LinkRealms Beta - MMORPG sandbox stile UO

Stavo leggicchiando i forum di, più precisamente l'ennesimo thread sulla beta di un MMORPG, quando mi sono reso conto che la cosa poteva essere interessante

Video che ha catturato la mia attenzione:

Premetto che non l'ho provato, potrebbe anche essere una cagata colossale... ma le impressioni di chi l'ha giocato sembrano buone, ecco un paio di estratti (ci si fida, poi magari sono gli sviluppatori stessi che hanno scritto )

"The game offers players a sandbox world with the added feature of being able to design you're own piece of he map (through an included map editor that reminded me of a basic version of the NWN mod program). Once your map is created, a deed can be bought of a vendor and your piece of territory can be uploaded."

"There are no classes only skills and 'ability' pools. If you work on one of the magics that skill goes up. If you don't, it won't. One thing unique about Link Realms is the ability not only to increase a skill but you can also decrease them. Or lock them in. If you work on your Severing skill but later think you want in improve your Marksmanship skill you can choose to decrease your Severing skill while those points are redirected to the Marksmanship skill as you use the Marksmanship skill.

There are also different skill point pools. Magic skills are in a different skill point pool than weaponry skills."

Le registrazioni sono al momento chiuse, ma pare che le aprano ogni tanto per un breve periodo di tempo.

sito (di rara bruttezza):

Passo e chiudo
sembra figo

pare più un Diablo o MUonline
confermo, sembra figo. non ho capito però se è permanente come un mmo o no. ora vedo se riesco a bypassare il blocco registrazioni
non vedo gli omini che si picchiano/lootano!
Pescato dal forum:

- Does link realms have PvP? If so, how does PvP work?

Yes. There are certain areas/dungeons in game where PvP is permitted, but in addition to this there will be a guild-warring & dueling system.

- Can you loot dead players in PvP?

Yes, however when a player dies only certain items remain on the corpse, mainly resources (heals, arrows, etc).

Like if you wanted to be a mace fighter, you get a mace to build that skill?

Yes. It is a skill-based system and you can shuffle/change your skills by using them. Some skills are part of a skill-group that have a total skill cap.

- Player housing?

More like player-owned land. Find an area you like, and claim it. Then build whatever you want on it, including a house if you would like. You can also use your realm to store & display your possessions, garden, etc. You can also create systems within your realm using programmable event modules.


Sembra davvero interessante, specialmente l'ultima parte. Il PvP però è limitato a guerre fra gilde e zone dedicate
dopo darkfall (e tutte le sue attese..) proibisco chiunque di paragonare un nuovo mmo a UO
MIRACOLO, è una figata
Graficamente pare il clone di UO aggiornato graficamente.

Non male...
mi ispira cazzo,poi quando ho letto sandbox mi è cresciuto l'hype istant proprio.

chissà forse stavolta c'hanno azzeccato

:O Sembra davvero figo!

Se si potesse...

Colan ma venire a farti arare su QL no eh?

Ho giocato un po' a Quake Live, e penso che mi ci dedicherò di più a breve

Ho trovato altre (ottime) impressioni su questo LinkRealms:

-The graphics are much more like diablo than UO

-Beta registration is usually open in the evening around 6-9 PM EST

-they are currently working on a tutorial, and when that is finished they will let a lot more people into beta (possibly have a completely open beta)

-the developers regularly log on and chat with player

-you can download the game and play with the map editor if you would like

-No classes or levels, its all about raising skills (you are free to do all of them or any you would like, however there are skillcaps for different groups of skills (i.e. your agility + strength is capped at 150, i have 100str and 50 agil)

-there will be an item mall upon release, though their stance on item malls can be found here

-you choose whether your land will permit illegal actions (like PVP, lockpicking, snooping etc.)

-Dungeons are all non instanced and FFA PVP with looting (though not full apparently, items have a chance of dropping, not to much expirience with this aspect yet)

-you can craft just about anything

-you can plant and grow seeds in your garden

-many things do take several steps to make

-the game has an amazing community, and is very community oriented

-you must be 18+ to register (though i am aware that you cant really expect that to always be the case)

-lots of different and scripted bosses.

-the developers regularly log in and chats with players and listen to their suggestions.

-there currently is no guild system, however after chatting with the developers, they are adding guilds, guild chat, and private messages in a not-to-distant update.

-boss loot is different than just upgraded armor (tools/furniture for your realm, permenant stat increase potions, etc.)

-when uploaded, your realm is instantly added to the game world (if you own land)

-UPDATE: Our plan to open Beta "as needed" worked great for the first 2-3 weeks, but due to the sudden and unexpectedly huge response over the past week things have changed. We have had to go from opening beta for hours at a time, to minutes at a time. As a result we may soon be going to an application format. (from website)

-as of 2/10/09 they are still opening beta up for short periods

-gnomes (and possibly other things) may infest your gardens and property when growing crops (these things are tough and not to be taken litely)


yea, its also the first time i have felt overwhelmed and free to do whatever i want when starting an MMO since EvE.


-you can haggle with vendors, and they only buy items they would want

-you can dig anywhere prospecting for metal/gold i would think (havent done much)

-to make something which requires cooking, you pick wheat and then grind it at the milling stone etc.

-you can drop items on the ground and other can pick them up.

Sì ma c'è un problema:

Si, aprono le iscrizioni per tipo 2 minuti random ogni tot giorni

Dicono che appena finiranno di sviluppare il tutorial metteranno server nuovi e apriranno a tutti (o quasi)
Speriamo bene