L'angolo del retrogaming - Memorabilia

se lo mettessi in taverna e ci facessi le cene vedresti, oh se vedresti!

se se se

Effetto “Albero di pesco di Lisa” :asd:

Comunque, conoscendomi, concordo. La chiavetta con l’emulatore già pronto dentro mi è più che sufficiente. Vuoi fare serata retrogaming? La attacchi a un qualsiasi portatilino insieme a un pad, doppio click anche senza installare nulla e hai risolto.

Infatti è pure meglio, se hai la smart tv 52" lì accanto ci puoi proiettare lo schermo e ti fai SUPPAH PAZZURU FAITAAAH ZU! TARBO! in versione gigante, coi pixel di 1 centimetro e mezzo l’uno e gli amici che fanno il tifo da stadio anche senza doverti alitare addosso per vedere cosa succede :asd:

vabbeh puoi farlo col cab pure, basta farlo fatto bene e predisporre un’uscita video :sisi:

Ok, ma col portatile della mia ragazza mi basta accendere la tv e cliccare un’icona in basso a destra. No cavi, no predisposizioni, ecc… e, a differenza di un cabinato, si sposta e raggiunge casa degli amici anche senza doverlo caricare sul furgone :asd:

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A proposito di memorabilia

Spezzo un po’ il formato per riportare due review di un utente su reddit che imho descrive in maniera molto fresca l’esperienza di giocare Fallout 1 & 2 ai giorni nostri.

Molte ulteriori discussioni interessanti sono nei commenti, per chi volesse leggere aggiungo i link.


Context: I played Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas before this. I’m not interested in putting my words into a coherent review, but more of my personal experience and emotions playing Fallout 1.

This game is old, it’s so old that it needs the original PC box that came with a manual, which contained the keyboard controls, Thank god for the internet. This has no tutorial and my god has it aged visually that I wondered if my eyes were dying. I need to remember to F6 (it’s not F5 to quick save here) a lot before I do something unintentionally stupid. My strength was too damn low to even hold up a hand gun??? Restarted with a new character at least 4 times before I got to the 2nd town and got my ass handed to me. How the fuck does sneaking work and pickpocketing work?

With all these complaints set aside of learning how to play an old ass game.

This game great, it doesn’t hold your hand and rewards you greatly with solving problems like an old time adventure game and takes the table top style role playing game seriously. The exploration is addicting like the newer iterations where you rummage every bookshelf or locker and talking to every NPC to collect as much info as you can. The quests aren’t logged and there’s no direction or map pinpoint to show you where to go much like Elden Ring as a recent example.

Oh you think you can be a brain dead player following an indicator on your map? No you dumb fucker, you’re gonna have to actually read carefully and remember an NPC’s name and location. You missed or ignored a side quest for a few days? Guess what, those NPCs are dead cause the Super Mutants invasion plot is taking over since the plot is moving forward. That’s right, there’s a 100 day countdown and 100 day extension (1000 caps to send water) to save your vault. So you can’t bankrupting the towns or save a settlement that needs your help (Preston cries in settlements) with this urgent plot moving forward fast.

So I built my character on speech and small guns going for a charismatic, gunslinger and thinking I’ll be the talk of the town. Well the game takes your cockiness into consideration when a deathclaw hands your ass in a near beginner quest. Apparently you can sneak past it, but I don’t know how that works. So I worked on getting to the brotherhood of steel to get that sweet power armor. Wait, you can’t wear it cause you don’t have a carrying capacity unless you get rid of a lot of the loot you collected. Killed the deathclaw, but disappointed i can’t wear it like a trophy.

Talking my ass out thinking i can get out of any situation with 100 speech. Most of this is true. Then you snark in front of the Super mutant boss and he blows your ass off with a minigun. Or you join the mutants and the game ends. But wait, the mutant leader can torture you and see if you can take punches. As a result you get thrown in prison and you can’t escape unless you have high sneak. Well sneak these nuts, I’m reloading to a save before I got into that predicament.

Hey look. I got a companion named Ian, cool dude, I like Ian. then Ian got blown up by a rocket launcher from a random super mutant encounter. RIP Ian and his leather jacket. No companion respawns.

I beat the game talking to The Master to death. Hell yeah, my charisma and science check saved my vault. Wait they fucking exiled me after going through the meat grinder for them? Then Ron Pearlman narrates there were side stories I missed and had some very bad endings for the side characters.

This game is merciless and a roller coaster of emotions unlike the modern games which have a more action rpg focus that let you off pretty easy with little consequences. This entire game feels like a wack a mole of consequences and I love it. I barely even talked about 1/10th of the things that happened in my play through. This is a game where you want to talk about your journey, because of how difficult and strange it can be going in blind.

As for the lore, I’m very impressed to see where the later games took the baton and grew from there including my man Harold, the mutated dude who turns into a tree in Fallout 3. I didn’t know you had it so bad Harold.

I have to replay the game with a different build and take a different exploration path. But what really made this my favorite fallout game was the Bramen cows saying “Moo, I say.”

further random thoughts.

  • the action point system being able to shoot specific limbs must have been extremely impressive back in the day.
  • Still not sure what backpack and bags do, apparently they’re for organizing inventory. I thought a backpack would increase carrying capacitor.
  • still can’t find ammo for rocket launcher. My only shot went past the super mutant I intended to shoot and killed another further away. Beautiful happy accidents.
  • They had a stacked voice cast. Jim Cummings, Tony, Ron Pearlman, Richard dean anderson, Cree Summer, David Warmer, Tony Jay, Clancy Brown, and so many others.
  • The best written Fallout? Not in overall narrative, but it was very thoughtful in writing out the choices and letting them play out. Especially if intelligence is 1 point.
  • There’s something very special about the crude full motion videos back in the day.
  • I would love to have Fallout return to the table top style game play one day.
  • I will play Fallout 2 as soon as I get all the good endings and exterminate all the deathclaws.


Last time I posted here, I played fallout 1 for the first time and declared it the best fallout game. Many commentators recommended playing Fallout 2 and using the restoration patch because it fixed the bugs and completed some content.

So I did and everyone was right. Fallout 2 is the best game and the most questionable in terms of lore and tone, especially working backwards from the modern games. So these are more my rambling thoughts and experiences playing fallout 2, so you’re not getting a cohesive essay with complexity and nuance. More of a emotional reaction to the strangest parts of the game.

Everything plays exactly like the first one. Same game play, isometric view, and leveling system. The developer gods were kind giving me a “push” mechanic when an NPC was blocking a doorway. I reloaded so many times in the first game because I was trapped by an npc standing in the doorway. There’s a lot of consequences and time constraints for some side missions, but the main game seemingly didn’t have a constraint this time except a few spiritual dreams reminding me of my mission.

As for my character, I named him Propane Bobbie, the charismatic gunslinger going from town to town helping the citizens and becoming part of local folklore.

Ok, I start out as tribal member who must overcome a holy trial as I am “The Chosen One”. This chosen one got his ass handed to him 3 minutes in and died, because I missed 100% of my unarmed throws at the last trial. Bobbie was not the chosen one, until I found there’s a dialogue option that you can convince the guy you’re fighting that “violence is bad and pointless.” My methods of persuasion will hopefully be handy this game. Now I’m off to find the Garden of Eden kit to save my tribe. Hell yeah let’s see what happened since the last game.

Apparently there are ghosts in this game. Yeah I ran into a town and apparently there’s a ghost you can meet and get a mission to return an object and bury them in a cemetery. Why? I dunno, I guess it seemed like a cool night time side mission. So of course I ended up ransacking the cemetery thinking there would be guns or that sweet power armor. -1000 karma off the first hour and this will not be the last time you’re running into ghosts, there’s some weird spiritual stuff on what I assumed was heavily scifi.

I recruited some companions, a tribesman slave who speaks with a Jamaican accent, a tough barkeeper, Marcus the mutant sheriff, and my husband. Yes, I ended up getting married in this game. Very nice to know that sleeping with a dude for shits and giggles ended up with me in a shotgun wedding when the father came in the middle of “fun time”. So now I’m married, I’m very surprised how progressive this game is with letting you sleep with male and female NPCs. Then my husband got killed in a random encounter with slavers. Our marriage couldn’t survive the apocalypse sadly. So I ended up killing the head slaver in one of the first towns for revenge. Had to tell the father in law the passing of his son. Saddest moment for me.

Roleplaying as Bob also comes with shortcomings. I visit the town where Marcus the mutant sheriff is chilling and I meet a scientist who is testing a smart serum on a Radscorpion. I lost a chess match (intelligence skill) and a lock picking (lockpick skill) challenge against a god damn radioactive lobster, he doesn’t have hands to pick a lock. HOW??? the only thing I beat the radscorpion in is an eye exam (Perspective skill) . This game feels closer in tone to Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blue DLC at times.

This game is very big, bigger than the first game and matching expansive modern games. What Fallout 2 has over all other games though is a car. My sweet ride running of fusion cells and carrying the whole crew from place to place faster than ever. Then my car got stolen and had to investigate in a sketchy casino town.

All these random moments and stories that feel out of place in the modern games makes me wonder if the developers were throwing every idea at the wall because they had to make Fallout 2 in a year (insane!). You know what really surprised me though, Death claws can talk. I followed them to vault 13 and they freaking talk. I want the next game to have them talk, how come nobody in the Fallout subs memed on this?

So the main plot has you fighting the Enclave. They kinda sucked in the modern games where they came off as a nuisance to me. Here they are pretty metal, you don’t mess with them as they massacre families in random encounters as they try to reestablish the U.S. Government.

Then I get to the good old epilogue narrated by Ron Perlman as he narrates each side story about what happened to them. I saved my village, I reunited them with vault 13, I destroyed the enclave, saw NCR expand, and overall was immensely satisfied with my roleplay as Bob. So no complaints from me, except killing kids who pickpocketed my stuff gives me negative karma.

Highly recommend the game as it holds up extremely well with it’s addicting gameplay, consequential choices, and surprising don’t care attitude about tone. No need to remake this game as it’s still a fun game that runs well on modern PCs.

Premetto che io Nintendo non la sopporto ed affermo con orgoglio che tutte le sue console mi hanno fatto cagare a spruzzo insieme ai suoi famosi non so sa perché brand, posto l ennesimo step su questa situazione

Ribadisco che questo tipo di emulazione sulle console attuali può portare solamente danno al mondo dell emulazione in generale e deve essere stroncato pesantemente.

Tra l altro sono software che si possono scaricare tranquillamente quindi non c è stata neanche un minimo di accortezza magari nel distribuirlo tramite P2P. Eh no, invece siti ufficiali, guide e raccolta fondi.

E trovo tutto molto stupido soprattutto perché è da decenni che è chiara la politica di Nintendo (decisamente diversa da Sony) quindi andare a stuzzicare il diavolo che tra l altro stava sopportando le emulazione delle vecchie console è da dementi.

Pirateria != emulazione

ma non abbiamo regalato anche troppi soldi nella nostra vita a sti giochi negli anni 80-90? boh a me una roba come Evercade in tutte le sue forme fa veramente cagare, col cazzo che ci spendo più un centesimo, su questo emulazione aggratis tutta la vita

per me non dovrebbero manco esistere aziende che ti vendono cartucce, rom e compagnia bella, basta cazzo sono giochi di 30/40 anni fa

tutto quello prodotto fino al gamecube dovrebbe essere gratuito dato che sono passati 20 anni

RAMA. La mia prima avventura grafica, basata sugli omonimi romanzi di Arthur C. Clarke

Non avevo la benche minima idea di cosa fosse, ma mi piaceva la copertina del cofanetto e scassai la fava a mia madre che me lo doveva come regalo di compleanno, nel lontano 1996. :asd:

Quando crepavi compariva Arthur live che diceva “Ops! Sei morto” :asd: Che bel gioco cazzo.

mai sentito, sembrava carino cmq

la mia prima avventura grafica invece è stata incredibilmente Broken Sword, mai giocate quelle della Lucas prima del 1997 (ahimè, giuro)

Qualcuno ha mai giocato a Ripper?

Avventura interattiva con Christopher Walken, quasi quasi me lo scarico :asd:

E’ uno dei miei giochi preferiti :love:

L’ho pure trovato in italiano (perchè oh ho la nostalgia per quello in italiano) per Natale per regalarlo a mio padre che me l’ha fatto conoscere :love:

Penso sia agilmente il motivo per cui sono frocio per il cyberpunk

Quando leggo leader distribuzioni mi fa pensare a quanto tempo è passato.

Ricordo ancora quando per una riunione per una lan andai proprio ai magazzini della leader.

Quel capannone con gli scaffali fino al soffitto colmi di giochi :sad:

E non ci regalarono nulla :cry:

Su ebay o dove?

No no, yarr