[LoL] League of Legends 3.0


la tiamat no

poi se volete trollare ritiro tutto, 5 tiamat su GP ha workato ai tempi
Ma piuttosto il buff a TF?
Chi non lo sapesse, lo sappia!

figo! ty
Appena vinto 3v5, carryato con Swain 16/0

cose veramente incredibili, come hai fatto? complimenti ^^

Sìssì, hanno parlato i due pro

Quando uso Vayne - Sin - Ren vi carrio come pochi, fate i bravi
Con Renek hai sempre sucato giocando con me, giusto una volta dove tutto il team stava andando bene
Vayne mai presa, Lee vero.

E chi non carrya con Lee Sin è una brutta persona.
Sì, ma fai il serio.. ho sucato quando crashavo dodici volte a partita e avevo latency a 12k. Ora che ho risolto il problema lag e vado liscio come l'olio è tutto più bello




nuff said



nuff said

ammazza come sei antico, ti ho carryato 2 mesi in beta dominion, benvenuto
Eh seh.

Comunque non l'avevo mai usato in normal (nonostante l'abbia comprato appena uscito).. fortuna che l'avevano nerfato

io ci ho giocato mesi roflwpnando i niubbi solotop, il problema e' che la gente caca il cazzo perche' non jungli , poi sistematicamente owni top, carry il team e gg, non parla piu nessuno, pezzenti.

Cmq scarso, il brutallizer lo vuoi buildare? fai pena cazzo.

Dunno, devo farlo?

Io sto guardando le guide di oddone e cruzerthebruzer e non lo prendono.

Conta che junglando ho meno soldi, comunque mi trovo bene così, tu come dici di farla in giungla?

edit. Dopo provo
Quindi qualche in house la organizziamo?
sono online io stasera... fino alle 11 tipo volentieri faccio un game però niente skype/ts/salcazzi
giocato con bromè daiug etc. incarriabili dunno
New Skins in the Store

Midnight Ahri
Dynasty Ahri
Festive Maokai
Toy Soldier Gangplank
Mistletoe Leblanc
Ahri, her skins, and all of the Snowdown Showdown content will be simultaneously released in North America, Europe, and Korea on 12/14.

PVP.net v1.50

Added the ability to search skins by Champion name in the Store
Fixed several bugs that resulted in some cases of the "Session Closed" error

League of Legends v1.0.0.130

Ahri, the 9 Tails Fox

Orb of Deception: Ahri throws out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.
Fox-Fire: Ahri releases three fox-fires, which after a short delay lock on and attack nearby enemies.
Charm: Ahri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.
Spirit Rush: Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging 3 nearby champions. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown.
Soul Eater (Passive): Ahri gains a charge of Soul Eater whenever one of her spells hits an enemy (max: 3 charges per spell). Upon reaching 9 charges, Ahri's next spell has bonus Spell Vamp.


Base health regen per 5 reduced to 7 from 9
Chum the Waters
Fixed a bug where Chum the Waters stopped working if Fizz died
Hitting an enemy who is immune to the Fish now causes the Fish to drop on the ground instead of fizzling
Using Quicksilver Sash now drops the Fish on the ground instead of causing the shark to emerge immediately
Added a 3-2-1 timer like Time Bomb
No longer hits nontargetable units like Vladimir in Sanguine Pool
Urchin Strike ability power ratio reduced to .6 from .7
Seastone Trident active base damage reduced to 10/15/20/25/30 from 10/20/30/40/50


Riftwalk cooldown increased to 7/6/5 from 6/5/4


Prismatic Barrier
Shield strength increased to 80/105/130/155/180 from 60/85/110/135/160
Missile speed increased to 1400 from 1200
Lucent Singularity cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 11

Miss Fortune

Bullet Time base damage increased to 65/95/125 from 60/85/110


Iron Man (Passive) shield amount increased to 35% from 30%
Siphon of Destruction damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 from 65/105/145/185/225


Aegis of Zeonia mana cost reduced to 55 from 70
Grand Skyfall mana cost reduced to 125 from 150


Boomerang Blade
Base damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 from 80/125/170/215/260
Now scales with ability power at a 0.5 ratio
Damage falloff per bounce reduced to 20% from 25%
Fixed a bug which caused Ricochet to cost additional mana on throwing the projectile
Updated recommended items


No longer automatically acquires attack targets when idle while Power Chord is active


As of the Volibear patch, Contaminate's CC reduction applies to Silences and Blinds


Bloodlust heal per 1 fury reduced to 0.5/0.95/1.4/1.85/2.3 from 0.65/1.15/1.65/2.15/2.65

Twisted Fate

Auto-attack range increased to 525 from 510
Pick a Card will no longer randomly attack targets once a card has been picked and will not stop attacking if Twisted Fate is given an attack command or is already attacking a target


Monkey's Agility no longer grants Dodge


Primordial Burst mana cost reduced to 125/175/225 from 150/200/250
Dark Matter mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 100/110/120/130/140
Baleful Strike
Mana cost adjusted to 60/65/70/75/80 from 75 at all levels
Total ability power accumulated from Baleful Strike is now displayed in the tooltip
Event Horizon mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80/95/110/125/140


Frenzy base damage reduced to 80/125/170/215/260 from 90/140/190/240/290
Frenzy bonus health scaling reduced to 18% from 20%


Crescent Sweep Armor and Magic Resist increase per Champion hit on increased to 7/10/13 from 5/8/11


Alacrity attack speed reduced to 1/2/3/4% from 1.5/3/4.5/6%

Summoner's Resolve - Improved Heal reduced to 10% from 15%

Perseverance removed, replaced with Strength of Spirit - increases health regen per 5 seconds by 0.4/0.7/1% of maximum mana

Summoner Spells

Garrison now correctly applies assists to the caster


Ionic Spark (Dominion)
Increased attack speed to 50% from 45%
Increased proc damage to 110 from 100

Warmog's Armor
Passive health gain cap reduced to 350 from 450
Passive health regeneration per 5 reduced to 10 from 15
Health gain per kill or assist reduced to 35 from 45, minion kill reduced to 3.5 from 4.5
Health regeneration per 5 gain per kill or assist reduced to 1 from 1.5, minion kill reduced to .1 from .15


The Winter Map has returned as a Field of Justice!
On Dominion only, characters with a "Zombie" state (Karthus' Death Defied, Kog'Maw's Icathian Surprise, Yorick's Omen of Death reanimations) will now start their respawn timers when their Zombie state ends, rather than when it begins


Bè strano Fizz and Volibear nerfs (quelli a Voli vabbè )

TF FOTM Coming Soon

Warmog Nerf e Niente Vlad buffs :8
Nerfata anche Sivir, bene