Il papa lascia a fine mese

Dici che si preparano per il Quarto Reich?

grazie al cazzo ATL

tra i candidati c'è Papa Sulu dai

vincerebbe a mani basse pure contro : 1) Papa Gay 2) Papa Nero 3) Papessa Divix 4) Papa Gabe

Fanculo il papa italiano, io voglio il papa sulu!


Per me molto meglio un papa straniero, mMeno ingerenze con lo stato italiano ed una visione più ampia del mondo e come dice te meno "italocentrica". Mi trovo d'accordo anche con un omino invitato da Vespa che sosteneva che la poca efficacia di Ratzinger, al di la dell'età, è dovuto dal fatto che è un cattolico cresciuto in una famiglia, regione, stato, continente a maggioranza cattolica (o comunque con forti influenze). Magari un papa cinese, canadese o addirittura nigeriano abituato a dialogare con l'islam può essere un buon passo avanti.

io lo spero sempre
non nascondo di tifare il ghanese.

Uno perché sarebbe un papa sociale, molto orientato sui temi dell'economia, contro la finanza speculativa, contro, diciamo, "i poteri forti" del primo contro il terzo mondo. E ha un carisma per cui verrebbe ascoltato molto.

Due perché si chiama Peter, è da tre anni della curia romana, e dunque risponderebbe all'identikit del famoso "Pietro romano", e ovviamente al papa "nero". Sarebbe una trollata epocale da parte dei cardinali nei confronti dei Giacobbi di tutto il mondo. E un ottimo modo per avere il vaticano 24/7 su Discovery Channel.
spero seriamente che il papa non sia eletto in base al nome

dovresti invece sperarlo, dati i motivi reali per cui viene eletto uno rispetto ad un altro
chiudete internet

Il prossimo pontefice potrebbe essere africano. I bambini: “Oh merda!”
Ripeto, secondo me l'italianità conterà parecchio al prossimo Conclave, vorranno qualcuno disposto ad amministrare la Chiesa in modo tecnico.

Cardinal Peter Turkson

Nationality: Ghanan
Age: 64
BIO: An energetic and charismatic 64 year old, Turkson is the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the second most powerful Catholic official in Africa. He's fluent in eight different languages. It is rumored that he helped Benedict write the blueprint for the Church's social teachings, Caritas in Veritate. By all accounts, Turkson is eager to wear the Papal Tiara and has been telling people to expect an African Pope in the near future.
VIEWS: Considered extremely moderate. Although he supported Pope Benedict XVI’s statements with regard to contraception, he later clarified in interviews that he felt condoms could be used in some circumstances to prevent infection. He is a harsh critic of most banks and has proposed reforms to the international financial system to avoid global economic crises in the future.
OTHER: Was selected by Pope Benedict XVI to act as a mediator on the crisis in the Ivory Coast.

Cardinal Marc Oullet

Nationality: Quebecois
Age: 68
BIO: Former archbishop of Quebec, he heads the Congregation of Bishops, a power center. Ouellet, 68, speaks six languages, spent a decade as a missionary in Colombia and has strong ties to Latin and South America. In interviews, he has appeared reluctant to accept the Papal Tiara. When asked about his chances, he laughed it off saying the workload would be a "nightmare". People who have worked with Ouellet describe him as friendly, humble and flexible, and a man not so captive to his own intellectual system as to make him incapable of listening to others.
VIEWS: As mentioned earlier, he believes that abortion is unjustifiable in all circumstances, including rape. While he supports the reforms of Vatican II, he's stated that the current interpretation of those changes is "too liberal". He is afraid of a future where the Catholic Church is persecuted again, and has warned that there are already signs of it in Quebec. Oullet wants to revitalize Catholic education and divert as much funding as possible to them, saying the Church should "be envied" for its service.

Cardinal Francis Arinze

Nationality: Nigerian
Age: 80
BIO: Arinze first gathered attention for being the youngest bishop ever in the modern Church and was seriously considered to be among Pope John Paul II's successors in 2005. He's currently the highest ranking African in the Church. Cardinal Arinze is a convert from an African traditional religion and would be the first black Pope if elected. However, he passed the age limit in November and would not be permitted to vote in the upcoming Conclave.
VIEWS: Makes Pope Benedict XVI look like Pope Leo XIII. He likens homosexuality to pornography, infanticide and adultery. Opposes all forms of birth control and abortion even in circumstances of surprise sex. After growing up in a country trapped in civil war, Arinze emerged a strong pacifist and has called for global disarmament. He believes in interfaith dialogue between Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities.
OTHER: He received a gold medallion from the International Council of Christians and Jews for his outstanding achievements in inter-faith relations

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri

Nationality: Argentinian
Age: 69
BIO: From 1997-2000, Cardinal Sandri served as the Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela, a position comparable to Ambassador. Currently, he is responsible for contact with Eastern Catholic Rite Churches and ensuring the rights of local Catholics are upheld. This is seen as a demotion from his former position. Under Pope John Paul II he was the third most powerful individual in the Church. Sandri has zero pastoral experience.
VIEWS: In a 2007 interview, he complained that Christians under Saddam Hussein were more free than they are now, which sparked outrage. He supports increasing ties with Jewish leaders and has been a frequent visitor to many Jewish holy sites. Otherwise, his views are in line with traditional Church doctrine.
OTHER: In April 2005 Archbishop Sandri was awarded Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga

Nationality: Honduran
Age: 70
BIO: For many years, Maradiaga has been considered a rising star within the clergy. Acting as the Vatican’s spokesperson with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, he has received international praise. In the 2005 Conclave, he allegedly received two votes. Maradiaga may have been involved in the 2009 Honduras Coup.
VIEWS: Cardinal Maradiaga is a moderate on most Church issues and would likely be considered as a compromise candidate. He has been a major force for human rights in Latin America and has encouraged Western states to increase development aid to needy countries. In 2002 he claimed that the Jews were manipulating the media to divert attention away from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. He opposes the use of condoms to solve the AIDS crisis.
OTHER: Speaks six languages, not counting Latin

Archbishop Angelo Scola

Nationality: Italian
Age: 71
BIO: Current Archbishop of Milan and former Patriarch of Venice, Scola is considered by many to be a powerhouse within the top ranks of the Church. He was considered to be among the papabali during the 2005 Conclave. Scola is the author of over 120 theological and philosophical articles on issues as far ranging as bio-medicine and theological anthropology.
VIEWS: Scola was an enthusiastic supporter of reform during Vatican II, but has since developed reservations about the policies he helped put in place. This has led him to encourage priests across Europe to speak out against same-sex marriage. Scola supports increasing ties with Islamic nations and has spoken in support for increasing the Church’s role in the Middle East.
OTHER: Founder of Oasis magazine, an outreach to Christians of all denominations in majority Muslim nations.

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi

Nationality: Italian
Age: 70
BIO: As the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Ravasi is in charge of examining societies around the globe and adapting the Church’s mission to fit their culture. The body has been particularly active as of late and according to Pope Benedict XVI plans on starting a premiere international contemporary art festival. Ravasi was the odds on favorite to be the next Archbishop of Milan but was overlooked for unknown reasons.
VIEWS: Cardinal Ravasi wants to utilize mass media and information technology to bring the Church into the 21st century. He criticizes modern preaching to be too boring and formulaic and has encouraged priests to experiment with the mass. He is a big supporter of ecumenicalism. His views on abortion, condoms and homosexuality are standard.
OTHER: He also has a twitter account.

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco

Nationality: Italian
Age: 70
BIO: Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco is the Archbishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Episcopal Conference. His views are farther to the right than Pope Benedict XVI and he has been criticized for being too involved in European politics.
VIEWS: Cardinal Angelo explicitly opposes all forms of abortion, including the day after pill. In 2007 he came under attack by gay rights activists for equating homosexuality to pedophilia. He has consistently reaffirmed these statements in subsequent interviews. He believes in the right of all individuals to be employed and wants greater transparency in the Vatican.
OTHER: Considers St. Lawrence of Rome a personal idol.

Cardinal Christoph Schonborn

Nationality: Austrian
Age: 68
BIO: Cardinal Schonborn is the Archbishop of Vienna and President of the Austrian Bishop’s Conference. Although he was considered to be Pope Benedict’s protégé when first elevated, he’s been surprisingly liberal on most issues. He has been involved in major restructuring of the Austrian Catholic Church, to the point of closing almost two-thirds of his parishes and peacefully resolving a “priest’s insurrection”.
VIEWS: In the aftermath of the sex abuse scandal, Cardinal Schonborn demanded the issue of clerical celibacy be re-examined and that the priest training process in affected countries be “re-examined”. He has criticized the Church leadership of being too “uptight” about sex in general. In 1996 Schonborn supported the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS but rejected its use in recreational sex. He strongly opposes the reintegration of the Society of St. Pius X into the Church and considers their stance on Judaism non-negotiable.
OTHER: Descended from minor German aristocracy

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone

Nationality: Italian
Age: 78
BIO: Bertone is the Cardinal Secretary of State and Camberlengo in Vatican City. He is in charge of all political and diplomatic affairs and as such is commonly indicated as the second most powerful official in the Vatican. When a scandal breaks, Bertone is usually quick on the scene providing damage control. His reputation has been damaged in the Vatileaks scandal, of which he is the primary target.
VIEWS: Bertone called for “universal and free access to drugs to combat HIV” in a 2012 interview, but has remained notably quite on the issue of contraception. In 2009 he supported the excommunication of all drug dealers. He opposes abortion on the grounds of “protecting the dignity of women”.
OTHER: Wants a Vatican football team
Tutto questo fiancheggiare il Vaticano è disgustoso, imploderebbero su se stessi ripagherebbero con tutto quell'oro ogni sorta di male fatto nei secoli passati. Siam proprio un popolo senza memoria. "W il papa neroh, più sociale!11! "

sono cattolico. E mi sento molto più cattolico di quanto non mi senta italiano. Problemi?

Hai visto che tra i papabili c'è anche quel bel figurino di Scola?
Quante possibilità ci sono che venga eletto, tu che presumo sia più informato?

Ah, altra curiosità, che in effetti ignoro del tutto. Ma questi nomi dei papabili () come sono usciti fuori? Con che criteri si decide chi è candidabile e chi no? Insomma, come funziona la cosa?

Allora, per coerenza, il prossimo step dovrebbe essere la richiesta per la cittadinanza vaticana

si annusa l'aria, si intuisce, in base all'orientamento generale dei cardinali e le istanze più urgenti.

Ritengo improbabile, non impossibile, l'elezione di Scola.
Sembra parecchio aleatorio come procedimento, kthx
Nel 2012 tocca leggere che ci si sente appartenenti ad una cazzo di religione più che allo stato in cui si è nato :facepalm:

beh si ne hai qualcuno :yuppi:

non è che sentirsi appartenente allo stato X solo perchè si è nati nello stato X sia molto più coerente
Archbishop Angelo Scola che spells ha?