Lyrics Thread

Sole sul tetto dei palazzi in costruzione,
sole che batte sul campo di pallone e terra
e polvere che tira vento e poi magari piove.
Nino cammina che sembra un uomo,
con le scarpette di gomma dura,
dodici anni e il cuore pieno di paura.
Ma Nino non aver paura a sbagliare un calcio di rigore,
non è mica da questi particolari che si giudica un giocatore,
un giocatore lo vedi dal coraggio, dall'altruismo e dalla fantasia.
E chissà quanti ne hai visti e quanti ne vedrai di giocatori
che non hanno vinto mai
ed hanno appeso le scarpe a qualche tipo di muro
e adesso ridono dentro a un bar,
e sono innamorati da dieci anni
con una donna che non hanno amato mai.
Chissà quanti ne hai veduti, chissà quanti ne vedrai.
Nino capì fin dal primo momento,
l'allenatore sembrava contento
e allora mise il cuore dentro alle scarpe
e corse più veloce del vento.
Prese un pallone che sembrava stregato,
accanto al piede rimaneva incollato,
entrò nell'area, tirò senza guardare
ed il portiere lo fece passare.
Ma Nino non aver paura di sbagliare un calcio di rigore,
non è mica da questi particolari che si giudica un giocatore,
un giocatore lo vedi dal coraggio, dall'altruismo e dalla fantasia.
Il ragazzo si farà, anche se ha le spalle strette,
questo altro anno giocherà con la maglia numero sette.

Brian Adams
Everything i do, i do it for you

Look into my eyes
you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do... I do it for you

Look into my heart
you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am
take my life
I would give it all
I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it
there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do... I do it for you

There's no love
like your love
And no other
could give more love
There's nowhere
unless you're there
All the time
all the way

Oh you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it
there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you
I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you
ya I'd die for you

Ya know it's true
Everything I do... I do it for you
All For Love
Bryan Adams With Rod Stewart, and Sting

When it's love you give
I'll be a man of good faith
then in love you live.
I'll make a stand. I won't break
I'll be the rock you can build on,
be there when you're old,
to have and to hold.

When there's love inside
I swear I'll always be strong
then there's a reason why.
I'll prove to you we belong
I'll be the wall that protects you
from the wind and the rain,
from the hurt and pain.

Let's make it all for one and all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
The one you need,
Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show
And make it all for one and all for love.

When it's love you make
I'll be the fire in your night.
When it's love you take.
I will defend, I will fight
I'll be there when you need me.
When honor's at stake,
This vow I will make

That it's all for one and all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
The one you need.
Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show
And make it all for one and all for love.

Don't lay out love to rest
Cause we can stand up to the test.
We got everything, that and more
Then we had planned,
More than the rivers that run the land.
We've got it all, in our hands.

Now it's all for one and all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want
The one you need,
Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
then just let your feelings show.
When there's someone that you want,
when there's someone that you need
Let's make it all, all for one and all for love.
Ci vorrebbe il mare che accarezza i piedi
mentre si cammina verso un punto che non vedi
ci vorrebbe il mare su questo cemento
ci vorrebbe il sole col suo oro e col suo argento
e per questo amore figlio di un'estate
ci vorrebbe il sale per guarire le ferite
dei sorrisi bianchi fra le labbra rosa
a contare stelle mentre il cielo si riposa.
Ci vorrebbe il mare per andarci a fondo
ora che mi lasci come un pacco per il mondo
ci vorrebbe il mare con le sue tempeste
che battesse ancora forte sulle tue finestre.
Ci vorrebbe il mare sulla nostra vita
che lasciasse fuori, come un fiore, le tue dita
così che il tuo amore potrei cogliere e salvare
ma per farlo ancora, giuro, ci vorrebbe il mare.
Ci vorrebbe un mare dove naufragare
come quelle strane storie di delfini che
vanno a riva per morir vicini e non si sa perché
come vorrei fare ancora, amore mio, con te.
Ci vorrebbe il mare per andarci a fondo
ora che mi lasci come un pacco per il mondo
ci vorrebbe il mare con le sue tempeste
che battesse ancora forte sulle tue finestre.
Ci vorrebbe il mare dove non c'è amore
il mare in questo mondo da rifare
ci vorrebbe il mare
ci vorrebbe il mare
Last night I had a dream that we went to disneyland,
Went on all the rides, didn’t have to wait in line.
I drove you to your house where we stared up at the stars
I listened to your heartbeat as I held you in my arms.

We hung out at the rainbow where we drank til’ half past two.
Nothing could go wrong anytime that I’m with you.
Like crashing a hotel room or leading up to that first kiss
Or searching for a high school that you know doesn’t exist...

These are the things that make me free
I feel like I’m stuck in stand by me
This night was too good to be true.

Today I woke up alone wishing you were here with me,
I wanted us to be something that we’d probably never be.
Today you called me up and said you’d see me at our show,
But now I’m stuck debating if I even wanna go.

Whitney, don’t you understand that what I say is true?
I just want you to know I have a major crush on you.
I’d drive you to las vegas and do the things you wanna do
I’d even have wayne newton dedicate a song to you.

I only wish that this could be
Just dump your boyfriend and go out with me
I swear I’d treat you like a queen.
Le ragazze fanno grandi sogni
forse peccano di ingenuità
ma l'audacia le riscatta sempre
non le fa crollare mai.
Le ragazze sono come fiori
profumati di fragilità
ma in amore sono come querce...
E qui dall'altra parte...
E qui dall'altra parte siamo noi
incerti ed affannati siamo noi
violenti ed impacciati siamo noi
che, non ne veniamo
mai a capo, mai a capo...
Noi sicuri e controllati siamo noi
convinti ed indaffarati siamo noi
che, non ne veniamo mai a capo
mai a capo...
Forse questo non è tutto vero
sono angeli a metà
ma se gli angeli son fantasia
le ragazze invece sono qua.
Le ragazze come le comete
quando brillano vuol dire che
hanno già deciso di tuffarsi.
E qui dall'altra parte siamo noi
incerti ed affannati siamo noi
violenti ed impacciati siamo noi
che, non ne veniamo
mai a capo, mai a capo...
Noi sicuri e controllati siamo noi
convinti ed indaffarati siamo noi
che, non ne veniamo mai a capo
mai a capo...
Non ho letto tutti i post, non credo l'abbiano messa:

NOFX - The Decline

Where are all the stupid people from?
And how’d they get to be so dumb?
Bred on purple mountain range
Feed amber waves of grains
To lesser human beings, zero feelings

Blame it on
Human nature, mans destiny (mans destiny)
Blame it on the greediocracy (greediocracy)
Fear of god
The fear of change
The fear of truth

Add the bill of rights, subtract the wrongs
There’s no answers
Memorize and sing star spangled songs
When the questions
Aren’t ever asked
Is anybody learning from the past?
We’re living in united stagnation

Father what have I done?
I took that 22
A gift to me from you
To bed with me each night
Kept it clean
Polished it well
Cherished every cartridge, every shell

Down, by the creek, under brush, under dirt
There’s a carcass of my second kill
Down, by the park, under stone, under pine
There’s a carcass of my brother william
Brother where, have you gone to?
I swear, I never thought I could
I see so many times
They told me to shoot straight
Don’t pull the trigger, squeeze
That will insure a kill
A kill is what you want
A kill is why we breed

The christians love their guns
The church and nra
Pray for their salvations
Prey on the lower faiths

The story book’s been read
And every line believed
Curriculum’s been set
Logic is a threat
Reason searched and seized

Jerry spent some time in michigan
A twenty year vacation, after all he had a dime
A dime is worth a lot more in detroit
A dime in california, a twenty dollar fine

Jerry only stayed a couple months
It’s hard to enjoy yourself while bleeding out the ass
Asphyxiation is simple and fast
It beats seventeen fun years of being someones bitch

Don’t think (stay)
Drink your wine (home)
Watch the fire burn (be)
His problems not mine (safe)
Just be that model citizen

I wish I had a schilling
(for each senseless killing)
For every senseless killing
I’d buy a government
America’s for sale
And you can get a good deal on it
(a good deal on it)
And make a healthy profit
Or maybe, tear it apart
Start with assumption
That a million people are smart
Smarter than one

Serotonin’s gone
She gave up, drifted away
Sara fled, thought process gone
She left her answering machine on
The greeting left spoken sincere
Messages no one will ever hear

Ten thousand messages a day
A million more transmissions lay
Victims of the laissez faire
Ten thousand voices, a hundred guns
A hundred decibels turns to one
One bullet, one empty head
Now with serotonin gone

The man who used to speak
Performs a cute routine
Feel a little patronized
Don’t feel bad
They found a way inside your head
And you feel a bit misled
It’s not that they don’t care, yeah

The television’s put a thought inside your head
Llike a barry manilow, jingle
I’d like, to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
A symphonic blank stare, yeah
It doesn’t make you care (make you care)
Not designed to make you care (make you care)
They’re betting you won’t care (you won’t...)

Place a wager on your greed
A wager on your pride
Why try to beat them when, a million others tried?

We are the whore
Intellectually spayed
We are the queer
Dysfunctionally raised

One more pill to kill the pain
One more pill to kill the pain
One more pill to kill the pain
Living through conformity

One more prayer to keep me safe
One more prayer to keep us warm
One more prayer to keep us safe
There’s gonna be a better place

Lost the battle, lost the war
Lost the things worth living for
Lost the will to win the fight
One more pill to kill the pain

Na na na na na
La na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na

The going get tough, the tough get debt
Don’t pay attention, pay the rent
Next of kins pay for your sins
A little faith should keep us safe

Save us
The human, existence
Is failing, resistance
Essential, the future
Written off, the odds are
Astronomically against us
Only moron and genius
Would fight a losing battle
Against the super ego
When giving in is so damn comforting

And so we go, on with our lives
We know the truth, but prefer lies
Lies are simple, simple is bliss
Why go against tradition when we can
Admit defeat, live in decline
Be the victim of our own design
The status quo, built on suspect
Why would anyone stick out their neck?

Fellow members
Club we’ve got ours
I’d like to introduce you to our host
He’s got his, and I’ve got mine
Meet the decline

We are the queer
We are the whore
In the class war
We are worker
We love our queen
We sacrifice
We’re soilent green

We are the queer
We are the whore
In the class war


How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
Subsonica - L'errore

Pictures of You by Cure

I've been looking so long at these pictures of
you that I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you that
I almost believe that the pictures are all I can

Remembering you standing quiet in the rain as
I ran to your heart to be near and we kissed as
the sky fell in holding you close how I always
held close in your fear remembering you
running soft through the night you were bigger
brighter and whiter than snow and
screamed at the make-believe screamed at the
sky and you finally found all your courage to
let it all go

Remembering you falling into my arms crying
for the death of you heart you were stone
white so delicate so lost in the cold you were
always so lost in the dark
Remembering you how you used to be so drowned you were
angels so much more than everything oh hold
for the last time then slip away quietly open
my eyes but I never see anything

If only I'd thought of the right words I could
have held onto your heart if only I'd thought of
the right words I wouldn't be breaking apart all
my pictures of you

Looking so long at these pictures of you never
hold onto your heart looking so long for
the words to be true but always just breaking
apart my pictures of you

There is nothing in the world that I ever
wanted more than to feel you deep in my heart
There was nothing in the world that I ever
wanted more than to never feel the breaking
apart of my pictures of you

IO C'ERO :cool2: (heineken jammin' festival 2004 )