MechWarrior: Living Legends mod Crysis

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Beta 0.02
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* Download at TLL website (;sa=view;id=76) (Thanks to The Living Legends)
* Download from Mediafire ( (Thanks to Aidan)
* Download at ( (Thanks to Panzerboxb)
* Download from MBO ( (Thanks to CSJ_Maiki)
* Download from AWGClub ( (Thanks to Timberwolf)
* Download From Army of Darkness ( (Thanks to Undertaker)
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* Download from ( (thanks to menotyou)
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* Download from ( (thanks to Bone-Enterprises)
* Download from ( (Thanks to Ricin)
* (,-MWLL-OpenBeta1rar,4383.html)
* AtomicGamer (

HotFix 0.03 obbligatorio

installare Crysis
scaricare patch 1.2 e installarla
scaricare patch 1.21 e installarla
far partire Crysis impostare almeno un'opzione o creare un nuovo profilo ed uscire (questo crea i profili default e personali)
una volta scaricato l'archivio estrarlo nella cartella principale di Crysis
copiare il file example_actionmaps_for_joystick.xml presente nella cartella crysis\mods\mwll
incollarlo in C:\Users\*nomeutentepc*\Documents\My Games\Crysis\Profiles \Default e \vsProfiloPersonale
rinominare il file actionmaps.xml o eliminarlo
rinominare il file appena copiato (example_actionmaps_for_joystick.xml) in actionmaps.xml
- ricordate entrambe le directory dei profili, se ne usate più di uno
fate partire [Crysis.exe -mod mwll] da stringa di comando oppure con il pratico launcher che trovate nella directory crysis\mods\mwll

Elenco comandi

Legenda armamenti


For those of you who are not familiar with BattleTech/Mechwarrior or those who need a refresher here is a quick primer on the weapons available in MWLL


ER=Extended Range (usually used interchangeably with clan, because clans used ERs a lot)

L=Large (NOTE- Denotes "light" in the case of a Gauss Rifle)

**Weapon Names**


AC = Autocannon
A rapid-firing, auto loading weapon that fires high-explosive anti armor rounds,
Ammunition ranges from 30-90mm for Light AC's to 80-120mm for Heavy AC's (HAC)
Think of this as a auto-firing, rapid fire howitzer and you wouldn't be far off (120mm is a common howitzer size)

AC's(of all variants) are given a size value of 5,10 and 20 (smallest to largest)and are donated by "AC-#" For example AC-5.
In battletech ACs have a variety of ammunition available to them. In MWLL each type use one basic ammunition type. Further ammo
types may be made available in the future.

UAC = Ultra Auto Cannon
Clan only Advanced auto cannon capable of firing a higher sustained rate of fire (RoF) then a average AC.

= Rotary Auto Cannon
Rotary Barrel style of the ACs allowing for extreme rapid fire of over 2000 Rounds per Minute

LB-X =
A lighter version of the basic AC. Capable of using cluster munitions, which act essentially as a shotgun. In MWLL the LB-X only uses cluster munitions. New munition types for all AC types might be introduced into MWLL at a later date.

Gauss = Gauss Rifle
'Mech "Rifle" that propels a solid projectile using a series of high powered magnets. Generates very little heat but fires at a exceptional velocity and range. Its large round size however limits the amount of ammunition a mech can carry to a relatively small amount. While the ammunition itself is non-explosive, the firing mechanism is volatile due to the large amount of power it has to use to charge, and cool, its superconducting magnets. Comes in a Clan, Heavy (Inner Sphere only) variants

MG= Machine Gun
Everyone's favorite low caliber, rapid fire, nitrogen cooled anti infantry weapon. MG is a basic classification for a large number of similar weapons manufactured by every house of the Inner Sphere and every Clan. Including "Vulcan" rotary MG's and single barrel squad support weapons. For simplicities sake all 'mech and vehicle class MGs have identical characteristics (dead is dead in any case)


BL= Beam Laser
Weapon that fires a relatively long, powerful laser. Inflicts damage through high energy transference directly resulting in the heating up of armor and subsequently internal components.
Note that unlike every other mechwarrior game, simply hitting a enemy with a beam laser does not guarantee maximum damage. Enemies in MWLL take damage continually as long as the laser is on the target (instead of a Miss or Hit situation where it does max or no damage as in other mechwarrior games.)

PL=Pulse Laser
Laser weapon that fires short, quick pulses of energy. Similar to a beam laser but fires in short bursts resulting higher accuracy but reduced damage and range.

= Particle Projection Cannon
Weapon System that uses a magnetic accelerator to fire a high powered stream of proton or ion bolts. Damages from energy transferal on impact and heat.
Variants include the Clans ERPPC (Extended Range PPC)

Weapon that taps into the heat generated by a 'mechs and vehicles power plant and shoots it out of a barrel in a high powered, short ranged burst of energy. Similar to a modern flamethrower in most respects. Good anti-infantry weapon for its damage potential and moral busting effects. Its main use however is to raise the internal temperature of enemy 'mechs and vehicles by bathing them in a burst of super heated plasma. In vehicles that use a Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) the flamer uses a mixture supplied from the vehicles fuel tank instead of from a fusion power plant.


SRM= Short Range Missile
High explosive short ranged missile system. Comes in 2, 4, and 6 variants (SRM-6 rack fires 6 missiles per salvo)
Less range then a LRM but twice the damage

LRM= Long Range Missile
Long Range Missile system, half the damage of a SRM but more then double the Range. Comes in larger rack sizes then a SRM to make up for its poor damage per missile ratio. Comes in racks of 5,10,15 and 20. LRM5's have 5 missiles while LRM20's fire 20 missiles per salvo.

ELRM= Extended Long Range Missile
Advanced Inner Sphere version of the Clans Extended Range LRM (ERLRM) Sports extended range over the basic LRM system

ARROW IV= "Arrow IV Missile Artillery System"
Extremely long-range missile artillery system. Fires one missile per salvo but has a high damage potential. Also not the most accurate weapon system available. Best when paired with a NARC beacon to help the missile home in on targets. NARCS can be deployed by the system carrying the ArrowIV or friendly combatants.

Fire Bombs =
VERY high damage non guided bomb package available on some aerospace

TBolt = Thunderbolt missile
unguided, very high damage single missile system. However it may be paired with NARC to create a semiguided missile system. TBolts where invented in the solaris arena by inventive pilots


TAG = Target Acquisition Gear
Gear used by a spotter unit to designate targets for missiles. Useful for LRMS and Arrow IV systems. Missiles will home in on designated target. In MWLL the designating unit will receive a portion of CBills for every hit on the designated unit as long as a enemy is "Tagged." TAG lasers can only be seen by enemy units with night vision optics engaged ("I" key)

Elemental s may purchase a smaller version of the TAG.

See NARC entry below for note on MWLL advanced target acquisition priority system

NARC = Narc Missile Beacon
Heavily modified missile launcher that fires special missiles called pods. When fired a pod deploy magnetic legs that stick to a mech or vehicle. NARCS act as a homing beacon for missiles and ARROW IV systems. Additional, deployed NARC beacons give out a identification signal when stuck to a enemy unit. In game this is portrayed by a small triangle with a unit identification text next to it. NARCs give bonus cbills to the deploying unit similar to TAGs.
NOTE- Tags still work when not attached to enemy units! For example they work when shot into the ground. However advanced missile guidance systems in MWLL follow a priority system, where missiles will first home in on legitimate TAG targets, then NARCS attached to enemy units, then non attached NARCS.


un video che mostra 2 cosette

Ci sono mezzi di terra cingolati e hovercraft, mezzi d'aria vtol e a reazione e ovviamente i robbbottoni.
La fanteria è fatta bene, ci sono poche armi ma usare il jetpack è davvero divertente, manca giusto lo skiing

Per giocare serve Crysis aggiornato alla 1.21
Poi non sò se funziona anche con warhead o wars....
Lo seguivo da un po' e sapevo della beta in una di queste sere. Purtroppo però al momento dispongo solo di Crysis Warhead, quindi dovrò prima procurarmi Crysis.
"ulala vediamo un po"
che figo mi ispira un mucchio peccato che crysis mi andava a 20 fps e l ho venduto :sbam:
cazzo bello lo stavo aspettando finalmente e' uscito
Ma non ho ancora capito...

E' un mod per multiplayer, quindi ci si potrà devastare con i mech sui server? Oppure è una campagna single-player? O entrambi?
sticazzi che meraviglia. quando esce dall'acqua coi rivoli sul cockpit è meraviglioso.
thumbs up, peccato che non avro' mai un pc in grado


cmq vado a vedere sul sito
Grazie , scaricato :P , come si installa che non ricordo piu come funzionano i mod di crysis ?


Dalle FAQ del sito ufficiale:

Non male a vedersi

Come ha sottolineato blackrazor è multiplayer only!

La grafica è spettacolare hanno fatto un lavoro pazzesco, potresti provare con i dettagli abbassati ma immagino che si perda molto.

ecco qua
installare Crysis
scaricare patch 1.2 e installarla
scaricare patch 1.21 e installarla
far partire Crysis impostare almeno un'opzione o creare un nuovo profilo ed uscire (questo crea i profili default e personali)
una volta scaricato l'archivio estrarlo nella cartella principale di Crysis
copiare il file example_actionmaps_for_joystick.xml presente nella cartella crysis\mods\mwll
incollarlo in C:\Users\*nomeutentepc*\Documents\My Games\Crysis\Profiles \Default e \vsProfiloPersonale
rinominare il file actionmaps.xml o eliminarlo
rinominare il file appena copiato (example_actionmaps_for_joystick.xml) in actionmaps.xml
- ricordate entrambe le directory dei profili, se ne usate più di uno
fate partire [Crysis.exe -mod mwll] da stringa di comando oppure con il pratico launcher che trovate nella directory crysis\mods\mwll

nb.: si chiama action maps for joystick ma la doverte mettere anche e sopratutto se non usate un joystick, senza questa actionmap non potete usare le funzioni avanzate.
Per i comandi io sono andato a naso premendo tutti i tasti rolf

Oggi lo provo in multy se trovo qualche server
woah , grazie mille per le spiegazioni, mi sa che l'acquisto di crysis steams version per domarle la scimmia di vederlo con win 7 dx10 e finalmente a grafica pompata si e' rivelato valido :P , mo mi vado a cercare anche qualche mod cazzuto
richiede key dato che e' solo online?
Sì e anche un account gamespy, quest'ultimo però lo fai al volo nel gioco la prima volta che vuoi entrare in un server, una cosa facile facile!
Ho giocato fino adesso divertentissimo!

I soldi si guadagnano distruggendo gli altri e anche solo colpendoli, per ora c'è solo team deathmatch, non sono riuscito a provare tutto ma in compenso ho fatto 3 mappe.
La migliore è quella nel deserto di giorno.

Ping a 150, ma anche tutti gli altri avevano questo ping e sembrava di non laggare O_o
Non mi è mai successo eppure, zero lag effettiva.

Di nota l'ultima parte del discorso
Ecco mirror e compagnia bella per il download.
* Torrent link (
* Download from (
* Download at ModDB (
* Download at TLL website (;sa=view;id=76) (Thanks to The Living Legends)
* Download from Mediafire ( (Thanks to Aidan)
* Download at ( (Thanks to Panzerboxb)
* Download from MBO ( (Thanks to CSJ_Maiki)
* Download from AWGClub ( (Thanks to Timberwolf)
* Download From Army of Darkness ( (Thanks to Undertaker)
* Download from ( (thanks to
* Download from ( (thanks to menotyou)
* Download from (
* Download from ( (thanks to Bone-Enterprises)
* Download from ( (Thanks to Ricin)
* (,-MWLL-OpenBeta1rar,4383.html)
* AtomicGamer (
DD ho scaricato la 1.21 messa ok.. ho scaricato anche il mod e l'ho estratto ho una cartella che si chiama Crysis\Mechwarrior Living Legends\MWLL-OpenBeta1\Mods\mwll

e mo? cioe io non avendo mai usato un mod di crysis in vita mia sono un attimo basito, il launcher che sta dentro a mwII non parte mi da errori e non trova niente. Forse va caricato in un modo specifico?

edit: niente sono riuscito a farlo partire, ho notato dopo che avevi messo come installarlo pero, cosa devo fare modalita multiplayer lan party per farlo andare?
Molto bello... però mi aspetto scatti di brutto... cioè anche nei video si nota lo stuttering.
si ma qualcuno l'ha provato davvero?
e' tutto bello sugli ss ma il gioco com'e'?