Guild Wars 2[MMO][CO-RPG]

50 minuti di gameplay ininterrotto, coi suoni del gioco:
le quest con i dialoghi parlati, avranno speso sicuramente piu di 300 milioni di dollari per fare sto gioco altro che Bioware

macche' avranno usato 4 barboni disoccupati per fare quelle cose ; cmq non mi piace tanto la luminosita' i vari effetti glitch e tutte quelle lucette sbrilluccicose ecc ma forse perche' e' una ripresa video
Video con concept art nuove

riepilogo di alcune feature:


-Players can reach up to level 80, but experience scaling cuts out at level 30. This means it takes as much experience to level from 31 to 32 as it does from 71 to 72. It does scale in the beginning to offer a more exciting and fast-paced start, while slowly ramping up to require a little more effort.

-Equipment will have more impact than in the original game in terms of statistics. It’s likely that this will not negatively affect the competitive PvP mode since that mode requires the creation of a PvP specific character and ArenaNet can simply limit the equipment selection.

-Racial skills are intended to add flavor, but ArenaNet is taking special care to prevent these from making certain classes more powerful. Racial skills will not make charr warriors more capable than asura warriors, for example. There are roughly 10 racial skills per race and these are exclusive to the right skillbar with its slottable heal, utility and elite skills.

-Combat is dynamic and involves a lot of movement. Some skills actually move the player in a direction and many others have knockback and knock down effects that can actually send players flying. This mobility is also illustrated in the extensive strafing and dodging that occurs in the live demos. It’s possible to dodge many ranged attacks or targetted spells by rolling out of their way, for example. This is done by double-tapping movement keys.

-Battles are interactive in a way not really seen before. The Shatterer in the charr demo can actually freeze players in crystals and drain their life force, but these characters can be freed by other players. Similarly the regular Oakheart monsters can root characters in place, but these roots are attackable objects and players can be freed from them.

-There seems to be no standard auto-attack. Instead players right click a skill for the auto-attack slot which then becomes their auto-attack.

-Players are not automatically put in range of opponents when casting spells. So a ranged attack can fall short of the target if they’re out of range.

-An indicator above the heads of hostile targets seems to indicate whether they can be damaged. It greys out when they’re out of range or invulnerable and turns red when they’re close enough to attack.

-Any player who participates in killing a monster gains loot and experience. There is no competition for mobs or loot even when you’re not in a party.

-Players of different levels can play together with a sidekick system. A level 50 players can boost a new players up to their level and go through high level content, but it’s also possible for the new players to reduce the other player’s level and to then go adventuring in lower level zones.

-Instanced dungeons are specifically designed to offer a great challenge beyond regular world encounters. There will be different modes to these dungeons to make them repeatable without getting overly repetitive. None of these were actually shown in action at gamescom.

-Energy is handled completely differently from the original game. It now regenerates slowly outside of combat and potions can be used to speed up this process. These potions have cooldowns which are short out of combat and quite long during combat. Energy potions are also cheap and regularly drop from mobs.

-There are no health-Dynamic events have a persistent influence on the game world. If centaurs manage to take control over an outpost, then they’ll remain in control until they’re ousted by players in another event. potions!

-If a player interacts with an object in the world, like a bucket or a plant, then it disappears for them. It does not disappear for any other player, so all players can use the same objects and resource nodes without respawn timers or anything.

-Environments in Guild Wars 2 are wide open and have a huge sense of scale. In certain areas it’s possible to climb walls, mountains or buildings to get a great top-down view of the surrounding land. This is very different from the very restricted world design of the original game.

-There are clothing physics in Guild Wars 2, so clothing reacts properly to character’s movements. A charr tail or a weapon does not stick through capes and the like!

-Characters also walk realistically on each surface. Their feet are actually placed on stairs, rather than floating above them. When walking uphill they lean forward a bit and look to be walking uphill. This is mere perception and does not influence movement speed.

-Another interesting detail is that the character’s head turns to look at whichever object or character the player selects.


-It will be possible to ignore PvE content altogether and play exclusively in World vs World or the hardcore PvP mode.

-World vs World is a three way server vs server vs server battle with huge numbers of players. This is designed to be open to players of all levels with varying objectives.

-In World vs World a large castle siege may be going on, but simultaneously a smaller group of players can assault a nearby copper mine and a solo player might attack a caravan that’s sending resources from that copper mine.

-PvE and PvP skills will be balanced separately.

-The World vs World open PvP mode will likely use the PvE version of skills, because the PvE character is used in this PvP mode. So characters participate with their regular level, equipment and skill set and can even gain experience in World vs World PvP.

Dai dark, prendi a mano l'ormai defunta sezione di Guild Wars II
solo 27 mess dark :fear:

Sì ma l'affidabilità di una persona non è quasi mai proporzionale ai posts, e anche questo forum ne è la prova

comunque lo trollavo perchè lo conosco in real

Non oso immaginare la rage se funzionasse così pure in gw1
questo farà spermare Hostfat

altri video di gw2 dal Paris Games Week 2010 (qualita bassa)


quando cazzo esce ?

ventordici ottembre 2076

Ci penso io
vendo soldi in game

pm for info.
Articolo sul PvP competitivo di GW2:

"To summarize it he gave the example of WoW PvP, which he played a lot and gave him a good idea of what he wanted to avoid. "

"With three modes, he knows he'll be able to supply a decent work and make GW2 a real e-sport along Counterstrike or DOTA-likes.

On that topic, he's quite enthusiastic about anything like League of Legends or Team Fortress 2. Those games got somewhat of a split he'd like to reproduce in GW2. "

sì anch'io l'ho vissita così. l'ho riletta tipo 3 volte prima di arrivare alla fine, perchè mi sembrava assurdo quello che stavo capendo e speravo di essermi perso un "not" per la strada