. I remember back when the CSM came here once and the “18 months” meme was first created. Hearing people complain that we didn’t put enough work into the spaceship side of the game (and those people being entirely right) has not been a lot of fun.

(that's a picture of me burning in hell viewed through the door in Incarna, just in case you were wondering)
But how does the future look?

The good news is that the 18 months are over and it feels pretty good. We had about 4-6 weeks of actual development time to put this release together and I honestly feel that this is the best release we’ve done in years. The recipe contains a few teaspoons of really good looking people, an ounce of love for EVE and is topped off with good ideas from the community.
It’s really only the beginning though. If you liked this release, all of next year should be right up your alley. If it’s old, rusty and not in good shape, there is a chance it will be looked at. Anyway, the future still feels far away, so let’s look at some of the stuff we’ve done. I’m really happy with the entire package, but here are some of my personal highlights:
Being able to drag and drop targets to re-order them in any way you like. Anything that lets me drag and drop makes me really happy. The look and feel of EVE is so incredibly important and a usability change like this really makes it feel much more like we’ve reached the usability standard of most software in 1999. We’re still a few years behind, but goddamit, we’re getting there. Another change that falls into this category is rubberband selection. I’m pretty sure I’ll spend the first day after the patch just randomly selecting things in my hangar JUST BECAUSE I CAN. Haters gonna hate.
Constant ship/module balance is really the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy live game and we’ve not been doing a very good job of it lately. I hope we can keep up the momentum from this release and continue to do a wide range of balancing changes several times a year. Every time we do a big release, it should contain changes like the ones we’ve just put in. If we do put out a major release without balancing changes, it probably means that CCP Tallest and/or Ytterbium have been eaten by bears. That would be bad, but the reality is that there are very few things you can do to prevent a bear from killing you. According to what I’ve read online, playing dead isn’t necessarily the correct strategy and while there are a lot of great tips, I guess your best odds really comes from not being around bears.
Corp bookmarks. I’ve spent time in wormholes and the tools available to the people living there were in a state where I basically consider anyone there an internet spaceship MacGyver (Here is a link for you young people: They’ve been able to create a lot from very little and hopefully our changes to scanning, POSs and bookmarks will make their existence there better. I suspect we’ll be able to do more in the long run, but this is a pretty good start. In general, central storing of information like bookmarks, fittings etc should be a natural development in EVE. Having to carry around a USB drive, CD or a floppy disc (Here is a link for you young people: is a waste of space when you could carry equipment to protect yourself from a potential bear attack.
I’m also hoping that our fuel blocks change will positively impact the ratio of corp/alliance logistics pilots that slit their wrists putting an arbitrary number of components into a spacebucket. This not only represented a lot of work, but also an arbitrary barrier of entry which I hope we can lower even more the coming year. Owning a massive structure in space that “does stuff” should be a cool thing everyone wants. These days, it’s basically something a few people do because they have a higher pain tolerance than the average human being.
Then there is a batch of changes that just make sense. That’s really the only way to describe them. They’re basically a set of changes that come off game features that are so silly this mental image pops up every time I run into them:

They are changes like not having an “enter old password” field on a container when you set the password for the FIRST time, being able to remotely un-rent an office and not being allowed to keep a dungeon alive just because you’re in a cloaked ship. Changes like that restore my faith in our collective ability to not have the dumb.
Anyway, at the end of the day, November 29th will contain a ton of changes that we feel were overdue. But even more importantly, it will be the first step in our road back to spaceships. Stick around, it will only get better.
We’ve had some great people working on this release. I’d like to extend a big thanks to Team Best Friends Forever for continuing to make awesome changes, Team Pink Zombie Kittens who join the spaceteam after working on Incarna and Team Papercuts who have contributed tremendously, considering they were on loan and made the transition from sparkly vampires to spaceships extremely quickly. All three teams have done a fantastic job and this is really just the beginning.
Toodles spacefriends,
ho letto questo "It’s been a pretty crazy ride" e per un secondo ho sperato che soundwave facesse parte di quel 20% che se ne andavano affanculo

i soooogni son desideri...