Don't Starve [beta]


Our latest update is live and brings some rather fantastic changes to Don't Starve. Along with snappy new character special powers, we've also introduced a new character that many have been asking for... Woodie, the lumberjack!
Read onward for details on these new changes. If you're looking for a place to discuss these new improvements, we have just such a thing! Head over to our post in the Don't Starve forum.


Woodie the Lumberjack:
He's a fun-loving Canadian who spends too much time in the woods. His axe talks to him, and he has a terrible curse.


Gets a sanity bonus from being near fire
Impervious to fire damage (and probably heat when that becomes a Thing)
Gets a unique lighter that acts as an infinite torch with a very small radius
Has a lower max sanity
Lights fires at random when her sanity is low

Can eat spoiled food with no penalty
Starts with very low stats, but can upgrade himself by eating gears.
Takes damage in the rain, but creates light from the sparks
Can get hit by lightning, causing a system overload that makes him run faster and glow in the dark

Has pathetic, low stats
Can make balloon animals

Has a large stomach
Faster sanity drain in the dark and near scary things
Gets damage and health bonuses when his belly is full (and penalties when it is empty!)

Lower combat damage
Less afraid of the dark and monsters.
Carries around abigail's flower. When it is charged (it takes a couple of days), a blood sacrifice will summon Abigail!
Abigail is a lot more useful now, and will last until she falls in battle

Gets a bonus tech level
Has a high max sanity
Can craft books that can be read to cast powerful magic spells
Insomniac - can not sleep
Picky eater - higher penalties for spoiled food

Splumonkeys - Cave-dwelling monkeys that just want to cause you trouble. Nothing is safe from their pestering!
Pengulls - Mostly harmless penguinoids who leap from the ocean in the winter to form rookeries. Be careful if you disrupt their migration!

We added a new tab for gem-based items, and added amulets and staffs for all of the existing colours. Watch this space for more mind-bending magic in future updates!
Red amulet - resurrects as before, but also converts hunger into health
Blue amulet - harness the power of cold!
Purple amulet - Dare to gaze upon the terrifying nightmare world.
Purple staff - Warp space and time with teleportation!

There is a new mod configuration screen that lets you activate/deactivate mods from within the game. Check out the modding forum for details!
- See more at:
sicuro siano new?

io ci sto rigiocando da tipo 2-3 giorni e già avevo tutto queste cose

L'unica cosa che non ho capito è se la trasformazione di woodie è inevitabile di tanto in tanto o la "barra immaginaria" si scarica non usando lucy per un tot.
E' del 2 luglio
ah ok risolto l'enigma ^^

Cmq non giocavo da tipo..7 mesi?

Il gioco è UN PO' cambiato

c'è ancora quello che di notte viene a rubare se fai troppo lo stronzo?ero rimasto a quella patch
Sì ma l'han nerfato e ci mette anni ad uscire.
eh menomale.

Cmq non trovo da nessuna parte il re dei maiali: che cazzo di fine ha fatto? -.-

sò che dovrebbe esserci,sono pieno di item del cazzo da dargli -.-
C'è di sicuro per quello che so io, probabilmente tu giocavi quando le mappe erano molto più piccole semplicemente

eh diciamo di si

New Creatures:

The adorable Slurper is a glowing cave-dweller who is hungry for your hunger.
A new mechanical minion, the Clockwork Castle, has been seen stomping around Maxwell’s parts of the world.

More Gemology:

Yellow and Orange gems can now be found while spelunking underground.
Star Caller’s staff (yellow gem) - Summon your very own tiny star for light and warmth!
The Lazy Forager’s amulet (orange gem) - Because bending over to pick things up is so beneath you!
Telelocator Focus - Use this construction to control the wild energies of your Telelocator Staff.

Other improvements:

Control customization! Change your control settings from the main menu.
The research system has been shuffled around to separate Magic and Science; build the new Prestihatitator to access the Magic side of research.
Splumonkeys will now pick up (and wear!) hats. Who doesn't love a monkey in a hat?
prima o poi me la rifaccio una partita, ora ho altre scimmie...
Ma il pol per il voto ?
Impressionante come nonostante il lancio, lo uppino con nuove cose

Certo, si concentrassero più sul DLC di mark Of The Ninja che cazzo...
Nuova patch up.

Release Note:


Modding Support:

  • Steam Workshop support has been added! You can install mods directly from Steam, and enable and disable them in-game.
  • ​Translations can now be distributed as mods. See sample mod here.
  • Many modding API additions including access to world gen, brains, cookpot recipes and more! There is a full list of these changes, as well as other mod-specific changes, over in the modding forum.

World Generation:

  • New Level: The Ruins!

    • The abandoned ruins of a once great civilization is now in the second level of the Caves.
    • Discover the cause of their demise while you explore five new areas within the ruins.

New Creatures:

  • You will come across ancient clockwork monsters in the ruins.
  • The terrifying Ancient Guardian lurks within the labyrinth.
  • Beware of ambush! The Dangling Depth Dweller spider has been added.

New Items:

  • New crafting tab: Ancients!

  • Discoverable Items:

    • Thulecite
    • Slurper Pelt
    • Green Gems
    • Lichen
    • Broken Clockworks
    • Relics
    • Statues
    • Nightmare Lights
    • Ancient Pseudoscience Station
    • Pillars
    • Ornate Chests
    • Thulecite Walls
    • Wilds Pond

  • Craftable Items:

    • The Pick/Axe: Dual functionality!
    • Magiluminesense: Light the way while keeping your hands and head free for activities!
    • The Lazy Explorer: Don't like walking? This staff is for you!
    • Construction Amulet: See all the inefficiencies in your crafting.
    • Thulecite Medallion: Track the ebb and flow of ambient magic levels.
    • Belt of Hunger: Keep all that important food inside you!
    • Thulecite Suit: Protection from things hitting you.
    • Thulecite Club: Hit things!


  • Keep track of your deaths in the new Morgue Screen.


  • Walls have been removed from the cave levels to improve the gameplay experience.
  • Splumonkeys and Slurpers have ventured further underground and taken refuge within the second level!
  • The Gemology tab has been removed. Items from this tab are now either in the magic or ancients tab.
  • Orange and yellow gems no longer drop from stalagmites and earthquakes in level 1 of the caves.
  • Slurpers no longer drop beard hair.
  • The cost of the Prestihatitator was adjusted.
  • Cleaned up the main menu by moving many of the buttons into the "Options" sub menu.
  • The camera now rotates in 90 degree chunks again.
  • Added more bindable controls.
  • ​There is now separate action and attack buttons.

Penso sia ora che lo riprenda in mano, i contenuti arretrati sono diventati un infinità.

Tra l'altro l'ultimo personaggio inserito è fantastico
L'ho ripreso ieri con il taglialegna e la sua ascia parlante . Spettacolare. Le miniere da esplorare mi hanno lasciato di sorpresa. I 10 euro meglio spesi pee un indie fin'ora....
ma acquistandolo su steam si riceve anche una key extra?
l'ho preso in saldo ma non capisco se ho una key in più oppure no.

Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 usando Tapatalk 4

Penso sia finita da un po la cosa delle 4 keys
io ci gioco da poco ma non vado molto oltre il 6 giorno
mi dovro vedere qualche guida.. tipo ancora non ho capito come recuperare sanità mentale
Raccogli fiori e craftati la ghirlanda, oppure dai da mangiare ai maiali (o forse basta ancora stargli vicino). Questi sono i metodi più semplice nei primi giorni.