Mortal Online [MMORPG]

Rimandato tutto di due settimane

Hanno fatto troppo di fretta, non sono risuciti a installare uno shop stabile :-S
Imho hanno problemi con la beta e non riescono a tirare fuori quello che hanno promesso per il 6.

davide cosa ti sei bevuto... non era un grande sandbox?
Ti rendi conto che per es. una delle cose più brutte di DF son proprio le animazioni ridicole e sgorbie?

Ultima online non aveva grinding? eppure guarda caso lo chiamano il padre dei sandbox e perfino dei mmorpg. Ma stranissimo che sul server ufficiale ci mettevi mesi e mesi a macrare per far salire una skill a lvl max, stessa cosa su darkfall (cmq siamo OT, questo è il topic di Mortal)

Restando OnTopic

Almeno sono sinceri

EDIOT: aggiornato il mio sito con il nuovo countdown
Come volevasi dimostrare.

Questi qui sono dei maestri nel "marketing" (= presa per il culo), come ho gia' scritto. Prima fanno le furbate di mettere come prime copie vendibili solo quelle boxed e limited piu' costose, poi alimentano l'hype mettendo all'asta la sbur edition, poi rimandano tutto perche' ovviamente non sono pronti (dico ovviamente perche' l'han fatto TUTTI, da AoC a WAR a DF a questo).

Poi magari il gioco e' bello, ma stan facendo la solita scena di tutti i mmorpg non pronti rushati sul mercato, tentando di monetizzare il piu' possibile con l'hype. La differenza e' che sono molto berlusconiani, cioe' comunicativi con le persone, ma sinceramente io vedo tra le righe una bella presa per il culo dopo tutto il countdown e le promesse. Opinioni.
La presa per il culo era darkfall, sicuramente non mortal.
Qui i dev ci dicono come sta andando la beta, su cosa stanno lavorando, hanno fatto perfino un video con i bug della alpha.
Sono molto più sinceri della funcon, war e aventurine messi in sieme. Con il delay del preorder ci hanno spiegato tutti i loro problemi.

Boh, sarà anche marketing, ma non sono tanto furbi allora a dirci i bug, cosa ci aspetta alla release (con tutti i bug e feature mancanti)

avrebbero detto semplicemente "va tutto bene"
Questa sincerità potrebbe essere una strategia per inculare la gente isi
Si fingono buoni, sinceri, pronti alla massima comunicazione con gli utenti e poi al momento del lancio... boom... "Unable to connect to server. Host not found"

si vabbè, allora non giocheremo mai nessun mmorpg alla release e perfino wow sarebbe andato in fallimento

si ma e' ovvio che il comunicare e' essenziale ai giorni nostri

il problema e' che cio' non rende il prodotto valido

dialogo e comunicazione frequente con gli sviluppatori e' essenziale ma la prima cosa rimane che il gioco sia fatto bene e funzioni bene tecnicamente

una volta ch ci sono 200 bug, se tentano di tacerli e' una presa in giro ma se anche te li dicono e non li fixano la situazione non cambia

beh, fra 3 settimane abbiamo ben altri 2.000 giocatori in beta, ne usciranno di leak a bizzeffe
si ma ti rendi conto spero che non ci si dovrebbe basare su leak per capire la validita' di un prodotto

e su cosa allora se il gioco sarà sotto NDA fino open beta?

Beh, io proverò la beta personalmente quindi non ho bisogno di seguire i leaks, ma te su cosa ti baserai?
Ecco il post che ha fatto mats (dev) 20min fa

I'm not questioning his doubts or his disappointment, but I feel that I do have to defend myself when someone accuses me of "Trying to get as much $$ as possible." and on top of that acts as he know what kind of labor is involved in setting up a thing like this. Maybe he does know, and instead of acknowledging that it's hard he's just a complete douchebag telling us we suck. Then again, if he was working here as the project leader, planning to open a shop in one week, I believe you would see no MO shop at all, ever.
Finally, I do realize it's a troll post, but I can't help myself.

Ok, thanks, I guess. However I don't think a comparison with a normal game company is fair at all. If a major company can be "incpompetent" (how many companies release everything on schedule?) with 100+ guys, an established publishing- and distribution network, and multi-billion budgets, how can you translate that to 15 guys in a cramped office doing all that work by themselves?

We do lack competence in a lot of areas (and this delay proves it), but most of all we lack time and resources. Remember this, because if that's too crude for you, the future progress and testing of our Beta and game will most likely be too crude for you as well. I'm not saying this to offend you or because I want to scare you off, I just want you to know what we are and what we're not. If you are unsure, then just wait for the game, shop, structure and marketing to be more established.

We made the mistake to announce our shop too early once. Now you're saying we should not learn from that mistake and risk doing it twice? Better to be safe than sorry, imagine us mailing out another "Shop delayed" next week. Or?

As I've said before, we really did think everything was in order. However it turned out there's a lot of paperwork to be done even after things are seemingly in place and up and running. We can work overtime to fix stuff we have control over, but we cannot make banks work on weekends. We cannot be sure that even more work needs to be done after these "final" approvals.

Everything might indeed be up and running on Monday, but instead of mailing out a last-minute desperate message when people already queue at the shop if it doesn't, we decided to do it as a last-day message instead. It's not good, but we decided it's the best of two bad options.

Again, we have been working on the shop and procedures for weeks. Everything looked fine and dandy. We did believe everything was in order. We had a huge cushion, as you put it. At least we thought so. I know what you are saying, and it really hurts we couldn't live up to our goal.

Does EVE's store tell you the cost before you register? Does WoW's shop tell you the price before you register? Did Age of Conan's shop tell you the price before you registered when it first started? I'm not saying we aren't going to list the prices, but please do a reality-check before jumping to conclusions.

It's up to you if you want to buy the game for Beta, or if you want a chance on a limited edition, or whatnot. And if your main reason is Beta, so what? I know games where you had to pay subscription fees for beta.

If the above makes any sense to you, you'll see that Aventurine isn't radically different to other MMO's. Sure, it's the only company I've seen where you have to also register your card details before seeing the price(!), but your comparison is flawed as you could as easily compare MO to any other MMO out there. There are similarities, and there are reasons for them. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last years, you would realize that this is in no way unique to DF and MO.

To further explain the differences, DF didn't have the major MMO account management provider to run their account database. They didn't have many payment options. They didn't have different/physical versions of their game. Yet they managed to fuck up (just like we did, I'm not saying we're better), but on top of that they chose to actually release their non-working shop. To me, that's quite a lot of differences.

Yes, it hurts. I know some of you are mad, and I hate to disappoint you. I also don't like spending my only day off sitting here trying to explain why things went wrong, and saying we're sorry, only to be further bashed by some people.

Thank you, I feel just like you describe. When it was clear that we suddenly had more work to do on the shop Friday evening, all banks closed, we gathered the whole team and agreed upon delaying instead of taking a chance. And it was really a pick your poison situation.

I completely agree with both your statements.

We're not holding anything back to you. If there was indeed more translated lore, it would have been published already.

You're saying it's worse to delay the shop than to release a non-working shop? We are selling a limited number of games, and you're saying we should let only some people buy it because we screwed up? You've gotta be kidding me.

Oh, thank you very much for that comparison. If you see no difference between our two companies, then I guess there's absolutely no reason for you to trust us. Especially not after this single event. Thank you for your time on our forums, I hope you someday find it worth coming back.
english wot is made of fail

EDIT: questi commenti inutili sto incominciando a odiarli.
Cheppalle un'altro fail, la cosa triste è che ci faranno sopra dei soldi

basato su cosa?

ritardo apertura shop PRE-ORDER (neanche release eh) di 2 settimane?
andiamo tutti a giocare a wow

basato sul fatto che al 90% (se non di più) degli mmo rilasciati da sw semisconosciute e con un lore inventato da hoc sono dei fail

Se qualcuno vuole giocare a qualcosa di diverso da wow ci si deve atatccare a questo tipo di sh. (che cmq come avrai visto (anche se non credo che ti sei interesato molotp rima di psoatre) la SV sta facendo un ottimo lavoro anche lato marketting cose che di solito le piccole SH non fanno.)

Scusa se non ho ancora perso la speranza in un mmorpg diverso

E poi che centra il lore con mortal? Ok, mortal ha un lore, ma lo sai vero che non ha quest?
questo gioco puzza di merda da un chilometro di distanza

Ed ecco a voi IL GENIO

alpha footage non beta eh