Don't Starve [beta]

No il sandbox rimane uguale.
La cosa di poter cambiare mondo deriva dal periodo in cui le mappe erano molto più piccole e poteva succedere che, dopo 150/200 giorni non ci fossero più risorse (principalmente pietra) da raccogliere.

L'adventure mode invece diventa progressivamente più difficile.
Io ci sto giochicchiando ora, ma volendo cmq non si può rendere più difficile il sandbox semplicemente mettendo tutti i parametri a livello rarissimo? Così si fatica di più anche nel sandbox.
Non ci ho ancora provato perchè tanto muoio anche così
Sì puoi.
5 /1 Hotfix: Default Plus!
This hotfix adds a world customization preset called "Default Plus". This preset is a more challenging version of default that gives you a couple of treasure chests full of low-level materials. It allows experienced players to hit the ground running, and skip the early "collect rocks and twigs" phase of a new game in favour of more mid-game challenges.

Version 76878 Changelist:

Added "Default Plus" preset
Fixed issue where death menu buttons could become unresponsive
Gold-vein rocks always drop at least one gold
Increased Nitre drop rate on nitre rocks

Il primo livello intendi?
Io ho giocato prima dell'ultima patch e nel primo livello mi dava sempre il mondo uberpiovoso (senza la pioggia di rane ), nel secondo l'isolotto invernale bloccato dai pilastri.
Sì, world1.
Hanno cambiato allora. Non mi piace, se non sai con certezza come sarà il mondo successivo salta un po' la scelta strategica degli item da portarsi dietro ogni volta, e poi come diavolo fai se ti capita quello in cui è sempre inverno per primo?

Se qualcuno fosse interessato, qui oggi (più tardi) ci sarà una preview della nuova Cave patch che deve uscire prossimamente.

Oggi: Exclusive Caves Preview+Dev Chat At 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern (in circa 5 ore quindi)
Ieri sono tornato tardi e ho visto solo una cava con ragni e costruzione strane e alla fine s'è sentito tipo un terremoto che ha fatto scuotere la caverna ed è andato down lo streaming.

Come ci si accede a queste caverne? Spero quel terremoto sia stato causato da un bel golem alto quanto il ciclope.
Ci sono diverse cose interessanti dentro le caverne, ci accedi semplicemente trovando l'entrata e minando la roccia che ostruisce il buco.

Kevin parlava di molte caverne sparse per la mappa, senza un collegamento tra loro, per il momento. Bisogna ricordare che la build in streaming era in beta, quindi è tutto da vedere, ma sembra molto interessante.
Inoltre faceva presente che, essendo una parte del gioco slegata da quella in superficie, non hanno limiti creativi che li costringono a bilanciare tutto il resto del gioco.
Quindi immagino se ne vedranno delle belle, ha pure accennato qualcosa riguardo ai tentacoli, o meglio, da dove arrivano

In caso puoi guardarti il void.
Sul forum ho trovato una sorta di riassunto delle news che si sanno sulle caves.


Watched all of the stream. Basically coming in the update are:


-2 kinds of Cave Spider, Kevin said one of them will spit something.
-Slurtle, a creature that hides in dens, and comes out when earthquakes happens, attacking the nest makes 2 come out to attack you. It's very resistent to damage and hides in it's shell to resist even more damage.
-Snurtle, cousin of the Slurtle, which didn't appear in the stream, but was confirmed by Kevin.
-Cave bats (Batalisks), they spawn from nowhere currently, and circle the player, they attack in irregular periods. They may come out of a nest, or den in the update.
-Rabbit men, equivalent to Pig men, they can be befriended, but if they see any meat in the player's inventory they will turn hostile. They also don't kite, and aren't very brave, they will retreat upon receiving excessive damage. They regenerate health overtime.

Structures, and natural generated things

-Stalactites, which behave just as regular rocks. They can contain gold.
-Mush trees, which glow, and when cut, give blue mushrooms and wood.
-Light flowers, which when picked give their glowing flowers.
-Carrot house, Rabbit men live in there. They can be made by the player using rabbit butts, which can be obtained by killing rabbit men.
-Caves contain limited ammount of berry bushes, rare ammounts of grass, and saplings.


-Bat wings.
-Powcakes, which decreases health, restores some hungers, and raises some sanity.
-Light flowers can be eaten for low health regen.


-Guano, which works nearly the same as Manure, will have uses later.
-Slurtle Slime, they poop that, and it has explosive properties.
-Slurtle Shell, that can be made into a helmet. (Will work like an upgraded football helmet, maybe?)
-Rabbit butts. Which can be obtained by killing Rabbit men.
-Lantern, a tool that can be created using light flowers, it decays slightly quickly and can be refilled with more light flowers, works like a upgraded torch, having the range of the mining helmet.

Cave Mechanics

-The Day-Night cycle meter dissapears while Wilson is in the caves. It is unknown if things will still be simulated while he's in the caves.
-Possible actual day-night cycle in caves, but probably only noticeable by the lights of the surface holes becoming darker.
-Caves are entered via the Sinkhole, which is blocked by a boulder that can be mined.
-There can be multiple caves per world, each one having their own entrance.
-Caves are not aligned with the overworld, they're placed somewhere else in the map.
-When Wilson dies in the cave, mysterious forces drag him back to the surface, without his inventory. Kind of like in Adventure mode.
-In terms of game mechanics, it is considered ''permanent night'' inside the caves, so spiders will always wander around.
-There are occassional earthquakes that makes rocks fall from the ceiling, they hurt Wilson and can be collected.

Things Kevin said that would be in later updates most likely:

-More characters coming soon.
-Every character will have special abilities, some with ability cooldown timers (Willow's fires, for example) and trigger-able abilities (Abigail in cost of some sanity.), no more unwanted Abigail spawning on top of your Smallbirds.
-More layers of caves, there may be additional sinkholes in the caves, leading to lower ''floors'', they will contain even more creatures and enemies, some of the caves mentioned were Frozen caves, and caves with lava.
-A possible rabbit king.
-We will eventually get to see how Tentacles look like from below.
-Bigger explosives, possible projectile based weapons. (Probably not guns. Nobody likes guns.)
-A new Science Machine, which will be in the higher tier of science along with the Shadow Manipulator, it will have advanced, non-supernatural recipes. For real Scientists.
-A monstrous version of the Rabbit men, when in low sanity. Similar to the beardlings, possibly.
-Penguins, they will come eventually, but Kevin said they would be inside caves, instead of swarming the surface.
-A lot of different creatures to come, this cave update is JUST the beggining.
-Possible weapon that drains health from victims, related to cave bats.
-Possible status effects, Kevin said that he always wanted to make Wilson sick in some way, something that drained hunger.
-The caves will be finished in a period of around 3 months, near July.

Possible concepts that Kevin talked about:

-He did like the idea of a Nightmare world from low Sanity. And if it was even added, it would come much later.
-Cave monkeys, you could possibly interact with them with Cave bananas. (Not sure if joke)
-Possible teleporters that Wilson could make and deploy.
-Forgot a lot of stuff. I'll add as i remember.
-There's a lot to come in Don't Starve, we will see a lot of content in the following months.

Bello bello, la parte in grassetto m'ispira parecchio, peccato si vedrà nei prossimi update.
Da quel che ho visto e letto alcune cose aggiunte per ora mi sembrano giusto delle creature gia viste con skin cambiata, esclusi snurtle e slurtle che sembrano interessanti. Però è un buon punto d'inizio per ampliare il gioco.

Non vedo l'ora facciano il mondo sulla bassa sanità.
a me fa cagare che sia slegato
uno dei maggiori problemi e' la sfida in superficie

se metti sfida pero' completamente evitabile non migliora il gameplay, rimane un'altra cosa da "cercare" per "farmare" quindi boh

se facessero tipo un dungeon che caga mostri e devi segare per non vederti la base arata gia' sarebbe meglio
ma come si riprende il boomerang ?
con la barra spaziatrice... son morto un paio di volte prima di capirlo


New Things To Discover:
Peaceful rock lobster herds roam the gloomy depths.
Bunnymen turn into beardlords when your sanity is low.
Ever wonder what's right below a tentacle? MORE TENTACLE!
The invasive Lureplant will taunt you with its delicious veggiemeat.
Eat exotic cave bananas!
Ferns! You can burn 'em!
More colourful mushtree varieties.
Stalagmites come in more varied shapes.

New Things to Craft and Use!
The vampiric BatBat.
The marginally useful Compass.

New Map Generation Features:
Gaze into the abyss in the caves!
Cave walls are prettier.
Cave layouts are... caveier.
ps. non è più Beta quindi se passa qualche mod e vuole editare il titolo...
comunque incredibile la quantità di roba che hanno aggiunto su sto giochino

io continuo a giocarci assiduamente e sopravvivere diventa sempre più difficile ad ogni patch

il nerf dei conigli è stato devastante per me