Mortal Online [MMORPG]

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non hai capito neanche il rickrolled dai dev

vabbè, vuoi robe concrete?

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Solo per il motivo che è un mmorpg 1st person e combattimenti alla oblivion/Dark messiah and magic si guadagna 50punti.

eh no ma il forum loro l'ho spulciato ed è per quello che sto gioco mi puzza di merda come ormai il 90% dei mmorpg che escono a catena in sti anni.

gira la ruota.

ti rigiro la frase

per dimostrare di essere intelligente dovresti postare un pò di roba piu concreta

Un mmorpg con sistema alla ultima online (case che si possono costruire ovunque e upgradabili, full loot full pvp, sistema di skill avanzato (no grinding skill)...) e altre che prende da oblivion (combatitmento in prima persona) è una merda? sempre la solita cosa, vero?
Bhè Oblivion fan schifo è scientificamente provato quindi non inizi beben

Io mi diverto con poco,se c'è un end game decente e son due anni che nn escono giochi con end game decente.
Non basta full loot o housing alla cazzo di cane .
Ci vuole end game.
Vedi aoc,parole parole,bei video e alla fine inculata....o anche war...

non esiste l'end game su mortal
dal primo giorno (beh forse il primo giorno no)... dall aseconda settimana a 1 anno dopo abrai la possibilità di fare sempre le stesse cose (e le cose da fare sono tante)

Quindi vedila come vuoi, o non c'è end game o non c'è start game

Piccola chicca:

Quando il tuo corpo muore, la tua anima finirà a vagare in un piano chiamato mondo Ether.
Come una anima disincarnata esisterai in entrambe i mondi allo stesso tempo, non avrai alcun possedimento materiale (rimarranno con il tuo corpo) e sarai molto limitato nella vista, nell'uditoe nel fare. Lo stesso succede per la gente nel mondo reale, loro avranno difficoltà ad interagire con te, Il mondo Ether è un posto molto pericoloso per le anime Mortali ed ha delle regole proprie e probabilmente vorrai tornare al tuo stato onrmale il prima possibile.
Per reincarnarti, riavere il tuo corpo essenzialmente, devi trovare un canalizzatore di spiriti che in qualche modo voglia aiutarti.
Altre informazioni riguardo se e come le penalità vi affliggeranno verranno rilasciate piu avanti.

Poi vabbè, non ti piace oblivion allora niente. No, Mortal non ti piacerà se il sistema di combattimento prima persona non ti piace.
a beh se devi trovare solo un canalizzatore per ressare... io pensavo che i tuoi amici dovessero riunire le 7 sfere del drago sconfiggendo tutti quelli che le cercano per ressare i propri compagni defunti...

btw sicuramente come sistema di combattimento per un mmorpg è un passo avanti enorme per carità, solo che di oblivion una delle tante cose che mi ha fatto schifo è proprio quello

Beh, oblivion era per dire, tanti dicono che assomiglia dark messiah and magic... Ma devo provarlo per dirtelo

Cmq oggi è finital'asta, venduto a 5100$
vabbe quell'asta è talmente falsa che non c'è bisogno di commentarla, cosa non si inventano per un pò di pubblicità

Vuoi dire che loro hanno dato 5100$ in benificenza a ebay e si sono invitati da soli in Svizzera per una serata con i dev?
Visto che ho provato Darkfall (al quale sto ancora giocando), proverò certamente anche questo, poi darò la mia opinione.

Una cosa è sicura, almeno da parte mia, non tornerei più ai classici themepark punta a clicca a livelli, una volta provato il full loot e il pvp senza limiti non puoi più farne a meno.
Q: Will you be able to buy more than one game with single unique credit card?
A: Yes, but there are some limitations in doing so(more detailed answer in the recordings).

Q: Will you be able to pickpocket in MO?
A: Pickpocketing and stealing are in, the system is pretty similar to Ultima Online system.

Q: How does healing and resting work?
A: You can use rest skill when you're out of combat to regenerate hit points faster than normal. In addition to resting skill there are healing spells and potions.

Q: Will there be magic implemented already in the beta preorderers get into?
A: There will be one magic school revealed to the players which is the basic combat magic school. Players will be able to explore the world to find out about magic and eventually reveal more magic schools by themselves.

Q: How dark is dark in MO?
A: Pitch black. You will really need to have a light source with you to go to a dark place.

Q: What's your stand on players who use macroing programs to train skills afk?
A: We're trying to make the skills work so that afk macroing skills has no significant advantage over training skills "the regular way".

Q: What happens when you die? How can I get back to the book of living?
A: When you die you turn into a ghost that moves in the ether world. You will either have to find a healer or a shrine to get back to the normal world alive. Also other players can resurrect you if they have the skill needed for resurrecting other players.

Q: Does money weight in MO?
A: Yes, you can only carry gold up to a certain limit by yourself. You can use for example caravans to move your goods.

Q: Will tamed pets need food, do I need to feed them?
A: Yes, you will need to feed your pets.

Q: Can I go and tame a dragon if I want to?
A: You can always go and try, but I can't guarantee you any results.

Q: Can you steal or loot a key to a house owned by another player and then take his house for yourself?
A: This is still under development and we are discussing what kind of level of security players should have in their houses. At the moment you can steal the a key to some others house, then go in and lock the doors in order to prevent others entering the house. The true owner of the house can go and have his locks changed if he can find someone to do it for him.

Ok, here are the notes I took from the chat with Henrik since I was pretending to translate it for our fansite. Some things possibly don't make much sense but everything relevant is in there (even some jokes!) if you get to understand them. Since its like 2 hours of conversation I thought some might be interested. There's a lot of juicy info I hope Scream112 doesnt mind :>

Before reading, understand that this text comes from a spaniard listening to a couple of swedes (and some guest stars, Lachry and Shinzon) and probably I missunderstood something here and there. And as every not official information, it all may change in the final product.

Interview with Henrik Nystrom 27-06-09 [] are my coments.
by Scream112

Siege weapon: They will cost enough time and resources to built and to transport so that hopefully it wont be chaos. It will cost guilds a lot to destroy a house. So you will think about it twice. If for example a guild has someone around annoying with their house, it would be a good idea. We have catapult and other common ones like in real life. The siege system is not yet in place as you know. We may have however the arrow thingie you saw in the trailer but thats all.

Cities: (arrow holes ok!) We are experimenting a lot, like the siege, so dont expect it at release.

Do you like waffles?: yes sure! really good question

How buying of accounts? cd-keys?: I m not in charge of that sorry.

Will we be able to download the client? (no matter what version you buy): Yep, thats right, and you'll be able to redownload it as many times as you want.

Party user interface?: You can group with other players, and you can keep track of them. And the same thing for guildies.

So You will be able to identify your guild mates and group mates from other people?: yep.

[Some nonsense about MOradio banner and beer (Morado!)]

Will Morado be in game beer?: *giggle* yeah, its a good name for a beer.

Will there be free beer with the pre-orders (like the nº1)?: Aint that enough?

Where this idea of life-time suscription came from?: It was from a week ago, to put it on eBay. We wanted everyone to have an oportunity, and also a pretty fun event for everyone to follow. I have to give credits to Charlie and Mats for the DWB idea.

Did you spected this much? [this was then it was around 2000$]: Well we didnt expect a huge amount of money from this copy. We've seen such things before but never in the gaming industry.

You are one of the company who have shown so few...that much money would be a month salary here in sweden.

Were you surprised?: Yes, and so were the doctors.

Many of us experienced that issue where a a naked player was very able to compete at the game (DF), are you going to suffer significantly without wearing gear?: Simply put, yes. You wouldnt last much on the battlefield.

How nude would you be able to be? (in AoC you could get completely nude, except if you were a woman, you had a tatto thong(?) on your skin and you couldnt see your private parts): Well at the moment you are fully nude, so there's nothing in the way. We've have a shocking reaction from beta testers and discussed if we should have some kind of "blessed" rags.

What rating do you want for the game?: We are not aiming for any rating, we are just focusing in the actual game experience and let that decide the rating instead. In this case its a very mature, violence and nudity... that fits the mortal online lore.

Would that be a problem if you got the Adult rating?: As said, we dont care about the ratings.

(because in case you didnt know if you get Adult rating you cant sell your game in a place like Gamestop): Yeah we'll have to see when we get to that step when we are at the stores, if we do that at all. At fist we only thought about dd but as we got request about boxed version/ limited we started to look if we could do something interesting and I think we have managed well.

So are you distributing the game yourself or is someone else?: .[...] *some story about a crazy swedish company already offering Mo preorders...*. We thought that was pretty wierd yeah. Anyway we are shipping the game on our own (worldwide).

Will people to buy multiple accounts with 1 credit card?: Uhm, I m not totally sure but I know we have systems that detect your credit card and you can do so many tranfers in so much time. You can only get one game for account in the shop. You'd have to create a new account (for the store) to buy more. We will announce the limits we have them. [Those accounts wont be related to the forum accounts]

Prices will we see them before you release them?: We dont have the final prices but asap we know for sure we'll post them.

What time the shop will open?: We still havent decided, but we aim for a good time for both US and EU. We have seen other release go not so good, and we want to do it right, with a stable shop. We are trying our best, we had few problems even today. Hopefully we'll have the solution tomorrow and will give it to you. We get so little sleep. [it was 4am and that moment in the interview, and remember this was taken before the devs announced the delay in the shop oppening]

[Song: Lonely island track: the bause (?)]

Will there be something to prevent people from griefing with pickpocketing? (UO experience): Yeah I experienced it with UO, but I dont see a big problem. It was a fun moment. I also had a thief and I know about that. We have pickpocketing in MO and stealing. And the moment is pretty similar to UO. So you have to watch your back.

How much will the shipping be?: I m not sure. We have a partner helping with the shipping, and it was around 80 swedish crowns (10,3$ / 7,35€ atm). [nothing confirmed]

System requeriments?: We still dont have a final requeriments. But we're starting to have a good stimate and will release it when you are able to buy it.

[lachrymose y Shinzon lol'ing and the fact that people think they were hired by SV for the reviews, Henrik doesn't deny it ]

[Henrik and SV inthe test island hide away a couple of carebears (?) in the island]
-Henrik: We hide something in the island and saw if people was exploring. And it didnt take long before they found it. It was something fun. Like 2 black sandals from UO. I m totally worthless navigating the test island. I m supervising everyhting on the office and it felt small from outside so one day I jump in to play with the rest. And I was clueless about the places other people mentioned... I got lost from the group so I was alone in the jungle screaming. I have to give the designers credit. I was totally lost. Then I remembered we had talked about orientation in the forums and started looking for where the sun was etc. And the other beta testers told me: "you have to look a the mountains!". ...¿so where were these carebears? I knew the carebears where at the ruins but I didnt know where the ruins were. THe island was 1 km square, about the size of Tindrem.
-Lachry: I think its great. I lost myself too.
[Bunch of nubs >.>]
-Henrik: I thought I knew where the ruins where, but when I tried to reach them again with this noob, I couldnt find it.

There is benefit from hitting someone from upper ground (bonus dmg)?: No, but obviously you have it easier to hit the head.

Plans for healing: We have a resting skill that we've playing with. You can use it out of combat to regain your attributes faster than normal rate. We also have potions, bandages and magic to heal.

Will the beta client have magic?: The only magic school that we'll be revealing to the players is the common combat magic school. (this will be also for the release). The players will have to explore the world to find other schools (like many other secondary skills). There wont be many spells, but every spell will have its use. Spells will require regeants.

In the beta gameplay we see a torch. What happens if it wears out?: Ok, it'll pitch black in that area. We had a pretty huge dungeon that we've been testing. I run down pretty deep and if you loose your torch, you cant even play the game. We dont want players to stuck on the game because they dont see, but yeah.

-Henrik: When the nº1 edition guy comes to have a beer with us we may announce it so that more people can come.

Will there be magical light sources?: Yeah, there will be spells. We have two ways to make light, one like nightvision and one like Gandalf, where you start beaming.

Whats your stand on afk macros?: We tried to not design the skills so that people can afk macro them. The primary skills wont take forever to level up, some are pretty quick.

Will characters become fat?: Uhmmm no, but your body will change its shape depending on your attributes.

Details about Etherworld?: You can float around like a ghost in the Etherworld and to get back you just have to find a healer or a player who can healer. So there wont a timer or anything, you will just be in the Etherworld. And if a player have the apropiatted skills they can res you. There is this other stuff in the Etherworld but it'll be for the players to learn. It will be crazy and dangerous. No permadeath.

Can we expect some one time spawns in the Etherworld?: I cant answer that question.

Is there ghostbusters in Etherworld?: Its a good question, I cant answer that.

What about necromancy?: We havent announced necromancy school of magic, have we? Well, we have a few spells in that area.

Is there a colosseum in Tindrem?: Yep.

Ingame voice chat program?: We are not sure. Actually we've been discussing with some companies which supply this service but we realize then we'd have a lot more bandwight. (lag!)

Will gold weight?: Yep. (money donkies!)

Bank local or global?: Its local.

Talk about the crafting minigames: Crafting is pretty much Mats area. I'm not much envolved. I enjoy the complexity mats is creating, he s great.
[lovers?] Atm we dont have any minigames at crafting. But I dont know the progress on that.

The pigdeons that send msgs, do you need to tame them etc?: Well, we actually tried to have them as a physical object that players could kill and intercept the msg, but we ran into some problems. So we are not sure if they will be physical objects or not. There is a small delay when you send them until they recieve the msg, but nothing unbearable.

Will you be able to get a disease and if so spread it to others?: We've been discussing this and think its quite interesting feature. One answer would be that we'd want to do this secretly for the players to discover. We have some secret planning. It wont make it for the release. (pidgeon flu!)

Expansions free only for pre-orders?: We have always enjoyed cccp model (EVE) and they have a huge loyal fan base and we're trying the same. Thats something we are aiming for, yeah. (So expansions free for everyone that buys and suscribes)

How fast traveling is going to be?: We tried to keep it real when it comes to walking and running. And mounts will be also close to reality. I dont know how the guys come out with the measurament but its suppossed to be the same speed that in real life.

Do you have to feed your mounts/pets? (like tamagochi): Yep.

How will starvault deal with goldsellers?: I dont consider them a problem. [Lachry agrees] You wont see many autopilot bots gathering resources etc because it'd be easy for other players to notice and get free loot. You are never safe in MO. (walking piñatas!)

The taming, wheres the limit, can you tame that big dragon in the teaser?: Well you can try *wink*.

Whats the statloss status?: Its a pretty hard decision. I totally understand both sides. But yeah like I said I played UO from day 1 and its a pretty unique experience when you went to the red side. It added a lot more pressure and adrenaline. Its a mix filling for me. We are not decided for one way yet.

Are we going to see another crazy turns during the beta, like one week we test this and then that?: yeah, mostly during the first weeks of the beta. People shouldnt be much attached to their chars, since we will be fliping systems in and out, at least at the start.

Have you guys at SV killed the dragon?: Well this is an epic creature and it work in different ways depending on what NPC routine we add to it. We also can control it as you know, so it really depends if its NPC or DEV controlled.

NDA ends with this new phase?: We wont have an NDA in this phase. Not 100% but looks like we are going that way. I mean, if we have 10k beta testers, it would be very easy to have leaks. We'll the game speak for itself.

How important a city will be for a guild?: We let the players build their houses next to each other, that could be a city. It's a more open system than other games. But we also want to give them tools to set taxes and declare wars in the neighboor country and thats the area where we actually have to place a system for it.

Will you be able to design your house?: At least at the beginning there will be different sizes and styles and possible upgrades for your house. Its not Sim city, we have some limit on this system.

How about disasters, will there be in? (tornados, godzilla..): We have this Conflux and it includes things like that, disasters and in different times there could be different huge events that would affect the players in that area.

So there might be the possibility of another player-caused Conflux?: Well this is Mats area and a sensitive one so I'll save it for later.

Can the player decide on how the armor will look, like having a hole?][<-- retard]:You do have a lot of options to choose from when crafting: material, and another level of customization. I m not sure I forgot if we had this mark feature. You cannot paint your own design. We tried it but it was too complicated. [This question could use some work, I'll edit it later]

Could you build a city with your guild an let someone place a house next?: Yes, everyone can place their house anywhere they want [considering terrain limits etc], and so then its when your guild smacks down that little bastard.

Key stealing?: Atm we are trying many security systems for houses. This is also one hard decision. Atm you have a master key which you cant copy without the right resources or skills. So that means a player could steal your key, get in, and lock the door. And we are thinking about the possibility of being able to change the lock, so meanwhile the thief could have some time to steal stuff... so the question is if houses have full loot or not. We want to have good balance so that everybody can manage their bussiness alone.

If you kill someone in their house, will the guards be alerted?: No, because houses cant be built in guards-zone. If you had a guild city then you could hire a somewhat guard, but that would be added latter in the game.

Can you rent an appartment inside Tindrem?: We actually got through that. I m not sure if I like that idea. But a few thought it was appealing. Probabily it would be only for shops. But nothing is decided yet.

Will crafted items display their crafter?: Yep. When you have reached a certain amount of skill you'll be able to mark it.

If we steal a key, can we destroy the house?: uhhmm no.


Ecco i motivi per cui mi piace mortal online, è pari pari copiato da ultima xD
Poi beh, la storia di non avere una mappa, e che se crafti la mappa della zona non vedi il tuo puntino "tu sei qui" è veramente una figata!

Poi qui quando è buio è buio, la storiella che racconta che sei dentro un dungeon e perdi la torcia sei fregato xD (acnhe se stanno cercando una soluzione)

Ah, l'intervista è stata fatto sulla radio non ufficiale di Mortal Online

si diceva anche cosi di darkfall

è uguale ad uo!!!! però con i siege!!!1112120101!!

quindi aspettiamo una beta

beh, darkfall era uguale a uo solo per il sistema di skill e per le macro

Qui su mortal solo all'idea di costruire una casa dove voglio in un mondo full pvp... -sbav!
E quando sei nudo che vedi il tuo "penis" penzolare? hahaha xD in beta per ora è così ma non sanno se tenerlo
ma è stata aperta la beta ?
Si, ne invitano altri 2.000 fra due lunedì.
non esistono piu le beta di una volta

La beta è incominciata 6 mesi fa e fra 4 mesetti fanno la open beta e la release
Stasera alle 20 GMT+1 (quindi ora italiana) apre lo shop.

Ora, visto che ai tempi di Darkfall ci fu un coraggioso (non davidemo) che compro' il gioco per fare da cavia obiettiva, c'e' qualcuno (non davidemo) che stasera lo compra e ci dice un po' come e'?