DOTA 2 - Secondo tentativo

Esticazzi e' un agility non e' che abbia tutta sta vita

la ultimate gli dà un buff al danno, mica lo salva dal prendere botte.
Ursa senza Vlad è da suicidio.

Tanto vale giocare a monitor spento.

Poi oh, io son nabbo e non faccio testo.

EDIT: e vabbè, l'hanno già detto

vai sulla pagina Steam del gioco e iscriviti per partecipare alle estrazioni, oppure spulcia il forum di

Ma in realtà sì che ne ha di vita visto che ha 2.9 di strenght gain al livello, più dello Slardar tanto per dire
Avrei una domanda per voi che ne sapete, ma Dota2 è tanto diverso da LoL? e se sì quali sono le differenze?

Lo chiedo dopo aver visto questa immagine con "ur from LoL arent u? thats why ur so bad at this game".

In parole povere dota richiede piu' conoscenza, micro e attivita' cerebrale durante una partita.

In parole meno povere puoi dare una lettura qui


Rule #1 of switching to Dota 2 from LoL... IT'S NOT AS HARD AS YOU THINK. The difficulty of playing any DotA-like game for the first time is much greater than the difficulty of switching to DotA from LoL.
Here are a few of the major mechanical differences that you should know and get used to:

  • Dota 2 is more forgiving than the original DotA with this, but basically, unlike in LoL, you do not always have control over your hero. It follows RTS rules... you have to select a unit to move it. In LoL you ALWAYS have your champion "selected" so you never have to worry about it. In Dota 2, your hero will be automatically reselected in some situations, but it is possible to not be controlling your hero and instead be controlling another unit (again, RTS unit control logic).


  • Bluepill is not built in to everyone. Instead we use a combination of couriers and TP scrolls.
  • TP scrolls are like the Teleport summoner skill, except you can only teleport to structures (read: towers), they have a 1m cooldown, and they cost 135g each. This probably sounds expensive to you but they're incredibly worth it.
  • The courier is an item that you purchase from your shop for 170g. It can carry items for you, which means you don't have to go back to your base ever to get items. You can upgrade it for 200g (which you should) to make it flying and give it a speed boost.
  • You can drop items on the ground. Other heroes (including enemies) can pick these items up. However, only YOU can USE the items that you purchase. So if you buy Gauntlets of Strength, you can't give them to someone else for them to use. The only exception to this is consumables that anyone can use no matter who buys them.
  • Items you purchase from your base while you're not IN your base are placed in your "stash". It's like a box that only you can access that can hold up to 6 items for you.


  • There are no neutral buffs.
  • There is no Dragon or Baron. (Well, sort of)
  • Instead, there is Roshan. Roshan gives experience to everyone near the kill, gold to everyone on your team, and drops an item called Aegis of the Immortal that resurrects someone when they die. In difficulty, he's much more of a Baron than a Dragon.
  • There are weird complexities to how they jungle spawns but it doesn't actually matter for someone starting out. When you're interested in trying out the jungle, there's a couple really good guides out there on it.
  • Trees can be destroyed, but while this is important to gameplay, it's not something you need to understand right away. Basically, certain items (Tango, Quelling Blade) let you destroy one tree at a time, and some abilities destroy all trees in their area of effect. For the most part, you're not planning out tactically how to use the tress, you're just like "oh there's some trees in my way and I can destroy them, guess I will."
  • Not every team needs a jungler. Jungling is actually kind of a luxury. Not saying it doesn't happen frequently, it's just not like LoL where it's considered REQUIRED.


  • Towers don't hit as hard as they do LoL. They also don't auto-target you for attacking a hero near them. Thus, towers are less dangerous than in LoL. You will get used to this, and it's a big part of why there's more early aggression in Dota.
  • Towers have stealth detection, which I believe they do in LoL as well, but just in case, I'm mentioning it. They also have backdoor protection, which makes them heal up very rapidly if there's no creeps helping you out.


  • Every two minutes, a rune spawns in one of the two possible locations along the river. In Dota 2, there's actually a subtle graphic showing where the rune spawn point is.
  • There are multiple types of runes. Haste (makes your character move very quickly), Double Damage (doubles your attack damage), Illusion (creates two illusions of your hero that can attack but not use abilities), Regeneration (rapidly regenerates your health and mana until full or you take damage), Invisibility (turns you invisible). These runes activate the moment you go and "pick them up", but if you have an item called a Bottle you can store them for later use.
  • Not only runes can spawn illusions, but I'll say it here: You control illusions like separate units. So, RTS logic. That is, you select them and tell them where to go and what to attack.


  • There is no ability power. The vast majority of abilities don't scale with your stats. The ones that do are rare and make sense in their context.
  • There are three "main" stats. Strength, Agility, Intelligence. There's some math to this, but basically... Strength gives you more health (and regen), Agility makes you attack faster and gives you armor, Intelligence gives you more mana (and regen).
  • Every hero has a PRIMARY stat. A hero gains one attack damage for every point they have in their primary stat. For example, if your hero is a strength hero, he gains one damage for ever point of strength he has.
  • In Dota, you can choose to either put your skill points (that you get for leveling up) into your abilities (like in LoL) or your stat points. If you choose to put them into stats, you get +2 of all three stats.
  • Heroes don't automatically come with a passive ability like they do in LoL.
  • Since there are no LoL-Runes or summoner spells, every individual hero starts identically. Your hero is entirely affected by your level and your items. That is to say, all Lions no matter who plays them start with the same stats and potential, all Miranas start the same, etc.
  • The items in Dota have a much different feel than in LoL, but you'll get used to it. They're not FUNDAMENTALLY different once you understand Str/Agi/Int.

That all looks like a lot, but it comes within the first several games.

Che c'entra???

Boh, io oggi ho provato proprio per vedere se per caso mi ero sbagliato.

Livello 6 (3 punti in OP - 2 in Fury Swipes - 1 in Ultimate), Stout Shield, Ring of Basilius, Ring of Regen.

Mi sono castato OP prima di entrare, ho incato con CD di OP a -2 secondi, ricastato OP, tirato ULTI e poi OP appena possibile fino a morte di Roshan.

Sono uscito con circa 80 HP.

Non parlavo di non fare il Vlad.

Dicevo semplicemente che se ci si gioca bene le abilità si ammazza Roshan al 6° livello anche senza Vladimir.
Allora hyoga nella prossima patch metteranno te al posto di roshan
Aho ma mica ho detto: OMG sono PROISSIMO!!!!oneoneone me gosu you chobo gnè gnè!!! :PPP

Ho detto che mi pareva di esserci riuscito una volta in game e riprovandoci ci son riuscito di nuovo... può essere stato anche culo...

Siete delle suocere cazzo.

Grazie per le info.
ho provato l'ursa
ma che è, una macchina inarrestabile, prima volta che lo uso stavo per vincere da solo, se prendevo bkb vincevo da solo con un team di idioti completi
Ce ne sono di molto peggio secondo me.
Puoi dirlo forte, si dice che la fine del mondo avverrà a fine 2012 quando il lifestealer e l'ursa warrior si materializzeranno nel nostro mondo

a proposito l'hanno fatto il lifestealer su dota2?
yep ed è l'anti ursa e pudge

e perchè non avrebbero dovuto visto che sono gli altri che han copiato il lifestealer da dota ?
io voglio terrorblade :bus:

Ursa si gioca in lane e raramente si va in giungla.

Comunque anche io mi son trovato spaesato col delay di dota2 che non c'è su hon, ma dopo una 10ina di partite ci ho subito preso la mano e non me ne accorgo nemmeno
Il gioco ha i server per il match making e per le lobby.

Un minimo di CC e ursa con gli artigli al massimo si gratta i maroni.
Certo, se arriva in corpo a corpo il burst e' talmente alto che qualsialsi cosa muore in un picosecondo.

E' il classico eroe con cui vinci nei pub ma poco utile quando hai contro un gruppo di 5 persone abbastanza capace.
per il delay è difficile abituarsi, avere un eroe reattivo ha delle implicazioni sul gameplay, dando più peso ai riflessi dei giocatori sia in fase aggresiva che difensiva. giocare eroi come lina, queen of pain, tormented ecc su hon, una volta presa la mano è molto più sfizioso.

per quanto riguarda l'ursa non mi pare basti il cc a fermarlo, hai un gpm che non ha senso, e riesci a fare oggetti come bkb o terrasque relativamente early, senza sacrificare i danni vista la passiva. l'unico grosso difetto che ho visto è la q, che si casta con troppo delay e che ha un'animazione troppo lunga, rendendola decisamente poco efficace (non puoi neanche comprare skadi). poi sinceramente non ho idea di come sia l'eroe a livello competitivo. probabilmente poco utile visto l'early game sottotono.
dicevo che l'ultimo game ero stupito, avevo tre grossi feeder nel team e gente con 500 gpm nel team avversario (broodmother e spectre), li sdrenavo, son quasi riuscito vincere comunque pur essendo la prima volta che lo usavo, è u eroe ultra low skill, jungle, passiva, 2 self buff e point blank aoe.