Lyrics Thread

System of a down - boom

Walking through your streets, where all your moneys are made.
Where all your buildings are crying.
Foolishment is working.
Evolving fake on houses, housing all your fears.
Sensitized by T.V.
Overbearing advertising,
God of conspiracy, with all your crooked pictures looking good.
Terror is building information for the public eye.
His eye to come forth.
Your next, more to come.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everytime you drop the bomb you kill the God your child has born.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Modern globalization.
Crumpled with condemned nations, unnecessary death.
Mad at the corporations confronting your frustrations with a blinding flag.
Manufacturing concept is the name of the game.
The bottom line is money, nobody gives a fuck.
4,000 hungry children leave us with hours of starvation,
while millions are spent on bombs, creating death showers.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everytime you drop the bomb you kill the God your child has born.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Why must we kill our own child.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everytime you drop the bomb you kill the God your child has born.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everytime you drop the bomb.

Molti concetti non li condivido ma tanti sono tremendamente veri

Già e quella degli Who RoX.

La mia...

I am The WaLruS by The Beatles (scritta da john lennon)

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

Mister City Policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
I'm crying, I'm crying.

Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come, you get a tan
>From standing in the English rain.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

Expert textpert choking smokers,
Don't you thing the joker laughs at you?
See how they smile like pigs in a sty,
See how they snied.
I'm crying.

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.
Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.


Sono il tricheco

Io sono lui come tu sei lui come tu sei me e noi siamo tutti assieme
Guarda come scappano come porci da un fucile
. Guarda come volano, sto piangendo

Seduto su un cornflake, aspetto che arrivi il furgone
Magliette municipali, stupido orrendo martedì
Amico sei stato un ragazzo cattivo ti sei lasciato crescere la faccia
. Io sono l’uomo uovo, loro sono gli uomini uovo
Io sono il tricheco

Sg. poliziotto seduto graziosamente in fila

Guarda come scappano come Lucy in the sky, guarda come corrono
Sto piangendo
I'm crying, I'm crying.

Crema di materia gialla, cola dall’occhio di un cane morto
pescivendola granchiarmadio sacerdotessa pornografica
Ragazzo sei stato una ragazza cattiva ti sei tolta le mutande

Seduto in un giardino inglese aspettando il sole
se il sole non viene ti abbronzi
Stando sotto la pioggia inglese

Esperti tesperti fumatori incalliti
Non pensate che il buffone vi rida dietro?
guarda come ridono come maiali un porcile
See how they snied. Guarda come soggrugnano
Sto piangendo

Sardina di semolino, si arrampica sulla Torre Eiffel
Pinguino elementare canta Hare Krishna
Uomo avresti dovuto vederlo prendere a calci E. A. Poe
Ultima sempre dei Beatles
The End (Lennon/McCartney) La fine

Oh yeah, all right Are you going to be in my dreams Tonight?

And in the end
The love you take Is equal to the love you make.

Bhè che dire per me è la summa theologiae di tutta la musica leggera... poi fate voi.
Ps: è l'ultima canzone registrata in un album dai f4b 4... ci sarà un motivo
mi sembra stupenda miss you dall'ultimo album dei blink 182

Blink 182 - Miss You

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
We'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends

Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)

Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)

Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
caparezza - iodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo

Io non faccio spettacolo, io do spettacolo come mio nonno ubriaco nel giorno della mia comunione. Talmente fuori di melone che ho parenti per niente contenti di portare il mio stesso cognome. Lasciatemi la presunzione di sentirmi letame: a volte duro a volte liquame. Macché voglia di fama, sono un morto di fame, macché posto a tavola, ho la ciotola come un cane. Abbaio per un paio di piatti che mendico, potrei fare il collerico però me lo dimentico. Mi sta accanto un autentico medico, mi dice: "Non ti rendi conto che diventi schizzofrenico?". Zitto medico, mi costi caro, io valgo zero e non chiamarmi artista, ma cazzaro, è chiaro? Io sono cazzaro alla radice, sono felice nella fece, dovrei piangere ed invece... Sono malato, ma da un lato non do fiato a vittimismi, un Mirko con tutti i crismi, Licia kiss me. Ambisco all'Oscar, ma quello degli aforismi, dovevo farmi la doccia ma mi hanno dato un freesbee e puzzo da schifo, bevo a sbafo, scampato al mio destino come clandestino in uno scafo. Occhi spalancati come un gufo, costruisco tufo su tufo un futuro che mi vede ufo. Sicuro che mi stufo, lo giuro su ogni ciuffo, dovrei suonare la tromba per quante volte sbuffo, se mi tuffo in una mia idea mi ritrovo in apnea in una marea di diarrea, lo trovo buffo. io sono vivo ma non vivo perchè respiro, mi sento vivo solo se sfilo la stilo e scrivo, quando sono nato non capivo ed ora che continuo a non capire non mi resta che... Rido ma piango di gusto se vedo il bell'imbusto palestrato e lampadato al punto giusto, io che tra le ciocche c'ho il fango di Woodstock, puzzo, accumulo per ore sudore che spruzzo. Amo le donne che sanno di merluzzo, più che soubrette da paillettes e piume di struzzo, ruzzolo in un gruzzolo di gioia, anche se l'estate non la passo nello spasso della playa. Sono la chiavica campione in carica ma ho la calotta cranica che scotta come roccia lavica, e nella gara di chi bara nella musica, sono in gioco con un due di picche nella manica. L'unica certezza è che finisco male, muore Caparezza, tutti al funerale. E' paradossale, ma io non vengo, non ci tengo, mamma, quanti dischi venderanno se mi spengo!
dimonium non ci lascia più parlare di musica... editate tutto quello che avete scritto
non si parla di calcio, non si parla di musica, non si parla di politca, di cosa si può parlare? dei lavori all'uncinetto?
Evviva la moderazione severa, quella fatta col cervello
Se non siete capaci di moderare una discussione, proibire gli argomenti non è una soluzione ragionevole.
al contrario di quello che dicono alcuni geniacci
potete continuare tranquillamente a seguire lo spirito del 3d
evidentemente non tutti hanno capito le regole
evidentemente non tutti le vogliono capire
Eppure mi pare di aver visto diversi 3d su tali argomenti, senza nessun flame all'interno, essere chiusi. bha, aspetterò con ansia il cambio di moderazione.
caparezza - l'età dei figuranti

"Buonasera e benvenuti ad una nuova puntata di Stato Interessante, stasera parleremo del ruolo dell'informazione, in questo paese di grandissimi fi..." "Suo papà l'ha abbandonata che aveva 3 anni, per sposarsi con un transessuale, qualcuno vuole dire la sua?" Ma che bella trasmissione, somiglia con precisione alla poltiglia marrone, delle mie chiappone dopo colazione. Ma dov'è il pudore di queste persone, pagate per dare un opinione, drogate dalla televisione. Genitori orchi, figli Snorky, parenti conteneti di stare in tv a lavare panni sporchi. Cerchi nuovi sbocchi per gli occhi, fai zapping e ti shokki, trovi sciocchi gli show che imbocchi. Ti incacchi con presentatori ingrati, stipendiati da innamorati, casi umani spesso interpretati da attori improvvisati, ballerini incalliti giudicati da maleducati, loro saranno famosi? Noi saremo frustrati!Abituati ad una tv accesa che ci pare spenta, ci pesa la gente che si accontenta, da casa non s'addormenta ma si gasa, commenta e segue attenta il suo scempio mentre lo share aumenta. Perchè nella vita vince chi figura, farà passi da gigante chi figura, possiamo farlo tutti quanti, benvenuti nell'età dei figuranti. Perchè nella vita vince chi figura, farà passi da gigante chi figura, lo mette in culo a tutti quanti, benvenuti nell'età dei figuranti. "Buona sera sig. Reza Capa, prego si accomodi..." Oggi vali poco se appoggi e tanto quanto distruggi, immagina una pagina di insulti insulsi roba da lama nei polsi, morsi e pochi rimorsi, mai pronti i soccorsi... o "aborro questi discorsi...", nei salotti TV figuranti stolti fanno più ascolti di molti programmi colti, tant'è che tanti li han tolti dando potere a spalti di giudicanti tanti re, pochi fanti. Nei comizi tizi arroganti attizzano tizzoni ardenti, schizzano epiteti pesanti, vanti. Venti spinti da fiati spenti soffiano intenti ad abbattere abbattono e gli abbattuti si battono finchè possono, poi capitolano, capito non ho il capitolo che sto scrivendo, non mi offendo ne mi sorprendo se ti difendo, così facendo rendo per ciò che innalzo, per ciò che stendo... Perchè nella vita vince chi figura, farà passi da gigante chi figura, possiamo farlo tutti quanti, benvenuti nell'età dei figuranti. Perchè nella vita vince chi figura, farà passi da gigante chi figura, lo mette in culo a tutti quanti, benvenuti nell'età dei figuranti. Everybody nau... Nau nau nau... "Se vorrai, potrai figurare anche tu, vedrai che il mondo ti sorriderà"
Frankie died just the other night
Some say it was suicide
But we know
How the story goes

With his six string knife
And his street wise pride
The boy was a man before his time
And she knew
All their dreams would come true

But ya see, Frankie was fast
Too fast to know
He wouldn't go slow
Until his lethal dose
And she knows
He'll finally come too close

Well, on with the show
Going on with the show
Come on baby
No, no, no
Oh my, my, my......(repeat)

He was bad
He was never good
But one thing that he understood
And she knew
All those lies would come true

The time has come and
He's paid his dues
Suzy finally got the news
She always knew
This day would come soon


He was stopped on a dime
With a switchblade knife
Some damn punk went and
Took Frankie's life
And she knew
She'd have to pull through

Broken down, with his broken dreams
With a wink of an eye
Said Suzy, listen to me
You must go
On with the show

Go on with the show
Going on with the show
Come on baby
No no no
Oh my my my my......(repeat)
Oh baby

MOTLEY CRUE - on with the show -
You had something to hide
Should have hidden it, shouldn't you
Now you're not satisfied
With what you're being put through

It's just time to pay the price
For not listening to advice
And deciding in your youth
On the policy of truth

Things could be so different now
It used to be so civilised
You will always wonder how
It could have been if you'd only lied

It's too late to change events
It's time to face the consequence
For delivering the proof
In the policy of truth

Never again
Is what you swore
The time before
Never again
Is what you swore
The time before

Now you're standing there tongue tied
You'd better learn your lesson well
Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell
You'll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth

Never again
Is what you swore
The time before

DEPECHE MODE -policy of truth-
Remember me when you're the one who's silver screen
Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed
Remember me when everyone's noses start to bleed
Remember me, special needs

Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me when you clinch your movie deal
And think of me stuck in my chair that has four wheels
Remember me through flash photography and screams
Remember me, special dreams

Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...

Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...

PLACEBO - special needs -
Survived, tonight, I may be going down,
'cos everithing goes round too, tight, tonight,
& it, you watch ME crawl, you stand for more.
& your panic stricken, blood will thicken up, tonight,
'Cos I don't want you, to forgive me,
you'll follow me down, you'll follow me down,
you' follow me down.
Survive tonight, (I see your) head's exposed,
so we shall kill, constructive might, s'right,
as your emotions fool you, (my) strong will rule,
I won't feel restraint, watching you close sense down,
I can't compensate, that's more than I've got to give.

SKUNK ANANSIE - you follow me down -
What I've got you've got to give it to your mamma
What I've got you've got to give it to your pappa
What I've got you've got to give it to your daughter
You do a little dance and then you drink a little water

What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
Reeling with the feeling don't stop continue

Realize I don't want to be a miser
Confide wisely you'll be the wiser
Young blood is the lovin' upriser
How come everybody wanna keep it like the kaiser

Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
I can't tell iff I'm a king pin or a pauper

Greedy little people in a sea of distress
Keep your more to receive your less
Unimpressed by material excess
Love is free love me say hell yes

I'm a low brow but I rock a little know how
No time for the piggies or the hoosegow
Get smart get down with the pow wow
Never been a better time than right now

Bob Marley poet and a prophet
Bob Marley taught how to off it
Bob Marley walkin' like he talk it
Goodness me can't you see I'm gonna cough it

Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Ooh... Ooh yeah
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
I can't tell iff I'm a king pin or a pauper

Lucky me swimmin' in my ability
Dancin' down on life with agility
Come and drink it up from my fertility
Blessed with a bucket of lucky mobility

My mom I love her 'cause she love me
Long gone are the times when she scrub me
Feelin' good my brother gonna hug me
Drink my juice lone chug-a-lug me

There's a river born to be a giver
Keep you warm won't let you shiver
His heart is never gonna wither
Come on everybody time to deliver

Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
I can't tell iff I'm a king pin or a pauper

What I've got you've got to give it to your mamma
What I've got you've got to give it to your pappa
What I've got you've got to give it to your daughter
You do a little dance and then you drink a little water

What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
Reeling with the feeling don't stop continue

Realize I don't want to be a miser
Confide wisely you'll be the wiser
Young blood is the lovin' upriser
How come everybody wanna keep it like the kaiser

Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now

Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now
Give it away now

RHCP - give it away -

e visto che nn hanno editato quei rosiconi


un consiglio per l'inter su Vieri...

...Give Him away now !!!!!


Watch me(fallin up)
Watch me(fallin up)
Watch me(fallin up high)
Watch me
Focus on this the introductionist,
Or a lyrisist in this rap metropolis,
More like an activist,
We give it to you all,
Presentation we'll make you have a ball,
Styles start consiveing causeing you to meditate,
Manipulate the mind with hypnotic modern state,
We far from the fakes,
We never fake moves,
But jealous mothafuckas since the justice approves,(and talk shit)
And who the hell he be havin a fit,
Yo, he ain't got shit,
That's why he's in Crips,
And I indelirize bodily rips,
Skiznits of nonsense nothing less than Bullshit,(West Side)
And who can hang with the all around remainders,
A real entertainer,
We bout to open up the whole true hip hop,
Explore non-stop,
Entertain ya till we drop,
We be fallin up(up)
Never fallin down(down)
We keep it at a higher level elevating now,
(Put it in your)in your area,
(city or your)town,
Blackeyed Peas is known for gettin down
Flip the four steps it takes to be great,
There's no remorse for a fake we must break,
Time a rap source subdue what we make(a)
Your collaps is all the floor can take,
Witness the peas as we innovate,
We'll extrodanite,expose,instillate,
Patterning pioners take foes by thier trait,
Apple in tact is the time we must take,
When we make agreements theres no escape,
Form it,Hate it, Love it, Rate it as great,
God gave us talent,
We show how that we create,
Enough of being deep it's time to motivate,
Watch me,
Watch me,
I see you try to diss our function by stating that we can't rap,
Is it cause we don't wear Tommy Hilfiger or Baseball Caps,
We don't use dollars to represent,
We just use our inner sense and talent,
If you try to diss the peas you'll get handled by apple beavy,
(guy in back growling like a lion)
A numernumer creator,
Black eyed peas be more than a playa,
Don't gotta represent no set just so I could get some respect,
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga cooooool,
A lot of feelings so I can get through,
Because the way that you did it I think that you done curupted the
hip-hop sound so now I gotta follow up,

Black Eyed Peas - Fallin' Up

Un vecchio pezzo dei balck molto bello come base...un ricordo di quando facevo snowboard assiduamente...purtroppo i bei tempi sono passati
get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown
Well what am I to do?
I know all the things around your head and what they do to you
What are we coming to?
What are we gonna do?

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home

The troubled words of a troubled mind I try to understand what is eating you
I try to stay awake but its 58 hours since that I last slept with you
What are we coming to?
I just don't know anymore

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home

I get on the train and I just stand about now that I don't think of you
I keep falling over I keep passing out when I see a face like you
What am I coming to?
I'm gonna melt down

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home
This is killing me
This is killing me
Radiohead - Black Star

everyone around here
everyone is so near
so alone (?)
its so alone (?)

everyone is so clean
everyone has got fear