Mortal Online [MMORPG]

La release fine anno

cmq primo leak

peni penzolanti ? cazzo bel gioco

Vestito, quella è la creazione del personaggio
Fa parte dell'intro del gioco...è la visita per fare il soldato..i 3 giorni ce li avevano pure loro.

Quick guide, commands in Mortal Online 0.1

To change from mouse look and mouse move click “Z” in mouse move mode you can drag items and windows around but you cannot strike with your character.

Default keys are set to the following:
W = forward
S = backwards
A = strafe left
D = strafe right
Double tap any of these buttons make you take a short quick jump in that direction.
Space = jump
Left Shift key = Sprint
CRTL = Walk

I = inventory
P = character window
L = skills menu, here you can use skills directly by simply clicking on them, or you can drag and drop them onto your quick bar.

F1-F12 These are the quick bar hot keys and they will use what skill or item you've dropped in the corresponding slot.

Shift + number With this command you can select the ten different pages on the quick bar.

Enter = chat
R = use (used on npcs to access a menu, res etc) (also used on people who is in mercy mode to finish them off with style :-))

TAB If you press TAB while aiming at a player or npc you will see it's name in the target bar.

To enter combat mode/draw your weapons hit “X” key (make sure to have a weapon in your hands, drag and drop or right click to equip to these slots.)

Clicking left mouse button = a random swing as fast as possible
Click and hold left mouse button = Charge a swing release button to swing. Stamina will continuously drain while you hold a swing charged and if you run out your weapon will be lowered. You'll then have to wait until you've recovered enough stamina to swing again.
Hold right mouse button to block (all weapons and shields can block, EVEN when 2 players strikes at each other’s at the same time you are actually able to hit the blade, which results in a block.)
Hold right mouse button and left click to push back an opponent
Hold Alt key and left mouse button to thrust (strikes straight forward where you aim)
Strafe left and use left mouse key to use left arm in an attack (strikes from left to right, uses left weapon hand).

To get started:
When you first get into the game you might want to find a crafting npc. He can hand you a starting weapon that you will need in order to mine ore and get lumber by cutting at trees.

When you die:
To resurrect you will need to find a priest, there priests spread here and there around the world and the spots can be identified at distance by the statues next to them.

If you get stuck:
First of all we'd like to know where it happened. If you wright “pos” in the chat you will get you're current position in world coordinates. Please save this and report it to us. Then you could try logging out and in again. If this doesn't work you can use the “Beta Suicide” button in the character screen (P), this should kill you (and you will loose all the items you have with you). If you then use the suicide button again you should get teleported to the closest priest.

Known issues:
The loot of AI creatures doesn't spawn a the creature when you kill it but you might be able to find it if you run around a bit.

Mining and lumber jacking:
Currently you can't mine all rocks or cut at all trees, but most should work.

Character creation:
You will need to toggle a race or sex before the character appears.
You can't mix races on the first page, but you can on the second.
The stats intelligence and psyche are currently disabled.
Don't forget to spend all your attribute points the client won't warn you if you don't.
Your starting location is currently randomized.

Login location:
Some times you won't be in the location you logged out in. If this happens you should instead be spawned in one of the starting locations.

Su YouTube trovate già dei leaks
linka qua col tag di you tube che si dà un giudizio
ahaha peni penzolanti

video della beta vecchia, di uno due mesi fa, con il client studiato apposta per il combattimento, i beta tester erano su una isola di 1km2

come cacchio è il codice bb di YouTube?
fail, i tag sono yt e /yt

video della beta di 1-2 mesi fa, non è fatto con il client release ms con il client combat, su una isola di 1km2
l'omino che corre nudo in mezzo al campo di grano

non sembra neanche troppo pesante la grafica, troppo presto per dirlo?
Da quest'ultimo video le mappe sembrano bellocce.

Quella mappa è stata fatta apposta per la comvat beta, questa mappa non la vedremo nemmeno in release
Si ok, resta il fatto che se mantengono questo stile son fiche. Ok?

Devi cercarti i video di questa beta per sapere il loro stile
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