Kick Ass

Il nuovo sistema di sov non è molto diverso dal vecchio, devi ancorare delle strutture per contendere il sistema e devi distruggere le strutture nemiche per conquistarlo.

Sicuramente rispetto al precedente dà un vantaggio maggiore a chi difende.
visto che stiamo toccando l'argomento, qualcuno ha voglia di spiegare come funzionava quello vecchio e anche quello nuovo (giusto per completezza)?

ritornando in topic:

shadoo ha confermato la presenza di alt corp che costruiscono super capitals in NC, e dice che la loro presenza all'interno di esse non influisce sulle loro scelte, quindi anche se dovessero attaccare tenal o tribute sicuramente su questo piano non sarà un problema.

Non so quanto sia OLD, io l'ho letto ieri, spiega meglio i rapporti di goons:


The major combatants are the Northern Coalition and their various vassals versus the Drone Russians.

The Northern Coalition major players are the ‘A-Team’ of Morsus Mihi and RAZOR (and previously TCF), and the ‘B-team’ of R.A.G.E. and Majesta Empire.

MM and Razor are old bros of ours from back in the Great War against BoB; they’re rich as all hell and have absurd cap/supercap fleets, but as older alliances they go through fairly significant swings in participation and FC capability. Both are mostly Euro timezone.

R.A.G.E. is well known as having more periods per character than any other alliance in Eve, and Majesta Empire is known for having a parliamentary legal structure that made IGNE’s look like a monolithic dictatorship. Neither has the significant historic ties with Goonswarm / GSF that MM and Razor do; this means different things to different people, but for the most part it means we’re a lot more open to making fun of them on forums. These guys are mostly EU/some US timezone. Note that most calls you may hear along the lines of ‘reset the NC, burn them all to cinders’ are not directed towards any of these guys but instead towards Stella Polaris, who as far as I can tell have not been involved in this war, likely because they haven’t yet been reprogrammed to.

There are some other NC guys involved (Br1ck Squad being the most recognizable name I can think of) and WiDot and the Pure Blind Shortbus Crew that kind of bounces between NC and the Clusterfuck I think have been heading over as well. Astute readers will note that GSF is, surprisingly, not part of the NC, despite lamentations to the contrary by some trivial detractors.

The Drone Russians are not all Russian and not all from the Drone regions. You will also see these guys referred to as Solar Legion Of Red Noise (an amalgam of the major alliance powers) or Skynet (a dig at rumors of rampant member botting.)

Legion Of xDeath (no, it’s not a Final Fantasy reference, I’m not typing all the x’s) is the primary face of the attack to us largely because several key players speak and post in English. xDeath has been bros with Goons since far, far back, and have stuck their necks out for us on many occasions; one that I always remember is how they maintained sovereignity in the Southeast during our 2nd Delve War via the Goonfleel corporation, keeping AAA heat off of us while we purged endless BoB/Kenzoku towers, and losing a titan in the process back when that was still a big deal. More recently, while we were slumming it sovless in Syndicate and Cloud Ring, Death allowed us to keep supercap production cranking via shell corporations deep in Kalevala. There is also at least one picture of CEOs Darius and Death in a bathhouse underneath Brooklyn wearing nothing but towels. So, while we do not maintain blue standings, in general Goons try to avoid shooting xDeath, and presumably vice versa. xDeath is primarily Rus)) timezone.

Solar Fleet and Red Alliance have more complicated stories. Solar’s CEO Mactep (‘Master’ if you use Cyrillic) was once a close bro to Goons, but somewhere along the way got corrupted / bribed / something, and relations for the most part have cooled; I forget the details. The party line on RA seems to be that all of the guys we liked from the old Redswarm Federation days are now either within GSF itself or bouncing around with Lorein and Daroh wherever they are, and that the modern Red Alliance has as much in common with the old RA as the new BRUCE does with their historic counterpart. Of course, being mostly Russian these guys invoke the Russian Politics clause where you can be best friends in the morning, blood enemies in the afternoon and back to normal by evening. Either way, they’re not blue, and you should feel no hard feelings about shooting any of these guys.

White NoiseDot is mostly a Red Overlord spinoff. The short version is that ROL was formed primarily as a home for AAA members who wanted to shoot Goons back when we were buds with AAA, so you can imagine what our feelings are toward them and their descendants. Their numbers are low but very supercap heavy, and they’re primarily Rus TZ.

RaidenDot is yet another rehash of many of our old targets from BoB and their pets in the Greater Bob Community, as filtered (I use the term very loosely) through IT Alliance. Shell them most unmercifully. They’re mostly Euro TZ.

IRC is up in the ass end of Cobalt Edge and while I don’t think they’re terribly involved you should never overlook an opportunity to shoot them. Unfortunately there’s like 10 active dudes so they tend not to make great roaming fodder but maybe you’ll get lucky!

Bit players and sidekicks include Pandemic Legion and CAASEROL.

Since breaking the Bropact by shooting Zastrow’s titan, PL has been known for two things. One is fielding fleets so isk and SP heavy that no one has bothered theorycrafting a counter before they showed up, and that are somehow ten times scarier when the pilots are logged off and doing something else than they actually are on grid. The other is spouting absolute balderdash on public forums and getting unsuspecting rubes to bite down on it. If you happen to stumble on a PL circlejerk keep in mind that 80% of what they say is made up from whole cloth and at least 10% will be taking credit for something they were totally uninvolved in, so if you respond seriously you just end up looking foolish. Somehow this is a side effect of them being the very beating heart of true Gooniness. Despite their harboring of posters so bad you wish you were reading eve-RU, we do remain on good terms with many individual PL pilots (leading to such hilarity as a hotdropped Imperian begging for help in a channel we let Shadoo hang out in) but that’s shouldn’t slow you down in shooting them. PL is EU and US TZ.

The primary parties in CAAASEROL are Against All Authorities and Stain Empire / C0ven. Stain and CZeroven are old Eastern European (early EU TZ) alliances that have lived in their chunk of the South forever but don’t power project outside it often; we’re historically fairly neutral to them. AAA has little beyond the name in common with the Evil Thug AAA from old Goon stories (for better or for worse) and is mostly US TZ; their CEO Manny is a fairly chill guy who looks sorta like DBRB would if DBRB didn’t look like he wanted your leftover food so badly. AAA got stampeded really badly by the Drone Russians a little while back, losing practically all of their space, and after something of a regroup they’ve declared a vendetta against xDeath that they’ve actioned upon by hitting White Noise CSAAs. People like to hate on Manny and modern AAA, but underestimate them at their own peril. ROL is too busy getting banned for RMT to be significantly involved.

Sinceramente non ho capito se cè una pianificazione da parte di WN per invadere tenal o che altro, qualcuno può spiegare meglio?

(l'intero post cmq è questo: )


“So, in February, Daroh decided to turn off his alliance’s sov. “No big deal,” Everyone In Eve thinks. “The Drone Federation and the NC will swap timezone domination for a few weeks and then someone will welp some titans, the NC will get a couple of thousand dudes in a system and everything will go back to normal”.

Astute political analysis from Everyone In EvE. Astute, well-thought-out and, as it turns out, entirely wrong. Vast numbers of titans and supercarriers have died. Not only have the NC been unable to take back the Rebellion Alliance stations that fell to Solar but, after six weeks of fighting, Red Alliance took three more Geminate systems from Stella as well. Oh dear, Stella lost their stations. I know that many of us were disappointed that, when this news arrived, we didn’t immediately place a black border around the forums and have a midi version of Albinoni’s Adagio in G Minor playing on a loop. I, for one, wept like an Arab grandmother.

In general, the largely incompetent eastern section of the NC has been focussed with laser-like precision on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. And top hobologists have noted that Own Alliance are staring down the barrel of yet more lost space.

I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass. Not least because that sounds a repugnant process which would bring neither credit nor pleasure to anyone concerned and one which, should video of the event be posted on Youtube and disseminated amongst our friends through Facebook, would inflict serious damage on all involved. Yes, this is a war in which Death and Red Alliance are involved on one side while Stella Polaris, Majesta Empire (who had thirty thousand dollars’ worth of assets stolen this week), Rage, Brick Squad and Own Alliance are suffering badly on the other side. The calculus of our interest is not easily solved, when put in those terms. I, for one, would regard a cry for help from Brick Squad with much the same enthusiasm as I would if forced to hold someone else’s used condom: that is,with a repelled expression and at arm’s length between finger and thumb.

But Merciless, NCDot and pals like Nync – that same Nync who was our friend right up until someone offered him cash not to be – have reinforced huge numbers of CSAAs, including a large attack on Tenal, home to Razor. Razor, along with Morsus Mihi, are our friends. I know what you’re saying: “Razor are a perfectly adequate thirty-man roaming gang but they’re not exactly an alliance these days.” But the same could have been said about us this time last year. Nync’s ill-advised attempt at an end-run has provoked Imperian into activity, and Imperian is a goon friend who turned out in Fountain for us time after time this year.

And our old friend Death has fallen into bad company in this war. The list of participants is a litany of goonfuckers, Molle’s camp followers (what in the name of holy titting Mary on a bike is a Raiden when it’s at home?) and bitter ex-Triumvirate types who are still upset about us killing their old alliance not one but twice. Better, also, to do our fighting in others’ space. For us, this is at least a war of rational self interest.

PL are pouring a lot of forum effort into managing expectations here. Not for them the Molle mistake of proclaiming an all-out war of annihilation of the NC, then getting pounded when everyone and their mum turns up (plus their mum’s retarded friend from Space Monkey’s Alliance who keeps telling everyone about how those nice doctors snipped her waterworks). Instead, they are loudly telling anyone who will listen that this is all about shooting a few CSAAs, taking a couple of tech moons, and generally exacting gudefitez-based revenge from the NC for the invasion of DRF space. Nothing to worry about here, they tell Joe NC. But they and their allies desperately want to kill the NC, and that would be bad for us.

So Peacetime Reimbursement is over and we are off to war to save our buddies in Razor. And if anyone doubts the impact on our enemies from that, take a look at what we deployed the other night in 93PI: a hundred and thirty capitals, eighty supercapitals, and a total of over eight hundred pilots in the target system. We also bring a substantial and effective Russian timezone presence, if we can only work out their strange moon-symbol language.

Choose the right fights and you’ll find yourself appearing with a comedy zero damage from your Malkuth Missile Launcher I on half a dozen titan kills. Who knows: they might even be hostile! If they happen to belong to Majesta Empire then we can simply claim an overview bug and let Vile Rat do the diplomatic heavy lifting at some later date.

‘MpozoY’ wrote:

I figure a lot of guys here haven’t seen a major Eve war other than our Fountain campaign and may not be versed in some of the history and politics mentioned herein. Please be aware that everything in this post is my own analysis and should not be seen as a statement of official or directorate opinion. Some stuff will be inaccurate in the interest of simplification.

Most of the major powers in 0.0 (with us and our closest bros being the big exeption) are engaging in a heavy conflict over the regions of Geminate and, increasingly, Vale Of The Silent. This war has already set records on local counts, and has seen more supercapital losses than, quite possibly, all other wars in Eve history combined.

Geminate has previously been held by the Drone Russian bloc (I’ll get into the blocs later.) The NC took this space a year or two back as a homeland for R.A.G.E., Majesta Empire, and other members of what I’ll call the NC B-team. The Russians want it back.

Going into a bit more detail, this particular eruption was triggered when the NC decided to maintain PvP prowess by invading drone space. The NC A-team claimed this was originally just fucking around but the B-team went turbo-gung ho about it; taking an expedition that at the start was supposed to be against Solar Fleet and instead driving it straight in the face of Legion of xDeath. Combat bogged down rapidly and a lack of FCs and dwindling participation caused the NC to withdraw. The borders rapidly reverted to their previous locations, but there was one long-lasting effect; the Russians were pissed.

Not too long afterwards, the Russians started an offensive of their own. This is currently going better than the NC’s did, taking several stations and money moons.

The major combatants are the Northern Coalition and their various vassals versus the Drone Russians.

The Northern Coalition major players are the ‘A-Team’ of Morsus Mihi and RAZOR (and previously TCF), and the ‘B-team’ of R.A.G.E. and Majesta Empire.

MM and Razor are old bros of ours from back in the Great War against BoB; they’re rich as all hell and have absurd cap/supercap fleets, but as older alliances they go through fairly significant swings in participation and FC capability. Both are mostly Euro timezone.

R.A.G.E. is well known as having more periods per character than any other alliance in Eve, and Majesta Empire is known for having a parliamentary legal structure that made IGNE’s look like a monolithic dictatorship. Neither has the significant historic ties with Goonswarm / GSF that MM and Razor do; this means different things to different people, but for the most part it means we’re a lot more open to making fun of them on forums. These guys are mostly EU/some US timezone. Note that most calls you may hear along the lines of ‘reset the NC, burn them all to cinders’ are not directed towards any of these guys but instead towards Stella Polaris, who as far as I can tell have not been involved in this war, likely because they haven’t yet been reprogrammed to.

There are some other NC guys involved (Br1ck Squad being the most recognizable name I can think of) and WiDot and the Pure Blind Shortbus Crew that kind of bounces between NC and the Clusterfuck I think have been heading over as well. Astute readers will note that GSF is, surprisingly, not part of the NC, despite lamentations to the contrary by some trivial detractors.

The Drone Russians are not all Russian and not all from the Drone regions. You will also see these guys referred to as Solar Legion Of Red Noise (an amalgam of the major alliance powers) or Skynet (a dig at rumors of rampant member botting.)

Legion Of xDeath (no, it’s not a Final Fantasy reference, I’m not typing all the x’s) is the primary face of the attack to us largely because several key players speak and post in English. xDeath has been bros with Goons since far, far back, and have stuck their necks out for us on many occasions; one that I always remember is how they maintained sovereignity in the Southeast during our 2nd Delve War via the Goonfleel corporation, keeping AAA heat off of us while we purged endless BoB/Kenzoku towers, and losing a titan in the process back when that was still a big deal. More recently, while we were slumming it sovless in Syndicate and Cloud Ring, Death allowed us to keep supercap production cranking via shell corporations deep in Kalevala. There is also at least one picture of CEOs Darius and Death in a bathhouse underneath Brooklyn wearing nothing but towels. So, while we do not maintain blue standings, in general Goons try to avoid shooting xDeath, and presumably vice versa. xDeath is primarily Rus)) timezone.

Solar Fleet and Red Alliance have more complicated stories. Solar’s CEO Mactep (‘Master’ if you use Cyrillic) was once a close bro to Goons, but somewhere along the way got corrupted / bribed / something, and relations for the most part have cooled; I forget the details. The party line on RA seems to be that all of the guys we liked from the old Redswarm Federation days are now either within GSF itself or bouncing around with Lorein and Daroh wherever they are, and that the modern Red Alliance has as much in common with the old RA as the new BRUCE does with their historic counterpart. Of course, being mostly Russian these guys invoke the Russian Politics clause where you can be best friends in the morning, blood enemies in the afternoon and back to normal by evening. Either way, they’re not blue, and you should feel no hard feelings about shooting any of these guys.

White NoiseDot is mostly a Red Overlord spinoff. The short version is that ROL was formed primarily as a home for AAA members who wanted to shoot Goons back when we were buds with AAA, so you can imagine what our feelings are toward them and their descendants. Their numbers are low but very supercap heavy, and they’re primarily Rus TZ.

RaidenDot is yet another rehash of many of our old targets from BoB and their pets in the Greater Bob Community, as filtered (I use the term very loosely) through IT Alliance. Shell them most unmercifully. They’re mostly Euro TZ.

IRC is up in the ass end of Cobalt Edge and while I don’t think they’re terribly involved you should never overlook an opportunity to shoot them. Unfortunately there’s like 10 active dudes so they tend not to make great roaming fodder but maybe you’ll get lucky!

Bit players and sidekicks include Pandemic Legion and CAASEROL.

Since breaking the Bropact by shooting Zastrow’s titan, PL has been known for two things. One is fielding fleets so isk and SP heavy that no one has bothered theorycrafting a counter before they showed up, and that are somehow ten times scarier when the pilots are logged off and doing something else than they actually are on grid. The other is spouting absolute balderdash on public forums and getting unsuspecting rubes to bite down on it. If you happen to stumble on a PL circlejerk keep in mind that 80% of what they say is made up from whole cloth and at least 10% will be taking credit for something they were totally uninvolved in, so if you respond seriously you just end up looking foolish. Somehow this is a side effect of them being the very beating heart of true Gooniness. Despite their harboring of posters so bad you wish you were reading eve-RU, we do remain on good terms with many individual PL pilots (leading to such hilarity as a hotdropped Imperian begging for help in a channel we let Shadoo hang out in) but that’s shouldn’t slow you down in shooting them. PL is EU and US TZ.

The primary parties in CAAASEROL are Against All Authorities and Stain Empire / C0ven. Stain and CZeroven are old Eastern European (early EU TZ) alliances that have lived in their chunk of the South forever but don’t power project outside it often; we’re historically fairly neutral to them. AAA has little beyond the name in common with the Evil Thug AAA from old Goon stories (for better or for worse) and is mostly US TZ; their CEO Manny is a fairly chill guy who looks sorta like DBRB would if DBRB didn’t look like he wanted your leftover food so badly. AAA got stampeded really badly by the Drone Russians a little while back, losing practically all of their space, and after something of a regroup they’ve declared a vendetta against xDeath that they’ve actioned upon by hitting White Noise CSAAs. People like to hate on Manny and modern AAA, but underestimate them at their own peril. ROL is too busy getting banned for RMT to be significantly involved.

At this point we are not involved directly in the conflict. However, a recent escalation has brought Razor space under direct (although not severe) attack. Expect to mobilize to help out any Tenal defense. Also expect DBRB to take random fleets into random fights and welp them for no clear purpose. There are increasing intrusions of Drone Russian roamers and gankers into our space as well, fascinated that we have space human pilots actually live in. Organized and competent defense fleets will keep this down, as will not being dumb and leaving your supercapital ship idling in a jumpbridge pos for hours.

NCDot / EvZeroke / Tri / Ewoks / whatever horrible bandwagoneers have thrown in with them this week are not ‘on contract to distract the NC’ or any such crap. However, they will jump into a free-for-all fight on the side against our allies. Keeping a steady schedule of pounding them down will keep them from getting too troublesome, and a good solid supercap welp will disband them, so keep your eyes open for such an opportunity.

I’m stuck at work and bored and I have to read all the shitty Kugu posts on this stuff anyway so I can infract them. Plus, I figure at some point there’s a threshold beyond which pushedback can’t bring himself to c/p my posts into twr.txt, I guess we’ll see.”

Brevemente: il vecchio sistema di Sov era basato sul POS count.
Le pos servivano a ottenere la Sov, che andava sostanzialmente a chi aveva più POS large attive nel sistema. Ci sono molti dettagli anche non trascurabili che non ho mai capito, ma il succo è quello.

Per la precisione, non so bene che ruolo giocassero i livelli di sov, a parte permettere (come ora) l'utilizzo di JB, cynogen e altri vantaggi schietti.

Le pos possono essere attaccate in ogni momento, hanno un reinforcement timer la cui durata è scelta dal difensore semplicemente mettendo la giusta quantità di strontium nelle torri. Ipotizzantdo o conoscendo la quantità di strontium in una torre, l'attaccante può influenzarne l'ora di uscita dal reinforcement time.

Punto "a sfavore" del sistema precedente era che alcuni sistemi hanno un sacco di lune (alcuni arrivano a 100), quindi bisognava scoppiare una quantità enorme di POS, spesso ad ore terribili.

Diversamente con il sistema attuale gli obiettivi sono molti meno, i combattimenti sono molti meno e quindi sono anche più grossi e laggosi.
Nel nuovo sistema l'attaccante non ha alcun modo di influenzare l'ora della battaglia decisiva (questo doveva in qualche modo compensare la maggior velocità nella conquista).
Inoltre nel nuovo sistema alcuni setup/navi si sono rivelati poco utili (BS sniper, Dreads) e sono stati preferiti setup/navi/tattiche che pesano molto di più sul server (drakes che spammano missili, supercarrier con un sacco di droni) .

Con Sov3 potevi mettere il cynojammer, elemento portante della difesa.
Se avevi 3 sistemi Sov3 in costellazione potevi portare un sistema a Sov4. Il sistema Sov4 (detto sistema capital) non può essere attaccato. L'unico modo che hai per prendere un sistema Sov4 è ridurlo a Sov3, conquistando altri sistemi Sov3 presenti nella costellazione così che cada il pre-requisito per la Sov4.

La vera differenza è che con il vecchio sistema ogni battaglia che perdevi contava solo per quella particolare pos che usciva da reinforced. Se la scoppiavi era una pos in più per te, se il difensore la salvava era una pos in più per loro. La guerra continuava, alla prossima pos che usciva dal reinforced c'era un'altra battaglia.

Con il nuovo sistema chi attacca può vincere anche 5-6 battaglie di fila ma basta che ne perda una e perde tutto, deve ricominciare l'attacco da zero.

sono due cose distinte:

abbiamo fatto joinare una corp come BDCI che, ne bene o nel male, sono pvpers esperti e si dovrebbero inserire bene nell'ideale di alleanza e game che ha PL. Sarebbe ottuso dare il veto a BDCI perchè dentro c'è un DEV che ha promosso l'attuale sistema di sov.
Di per loro, hanno avuto alti e bassi, fino a finire in un'ally orribile come Cascade Imminent, vogliono tornare a divertirsi, da noi sono in prova e vediamo come se la cavano (in particolare con i troll).

per quanto il "ne siamo entusiasti o meno" invece, non ci sono molte differenze rispetto al precedente: il precedente sistema era un sistema idiota e da mentecatti ... l'attuale, onestamente, lo ritengo ugualmente un sistema idiota e da mentecatti ... cosa questo abbia a che vedere con il far joinare o meno una corp lo sai solo tu Katrina.

dire che "non ne vogliamo avere nulla a che fare" è dire una cazzata enorme perchè semplicemente "ci abbiamo a che fare" ogni singolo giorno da mesi e mesi ... o meglio, la solita sparata alla Katrina che di quello che succede in EvE non sa una beneamata mazza.
Tu invece, non capisco in che modo hai a che fare con la SOV ... o meglio: ne sai qualcosa per esperienza diretta o solo per sentito dire ?

fixed for you

di conseguenza: si dovrebbero inserire bene nell'ideale di alleanza e game che ha PL
Spero che almeno li prendiate per il culo ricordandogli i REQUIEM e il loro attacco a Fountain.
questo è stato il post di benvenuto

Ignorante come al solito.

Vabbe', per uno che al massimo porta la pizza...

"Un DEV che ha promosso l'attuale sistema" in realta' e' il CEO della corp, e non l'ha promosso, ma progettato e realizzato, per poi abbandonarlo quando tutti l'hanno criticato come cura peggiore del male.

Quindi, qualsiasi cosa di bene o di male l'attuale sovranita' possa esprimere, incluse tutte le lamentele sui tripli reinforce, l'incoraggiamento al giga-blob, la semplificazione della logistica (oggi basta avere soldi - fatti sappiamo come, e non dover rabboccare migliaia di POS, per ottenere lo stesso risultato) e' tutta, direttamente e completamente da attribuirsi al CAPO della corp che avete in prova.

Ah, ma io non so nulla.

Tu invece...

beh, ma ste cose non devi dirle a me ... fai una convo a Shamis e digli che non dovevamo far joinare BDCI perchè il sistema di SOV non ti piace

come al solito tu ne sai più di tutti noi su pvp e ovviamente anche su sov warfare (per esperienza personale naturalmente) quindi è giusto che gliene parli tu

Stai seriamente dicendo che una corp dovrebbe essere giudicata in base a quello che il CEO ha fatto quando era designer alla CCP in real life ?

Non hai capito nulla. Ma grazie per aver partecipato.

lol comincia la retromarcia

Quanta ironia in questa frase.

Comunque, il punto di vista di Seleene/Abathur sul nouvo sistema di sov è imbarazzante, da quel che ho letto è ostinato nel non voler riconoscere gli errori fatti da lui e addossa tutta la responsabilità al modo di lavorare della CCP... per carità, in parte ha ragione.

Detto ciò non capisco veramente perché non dovrebbero prendere la sua corp in PL.
Katrina, sinceramente mi hai convinto.

Ho detto a Shamis che lo avresti convato e gli avresti spiegato il perchè BDCI non deve stare in PL.

Attende una tua convo, dopo la quale kickeremo BDCI (spero) e la smetteremo di giocare alla Sov Warfare.

menomale che ci sono personaggi come te che dicono a PL come deve giocare e chi deve reclutare .. grazie.

Grazie per aver partecipato

si ma ... non ha capito nulla.
[MM] PL recruited too many ex tri and ex bob people to be cool and good ever again

Mi citate la frase esatta dove esprimo l'opinione che PL non avrebbe dovuto reclutare BDCI?

State facendo tutto da soli - tanto per cambiare.

Ma del resto, abituati a giocare coi main da un lato e gli alt dal lato opposto, di cosa stupirsi?