Lyrics Thread

Can't get the stink off
He's been hanging round for days
Comes like a comet
Suckered you but not your friends
One day he'll get to you
And teach you how to be a holy cow

You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself
Just you and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself

Don't get my sympathy
Hanging out the 15th floor
You've changed the locks three times
He still comes reeling through the door
One day I'll get you
And teach you how to get to purest hell

You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself
Just you, you and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself

You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself
Just you, you and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself... yourself... yourself...
ne two three go!

[Verse One - Andre 3000]
My baby don't mess around
Because she loves me so
And this I know fo shooo..
Uh, But does she really wanna
But can't stand to see me
Walk ou the dooo..
Don't try to fight the feelin'
Because the thought alone is killing me right nooww..
Uh, thank god for mom and dad
For sticking through together
'Cause we don't know hooowww...

Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..

[Verse Two - Andre 3000]
You think you've got it
Ohh, you think you've go it
But got it just don't get it
Till' there's nothing at
We've been together
Ohh, we've been together
But seperate's always better when there's feelings
If what they say is ('Nothing is forever')
Then what makes, Then what makes, Then what makes
Then what makes, Then what makes LOOVVEEE?
(Love exception) So why you, why you
Why you, why you, why you are we so in denial
When we are not happy heeeerrreeee...
Y'all don't want me here you just wanna dance

Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (Don't want to meet your daddy, OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (Just want you in my Caddy OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH, don't want to meet yo' mama OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (Just wan't to make you cumma OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (I'm, OHH OH I'm, OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (I'm just being honest OHH OH, I'm just being honest)

[Bridge - Andre 3000]
Hey, alright now
Alright now fealous, (YEAH!)
Now what's cooler than bein' cool?
(ICE COLD!) I can't hear ya'
I say what's cooler than bein' cool?
(ICE COLD!) whooo...
Alright, alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright, Ok now ladies, (YEAH!)
And we gon' break this back down in just a few seconds
Now don't have me break this thang down for nothin'
Now I wanna see y'all on y'all baddest behavior
Gimme some suga', I am your neighbor ahh here we go!
Shake it, shake, shake it, shake it (OHH OH)
Shake it, shake it, shake, shake it, shake it, shake it (OHH OH)
Shke it, shake it like a Poloroid Picture, shake it, shake it
Shh you got to, shake it, shh shake it, shake it, got to shake it
(Shake it Suga') shake it like a Poloroid Picture

[Verse Three - Andre 3000 (Repeating 'Shake it' in background)]
Now while Beyoncé and Lucy Lui
And baby dogs, get on the floor
(Get on the floor)
You know what to dooo..
Yooooouuu.. know I do

Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (Uh oh, Hey Ya)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (Uh, uh, OHH OH)
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa.. (OHH OH)
nn so se l'hanno scritta

DArk Side of The moon Pink Floyd - MONEY

Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you're o.k.
Money it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands make a trash
New car,caviar,four star daydream
Think i'll buy me a football team

Money get back
I'm all rigth jack keep your hands off of my stack
money it's a hit
But don't give me that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the hi-fidelity first class travelling set
And i think i need a lear jet

Money it's a crime
share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money so theysay
is the root of all evil today
but if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're
giving none away


una delle piu belle a mio avviso
RESPECT Aretha Franklin

(ooh) What you want
(ooh) Baby, I got
(ooh) What you need
(ooh) Do you know I got it?
(ooh) All I'm askin'
(ooh) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)

I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong (ooh) 'cause I don't wanna (ooh)
All I'm askin' (ooh)
Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my profits
When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

Ooo, your kisses (ooh)
Sweeter than honey (ooh)
And guess what? (ooh)
So is my money (ooh)
All I want you to do (ooh) for me
Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)
Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now (just a little bit)

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
I get tired (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re) 'spect
When you come home (re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)
I got to have (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
Pantera -Becoming-

A long time ago I never knew myself. Then the memory
Of shame birthed its gift.
No more. The small one, the weak one, the frightened one.
Running from beatings, deflating. I'm becoming more
Than a man. More than you ever were. Driven and burning
To rise beyond Jesus.

I'm born again with snakes eyes
Becoming Godsize

I found my life was slipping through my hands. Perhaps
Through death my life won't be so bad.
I can see you, can fuck you, inside of you. Staring through
Your eyes. Belittle your friends to serve me, to suck me,
To realize my saving grasp. I of suicide. I the unlord.

I'm born again with snakes eyes
Becoming Godsize
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

A grande richiesta :IL COCCODRILLO COME FA!!

Oggi tutti insieme cercheremo di imparare
Come fanno per parlare fra di loro gli animali
Come fa il cane? Bau Bau!
E il gatto? Miao!
L'asinello? Hi! Ho!
La mucca? Muu!
La rana? Cra cra!
La pecora? Beee!
E il coccodrillo? E il coccodrillo? Boh!
Il coccodrillo come fa,
non c'è nessuno che lo sa.
Si dice mangi troppo,
Non metta mai il cappotto,
Che con i denti punga,
che molto spesso pianga,
però quando è tranquillo come fa sto coccodrillo....
Il coccodrillo come fa,
non c'è nessuno che lo sa.
Si arrabbia ma non strilla,
sorseggia camomilla
e mezzo addormentato se ne va.
Guardo sui giornali,
non c'è scritto niente:
sembra che il problema non importa alla gente.
Ma se per caso al mondo c'è qualcuno che lo sa,
la mia domanda è ancora questa qua....
Il coccodrillo come fa,
non c'è nessuno che lo sa.
Si dice mangi troppo,
Non metta mai il cappotto,
Che con i denti punga,
che molto spesso pianga,
però quando è tranquillo come fa sto coccodrillo....
Il coccodrillo come fa,
non c'è nessuno che lo sa.
Si arrabbia ma non strilla,
sorseggia camomilla
e mezzo addormentato se ne va.
e mezzo addormentato se ne va.

LA GUERRA DI PIERO - Fabrizio de Andre'

Dormi sepolto in un campo di grano
non è la rosa non è il tulipano
che ti fan veglia dall'ombra dei fossi
ma son mille papaveri rossi
lungo le sponde del mio torrente
voglio che scendano i lucci argentati
non più i cadaveri dei soldati
portati in braccio dalla corrente
così dicevi ed era inverno
e come gli altri verso l'inferno
te ne vai triste come chi deve
il vento ti sputa in faccia la neve
fermati Piero , fermati adesso
lascia che il vento ti passi un po' addosso
dei morti in battaglia ti porti la voce
chi diede la vita ebbe in cambio una croce
ma tu no lo udisti e il tempo passava
con le stagioni a passo di giava
ed arrivasti a varcar la frontiera
in un bel giorno di primavera
e mentre marciavi con l'anima in spalle
vedesti un uomo in fondo alla valle
che aveva il tuo stesso identico umore
ma la divisa di un altro colore
sparagli Piero , sparagli ora
e dopo un colpo sparagli ancora
fino a che tu non lo vedrai esangue
cadere in terra a coprire il suo sangue
e se gli sparo in fronte o nel cuore
soltanto il tempo avrà per morire
ma il tempo a me resterà per vedere
vedere gli occhi di un uomo che muore
e mentre gli usi questa premura
quello si volta , ti vede e ha paura
ed imbracciata l'artiglieria
non ti ricambia la cortesia
cadesti in terra senza un lamento
e ti accorgesti in un solo momento
che il tempo non ti sarebbe bastato
a chiedere perdono per ogni peccato
cadesti interra senza un lamento
e ti accorgesti in un solo momento
che la tua vita finiva quel giorno
e non ci sarebbe stato un ritorno

Ninetta mia crepare di maggio
ci vuole tanto troppo coraggio
Ninetta bella dritto all'inferno
avrei preferito andarci in invern
oe mentre il grano ti stava a sentire
dentro alle mani stringevi un fucile
dentro alla bocca stringevi parole
troppo gelate per sciogliersi al sole
dormi sepolto in un campo di grano
non è la rosa non è il tulipano
che ti fan veglia dall'ombra dei fossi
ma sono mille papaveri rossi.

IRON MAIDEN - Journeyman

From the red sky of the east
To the sunset in the west
We have cheated death
And he has cheated us

But that was just a dream
And this is what it means
We are sleeping
And we'll dream for evermore

And the fragment remains of our memories
And the shadows remain with our hands
Deep grey, came to mourn
All the colours of the dawn
Will this journeyman's day be his last?

I know what I want
And I say what I want
And no one can take it away
I know what I want
And I say what I want
And no one can take it away

But the memory still remains
All the past years not so stange
Our winter times are like a silent shroud
And the heartbeat of the day
Drives the mist away
And winter's not the only dream around

In your life you may choose desolation
And the shadows you build with your hands
If you turn to the light
That is burning in the night
Then the journeyman's day has begun
Jill:I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and thats why i
love you
I see you true colors shining throughi see your true colors and thats why i love

Fredro:Yo father forgive we all trying to survive where we live
Id rather feed the homeless and take time talk to the kids
show them that life aint no walk on the bridge
damn as hard as it is when i be dreaming i be talkin to big
in my hood it aint no yellow brick road you hear the shots echo
sneakers hanging from the telephone poll
in my ghetto there aint no pots of gold but there was love from the famly when times
were cold
i sit an analyze the world from my roof seen hope in the eyes of a troubled youth
good killa kept a burnin in his bubble goose a motherless child lost in the streets
in the murder daysthese are rainydays my man got popped at an early age
his colage fund saved flipped into his grave they say the good die young were headed
for them pearly gates

Jill:I see your true colors sining through I see your true colors and thats why i
love you
i see your true colors shining through i see your true colors and thst why i love

Fredro:yo they say this love wasnt meant to be
two people from 2 different worlds we wasnt meant to be
it must have been fate you were sent to me
will make it through these hard times eventually
the standerd fight brought faith but not by sight
we all the same colors when you turn out the lights
i'll take the sunshine with the pain
grab my sara gone sad that when it rains
no french kept the food on the window pain
we all breathe the same air so we all the same
im trapped in this ghetto maze trying to make it out
you dont know me so dont judge me what you talkin about
i am dividable by broken dreams
single moms you my hereos you my queens
to get my mom out the hood thats my hopes and dreams
to teach my son to be a solja by any means

jill:I see your true colors sining tthough i see your true colors and thats why i
love you
i see your true colors shining through
i see your true colors and thats why i love you...

true colors di phil collins rifatta in SAve the last dance
Voglio trovare un senso a questa sera
anche se questa sera un senso non ce l'ha...
Voglio trovare un senso a questa vita
anche se questa vita
un senso non ce l’ha
voglio trovare
un senso a questa storia
anche se questa storia
un senso non ce l’ha

voglio trovare
un senso a questa voglia
anche se questa voglia
un senso non ce l’ha!
Sai che cosa penso
che se non ha un senso
domani arrivera’
domani arrivera’ lo stesso

senti che bel vento
non costa mai tempo
domani un altro giorno arrivera’

voglio trovare un senso a questa situazione
anche se questa situazione un senso non ce l’ha!
Voglio trovare un senso
a questa condizione
anche se questa condizione un senso non ce l’ha!

Sai che cosa penso
che se non ha un senso
domani arrivera’
domani arrivera’ lo stesso
senti che bel vento
non costa mai tempo
domani un altro giorno arrivera’
domani un altro giorno ormai e ‘ qua

voglio trovare un senso a tante cose
anche se tante cose
un senso non ce l’ha


domani arrivera’
domani arrivera’
lo stesso

senti che bel vento
non passa mai il tempo
domani un altro giorno arrivera’
domani un altro giorno arrivera’
domani un altro giorno
John Lennon Woman

Woman I can hardly express
My mixed emotions at my thoughtlessness
After all I'm forever in your debt
And woman I will try to express
My inner feelings and thankfulness
For showing me the meaning of success
Ooh, well, well
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Ooh, well, well
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Woman I know you understand
The little child inside of your man
Please remember my life is in your hands
And woman hold me close to your heart
However distant don't keep us apart
After all it is written in the stars

Ooh, well, well
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Ooh, well, well
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Woman please let me explain
I never meant to cause you sorrow or pain
So let me tell you again and again and again

I love you, yeah, yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah, yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah, yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah, yeah
You make me come
You make me complete
You make me completely miserable
Stuck to a chair
Watchin' this story about me
Everything goes by so fast
Making my head spin
Used up all of my friends
Who needs them when you mean everything
I love the things that we should fear
I'm not afraid of being here
So much the same
It makes me helpless alone
Nothing to share
Why should I care if your near me
Give up all of my plans
But who needs them
When you mean everything
I love the things that we should fear
I'm not afraid of being here
So much the same
You make me helpless alone
Yeah, yeah..You make me come
Yeah, yeah..You make me complete
Yeah, yeah..You make me completely miserable
I love the things that we should fear
I'm not afraid of being here
So much the same
It makes me helpless alone
You make me come
You make me complete
You make me completely miserable
Yeah, yeah..You make me come
Yeah, yeah..You make me complete
Yeah, yeah..You make me completely miserable
Artista: Bad Religion
Album: All Ages
Anno: 1995
Titolo: Modern Man

I've got nothing to say,
I've got nothing to do,
all of my neurons are functioning smoothly
yet still I'm a cyborg just like you,
I'm one big myoma that thinks,
my planet supports only me,
I've got this one big problem:
will I live forever?
I've got just a short time to see,
modern man, evolutionary betrayer,
modern man, ecosystem destroyer,
modern man, destroy yourself in shame,
modern man, pathetic example of
earth's organic heritage
when I look back and think,
when I ponder and ask "why?",
I see my ancestors spend with careless abandon,
assuming eternal supply, modern man . . .
just a sample of carbon-based wastage,
just a fucking tragic epic of you and I.

Artista: Bad Religion
Album: Process Of Belief
Anno: 2002
Titolo: Sorrow

Father can you hear me?
How have I let you down?
I curse the day that I was born
and all the sorrow in this world

Let me take you to the herding ground
where all good men are trampled down
Just to settle a bet that could not be won
between a prideful father and his son

Will you guide me now for I can't see a reason
for the suffering and this long misery
What if every living soul could be upright and strong?
Well then I do imagine

There will be (sorrow)
Yeah there will be (sorrow)
And there will be sorrow no more

When all soldiers lay their weapons down
or when all kings and all queens relinquish their crowns
Or when the only true messiah rescues us
from ourselves it's easy to imagine

There will be (sorrow)
Yeah there will be (sorrow)
And there will be sorrow no more

There will be (sorrow)
Yeah there will be (sorrow)
And there will be sorrow no more

Yeah there will be (sorrow)
Yeah there will be (sorrow)
And there will be sorrow no more

Artista: Green Day
Album: Nimrod
Anno: 1997
Titolo: Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to do.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.
I hope you had the time of your life.

I hope you had the time of your life.

Artista: Kylie Minogue
Album: Fever
Anno: 2001
Titolo: Love At First Sight

Thought that I was going crazy
Just having one those days yeah
Didn't know what to do
Then there was you

And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight

'cause baby when I heard you
For the first time I knew
We were meant to be as one

Was tired of running out of luck
Thinking 'bout giving up yeah
Didn't know what to do
Then there was you

And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight

'cause baby when I heard you
For the first time
I knew we were meant to be as one

And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight

Artista: Green Day
Album: Nimrod
Anno: 1997
Titolo: The Grouch

I was a young boy that had big plans.
Now I'm just another shitty old man.
I don't have fun and I hate everything.
The world owes me, so fuck you.

Glory days don't mean shit to me.
I drank a six pack of apathy.
Life's a bitch and so am I.
The world owes me, so fuck you.

Wasted youth and a fustful of ideals.
I had a young and optimisitic point of view.
Wasted youth and a fustful of ideals.
I had a young and optimisitic point of view.

I've decomposed, yet my gut's getting fat.
Oh my god I'm turning out like my dad.
I'm just a grouch sitting on the couch.
The world owes me, so fuck you.

The wife's a nag and the kid's fucking up.
I don't have sex `cause i can't get it up.
I'm always rude.
I've got a bad attitude.
The world owes, so fuck you.

Artista: HIM (His Infernal Majesty)
Album: Love Metal
Anno: 2003
Titolo: The Funeral Of Hearts

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the sun
Shining upon
The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail
He was the moon
Painting you
With it's glow so vulnerable and pale

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you

She was the wind, carrying in
All the troubles and fears here for years tried to forget
He was the fire, restless and wild
And you were like a moth to that flame

The heretic seal beyond divine
Pray to god who's deaf and blind
The last night's the soul's on fire
Three little words and a question why

Love's the funeral of hearts
And an ode for cruelty
When angels cry blood
On flowers of evil in bloom

The funeral of hearts
And a plea for mercy
When love is a gun
Separating me from you
With Arms Wide Open - Creed

Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is going to change
I closed my eyes, begin to pray
Then tears of joy stream down my face
With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
Well I don't know if I'm ready
To be the man I have to be
I'll take a breath, take her by my side
We stand in awe, we've created life
With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
Now everything has changed
I'll show you love
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
If I had just one wish
Only one demand
I hope he's not like me
I hope he understands
That he can take this life
And hold it by the hand
And he can greet the world
With arms wide open...


My Sacrifice
My Sacrifice - Creed

Hello my friend we meet again
It’s been a while where should
we begin…feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
Of perfect love that you gave to me
I remember

When you are with me
I’m free…I’m careless…I believe
Above all the others we’ll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

We’ve seen our share of ups and downs
Oh how quickly life can turn around in
an instant
It feels so good to reunite
Within yourself and within your mind
Let’s find peace there

When you are with me
I’m free…I’m careless…I believe
Above all the others we’ll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

I just want to say hello again

Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (my baby shot me down)

I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white
He would always win the fight

Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down

Seasons came and changed the time
When I grew up I called him mine
He would always laugh and say
Remember when we used to play

Bang bang, I shot you down
Bang bang, you hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, I used to shoot you down

Music played and people sang
Just for me the church bells rang

Now he's gone I dont know why
Until this day, sometimes I cry
He didn't even say goodbye
He didn't take the time to lie

Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down

Radiohead - There There